💝 You're my Oppa!!💝

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After tidying up the room, Jimin stepped outside and found Jungkook reclining on the couch, engrossed in profound thoughts. Jimin let out a sigh, fully aware of what was on Jungkook's mind.

He approached his baby bunny and took a seat beside him, inquiring gently, "Are you still dwelling on that matter?" Jungkook nodded in response, repositioning himself to face Jimin.

"Hyung, don't worry. I'm not feeling down anymore," Jungkook reassured Jimin, although it was evident that he might not be entirely truthful. Jimin, sensing this, decided to remain silent.

"Kookie, how about paying a visit to the other hyungs? It's been quite some time," Jimin suggested, attempting to divert Jungkook's thoughts.

This strategy proved effective as Jungkook's face brightened, and he agreed, "You're right, Hyung. Why don't you come along too?" Jimin declined, citing fatigue. "You go and enjoy. I could use some rest, and if possible, please send Tae here," he added.

Jungkook nodded in agreement, rising from the couch. "Alright, Hyung. Get some well-deserved rest. And you can just call 'Tae Tae Hyung.' I'm heading to Hobi Hyung's shop," he informed Jimin, who approved.

After bidding farewell to Jimin, Jungkook left the premises, grabbed his bike keys, and set off to Hoseok's flower shop.


Hoseok sat behind the counter, glaring at the person seated right in front of him. He questioned, "Why are you here?" The individual simply shrugged and replied, "Can't I come to see you?"

Hoseok rolled his eyes and retorted, "No, you can't. As far as I remember, we have no relation to each other. You can't just show up here claiming you want to see me."

The person let out a sigh and began, "Opp—" but Hoseok swiftly cut the person off, exclaiming, "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me 'Oppa,' Ji-Hye? I am not your 'Oppa'!"

Ji-Hye responded resolutely, "And I've told you a million times, your protests won't change it. You are my 'Oppa,' and you always will be." Hoseok sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"What is it that you want from me, that you're here, Ms. Jung Ji-Hye?" Hoseok inquired, suddenly adopting a more formal tone.

"I'm not going to tell you that information right away. Let's have a conversation first, and then I'll consider sharing," she replied. Hoseok sighed once more.

"Ms. Jung, I'm not as free as you and your parents. I have work to attend to. Just tell me what you want and then leave," Hoseok urged. Ji-Hye appeared ready to respond, but before she could, the shop's door swung open.

Hoseok promptly rose from his seat, casting one final glare in Ji-Hye's direction. Hoseok habitually began, "Welcome to Hope Flow— Kookie?" but halted abruptly as he laid eyes on the newcomer.

Jungkook, wearing his signature bunny smile, greeted Hoseok with enthusiasm and rushed over to him, seemingly oblivious to Ji-Hye, who stood there looking puzzled.

"Hi, Hyung!!" Jungkook exclaimed joyfully, having not seen his Hyung in quite some time.
Jungkook released the hug, and Hoseok affectionately patted his head, fully aware of how much the younger one cherished this gesture.

"How are you Hyung?" Jungkook asked. "I'm good, Kookie," Hoseok responded.

Before Jungkook could say more, they both heard Ji-Hye's question, "Who is he?" Hoseok and Jungkook turned their attention to her.

Hoseok quickly interjected, "Oh, I didn't know you were busy with a customer, Hyung. I can come ba—"

"She's not a customer, Kookie... and he's none of your concern," Hoseok asserted, addressing Jungkook first and then Ji-Hye.

As Hoseok's voice grew more agitated, Jungkook could sense that something was amiss. He observed Ji-Hye, who began, "Really? It is my concern to know with whom my Opp—"

"I am not your 'Oppa'! Can't you understand that, Ji-Hye! Stop calling me that!" Hoseok yelled, frustration clear in his voice. Ji-Hye rolled her eyes and defiantly responded, "You are my Oppa!! And I'll call you that!! Hoseok Oppa!!! Hobi Oppa!!! You are my Oppa!!" She continued to raise her voice, and Hoseok, exasperated, covered his ears.

Jungkook stood there, utterly bewildered by the escalating exchange between them.
"Ms. whoever you are, please stop it," Jungkook implored calmly. Ji-Hye paused and turned her attention to him. "Who are you, and how do you know my Oppa??" she inquired.

Hoseok was about to respond, but Jungkook interjected, "I'm his best friend, more like a brother. Now, who are you, and why do you keep calling my Hyung 'Oppa' over and over again?"

Ji-Hye introduced herself, saying, "Ji-Hye. Jung Ji-Hye is my name, and I am your Hyung's younger sister!"

Hoseok sighed once more, and Jungkook's eyes widened. He glanced at Hoseok, who didn't meet his gaze. "Is she telling the truth, Hyung?" Jungkook inquired and received a small nod of confirmation from Hoseok.


"Mimi, what are you doing?" Mr. Kim inquired of his daughter, Jang-Mi, who was busy packing her clothes into a small bag. She glanced at her father and replied, "Dada, Jin Oppa came and told me that Uncle is hosting a party on a cruise this time. It's a short 2-day event, and Oppa wants me and Ji-Hye to come with him, so I'm just packing my clothes." She said and again started what she was doing.

Mr. Kim nodded in understanding and took a seat beside her on the bed. "Jin is such a good boy, isn't he?" he asked suddenly. Jang-Mi looked at him and responded, "Dada, you can't call him a boy. He's a man... an old man," she chuckled to herself. Mr. Kim said, "Mimi, you shouldn't make fun of him. He's older than you."

Jang-Mi ceased her laughter and said, "I was just joking, Dad. He doesn't mind, and, by the way, Oppa is very good .....infact he is the best."

>>> "I hope Jin becomes your life partner in the future. After this event, I'll discuss it with Jin's parents,"

Mr. Kim thought to himself as he looked at his daughter. He gently patted her head and left the room with this thought in mind.

Hey Moonlights

How was it?

As the story goes on, each BTS member will have a part in it. Specially in the end.

Stay tuned to know more

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Love you all so much

Words Count- 1090

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