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Yuna winced, her left arm being held by the ex-assassin as he wrapped the make shift bandages he salvaged from her now ripped up cloak. She had previously washed off her cut—again, with a ripped piece of her completely annihilated cloak.

She felt bad for it honestly, and there was no way it was usable after what it had gone through to help her. Not that she needed it anyways, not when she had already attracted the eyes of the most dangerous examinee at the exam. Yes, she was still sour about the difference in power between them.

"It's a deep cut. There's dried blood all over your sleeve." Killua commented, actions careful just like time he managed to free Gon's fishing hook from her hair. Yuna could tell he was considerate to not cause her unnecessary pain as he went along with the task of wrapping it up.

Obviously, Killua was no pro at such tasks. The wrappings were a bit messy, but way better than a normal amateur. Yuna instantly knew it must've been due to the experiences he had back when he used to be an assassin. He didn't get strong without any efforts after all, and Yuna knew that well. A lot of injuries would be involved to reach where he is now.

"You know, I can just do that my-" The girl broke into dry coughs, other hand instinctively reaching to place it on her neck. Killua momentarily paused, blue eyes flickering over to her neck for the third time in the span of minutes.

Black and dark blue decorated her pale skin, like paint blotches faded into a canvas. That bruise went all around her neck, the boy only then realizing he could almost completely circle her neck with a single hand. It didn't only look painful—he knew it was causing her a lot of pain as well.

Maybe that was why he willingly chose to help her out. The dark unpleasant feeling growing in his chest every single time his eyes trailed over that bruise of hers was foreign to him after all. Actually, the situation itself was completely foreign to him.

Never in his days as an assassin did someone he chose to kill survive. What's left of them were just cold corps unable to outwardly express how they felt when they died—and while Killua wanted to free himself from the shackles of his family, he had never hesitated when it came to killing someone, because that's just how he grew up—so guilt was truly foreign to him.

Until now that is. After that small test of sort, Killua had come to acknowledge her as a possible friend candidate. She and Gon shared similarities, and while they were both completely different people—the boy can't deny he was intrigued of her existence. He wanted to know her reasoning and wanted to access how her mind worked.

He finalized. She wasn't someone with evil intentions. The girl, while being similar to him, generated an innocent aura after all. Hence, he concluded, that she was not a direct danger to him—because he was stronger and more dangerous compared to her. He had no problem relaxing his guard around her after that realization.

She was a survivor of his killing intent. Someone he failed to kill and came to acknowledge. Meaning the bruise, he gave her, while was something he did out of reason, wasn't something she deserved. There was the fact that she didn't at all try to fight back and harm him even at the brink of suffocation as well.

Which brought upon the guilt that ate him away, despite the girl herself being weirdly nonchalant about his fake attempt to kill her. Well, not completely fake—because had she reached for her weapons back then, we would've killed her on the spot. No one would know he did the deed.

"Drink some water." The boy suggested, gesturing towards the lake they sat next to. Yuna did as asked, carefully cupping water into her hands to drink it. While the boy's gaze travelled to her neck again.

"Hey weirdo." Killua called out, gaining a hum from the girl who turned to him. "Do you really don't mind dying?" He asked, tone curious. Yet there was a part of him that felt unsettled by his own question, because he already had a feeling what her answer would be.

"... Yeah." Yuna answered casually. "The faster I die, the better." Her words were as soft as usual, but her usual unique voice had been disrupted by the slight croak in it. He didn't like how different her voice was at the moment, and he certainly didn't like the answer he received as expected.

The boy was reminded of the conversation they had moments ago.


"... you're saying you don't mind if you die. But if you die, someone will definitely get revenge for you?"

"It's not revenge you see... It's more like I'll-kill-you-for-killing-something-that-belongs-to-me kind of thing."


"Are you being held captive against your will or something?" Killua questioned with a raised brow, getting a slight gist of the situation Yuna was in. "Are you like a slave?"

Yuna instantly deadpanned. "Uh... I'm definitely not supposed to be a slave." She stated bluntly. "But I guess my situation is a bit similar." She nodded to herself, staring off into the distance. "They want me alive, so they won't kill me. But they train me so I don't get myself killed."

"Then there's you." Killua pointed out. "You want to die so you can escape them. I'm thinking that's the only option you have?"

Yuna nodded, not sparing him a glance. The small smile that appeared on her lips though, was something he found quite mysterious. "But I can't have just anyone killing me. Because the person who ends up killing me will be killed by them. It doesn't matter how strong my killer is, they will definitely kill them off. I'm sure."

Killua went silent. Him too staring across the lake and into a distance like the girl sitting next to him.

I'm guessing those people forced her to take this exam too... and from the sound of it, they're strong. Strong enough to leave her only one escape. Death.

Maybe that's why I've been getting the sense we're alike. Because the chances of those people controlling her, having something to do with the underworld community is high. Which further proves how dangerous these people can be.

And then there's her, who'd rather die than be controlled by them... but they want her alive...

Which leaves me with the question. Why do they want her alive specifically?

Is she someone important? A princess? Or does she hold some important information? Maybe she has some unique power others wanted?

The boy glanced back at the girl who has her mouth covered as she let out a yawn. Not surprising considering the gradual setting sun and the dropping temperature.

Either ways, she's still hiding a lot of things. And they must be important for her to end up in the situation she was in now. Meaning she's less likely to answer truthfully.

Those people she talked about are willing to kill, meaning there's the possibility of me risking my life just by knowing the information she has...

As if hearing his thoughts, Yuna spared him a glance, making direct eye contact. "I'm not disclosing more information about it though. You barely escaped from that world. I don't want you dying so soon before you explore and enjoy yourself more." She informed, further confirming his suspicions.

"Hm, I predicted as much." He merely commented, somewhat annoyed she was looking out for him. It made him feel underestimated, as if she thought he wasn't capable enough to know more about it. He guessed his annoyance seeped into his tone as well, because Yuna let out a chuckle right afterwards—pissing him off even more.

"I'm not saying you're weak." She voiced, tone reassuring. "Just that, these people are strong—very strong. Trust me, some of them are even stronger than your oldest brother."

Killua's head instantly snapped over to her direction. "You know Illumi-aniki too?!" He semi shouted, which was casually shrugged off by wave of Yuna's hand.

"Just as much as I knew you before this exam started." She answered, as if knowing the information about an elite family of assassins and being perfectly alive was something normal. Killua knew more than anyone, that it was in fact, not normal.


Day three passed by shortly with them spending their time wandering around the forest with gigantic trees. Well, they weren't as huge as the ones in Attack on Titans—but one can't deny they were twice larger than the normal ones.

The day went by in peace for Yuna, while for Killua it was a bore. They never made contact with any examinees after all, meaning there was absolutely zero fighting involved. It was no wonder the ex-assassin was bored.

The only thing distracting him was Yuna and her only. It was part reason why he chose to stick around her, until she gets six points. Currently she's at zero, her tag in Killua's pockets without any complaints by both parties.

Yuna was as quite as he expected her to be when they were alone. There were no useless conversations exchanged yet the silence wasn't uncomfortable. Though, he will admit, the third day wasn't as nearly as boring as the first two days.

Because her clumsiness has kept him entertained. It was obvious to him that the girl wasn't someone who had spent a lot of time in woods—the random small scratches on her limbs were evidence of her random tripping accidents.

The boy snickers at first, and then helps her up if she didn't already get up herself by the time he stops laughing. During the first few accidents, Yuna was obviously embarrassed. After a few couple times though, she only deadpans at the boy—never bothering to get up as she keeps giving him a dead stare until he lends her a hand.

Safe to say, the tense air which used to linger around them since the very start of the exam had completely dispersed.


Day four ended no different from day three. The only difference being the exhaustion that caught up to Yuna while Killua looked like he could walk on forever.

Damn assassin things...

The girl thought lightheartedly, sitting at the base of a tree where the grass covered the ground. Her small bag pack laid at a side, the only contents inside being some extra pair of clothes she brought along with her.

Killua plopped down next to her, propping up his right knee to place his right arm on. "Did you seriously get tired from that stroll?" The boy asked, turning to give her a narrow judging look.

Yuna silently scoffed. "I'm not an ex-assassin mind you. My training isn't nearly as harsh as the ones you've done." She pointed out. "I'm pretty average compared to you and Gon-kun."

Killua responded with a hum, thinking back to the third phase. "Well you're aware and you use poison to fight to make up for it. So, I don't think you're nearly half as bad as some of the people left in the exam to be frank." He throughout accessed, turning to Yuna. Only to see her narrowing her eyes at him. "What?"

The girl slowly folded her arms across under her chest, bringing her knees up to place her forehead on it. "I have a feeling it's not like you to compliment someone like that..." She muttered in a murmurer, barely reaching Killua's ears.

The white-haired boy was left to stare at her balled-up form with furrowed brows of confusion. "Compliment? I was just accessing your statics..." The boy trailed off, observing her weird actions. Her head down, meaning her long bangs acted as curtains covering up her face—but her ear was perfectly visible to him, especially when he was sitting right next to her.

Her ear is red...

"It sounded like a compliment though." She muttered out in response, carefully shifting to show him a single eye of hers before going back to hiding once more.

Oh... Did she just get shy with a compliment?

"I'm just saying you're not too shabby at fighting as some others still in the exam." Killua voiced once more, a smirk forming on his lips when the ear visible to him reddened even more. "Like that dude with arrows, you can easily defeat him. No sweat!"

"I— Okay, alright! I get it already!" Yuna huffed, turning her head to the other direction completely, head still placed on her knees to hide her flustered cheeks. "Damn ex-assassin..." She muttered under her breath, which unfortunate for her, was barely heard by Killua.

"Hah! You get shy with compliments! That's hilarious!" Killua clutched his stomach, bursting into loud laughter.

Yuna's head instantly snapped up to look at him, her bright red cheeks making his gasp for breath as he only laughed harder. "Shut it! I bet you're the same!" She exclaimed, raising her voice for the first time since they met in the phase. "You give off that tsundere energy!"

"Wa?!" Killua's fun came to an instant stop, a nerve popping on his temple. "Huh?! No I don't!"

"Yes you do! You totally act like one too!"

"When did I ever act like a tsundere?!"

"A lot of times!"

"Lies! I never did!"

It took a while for them to stop their banter, none of them winning their argument cause neither side had much proof about it. The silence spread out between them once more, the darkness of the night soon seeping into their surroundings to indicate their fourth night in that island.

It was deathly silent. No sound of crickets nor any winds ruffling through trees. It was just a loud silence, extending further and further along with the gradual dropping temperature of their surroundings—further indicating, that it'll be pitch black soon.

"It's gonna be dark soon." The white head commented, staring at the barely visible sky through the dense leaves. "Better get moving."

He gained no response, only the sound of the silence stretching on. It instantly got his attention though, turning to his companion for the first time since their banter—only to pause, blinking twice.

The pink-blond had long fallen asleep with her knees propped up and head leaning back against the tree. Her hair hand been out of its usual bun, leaving the long waves falling in front of her chest over her shoulders—part of her face hidden with her long locks as her head had been lulled to a side.

A nervous pit formed inside his stomach, foreign to every single thing he had ever experienced in his life. Yet it dissolved without much of a fight, making him brush the sudden nervousness aside. He wasn't aware of the light tint of pink gathered on his cheek as he reached to poke Yuna's cheek.

Oh, it's puffy...

"Hey, weirdo. Wake up." The boy continued to poke, only pausing when her lips tilted down to frown, brows furrowing in discomfort. "We need to move." He took back his hand, intently watching her long lashes flutter—parting to reveal hazy galaxies of blue.

"What? Do we have to?" Her tone came out slurred as if drunk.

"Yeah. It's getting dark and this place is too open for my taste." He reasoned. "If you're gonna rest, better find a secure place."

"Mhm, alright." With a yawn drawing tears to her eyes, the girl stretched her hands to wake up her tired limbs. "Which way are we heading to this time?" Yuna questioned tiredly, slumping back to the tree before turning to make eye contact with Killua.

Blue clashed with blue. Wide awake electric ones meeting dazed ones droopy with sleep, as if the tiredness have finally caught up to her. Killua tilted his head, eyes narrowing as it zeroed on to the gray tone under her eyes. "When was the last time you slept?" His question was blunt, a bit serious edge to it.

Something Yuna didn't take note of due to her lagging brain. She simply shrugged at his question. "Properly...? Probably in that room back in that tower." Her answer was casual, opting to get up. However, Killua was quick to grab her nearest elbow to pull her back down, instantly waking her up when she fell back to her previous position. "Wha-"

"I changed my mind. We can rest here." The boy blurted out, shifting to sit crisscrossed. Yuna on the other hand though, stared at him dumbfounded—now wide awake.

"Didn't you say it's dangerous though?" Confusion literally seeped from her words. Why won't she when the boy decided to change his mind in a matter of life or death, within few seconds at that.

Killua closed his eyes, leaning his head back on the tree. "I'm staying awake. It's not like I can sleep either ways."

Yuna went silent for a moment. "No way." She uttered out bluntly, making Killua snap his head at her direction. "I'd feel bad if I soundly slept when you'll be awake keeping an eye out." The girl reasoned validly, frowned brows and frown showing her dislike for his suggestion.

Killua on the other hand, was someone not used to have someone else worrying about him. He was a trained ex-assassin after all, not a normal human. "I already told you I can go days without sleep."

Yuna huffed. "Just because you were trained like that, doesn't erase the fact that you're a human too you know." Killua almost flinched at the response she shot back to him. Eyes widening in astonishment as no one has ever dared to say something like that to him before. "You need sleep as much as I do."

Killua went completely silent afterwards, making Yuna—the reason for the current awkward air around them—fiddle with her fingers as well. A light blush on her face, thinking how she had embarrassed herself when in reality, she had sprouted facts.

"Let's just... you know, go somewhere else so we can both rest properly." Yuna suggested, voice considerably softer than before.

"Pfft—" All of a sudden, Killua burst out laughing—making Yuna send him a wary stare.

"Why're you laughing like that?" She narrowed her eyes with a small frown.

Better not be insulting me in that ex-assassin head of yours...

Instead of answering though, Killua had suggested another idea as soon as he managed to contain his laughing episode. "How about we take turns than? That way we can both rest and look out for danger at the same time."

True enough, it was better than both of them relaxing their guards at the same time. However, Killua himself knew he cannot completely loose his guard down around her—not yet anyways. His instincts haven't familiarized with her not being a danger yet, so there wasn't anything he can do about it.

In other words, even if he does fall asleep, with her around and in a forest where an enemy attack might happen anytime—he will still have his guard up, because of the situation. He was just that cautious, taught from a tender age which ended up being a habit.

Yuna agreed nevertheless. "As long as you get retested too, I don't mind."

Killua grinned. "I call dibs on the first watch. Go to sleep you weirdo."


Yuna laid her head on her bag, laying on her side and curled like a feline. Her long hair was spread all around her, draped over the soft grass she laid on—and her soft breathing was heard by her companion, unknowingly putting him at ease as he was no longer alone on a large island.

Sitting by her head and still leaning against the tree behind him, Killua watched how the moonlight filtering through the leaves made decorations within the pitch-black darkness all around him. His eyes briefly glanced over to the girl sleeping bear him, completely vulnerable to him—as if he didn't try to kill her, not once, but twice before. 

So the fact that she allowed herself to fall asleep within his presence never failed to intrigue him. Then again, she was practically suicidal, so he guessed 'normal' things does not apply to her. 

Her nickname, Weirdo definitely fits her well.

The boy averted his gaze away, taking his hands out from his pockets to expose two tags. The numbers, #99 and #100 stared back at him, visible with the little moonlight available to them.

Now then... what're we going to do to get those six points...

_______[]x[]HUNTER x HUNTER[]x[]_______


Did you know the number 100 represents new beginnings, fresh starts, and infinite possibilities?

It connects to the title of the book! So, it's the perfect number tag for Yuna!


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