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Starset - My Demons

Mayday mayday 

The ship is slowly sinking

They think I'm crazy 

But they don't know the feeling

They're all around me

Circling like vultures

They wanna break me 

And wash away my colours.


''We go there!''


''What is this?'' Nya asked Cole.

''All this time it was with the baby,'' Cole replied happily. ''The map to the last Oni mask.'' 


All the Ninja sat at a table, eating. 

Jay was trying to get the meatball that was rolling around onto his spoon. (Y/n) watched, bored.

''I don't get it. Why was the baby wrapped in a map?'' Kai questioned.

''I dunno. Maybe they don't have diapers either.'' Cole replied.

'This part here looks like it could be the central part of Ninjago.'' Harumi said, pointing to a spot on the map.

(Y/n) looked on with distrust for Lloyd's crush.

''And the X. You think the third Oni mask could be hidden there?'' Nya replied, pointing to an X in the middle of what looked to be a forest.

''Primeval's Eye,'' Lloyd said, ''My mother used to tell me about this place.'' (Y/n) tapped her fingers on the table in an effort to hide her nervousness. ''It's an uncharted, vast wilderness of death. Her friend, an archaeologist, I think his name was Dr Yost, he had gone in to map the area. But he never returned.''  

''I wouldn't wanna say it, but it sounds like the perfect place to hide something you don't want anyone to find.'' Nya voiced as Jay kept trying to stab the meatball with his fork.

''Ha, ha. Come here, you little sucker!'' Jay said, the meatball rolling over to Kai before he accidentally stabbed Kai's hand with the fork. Kai gasped, and Cole covered the baby's eyes as to not scar him from such a vision. (Y/n) laughed, while Jay apologized. 


''What are you feeding him?'' Nya asked Cole.

''Tea.'' Cole replied simply. 

''Tea? You can't feed a baby tea!'' Nya argued.

''Why not? He likes it. He won't drink anything else.'' He said.

Nya looked at (Y/n) who shrugged. ''It just works.'' (Y/n) replied.

''Ha! Gotcha! Who's laughing now, meatball?'' Jay said in victory having the meatball on the end of his fork. Kai looked scared, staring at the fork in fear.

There was a rumble as the lights went out, and Kai and Jay fell to the floor.

''What happened to the lights?'' Kai asked from the floor.

Lloyd thought for a second, ''Get to the bridge. Quick!'' He ordered.

Everyone quickly ran to the bridge, with Harumi grabbing the map.

''P.I.X.A.L? What's happening?'' Lloyd asked P.I.X.A.L urgently. ''P.I.X.A.L! Come in!'' 

''Must be a power failure,'' Kai said.

''Or it's a trap,'' Jay replied.

''Freaking out isn't going to help us,'' Cole told the others.

''Jay may be right,'' Nya said. ''The backup generators would have kicked in. This is something else.''

(Y/n) couldn't help but think there was something big going on. Something more dark and sinister at play, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

The alarms wailed as P.I.X.A.L alerted the team. ''Emergency. Emergency.'' P.I.X.A.L said urgently.

''What happened, P.I.X.A.L?'' Lloyd asked.

''I'm detecting a foreign presence has been introduced into my system,'' P.I.X.A.L replied as (Y/n)'s eyes went wide.

''Foreign? What're talking about?'' Lloyd asked.

''It appears we are being tracked,'' P.I.X.A.L announced. ''I have lost control of the ship.'' 

''How did something get in?'' Jay asked, before noticing the sparks.

''The trap. Something was planted on Zane.'' Kai said, looking over at the open compartment. ''They wanted us to to take him in.'' He continued to panic in his voice.

''Proximity alarm. Something is approaching the Bounty- fast.'' 

''Onscreen,'' Nya commanded.

''It is, Samurai X.'' 

''Oh. He must be here to help us out.'' Cole replied, filled with hope.

''I'm afraid that is unlikely.'' 

''Why?'' Lloyd asked.

''Because my system is overrun.'' 

''You're making no sense, P.I.X.A.L. What are you talking about?'' Kai questioned her.

''This would be the good time to make a minor confession. I am Samurai X.'' 

''A ''Minor'' confession..?!'' (Y/n) said,  annoyed.

''What? Are you serious?'' -Kai

''How is that possible?'' -Nya

''How can you be Samurai X?'' - Lloyd

''How is this minor?!'' - (Y/n) 

''Totally called it!'' - Jay

''Did not,'' Cole replied.

''Did too,'' Jay said smugly.

There was a crash as an explosion rocked the Bounty, and everyone struggled to keep their footing.

''We probably needed that, right?'' Harumi asked.

''The mech is targeting the second aft thruster,'' Nya said, looking at the screen. ''Lloyd-- If we lose the second-''

''I know, I know. We'll drop out of the sky like a brick.'' Lloyd replied. ''Nya, try to find the foreign agent. Jay, keep that lightning off our back. The rest of us, get ready to fight.'' He ordered, and everyone immediately went to do their jobs. 

Cole ran downstairs to place the baby in the cot, before running back up to help the others fight. 

Through the rain, they looked for the mech, and thunder rumbled. The mech flew between two clouds before disappearing out of sight. 

''Everyone, be on alert!'' Lloyd said, taking his sword out while Cole took his hammer out and Jay his nunchucks and Kai his swords as well as (Y/n) taking out her weapon. ''That lightning is getting way to close for comfort. Jay, try to hold them off.'' He ordered Jay.

''Got it!'' Jay replied, putting his nunchucks away. He grunted as he redirected a bolt of lightning, which was headed in the direction of the ship. He sighed, smiling. ''You're welcome.'' He said, and (Y/n) patted him on the back.

Samurai X came in for a hit, using the laser beams to fire at the Bounty's sails.

Everyone coughed as they inhaled the smoke with Cole yelling: ''There!'' As he pointed at the mech.

''Can't see a thing in this storm,'' Lloyd said, looking around.

''Time to light this place up,'' Kai said, firing up a mass of fire before launching it into the air. He stared hard into the storm, looking for the mech.

''Rumi, stand back and take this,'' Lloyd said to Harumi as he gave her his sword.

''I don't know how to fight.'' She replied.

''But you wanna live, right?'' He asked her. She thought for a moment before taking the sword. Lloyd pointed out the mech of Samurai X in the storm. ''There!'' 

Kai and Lloyd made it to the railing of the Bounty and Lloyd summoned a glowing green ball of energy, before firing it at the mech.


Lloyd fired another ball of green energy at the mech. It hit the mech, but it didn't stop the mech as it went to land in the front deck of the Bounty.

''Don't let her get the thruster!'' Lloyd urgently told his team.

Jay went to attack the samurai but was swept aside, screaming as he did so.

Cole ran forward with his hammer, before being picked up in the mech's clutches. ''Cole!'' (Y/n) shouted as she ran forward with her weapon, along with Kai. The mech raised its sword and blocked Kai, then using it to push him off the side, where he barely held on. (Y/n) was then kicked by the mech, into a wall where she slid down and was knocked out.

Cole screamed as he was tossed aside, and the Samurai X walked forward to attack Lloyd.

The two battled it out on the deck, the mech's sweeps fast but Lloyd was quick to dodge.

When he was knocked down, however, the Samurai X raised its sword and brought it down, only to be blocked by Harumi.

She was then taken into the mech's clutches, and then the Samurai X hopped off the Bounty. 

Lloyd looked over the edge, calling her name. He glanced back, and went for his sword, before turning and jumping off the edge. 

''He did not just-- ''

''He just did,'' Kai confirmed.

There was a moment as they looked down, before seeing the Samurai X rise up and land on the deck.

(Y/n) opened her eyes to see the Samurai, and she went to grab her weapon only to see it at Samurai X's feet.

Cole, Jay and Kai stood defiantly as the Samurai swung her sword, ready to fight.

''You're supposed to be our friend!'' Jay said as they all battle cry. 


Kai and Infected-P.I.X.A.L clashed swords with each other before Cole came and slammed his hammer on the ground and Jay falcon kicking Infected-P.I.X.A.L.

(Y/n) grabbed her weapon, wobbly rising to her feet. 

''Drop your sword!'' Jay said.

''I shall comply.'' Samurai X replied, raising her sword and throwing it at the booster.

(Y/n) went to stop the sword with her weapon, but it was out of reach. 

The sword struck the thruster, sending the ship into spiralling chaos. Everyone yelled as they looked for something to hold onto.

''She got the last thruster,'' Jay said.

''Any ideas?'' Kai asked.

''Not a one.'' Answered Zane.

''Yeah, me neither. Pray to Wohira!'' Kai said.

''That is not helpful!'' Nya replied.

''Perhaps if we can create enough drag with the sails, we may be able to achieve a controlled crash,'' Zane stated.

''What sails?'' Kai asked as he shouted above the wind.

Zane looked at the torn sails before Jay got an idea.

''The rain! It could slow our fall!'' Jay shouted.

''It's worth a try,'' Nya replied. She ran to the front of the ship and put her arms out. Concentrating with all her might, Nya grunted as she made the water slow down the ships fall. 

''It's working!'' Jay said, looking around. 

''Brace for impact!'' Kai yelled, holding onto the side. 

Cole took (Y/n)'s hand and went to the baby, grabbing him and (Y/n) holding onto him tight. 

The ninja screamed as the ship crashed, with Cole holding the baby and (Y/n) holding onto him they bounced around until they stopped.

''Everyone okay?'' Jay asked from outside.

(Y/n) looked at Cole who gave her a worried look before they stood up with Cole holding the baby and walked outside to the others.

''You okay too, little buddy?'' Cole asked the baby. 

(Y/n) rubbed her head, trying to get rid of the headache. Cole went to her and gave her some tea, and giving the baby some too.

''What about Lloyd and Harumi...?'' Kai asked.


Cole whistled as he walked with the baby. ''What do you think the baby's name is? You think he looks like a Cole Jr.?'' He asked (Y/n).

Jay grabbed the sword which had been thrown in the booster and threw it away. ''I think you should put the baby down and help us out.'' He said crankily, looking at Cole. ''Okay, Zane, give it another try.'' Jay tried to communicate with Zane via the radio, but all he could hear was static. ''Aw, great, now the radio's not working.'' 

In the distance, a creature growled. 

''What do you think that was?'' Cole asked. 

''Probably just some cute little critter?'' Kai answered.

''Or a bit critter.'' Jay cut in. ''A great big vicious critter with lots of teeth and claws and pinchers.'' 

''That's kinda descriptive, I don't know if I should be scared or not.'' (Y/n) said, looking at Jay.

''You can't tell all that from how it sounds,'' Cole argued. 

''Oh, yeah? If you listen real carefully...'' Jay trailed off. 

There was a beep as the audio from the speakers cut in. ''Did you guys say something?'' Zane asked them.

''Heh. Any luck reaching Lloyd?'' Kai asked Zane.

''P.I.X.A.L and I have only been able to repair the shortwave com-link,'' Zane answered. ''It appears we won't be able to find them until we get the Bounty over these trees. Ready to test the thrusters?'' Zane asked. 

''Let's give it a go.'' - Cole

''Fire it up.'' - Kai

''Go for it.'' - Jay 

''Jay's ready.'' - (Y/n) 

Zane pulled the lever, turning on the thruster. 

''Hah ha, it's working,'' Cole exclaimed.

''I'll say. Fi-ya.'' Kai said.

''Argh, cut it off!'' Cole said before the thruster started emitting smoke.

''Abort, abort,'' Jay said.

''Shut it down. Shut it down,'' said Kai.

Zane immediately pushed the lever, turning the thruster off.

''That's it, I've had it,'' Jay shouted.

'Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.'' Zane giggled.

''First, we crash land in who knows where,'' Jay ranted. ''surrounded by who knows what and now this.''

''Well, at least Cole Jr.'s fine,'' Cole replied, showing the baby. '' so we can give the diapers to Jay.''

''Hi-Hi-Hilarious,'' Jay replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Nearby, there was a roar. ''What? What was that?'' He said nervously.

Nya appeared in the Samurai X suit. ''Look what I found.'' She said proudly.

''My suit. I mean... your suit.'' P.I.X.A.L replied. 

Nya stepped forward. ''It's okay, P.I.X.A.L. '' She replied as she hopped out of the suit. ''Unh. It's yours now.'' P.I.X.A.L smiled. ''There was also a note from Lloyd.'' She said as she showed the leaf with the message on it. ''He and Rumi are going to the temple.'' 

''Then they're okay.'' Cole rejoiced. (Y/n) smiled.

''But we're still grounded. Let's get back to work. Before the Sons of Garmadon pick up on our trail.'' He said to the others, and they went back to working on the Bounty.


''Ahh. I wonder if Lloyd and Rumi are okay.'' Cole wondered.

''I'm sure they're fine,'' Kai reassured Cole. ''They don't seem to have any trouble looking out for each other.'' 

''Yeah, I have noticed they've gotten pretty close,'' Cole replied. ''Pass the wrench.'' 

''Got the wrench?'' Kai asked.

''Wrench coming your way,'' Jay said, throwing the wrench. 

(Y/n) caught it, and passed it to Cole. 

''So, Lloyd has the hots for the princess. Hmm.'' He said, focusing on working. ''If things keep heating up, I wonder what we'll have to call him next-- the Royal Green Ninja? Pliers.'' 

''Got pliers?'' Kai asked Jay.

''I don't have the pliers,'' Jay answered. 

A tiny handheld up to the pliers.

''Oh. Why thank you.'' Jay said, before looking at who gave it to him. ''Ahh.'' 

Jay turned to the baby, who was now standing. ''Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.'' The baby giggled. Jay blinked. ''Cole? Heh, heh. I thought you put the baby down for a nap.'' 

''You mean little Cole Jr.?'' Cole replied. ''I did, but he was pretty restless.'' 

''Uh-huh. Yeah. Then why is little Cole Jr. standing in front of me and passing me the pliers?'' Jay asked. 

Cole looked up from his work. ''Ahh.'' 

Kai, Cole and (Y/n) hopped down, to where the baby walked around. 

''Cole Jr. is walking now?'' Cole said in disbelief. ''I don't know much about babies, but are babies supposed to walk?'' 

''No. No, they are not.'' Kai replied confused. '' And I don't think they know what pliers are.'' 

''Some babies up to 12 months take their first step, but I don't believe this baby is 12 months. And babies walk well after 14 or 15 months, this doesn't make sense!'' (Y/n) exclaimed.

The baby walked up to the table that had the tea on it. ''Uhh. Ahh.'' He said, grabbing the hot cup of tea and drinking it. 

''And they definitely can't do that,'' Kai said. 

''Okay, now I've seen it all. Now I really quit.'' Jay shouted.

''Ah. Ninja never quit.'' the baby said, giggling. (Y/n) gasped.

''Uh, guys, I don't think that Cole Jr,'' Jay stated. ''That's Master Wu.'' 


''So he likes tea and went through a growth spurt. That doesn't mean he's Master Wu.'' Nya said.

''Master...'' Wu said. ''Wu.'' 

Nya frowned. ''That's him alright. But how did he get so... young?'' 

''Heh, heh. Who knows? He's a living fortune cookie.'' Jay replied. '' Everything he does is a puzzle meant to torture us.'' He shouted the last part. 

The teacup clanged on the wooden floor as it was tossed by Wu. 

''Maybe we'll never know,'' Cole said, his eyes following the baby.

''He'll always be a mystery.'' (Y/n) sighed.

''Don't you remember? He was touched by the reversal blade when he disappeared in time, right?'' Nya replied. 

''I don't think I was there to witness that.'' (Y/n) said.

''So?'' Kai said to Nya.

''So what if the blade did more than stop his ageing? What if it somehow made him younger? Like really young?'' Nya replied. 

The baby giggled, jumping to get the pot of tea. Nya took it off the table in an attempt to stop him. 

''If your assumption is correct, logic would indicate that he would begin ageing more rapidly once the effect of the blade has worn off,'' Zane stated. 

''So that explains how a baby can walk overnight, but how long until he's, you know, back to good old Wu?'' Jay replied. ''I mean, no offence, You look good for your age.'' He said, giving some tea to Wu. 

Baby Wu giggled, holding the cup of tea in his tiny hands.

''Time will tell,'' P.I.X.A.L told Jay. 

In the distance, a banshee yell was heard.

''And our time is running out. How soon till we get outta here?'' Kai asked. 

''Not soon enough,'' Nya replied.

P.I.X.A.L ran to the Samurai X mech. 

''P.I.X.A.L, what are you doing?'' Zane asked her. 

''Slowing them down.'' She replied, getting into the mech and flying away.

''She can handle herself,'' Nya said, walking towards the others. ''We need to get this ship in the air. All hands on deck.'' 

Everyone went to their stations, while Cole held baby Wu in his arms. ''Let's go, little Wu. You looked after us. It's only fair we look after you.'' Cole promised.


Everyone cheered as the lights came on in the Bounty.

''Thrusters?'' Nya asked.

''70 per cent.'' Zane replied.


''She'll live. Get us in the air.'' Kai said. ''Wait, what about P.I.X.A.L?'' 

''I said it already. She can take care of herself.'' 

Nya looked at the map. Several red dots appeared.

''What's that?'' Jay asked, pointing at it.

''The trace program the computer was running'' (Y/n) moved in to get a closer look. '' to find the Quiet One's location.'' (Y/n) frowned as the red dot became bigger, showing their location. ''It's finished, but that's odd. It says it originated from the Bounty.'' 

''I knew it...'' (Y/n) muttered under her breath. Cole looked at her, worried.

''But-that-that can't be,'' Kai said in disbelief.

''Yeah, that's impossible.'' Said Cole

''The only ones on the ship were us, P.I.X.A.L, (Y/n) and...''

''I always knew she was hiding something.'' (Y/n) muttered under her breath again. The others looked at her. 

''Harumi's the Quiet One.'' Nya realised.

''We must warn Lloyd immediately,'' Zane replied urgently.

Nya ran to the lever, before being interrupted by UltraViolet.

''Ah-ah-ah. I wouldn't do that if I were you.'' She said, keeping Nya away from the lever. 

There was laughter as the Sons of Garmadon surrounded the group.

''The Quiet One wouldn't like that,'' UltraViolet said.

There was yelling as they charged at the group, and Jay brandished his nunchucks while Kai and (Y/n) pulled out their weapons. 

A fierce fight followed, and (Y/n) went to make sure Cole and Baby Wu were safe. 

Seeing as a guy had followed the two, Jay and (Y/n) kept them away from the baby. 

There was evil laughing as Kilo put the Mask of Deception on. 

Mr E put the Mask of Vengeance on as well.

The group was surrounded, there was nowhere to go.

Ohhh, stuffs going down.


Well, I'm officially crazy.

Oh well. 

Wordcount: (Don't do these much) 3153 words (Total) 

Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment if you love the story and don't forget to place this book in your library if you want updates for this book every time I post a chapter.

That's all folks!

WriterAgreste, over & out!

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