‖𝟶𝟸𝟸‖ 𝙶ØØ𝙳𝙱𝚈𝙴 [☓] 𝟸ØØ'𝚂

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Enhancers are simple, straightforward and earnest.

Transmuters are whimsical, fickle and dishonest.

Emitters are impatient, short tempered and quick to react volatile.

Conjurers are high-strung, cautious and observant.

Manipulators are argumentative, logical and advance at their own pace.

Specialists are independent, charismatic and Enigmatic.


According to Hisoka that is. Although the jester himself is someone questionable, even Yuna would agree his method is accurate for the most part. Gon is simple minded and earnest, while Killua is fickle and dishonest.

However, Killua and Gon weren't the only one to note that Yuna did not exactly fit into the Conjurer category. Sure, she's a bit cautious and her eyes never misses good details, but high-strung is not something that can describe her at all. She is in fact quit the opposite, being calm in stressful situations and never showing off her nerves. Heck, no one have seen her truly get upset before.

Killua who had been sitting beside her the entire time Gon vs Hisoka's match took place, can't help but send her skeptical looks—not bothering to be discreet about it in the slightest.

The main protagonist in question who sat to his right felt herself sweat dropping at the stare that was burning to the side of her head—further wanting to sink in her chair and disappear when Gon too turned to her direction with confused innocent eyes from the stage itself.

I knew they would figure it out at one point... but this is too soon!

"You're hiding something from us, aren't you?" Killua bluntly asked, making Yuna let out a silent tired sigh.

"When did I never hide anything from you two?" Yuna asked right back, not bothering to glance at Killua. "Back then I didn't say I was a Conjurer... Wing-san just assumed that it was my Nen category. I neither agreed or denied him." She murmured out, watching Hisoka and Gon converse below them.

"... That doesn't make sense. If you're not a Conjurer then did four-eyes make a mistake when you did the Water test?" The white head asked in disbelief, furrowed eyes staring at her with visible confusion.

Yuna let out another silent sigh, before finally turning to make eye contact with Killua. "A Conjurer's result and my result were just similar. Because my Nen ability itself relies heavily on the Conjurer category. Unless you look closely, you'll miss it."

"Then what's your real category? It must be either Emitter or a Specialist if you're not a Conjurer." Killua voiced in wonder, thinking the answer was quite obvious.

Emitter probably relies on emission. I don't think her ability emits anything... Her aura only stays as a dome around her...

When checking it out from Hisoka's personality test, I can say she is not at all impatient or easily tempered. Meaning there's only one category she'll fit into that actually makes sense of her personality and ability both.

And that is—

Both kids were simultaneously distracted by the amount of aura Hisoka suddenly let out, seeing the older man finally take the initiative to go on offence for the first time in the match. With little to no effort Hisoka landed two hits on their green clothed friend, barely dodging the next aimed kick which sent one of the huge tiles on the stage flying through the air and all the way towards the entrance. Yuna was sure had it flown into the stands, there would've been a lot of causalities.

Hisoka didn't stop to admire his work however, rushing after Gon as if predator to prey, unleashing strong kicks and punches that shattered everything that came across its path like they were fragile Fine China. It didn't take long for Gon to fall under one of his attacks—one hit becoming two, until a third critical hit was unleashed right in the middle of Gon's back.

Yuna can't help but uncomfortably shift in her seat, forcing herself to relax into her seat from her previous tense stance. Doing a pathetic job because her muscles still felt stiff and alerted. Her fingers twitched, wanting to interfere with the fight right there and then—but instead, wrapped her arms around her abdomen to clutch into her sides to stop herself from doing anything rash.

I swear... If that Clown ends up giving Gon-kun a permanent injury, I'll involve them and end his bloodline completely.

"Gon! Use Gyo!" Killua called out form besides her, snapping her out her murderous thoughts, and pay attention to the fight again. The efforts of trying to calm down was thrown straight out of the window, and she shot forward with wide eyes, using Gyo to get an immediate sense of what's going on at the moment.

Crap! I was so distracted by the fight that I completely forgot to use Gyo from the very start! When did that Clown stick that on Gon-kun's cheek?!

Yuna sucked in a sharp breath, forcing herself to watch with wide eyes—seeing how, with a single jolt of a finger towards himself, Gon was jerked forward into the air and towards Hisoka with unstoppable speed. The Clown of course used this chance to land a critical hit on Gon that left the boy twitching on the floor right in front of a smiling Hisoka.

He turns his aura into rubbery substance capable of attaching to other objects, Bungee Gum.

Yuna noted, unwrapping her hands to place her elbows on her knees and holding her face in her hands—eyes closed as she attempted to calm down her worries.

Tsk. Only Hisoka can attach and detach it...

Killua too leaned forward in his seat, right elbow propped against his knee, balancing his chin on his pointer finger.

"His power's far more difficult to handle than I expected." Killua noted, making Yuna open her eyes to stare at Hisoka with visible distain over her face.

"If he gets even a single hit in, then there's no escaping him. His ability is as flexible as it can get." The girl mentally cursed at the damn Clown, remembering her loss against him in the Fourth Phase of the hunter exam.

No wonder I lost against him back then... This man... If real life was a game or an anime—and while he himself never sticks to one side... is still the type to end up as the final boss...

Both Killua and Yuna perked up when Gon decided to attack him directly instead of backing away—seeing there was no way of escape now that he's stuck in Hisoka's Bungee Gum trap. Both equally surprised when Gon managed to unleash a flurry of punches to Hisoka's face.

Yuna's face scrunched up through, seeing the look on Hisoka's face. "He's... enjoying it..."

Killua glanced at the her, before looking down at the fight with narrowed eyes. "Hisoka? I can't make it out within the attacks." The boy glanced back at the girl, only to see the uncomfortable look in her face.

"Yeah... that's... definitely the look of pleasure on his face." She shuddered in her seat, hugging herself again. "He's a pedophile... isn't he...? You know... like the guy I fought in that Trick Tower...? Killua can't help but sweat drop, feeling bad at the traumatic expression Yuna had at the moment. "Wait... this is a tower too... does that mean towers attract—"

The ex-assassin reached his left hand to cover her eyes, right hand grabbing ahold of her left shoulder to keep her in place. "Okay. I'm banning you from watching Hisoka for the rest of the match." The boy voiced bluntly, watching said man draw Gon in to land a punch.

It's for the better... If she keeps watching Gon getting beat up, she might do something reckless...

Yuna's left hand automatically grabbed Killua's left wrist, her right hand trying to pry the fingers away from her face. "What're you doing! I can't see the fight like this!"

"So, you want to see the disgusting faces Hisoka makes at Gon?" Killua asked, not taking his eyes away from the fight while keeping a firm hold on the girl sitting on his right.

"No... But I still want to see Gon-kun!" Yuna exclaimed, now gripping two of his ring and middle finger to make space to peak through with at least one eye. "Killua-kun!"

"Yes? Yuna-Chan?" Almost immediately, Yuna went still, hands freezing as her mind started processing what Killua said.

The ex-assassin in return, sent her a discreet glance, looking back to the stage with a small smile.

"Critical for both sides! Plus, two points! Plus, a knock down for Hisoka! Total scores are now Nine points for Hisoka, and Four points for Gon!"

"I was never knocked down! I got right back up! I even blocked his attack!" Gon exclaimed, followed by the shout of the crowd disagreeing with the referee's decision.

Yuna shook her head a little to get back on track—the embarrassment of the term attached to her name still stuck in her head, but making Gon her propriety right now. "Stop that! I want to see if he's fine!" She clutched his wrist and fingers with the tightest grasp she could, the furrow of her brows and frown fully visible.

The boy took his time to observe her frustration, flickering his gaze down to the fight right afterwards.

Oh well... it's about to end anyway...

With a shrug of his shoulders, he finally took back his left hand, leaving his right one still over her shoulder as her eyes adjusted to the light.

When her blues finally manage to focus on the fight though, she was greeted by a flying rubble smacking Gon's cheek and him getting thrown to a side. Ultimately ending the match so not climatically and the protagonist of this book a bit lost.

"... Huh...?"


"I'm glad you didn't end up breaking your arm this time." Yuna murmured loud enough for the other two to hear her. "You already broke it twice since we met."

Killua snorted from his place sitting on top of her bed, legs crossed over the other while Gon sat crisscrossed next to him. "Don't jinx it. He might break it sooner than expected."

Yuna hummed, standing in front of the pair with arms folded over her chest. "True... Just what we'd expect from him huh..."

The Snow-head smirked in return. "He won't be called Gon if it's not that way."

Gon sweat dropped at the pair. "Guys..."

What more can he say to be honest? Because he himself cannot deny their claims. Yes, Gon agrees that he is reckless, but there's a difference between being carelessly reckless and being confidently reckless.

Gon's the latter, and he is confidently reckless only because he's sure they will look after his back through his recklessness.

They're my friends after all! It's only natural for them to have my full trust!

He glanced at the girl who uncrossed her arms to place one on her hip, leaning forward with a finger pointed right at Killua as she argued away.

And even if Yuna's hiding a lot from us... I know she'll never betray my trust!

His white-haired friend un-crossed his legs, leaning forward with a hand on his knee as he continued his argument with the pink-blond.

Killua knows this too... So, no matter how much she hides from us, we'll still think of her as our precious friend!

Because we believe that there'll be a time when she'll finally open up to us.

Yuna let out a loud sigh, before straightening up again. "Leaving that aside..." Her eyes trailed over to Gon, different shades of blues making contact with hazel brown. "Now that you've finally accomplished your goal to hand his tag back, what're you planning to do?"

She had asked the question that had been swarming through her mind ever since Gon's match against the clown. Surprisingly, he didn't hesitate to give her an answer. "Go back to the Whale Island." The boy stated out with a bright smile, eyes clearly showing that he was looking forward for the journey.

"Whale Island?" Killua wondered out in question, making Gon turn to him with a nod.

"Uh-huh. I was able to return the flavor to Hisoka, so I want to go back to the island and show Mito-san my license." He explained, making Yuna's eyes soften—watching him lean his head back to stare up at the ceiling, his smile softer than usual. "It's been half a year since I left..."

Killua let out an intrigued smile from Gon's left, seeming to have made up his mind as well. "I guess I'll come with you."

"Huh?" Both Gon and Yuna turned to the ex-assassin.

"I'd like to meet Mito-san." Killua explained with a close eyed smile, which instantly had Gon perking up.

"Really?! Then, let's go together!" Yuna too smiled at along with the two, happy to know both of them were freely enjoying themselves.

Freedom huh...

With the same soft smile playing on her lips, Yuna walked over to Gon's right side to take a seat as well—resting her legs and relaxing. "Guess both of you will be leaving." She voiced, gaining the attention of both boys—Killua leaning forward to get a look at her from Gon's other side. "I'll be saying goodbye to you soon."

"Huh?" Gon let out while Killua's eyes widened just barely enough for anyone else to notice. "You aren't coming along?"

"Huh?" This time Yuna let out, turning to Gon with wide eyes—that soon narrowed with her furrowed brows. "Why... would I come along with you...?" The girl asked carefully, voice low as she wondered why Gon would assume that.

"I want you to meet Mito-san too! It's only fair since Killua's meeting her too!" Gon exclaimed, making said boy nod with a closed eyed expression of agreement.

Yuna on the other hand, could feel a bead of sweat trail down her temple—knowing how stubborn Gon could get about things such as this. If he made up his mind, there's no stopping him.

So, she was cautious to arrange her words smartly. "You see... I have some business to handle back at home. So, I don't think I can go with both of you this time around." Yuna turned away from the two to stare down at the floor in front of her. Her bangs hiding her eyes and a soft frown only visible on her face—locks of her long pink-blond hair falling over her shoulders with her actions.

That place is not home. And when I say business, I mean to find out exactly what they're planning with Gon-kun and Killua-kun, for them to take no action against them.

While I'm at it... I want to know if that clown is somehow involved with that family as well... It's unpleasant when he sounds like he knows more about me than I know about him.

Meanwhile, Gon blinked at the side of Yuna's head, before turning to a frowning Killua who never averted his gaze from burning daggers onto the side of her head. The sunshine boy then turned back to the girl, disregarding the tense atmosphere that surrounded his two friends.

"You don't have to come with us Yuna." Both Yuna and Killua's heads moved to the boy who had spoken out, similar looks of shock written across their faces. Why won't they be surprised when he was the number one stubborn person both of them knew in their entire lives—for once giving up without a fight? Sounds unbelievable to me.

"Uh... are you feeling okay?"

"Hisoka did something to you didn't he Gon?!"

Gon was once again, forced to sweat drop at his two friends. "Not like that!" He shouted, waving his arms around to disperse their worries aside. "I mean..." He made eye contact with Yuna. "You can always join us later! We can head to Whale Island first and wait for you to be done with your business!"

Ah... now that's the Gon/Gon-kun we know...

Both light-haired teens thought, discreetly exchanging a glance before they turned to their sunshine boy again—the one who was intently staring at Yuna, waiting for an answer. That moment she knew, Gon was indeed not backing down on this matter.

Yuna averted her gaze from the shining determined eyes that definitely held the power to deter even the strongest of hearts. "I... don't think that'll work... I mean, what if I take too long?" Yuna voiced, wanting to escape out of the fate that Gon was carving out for her.

Something Killua had noticed a long time ago.

She's still trying to keep her distance from us... I know she's doing this to keep us away from that White Hood I met, and I can't say I'm not grateful— But this is annoying me...

Just why can't this girl try being selfish for once damnit?!

"Say Weirdo." Upon gaining her attention, Killua proceeded to bore his eyes into her multi blues. "Do you have a phone?" Yuna's eyes almost instantly widened, knowing where he was getting at. "Don't lie, I know you have one. We've seen it before."

Yuna frowned. "So? What if I have one?"

"Exchange numbers with me." Killua smirked mischievously. "We can always update each other if there's any change of plans." The boy snickered to himself, knowing he had blocked all her ways to escape now.

Which can be seen with the obvious bright glow surrounding a literally sparkling sun child. "That means you'll join us right!" The boy all but exclaimed, leaning closer to Yuna's face and making her lean away with closed eyes.


Killua thoroughly enjoyed Yuna's suffering, laughing into his hand as he wished to record this moment.

You can't escape now. Just give it up. Gon's stubborn, there's no way he's changing his mind. And now that I got his back covered, there's no way you can win against us.

Yuna's brows twitched. Before she finally released a sigh of defeat, shoulders slumping forward and head dropping with exhaustion. "I hate you two." The girl murmured under her breath.

Killua and Gon exchanged victorious glances, followed by high fives with a bright grin and a smirk—anyone can tell which one is which. "SCORE!"


"Pinky swear that you will join us at Whale Island. If you break this promise you have to swallow a thousand needles." Gon sang away, rocking both Yuna and his hands up and down by their connected pinky's. The boy then proceeded to lift his thumb up, making Yuna copy him with dotted eyes. "Seal it with a kiss!" He exclaimed, pressing both thumbs together firmly.

"K-Kiss?!" Killua let out, staring at the hands with wide eyes. Not at all expecting that ending. "Gon! Your way of making promises, is even weirder than Yuna's!"

"Eh?" Gon turned to his white-haired friend, disconnecting the pinkies as he tilted his head. "It is?"

Yuna nodded, agreeing with the ex-assassin—examining her pinky with an awkward smile. "Swallowing a thousand needles..." The girl uttered to herself, as horror lines appeared all around her. "... is a pathetic way to die." She slumped forward, shoulders and head dropping.

"That's what you're worried about?!" Killua all but shouted, lightly chopping a side of her head.

The atmosphere was peaceful alright, until it wasn't anymore. All because of the loud and slow knocks that vibrated from the door of the room, silencing the previously loud atmosphere.

Three teens were seen staring at the door, before Gon moved his gaze towards Yuna. "Did you invite someone over?"

Killua snapped his head to Gon. "As if! She's not the type to make friends that easily." He stated bluntly before trailing his gaze to a now deadpanning Yuna.

She averted her gaze away. "It's not like I want to make friends." She simply uttered out, getting up to open the door.

Gon and Killua were left to exchange glances. Having a quick silent conversation through their eyes.

She's lying isn't she...?

Of course, she is... that dumbass...

"Ah... What are you doing here?" Yuna's voice reached both boy's ears. Tone guarded cautiously much to their alarm. With another exchange of quick glances, they hopped off the bed and made their way in front of the door. Only to see a Jester looking Magician with red—almost neon pink looking hair casually smiling down at their friend.

His eyes flickered over to the boys, which had them tensing almost immediately. "Oh~♧ I wonder why both of them were in your room~♢" A sly smirk was plastered over his lips and skin crinkled near the edges of eyes, gaze flickering down to the girl right afterwards. "Yu~♤ na~♢ Chan~♡"

The way her name rolled off his tongue had a disgusted shiver running down her spine, while Gon and Killua were clearly disturbed. Both boys simultaneously appeared before their female friend, acting as a barrier between the Clown and the Princess.

"Hisoka, what do you want with her?" Killua's tone stayed sharp. Both Gon and his eyes narrowed on the adult before them, attentive for every little movement of his. They went as far as to activate Gyo, much to the man's amusement.

Hisoka's smirk widened, if that was even possible. "Now~♤ Now~♤ Don't be so tense~♧ I don't plan to do anything to her...~♢ Yet♡" Yuna tensed, sensing the bloodlust being sent her way and making her activate her Ten—The pale pink aura enveloping her and the boys within her reach.

"Stop taunting us, and answer his question already, you damn Clown." Yuna voiced firmly, eyes narrowed—glaring right up into his playful golden eyes.

The man only let out an amused chuckle though. "Again with the name calling?~♡ You don't have to be so mean~♢" He purred, using his height as an advantage to blatantly stare into her eyes over the boy's heads.

"Hisoka." Gon's sharp voice gained the Clown's attention, making him snap his gaze down to the bright sun child—now glaring at the man as if in warning. That was all it took for him to finally reveal why he was there, concluding his fun for now.

His smirk turned to a lopsided smile, bloodlust dissipating into thin air—which lightened the previous tense atmosphere dramatically. "I'm just here with a simple question to your little Princess~♤" His smile widened when Yuna visibly tensed, eyes widening a fraction before going back to glaring at him—her eyes now more intense and holding clear malic.

"Just spit it out already." Yuna spat, surprising both Gon and Killua with how hostile she sounded. Both of them glanced back, seeing her Ren slowly swirling around her—the previously pale, barely noticeable color, now more visible.

I swear... if he threatens to reveal something they shouldn't know, I can't and won't hold myself back.

Hisoka on the other hand, was clearly amused of her hostility, licking his lips and quite pleased with her show of Nen. "It was easier to guess boys~♤ But I need to make sure of yours directly~♢"

"Make sure of what?" Yuan questioned, hostile tone never disappearing, but now mixed with clear caution.

"You're Nen category~♡"

Then followed a silence, a silence so loud that Killua got uncomfortable when both Hisoka and Yuna continued to stare at each other. All of a sudden, their female friend's face went blank—her aura completely disappearing as she continued her dumbfounded stare.

"... That's the only thing you want to know?" The girl let out, tone in disbelief.

Hisoka blinked, tilting his head a bit. "Why yes, my dear~♧ Something wrong with it?~♤" His sly smirk had Yuna frowning again, eye slightly narrowing.

He's playing with me, isn't he?

With a sigh, she closed her eyes. "I'm a specialist." She finally blurted out, shocking Gon while Killua kept silently staring at her.

I thought so...

"HUH?! But Yuna, didn't Wing-san say you're a Conjurer?!" Gon exclaimed in shock, making Yuna sigh again.

"You got what you wanted, so go away now." The pink-blond stepped forward to slam the door to Hisoka's face. Leaving the clown blinking at the door, before letting out a satisfied smirk.

I see now, you disguise as a Conjurer, to throw away your opponents from thinking you have other things up your sleeve~

He silently turned away to leave, throwing one last fleeting glace back at Yuna's door.

I wonder for how long you're going to keep that secret of yours though~ You have to tell him someday~ Or maybe it'll be more fun if he found out on his own and confronted you~

He felt his bloodlust leak. A psychopathic smirk crawling on his lips that will scare even grown adults.

Still~ Who would have ever thought she was still alive~

On the other side of the door, Yuna had leaned against it after slamming it shut. Facing the two boys with a small frown. "I'm only telling you this because I know you guys won't willingly go telling other people without my permission, okay?"

Killua raised a single brow. "Oh? What is this about?"

"It's about your Nen category?" Gon followed behind, both of them giving her stares of curiosity and anticipation.

Another loud sigh escaped Yuna's lips, closing her eyes as she folded her arms over her chest. "I never said that I was a Conjurer out loud, right? I do that to let people think I am a Conjurer, because that's the first conclusion they always come to. Do you know why I never correct them?" She asked, making Gon tilt his head.


"For your convenience?" Killua wondered out loud, slowly understanding where Yuna was getting at.

"Yes. Because that way, they'll only expect me to Conjure things—in my case, Bunnies that has the ability to feed on other people's Nen and grow bigger." She carefully explained, knowing she usually sucks at explaining things.

Thankfully, Killua managed to fully understand where she was getting at and with a snap of his fingers, he smiled. "They won't expect you to suddenly pull out something only a Specialist can do." He revealed, making Gon's eyes widen.

"Wait, does that mean there's more to your Nen ability then what you've showed us?!" The green clad boy exclaimed, clear excitement in his eyes.

Causing Yuna to smile at him. "Yes, I do. But it's still in the stage of experimentation and development, so I can't use it much right now. I think I can use it about ... once a week I maybe?" She thought out loud, freeing a hand to hold her chin. She let out a nod right afterwards. "Yep, it was once a week, so it's still very ineffective to use."

"Oh, and what does this mysterious ability of yours do?" Killua leaned forward, Gon repeating his actions and anticipating a response.

Only for Yuna to send them a close eyed smile, hand releasing her chin to raise a finger to her lips. "That's a secret for now!"

"Ehhh?! No fair!" Gon pouted.

Followed by a scoffing Killua. "Oh, come on! Why do you have to make everything Mysterious?!"

Yuna softly laughed, opening her eyes to stare back at the two pairs of disappointed eyes. "I can't help it really. The Clown did say Specialists are Enigmatic. Remember?"

Both boys collectively groaned, making Yuna laugh again. Eyes softening at the pair before her.

Just a bit longer...

... Please let me be with them, for just a bit longer.

_______[]x[]HUNTER x HUNTER[]x[]_______


Yuna, accompanied by both Killua and Gon stopped by Hyakkimaru's room to bid both him and Dororo farewell before they officially left the tower.

Gon had officially met them, but him and Dororo had hit it off so well that Killua was irked that his first encounter with the child had the child giving him a weird nickname.


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