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(In this chapter, there will be a mix of sadness and time travel also some other vibe. Anyways, hope you liked it this far.)

It was the day of having a big exam for getting a good college. Everyone has been stressed and some of them are nervous about the big exam. You however didn't get nervous cause you have studies with them the whole time and exchange knowledge during studies. As you were about to enter the class, you felt someone tapped your shoulder which is taehyung himself. "Fighting for the exam~" Taehyung sent you a cheerful smile and both of you enter the class before the exam start. While you have time studies, Suga and the others called you so you turned around and went towards their seat as you assume that they needed your help with their studies.

"What's up?" You asked as you saw many books all over the table. "Help~ I don't know how to solved this math," Jungkook asked with his puppy eyes causing your heart to soften. "Ahem, jungkook..you forgot about that you have a genius hyung" Taehyung looked at him disbelieved. "But you said you won't teach me" jungkook snapped. "Aish this boy..exam is about to start...just teached us"jimin annoyed at them. You giggle at them and started to teach them every subject in simple ways to memorized for them. After teaching them, they are finally ready for their studies. They thanked you for helping them out. "No problem" you smile and went back to your seat and started the exam as Mrs Jasmine came into your class and give out the papers.

"Alright, the class you may start now," Sai,d Mrs Jasmine. Everyone started to fill in their answer based on what they have learnt. Surprisingly, You felt this exam was easy to answer so you turned around and see taehyung and the others seem to do just fine and they even answered every question.

You felt proud of them until you saw suga have been already asleep after he have done his exam paper. All that has left now is waiting for the time to come to an end. Meanwhile, the other student has got anxiety for not memorized their studies and decided to answered them randomly while some of them cheat but you decided not to get involved in that. You looked at the clock and recheck the papers that you have answered in case you got answered wrong. After checking, you have realised you haven't written your name on the paper in the beginning. You chuckled at yourself for being stupid for not writing your name on the paper. After recheck, you have finally felt relieved and decided to take a nap since it barely has few minutes to times up.

*Bell rings*
"Alright times up, class. Handed the paper at the front desk also be sure not to left out anything and you all may go recess" Said Mrs Jasmine as she checking each student to make they handed in the papers. You got out from the class and saw taehyung and the others came out from the class. "Thanks for your teaching me. It did appear on the exam and luckily I know how to solve the math question. I owe you one, y/n" Jungkook thanked me. "Sure, I am happy to help. Now let's go get some food cause I am starving and need some energy to study." You said as they replayed aye y/n' causing you to laughed their response. You brought the books you want to study and headed to the cafeteria.

*At Cafeteria*

You saw everyone have their books on their table and study while eating. "Woah, that sure is a crazy zombie to me. I mean look at them, they read while eating doesn't get crazy or what?" Suga said in a low tone. "This cafeteria will soon become the library" j-hope looked at the students until you have spotted an available seated so you and the rest of bangtan went to the open seat. "I'm gonna get order the food" Suga called and taehyung volunteer to helped him then they left. While you and the rest studying for English essays and teaching them, they have arrived with the food.

"Wow, that's was very fast" j-hope helped to serve the food. "yea, it's rare since everyone is busy studying. anyways let's eat while studying otherwise we don't have the energy" they agreed with taehyung's idea and starting to eat. After group studying and chatting, you heard a bell range which means it is time to head back to the class. You looked at them and went to the class together and getting ready for the other exam.

*Time skips Afterschool*
You heard the bell rang which it's a sight that it is over for the exam. You can hear everyone cheered and felt relieved that it is finally over while packing their stuff to go to their own houses. You packed your stuff and grab the stuff from the locker as they waiting for you. After done packing, you went home with them together. "Yes! It is finally over. I can finally relax watching some Netflix or youtube" Jimin jumped happily. "And we can get our result soon. Don't you guys nervous?" Suga asked and everyone looked at him raised one eyebrow. "Yea, he has a point.. we might soon know it someday" you agreed with him. "I know that but let's just relax since rap mon is the boss who marked the papers" jungkook spoke it confidently. "Nope" you are shocked that you and taehyung are saying at the same time but you high-five each other. "Why tho?" Suga confused. "Cause we taking the exam but it is not rap mon who marked it is the creator who creates this exam which is not him." You said. "To be simple, it is someone else," you said simply. "Ooh~ I get it," jungkook said. You and the rest of bangtan happily walking to our own homes after bid each other farewell.

You and taehyung have arrived at your house as usual during schooldays. You watched him seems so awkward looked at his phone scrolling social media. You sneakily followed him without him noticing you. You looked at him the second time, he have left, just about to looked for him. You felt someone's hand snake around your waist. You felt shocked while turned around and see taehyung. "What are you doing mi'lady~ for spying on me, hmm?" You looked at taehyung still shocked. Taehyung notice your shocking reaction and let you go for that. " The hell taehyung, you know how scary if someone grabbed you and imagine you getting punched by me" You pouted.

"Why you being sow mean two mwe," Taehyung said it cutely which makes your heart softened by his cuteness. "But you're not cute like jungkook" You tease taehyung but you failed. Taehyung looked at you seriously and asking which makes you shocked. "So..after graduate...d-do you....remember the promise you made....about going to meet my kingdom...." Taehyung asked but you can see the sadness in his eyes.

"Yes, I remember that" You remembered the promise. "R-really?!" Taehyung smiles brightly. "Yes, my king" taehyung frowned after you called him that. Taehyung pinned you to the wall and looked at you deeply. "That's taehyung for you...even in hell or here," taehyung calmly said.

For some reason, you like being pinned at the wall by him but you stopped the thought. "Okie... How about I called you to take then it is a short and cute nickname" you squished his face and smile. "Hahaha ok, milady... then I'm gonna called (your nickname) then" taehyung show his rectangle smile.

You are about to went to your bedroom but you can felt that something is off about taehyung. You saw him this nervous and you also wondered what's going on but you went to your bedroom anyway. While you enjoying your moat favourite drama, you have been received the message. You looked at the message it is unknown until it called you. "Hello?"You slowly place your phone close to your ears until you heard Aerum's voice. "Y/n. Can you hear me?!" Aerum in the called. "Yes, I can hear you why?" You somehow felt terrified about this situation. "Listen here...I know you wondered how I get your phone but now it is not important. The important is... You know lee your ex. He is coming after you right now!! You gonna hide, I'm not joking right now." Aerum warned about it.

"How can I trust you in this one?" You tried not to freak out. "Whether you want to believe it or not....O-Oh Go-Od N-no P-pls NO!!! AAAAAAAAAAH" Aerum screamed at the phone and hang up. You felt terrified about what just happened until you heard a knock. The door slowly creak opened revealed it was taehyung who is entered your room. You felt big relieved that it is taehyung. "What happened? I just heard a scream from your room. Is everything all....right?" Taehyung saw you how to terrify you are right now. Taehyung hugged you and you hugged him back tightly. "Just tell me what's going on?"Taehyung wanted to know badly.

Your whole body started to tremble but you manage to explain to taehyung just now. "I mean don't you think it is weird, how can she know your phone number and second, what do you mean by your ex is after you. We already defeated him by me stabbing him with my bare fist. How is that even possible?" Taehyung has so many questions to asked and so do you. You wondered whether it is a prank call or it is real. While you both thinking about this case, you heard a door knocked. "Stand behind me hurry" you quickly do as he said. You and taehyung slowly approached it to the door. Taehyung gulped and looked at you for a sec and back to the door.

Taehyung slowly opened the door and revealed a big black hand holding the door revealing your ex. "Hi...we meet again, y/n" Lee greeted both of you with a smile. "What do you want from her?" Taehyung coldly asked him and placed his hand in front of him to protect him. "Aww doesn't be rude, I came just to have a chatted with you guys. Not came here for a fight" Lee sincerely said. "Taehyung-" You see taehyung's face grown darker than his dark side. "Sure, come in" Taehyung lead him to the sofa and signal him to get some drink for the guest.

You placed the drink on the table for each and you quickly sat beside taehyung for protection. Lee chuckled as he notice you being scared of him. "Don't be scare, I'm not going to you again y/n" lee is about to touch you but taehyung grabbed his wrist causing him to hiss in pain and let go of his hand. After getting known the information about what the heavens planning to do in the wars and included your parents who are at the dungeon. "How can I trust in this after what you have done to me," you asked as you started getting suspicious of his sudden change. Even though taehyung also get to know that he is inhuman just like him so he only slightly trusts him. "All alright then but why do you decide to tell us all of this" Taehyung grown suspicious about him. You admit that it is something odd but you were shocked to know that your ex who dumped you is not an ordinary human. "Anyways, that's impossible to talk about my parents since you know....passed away?"You said it since you don't believe in some fantasy but in your heart, you do believe it.

"Yes, it is true. Look I know you felt this is so-called fantasy or shit but it is real." Lee is being honest with you. "How do I know that you won't do any of your tricks" you protested that he will play one of his tricks. "if you want us to believe in you then proved it."Taehyung looked at him pissed. "ugh, fine whatever. Here...but only you can touch it since your a human after all" Lee handed the orb which is exactly like taehyung's but lighter. You looked at taehyung but taehyung tell you that 'it's ok. You slowly touched the orb and poof, you are in another dimension. "y/n...let me remind you that it is illusion so you can only see but you can't touch otherwise you will be stuck there." Lee warned you but you rolled at your eyes and continue to look around. While you wandered around and felt amazed at how beautiful this kingdom was as you decided to went to the place which you assume it's a palace.

As you entered you quickly hide as you see that guard but you remember that they can't see you yet you still gonna hide until the coast is clear. You were shocked to see how cruel the king did to their maids as you covered your mouth but the king seem to saw you so you quickly ran far away from the throne. As you stopped running, you see darkness where there is only light until you heard someone sobbing so you made your way to the sound coming from. You looked at the man who is comforted the lady in her 80s or something and so is that man. You flinched as the guard yelled as he called the servant to get some food to eat. Your tears started to form as you felt shocked seeing your parent in here. As you were about to hug and called them so badly since you wouldn't care for breaking them so you hugged them but they slowly faded away and have been returned to the present.

"MOM, DAD!" you screamed as you teared up. "I see you already hugged them huh. Well, what did I tell you about no touching only watched? If you break the rules, you will get caught by them easily and they are not the type you saw from the orb. Well see you later guys, we will meet again" Lee looked at his orb and slowly disappeared into the shadows.

"t-taehyung.." you looked at him full of tears. "Don't worry about your parents, we will figure some way to help them out. shhh, don't cry, milady. you're too precious to me milady"Taehyung hugged you and patted your head gently. You somehow felt safer in his embrace even though you can't felt his heartbeat but you find it warmness in him. You cried quitely in his chest and taehyung's heart softened by your sad side. Taehyung suddenly broke and looked at you deeply as he wipe your tears away with his thumb. "come on, cheered up milady. I'll help you save somehow after all you still have this king who is staying y your side right?" Taehyung shows his smile to you which makes you smile. "that's milady I know" taehyung patted your head like a child but you love him patting your head anyway. "now then, back to our topic. Since we still needed to wait for your result to graduate if that's how you humans do right?" Taehyung trying to understand about college and stuff. "yes tae and not just me but all of us gonna waiting for the result." you looked at him with big eyes. "oop my bad" taehyung pretended that he is forgotten.

You giggle at his reaction since taehyung being this goofy side in front of you but you missed the cold side of him when you first met him from the ritual. "the ritual..." you sudden remembers and taehyung looked at you confused. "I have asked you about this question since you appeared." you asked nervously. " go ahead, I'm all ears" taehyung sitting relaxed and waiting for you to ask him. "w-well I um have been wondering.. were you always this cold when people have been summoning you?" Taehyung stopped and looked at you while you asked as your palm started sweating." w-well, that's how to present me cause I can't show my this side to anyone before and beside your the only human that I have shown you this side of me" Taehyung ruffle his hair shyly. "aww how adorable" your eye softened at his full of cuteness until both you and taehyung have received the message which is the same person, Jimin. both of you opened the message and pressed linked as you felt shocked and happy about your good result. You hugged taehyung immediately as he felt surprised at first but he wouldn't mind.

You immediately broke the hugged and apologise to taehyung but taehyung shush you with his one finger placing at your lips. "yah, how many time do you have to say sorry. it is getting annoying." taehyung felt annoyed of you to keep apologising to him. "Since you asked me one questioned, I have one question for you too." Taehyung asked. "sure, I mean you rarely asked me anything tho" you rarely heard taehyung have a question that he want to ask. " Remember the promise you made? Shall we, milady?"Taehyung leaning closer to your ears makes you felt weak. "Yes, I did remember. but when should we start travelling?" You asked as you started making a plan like having a vacation. "Oh by the way, how many days tho" You excited as you asked. "Woah Woah, easy there. we will start travelling by tomorrow and about how many days uh w-we might n-not c-coming back..." Taehyung lower his head as your smile slowly faded. "b-but we can come back anytime you want." Taehyung promised. "o-ok, sure but we still have to go to school for rap mon's speech," you said. "all alright, then you still gonna pack your stuff so tomorrow we will be teleport in one go." Taehyung said. With that, You went to your room to pack in case you have left out something.

*Your Room*

*Y/n Pov*

While I was packing, I hesitate about leaving this house since you have so many memories are. But Taehyung said you can be back here anytime you want at least he said so. I was thinking too much about not leaving this place as I know that jungkook and the others will be headed back to their place too. After I did pack my stuff and headed downstairs to find taehyung.

*Y/n Pov Ended*

Taehyung looked at you as you walked downed the stairs, he notice some sadness in you. Taehyung felt regret for his decision so he helped you put the stuff that you have packed. "hey um, i-it okay if you don't want to come with me, I won't force you-" his words cut off by your sudden hugged. Taehyung was surprised but he hugged back. "I'm gonna missed this place so much since..." you mumble in his embrace. "What happened?" Taehyung broke the hugged looked at you. "w-well.." you stuttered. "it's ok just take it slow and breathe" taehyung tried to calm you down. You try to calm down and started talking about your dark past. (the explanation will be in chapter 2: The ritual which is at the flashback at least I remember.)

"wow..i-i'm sorry to hear that. I can't believe you have been endured it for so long. No wonder you missed this place so much" taehyung felt shocked and sad after hearing your past while you nodded. "y-yea..life is tough and I'm not sure what am I gonna do in future...when I was little.. the nurse took care of me after they passed away right in front of my eyes. Unfortunately, she moved to another country and I have been wondered how she is....it's been years and I'm kinda worried about her...I hope she is doing alright." you tried not to teared up but the tears couldn't stop. Taehyung gave a packet of tissue and you thanked him as you continued. "hey tae.. you have powers right?" taehyung gave the 'duh' looks to you. "ok.. as long as I make a wish right?" you looked at him as you assume yes from his mind. "I wish....to see the past.. of the nurse who took care of me." " As you wished but let me remind you that they could not see us" Taehyung do as you wish and hold his hand while closing your eyes.

*Time travel to the past*

You opened your eyes and see the little girl and the lady which you assume is you and the nurse. You and taehyung quickly hide in the bushes as they holding hands and enter the house. you were about to knock but taehyung stopped you from knocking on the door. "that will blow the covered." taehyung whisper. you rolled your eyes and you realised you can get through the door as you and taehyung were like a ghost. you looked at taehyung eyes widened and both of you entered. You and taehyung entered the house until you heard a giggle from the kitchen so you made your way to the sound while taehyung followers.

*In The Kitchen*

"And that's how you make the food" The lady smiles causing the little girl to giggle. "This is fun! take for teaching me" the little girl smile cutely to her. "hahaha alright but you gonna cook it by yourself cause I will be at innate for my working at overseas" the lady smiles at her and kissed her forehead. "aww ok. I have something for you and hope this will helped you remember me and have a great time during work." the girl handed her a gift and smile too sweetly. "Awww thank you, I will." the lady patted her head. "now let's go eat your food before getting to bed, it's getting late sweetie." the lady bring the food they made together and they eat together. "mmm it is delicious" the girl satisfy of the food they made causing the lady chuckled. After they have done eating and washing dishes together, you looked at the time as you know the girl getting sleepy.

"I didn't know you are so cute when you are little" Taehyung smiles as he enjoyed this scene. "s-shut up.." you looked away. you saw they about to went upstairs and entered your bedroom. The girl sat on the bed and covered the blanket waiting for her. "umm can I asked you? Why do good people always die instead of bad people? Where they would go? Can I meet them when I was there?" the lady chuckled at her curiosity. "well....not all good and bad people tho it's just based on how people are. And they would someplace where you couldn't know but since you read a story then it will be heaven or hell. some will go up while some will go down. Sure, you can meet unless you met someone who has powers." the lady answered. "hmm what would heaven and hell's place look like?" Taehyung caught the attention. "well they both are good I guess cause I never been there before" said the lady.

"if that so. I wanna go to both of those places cause just like you said not all good and bad it's equal" the girl felt excited causing her to chuckle. "Well sweetie, keep that in your dream cause it is getting late for your bed." the lady tucked her in bed and slowly left her room. "psst, now is our chance" you punched taehyung's stomach with your elbow. you and taehyung quickly followed the lady out of the house. While you were following, you realised it is dark for her to go alone as she went to her hospital. The lady went to the boss's office as she got the message from her boss. "what took you so long?" the boss raised his one eyebrow. "well, I just taking care of my child why is there a problem with you?" the lady snapped back. The boss seems doesn't like her attitude and tell her to leave the office. The lady continues doing her job as a nurse. "hey..what happened back there, girl?" the nurse asked her as you think that is her friend but she ignore it and continue doing her job. While observing as you see the lady enter the boss's office again so you waited, "how long do you want to travel?" taehyung sighed until you heard a slammed from the office. You and taehyung entered as you find out that the lady is fighting against her boss. "Since you don't do as I said, I have no choice but to fired you" Her boss angrily said to her. "like the hell I care, I don't give a fuck about any shit of yours." the lady went out and slammed the door behind her harshly causing both of you flinched. The lady shed her tears and wore back to her casual clothes and headed out avoiding her friend while went to her house.

You and taehyung have reached where the lady went. You and taehyung quitely watched from above as the lady entered her home. "honey. I'm home.." the lady weakly said. the lady notice her husband drank too much alcohol as she saw on the table. The lady tried to take him to his room but he jerked off her hand. "go away. I don't need yOur fUckIng hElpEd." said the husband. "honey.. you are being drunk again.." the lady slowly said. Her husband grabbed the alcohol and smashed it causing the lady to fell in fear. "NOBODY TALKED SHIT ABOUT ME," her husband said. "By the way...how is your job..did you get the money?" her husband smirked. "i-i-i being fired.." the lady shaking in fear. Her husband was so furious about it then went into the room to take his belt and started smacking her as she screamed in pain. You were so furious and about to kill this guy but taehyung holds you down. After the lady getting beaten up by her husband, her husband left her in the living room and sleep. The lady looked at her bruises and scars while it bleeds. The lady crawled herself into a ball while sobbing quitely.

"why..why.. what the hell did I do to deserve any of these shits.." the lady mumble. Soon the lady get up and went somewhere they cannot find her. The lady went into the woods as she grabbed the rope from her house and even wrote the letter to the little girl and her husband. the lady cried as she remembers the memories she had together with the girl and her husband in her heart. The lady prepared the rope and hanged herself on the tree. You cried while covering your mouth as you could not accept this truth after she have lied to you. Taehyung quickly uses his magic to bring back the present. You cried as you knee down no matter how many times taehyung tried until he got this idea. Taehyung went to your room searching for something and came back. You wipe your tears away as you looked at taehyung's wearing as you laughed. "dude, what are you wearing. you looked really funny in that outfit. What are you? a fairy?" you said as you burst out laughing while taehyung doing silly things to you.

"my name is taehyung and I am a fairy and I am here to cheer a little girl up~ 'taehyung said in a husky voice as he tried to make a female voice. You laughed until your voice cracked with laughter. "yeah.. that's not how girls voices would like...dumbass" you said in savage. "Hmph, how dare you to speak to a fairy-like that" taehyung still using his husky voice with his arm crossed. "alright I will cast a spell on you so your sadness will go away!" taehyung using the plastic wand to pretend. taehyung said the spell randomly as you giggle. "now let's go get rest~" taehyung never stop using his husky voice to make you laughed. "yah, would you stopped using your husky voice please." you said it cutely. You and taehyung have entered your room, and taehyung snapped his hand to changed back his original clothes. "aish, this girl got no respect for me after I tried so many times to cheered someone up" Taehyung giving a signal. You chuckled at him being childish but you couldn't help to kiss him on his cheek. Taehyung was surprised after what just happened by looking at you as you blushed. "I uh um eh this is a y-your reward for cheering me up and helping me also saving me." you blushed as you accidentally pulled taehyung close at the bed. Now, taehyung is at top of you, Taehyung looked at your eyes and slowly at the lips.

"m-might-have them.." you looked away as you blushed very hard. "yah y/n.." you looked at him. "you need to promise me two things." you looked at him confused as taehyung being serious about it but you gave him an 'ok'. "one.. you can visit my kingdom as you ready and two...Will you.. be mine?" Taehyung looked at you deeply as your nose get touched by his. "y-you c-can't be serious r-right" you tried not to get your heart burst. Again you have fallen for him already. "then I just have to prove it to you then." taehyung then peck your lips. You are shocked as he smiles like an idiot. "stop teasing me and I promise you for that." you covered your face and smacked him playfully. "aww how cute. Anyways it is fun to tease you and good night" taehyung chuckled and left your room. you still lay on your bed and smile like an idiot. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!" You screamed you covered your face with the pillow and happily throw the pillow at the floor while you punching at the air after hearing taehyung confessed to you. You couldn't believe it but you were thinking about whether is it true or not. you touched your lips where he peck as you immediately blushed and quickly entered your happy dreams.

*Taehyung Pov*

I couldn't believe myself confess to her like that. I facepalmed myself as my plan did not work as the drama series. while I was in my world until I heard someone screamed I place my ears on the wall hearing y/n who seem to be happy about it. My eyes widened that she is happy even though things didn't work out. I decided to call suga about it. "hello? who is dis" suga said in the call. "yeah, can be no disrespect to your king?" I rolled my eyes. "hahaha ok, so what's up," suga asked. I told about the confession to y/n to suga. "you, you finally make a move eh? not bad my king, you have become a man. I'm so proud of you maaaaan" suga smirked during the call. "yeah, what should I do?" I asked until I heard someone else's voice. Suga couldn't hide so he reveal all the members who just heard our conversation. "yayyyy hyung finaaaallllly" jungkook happy about it and the others too. "don't forget to prove it to her" jin tease me. "yahhh, stop I'm gonna hang up so good night" I said and ended the call. I slowly started at the ceiling as I can imagine being with y/n in future until I slowly fell asleep.

*Taehyung Pov Ended*

To Be Continued

Notes: earlier there is some issue in this chapter, and I try to edit it back and it worked;-;. Phew! that was close called but again thank you for reading :3

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