SEASON 1: Chapter 15

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Taehyung: Meet Agent 001

Wait what?
This guy was Agent 001? The same guy whom she was supposed to marry? The same guy whom she met at a party? A Mafia boss?

Y/N: Nice to meet you.........not

Namjoon: Y/N, he's a senior agent

Y/N: Even Agent 002 is a senior agent yet I don't respect him

Taehyung glared at Y/N.

Jackson: Haha, I like that

Y/N: Why's Agent 001 a gangster?

Jackson: Why are you?

Y/N: I have a mission to take down a boss. You yourself is a boss. I wonder what your mission would be

Jackson: My mission is the control the Chinese Mafia. And you are about to get a similar one

Controlling the Mafia? Why would KIA want it?

Y/N: Mind explaining Sir?

Namjoon: Well, it's too early but I'll explain anyway. Your task number 4 is to kill a person. Park Jimin, his memory can return

Y/N looked down. She had almost forgotten about that. The thought of killing Jimin made her a bit sad.

Namjoon: And after you do that, you will get your 5th task, to secretly hand over Jeon Jungkook to KIA. But here is the twist. Once Jungkook is captivated, you'll take his position.

Y/N: And then?

Namjoon: Control the Korean Mafia true Korea's biggest gang

Y/N: So KIA doesn't want to end the Mafia and rather control it.....why?

There could be only one answer.

Namjoon: You don't question your higher position in KIA. They decide it. Your job is to obey 

Jackson: But let's be honest. How could KIA shut the gang down when they can have it? After all, these gangs make a crazy amount of money

Y/N: And where will that money go?

Y/N looked at Taehyung. If there was one thing she knew about him, he was  a guy. But in a situation like this, he was silent.

Taehyung: They'll probably use it for the country

Jackson: No my friend. They will give it to the Government officials who'll live in luxury

As much as Y/N hated to admit it, Jackson was the one honest here. Basically, KIA wanted to get money that Bulletproof makes through Y/N once she becomes the boss. So the higher positions in KIA and the government could use it. But that's wrong. At so many levels. Atleast the gang used it for homeless kids.

Namjoon: This was your mission since the very beginning. KIA holds a grudge against Bulletproof. So it's like killing two birds with the same stone.

Y/N knew that KIA hated Bulletproof more than any other gang. Bulletproof controlled crime and KIA wanted to do that. But KIA's real intentions were shocking to Y/N. She was always told that KIA was 'right'.

Y/N: So basically I kill Jimin, hand Jungkook over to KIA, become the boss, do all the dirty work, hand money to KIA

Namjoon: (sighs) Yes

Jackson: Ex-fiance, you wouldn't have any problem with you, would you?

Y/N: No (gets up) None at all

Y/N said in a sarcastic tone. She was about to walk away when Jackson's figure stopped her midway

Jackson: Don't mess with KIA kitten

Y/N: Out if my way Little Jackie

Y/N glared and purposely bumped her shoulder into his before walking out. Jackson laughed and took the seat Y/an was sitting on.

Jackson: Can't believe I was about to marry "that"

Namjoon: You're so reckless. Why didn't you report you were gonna get married

Jackson: Why should I report everything?

Apparently, KIA didn't know the guy Y/N was gonna marry was Jackson.

Namjoon: We need to be aware of everything. What if you had actually married Agent 007?

Jackson: What else? It would have been a blast!

Taehyung looked at Jackson.

Jackson: I would have tasted her

Taehyung: Agents cannot be with Agents

Jackson raised an eyebrow and smirked.

Jackson: Exactly! Agents cannot be with Agents

Jackson looked at Taehyung almost as if advising him. Taehyung looked away. Here's the thing. Jackson wasn't Number 1 for no reason. He was quite clever. He could tell what was going inside someone's mind just by looking in their eyes, which is why he warned Y/N.

*****Couple of months later*****

Irene's house: Seoul Dis. 477

Irene opened the door and smiled widely.

Irene: Another one? Why? There's no need

Suga: Say that when you look so happy

Two men brought in the "large" teddy bear. Irene loved teddy bears and Suga would gift her one every week. Irene who was blinded by cute fluffy teddy bears didn't see the real meaning behind them.

Irene: Say Suga, do you also like these toys?

Suga: These toys? (smirks) No I have different taste

Irene was hugging the 'taller than her' teddy and didn't understand the real meaning behind what Suga said. He turned around.

Suga: I'll take my leave

Irene: Wait Suga!

Irene held Suga's arm.

Irene: Can you please do me a favour?

A hotel room somewhere in Busan

Y/N opened the suitcase which was filled with money. She picked the bundle to see if it's real just then her phone buzzed. It was Jungkook.

Y/N: I was about to call you

Jungkook: Glad to know you still think of me

Y/N: Ofcourse, I've already got the money and I'll send it to the--

Jungkook: I'm seeing you tonight

Y/N smiled.

Y/N: Any good reason?

Jungkook: My reason is that you're mine and I can see you anytime I want to

Y/N: Reason accepted. I miss you anyway

Jungkook hung up and Y/N opened the door of her hotel room. Along with a few of her men, Mark was standing.

Y/N: Cancel everything on my schedule for tonight

Mark: As you wish, Princess

Y/N was that point where she didn't hate being called Princess. It was basically her nickname, no more like her name inside the gang. Everyone called her that. The best part was that even in public her name didn't get revealed. These would cause less complications. Y/N had to thank Seokjin for giving her the nickname

A Party hall, somewhere in Seoul

This party was also like the last one, where Y/N had met Jackson. Everyone present here are Bulletproof friends except one man who just entered. It was Mr. Lee, along with his wife. He approached Jungkook who was speaking to some people.

Mr. Lee: Jeon Jungkook?

Jungkook turned around.

Jungkook: If it isn't the special guest tonight

Ara: I'm curious. Why would Jeon Jungkook invite someone like Mr. Lee?

Jungkook: We can help each other in future

Mr. Lee: Ofcourse. Politicians like us need gangsters like you to co-operate with

Jungkook: Be careful, sometimes we gangsters flip the game

Mr. Lee: Hah really? Like?

Jungkook: Like how your son had to pay for your mess with Black Feather Gang

Mr. Lee got serious.

Mr. Lee: You seem know a lot about me

Jungkook: Ofcourse. Since you are legally 'her' father

Jungkook said while looking at the entrance. Both Mr. Lee and Ara turned to see Y/N enter. Though Ara was an agent, she didn't know Y/N's mission. So even she was confused. Y/N was also confused. She didn't know that she would meet Jungkook in some party as she was told taht they would just have dinner.

Mr. Lee: Y/N! That girl.... what's she doing here?

Y/N walked upto them.

Y/N: Mr. Lee? Ara? I didn't expect you here

Ara: Nor us

Mr. Lee: You did a great job earlier. I didn't know you were so good at escaping

Y/N: Well 'father', since you were gonna give me away to a Gangster anyway, I chose a bigger one

Y/N held onto Jungkook's coat and smiled at him. He could tell taht she was angry inside, because she didn't want a party where she had to smile at everyone. She wanted to meet him alone,smile at him alone. Just then someone tapped a spoon on a glass to seek attention. It was Hoseok.

Hoseok: As everyone knows, this is a welcome party dedicated to our Underboss, Princess.

Everyone looked at Y/N and clapped. Y/N just smiled looking at Jungkook, holding his arm tightly.
Y/N: (whispers) What a late welcome party

Hoseok: But that's not all. Let us all raise our glasses to celebrate the Princess' birthday.

Y/N's grip on Jungkook's a loosened.
It's my birthday?
She had forgotten her birthday as she never celebrated it. The last time someone had celebrated her birthday was her father when she was 5 years old. After his death, she got into KIA and her birthday celebrations stopped. And she never really made 'close friend' in her fake life. She looked at Jungkook.

Jungkook: Happy Birthday, Y/N

This reminded her of her childhood when her father used to wish her, when she was just an innocent girl. Jungkook took something out from the pocket of his coat and then held Y/N's hand. It was a ring. Y/N's heart was beating fast as Jungkook put the ring on her finger. Most of them clapped. Some were looking envious, they just smiled. They were envious about how could Jungkook and Y/N maintain such a romantic relationship despite being in a crime world. Y/N's eyes were getting a bit teary. Jungkook smiled at her.

Jungkook: Here's a gift from me

Y/N: Thank you

Jungkook pulled Y/N closer and whispered so that no one can hear him.

Jungkook: I Love You

Y/N felt like the world stopped. It was the first time he had told her. She smiled sadly and whispered.

Y/N: I Love You too

Y/N pulled away. She knew that if she continued to hug him, she would cry.

Ara: You have my blessings. Can we have a mother-daughter conversation?

Jungkook: I have no prob between

Ara faked a smile at him, which agents can do. Y/N walked away along with Ara to a table.

Ara: So this was your mission?

Y/N: We are both pretty similar, aren't we? Mr. Lee doesn't know you're an Agent. Jungkook doesn't know I am one.

Ara: Men are quite foolish

Y/N: You married Mr. Lee 20 years ago

Ara: That much already! Wow!

Y/N: Did you 'ever' actually love him?

Ara: He has always been a mission. Don't get it wrong. He too never had feelings for me. He even hire strippers, still now. I don't care

Y/N: So you've never been in Love?

Ara: Actually I have. But that person is dead

Y/N: Yet you still love him? Does Love really last that long?

Ara: If it's true, it'll last forever

Hearing that made Y/N sadder.

Ara: Adopting you was also a mission. I've been watching you from a long time. And I can tell. You're really in Love with him

Y/N looked at her glass of wine.

Y/N: Am I?

Ara: KIA must never find this out

Y/N: So you won't report this?

Ara: I don't think I heard something suspicious to report

Y/N: Thanks

Ara: After all you're 'his' daughter

Y/N: Were you in love with my dad?

Ara: I still am

Y/N: Really? You were talking about my dad?

Ara: Back then, it was what you call 'Love Triangle' among your mom, him and me

Y/N: My mom? What was she like?

Ara lookes like she was lost in her own thoughts. Finally she looked at Y/N, sympathetically.

Ara: There are a lot of things you don't know. And if you ever know, you won't like KIA

Y/N looked at her, confused. What were the 'things' she didn't know about.

Ara: Leave all these. That handsome man is coming your way

Y/N raised her head to see. By that time the person was infront of her. It was Park Jimin.

Jimin: I thought you didn't have a good relationship with your foster family

Jimin said while looking at Ara.

Ara: Who says? I always treat Y/N like my own daughter

Y/N: Right

Jimin: Daughter?? I thought you would be her elder sister.

Ara: Really? What else did you think?

Jimin: Nothing much. Maybe meeting after party

Y/N: Park Jimin! Atleast not my my step-mother

Ara: Oh my! Y/N cares about me~~

Y/N was cringed inside as she saw Ara acting sweet. Ara noticed Jimin looking at Y/N.

Ara: Park Jimin, right? Third wheeling sucks

She got up and walked away leaving Jimin dumbfounded. It took him a while to realise what she meant. Even Y/N couldn't process that.

Jimin: Yaahhh!!! What did that Ahjumma say? I'm no third wheel

Y/N: Third wheel? Don't tell me....

Jimin: It's not what you think

All the time Jimin was looking at Y/N, she was tucking her hair behind her hair and looked at him seductively.

Y/N: Do you like me?

Jimin gulped. He felt the ground was shaking. Y/N burst into laughter.

Y/N: Gosh!! That was funny.

Jimin: I---

Y/N: It's okay. I know you're a playboy and you'll never like a particular girl

Jimin: O-Of course not! One girl? That's too boring. Moreover you? Never

Y/N was still laughing while Jimin just looked at her.

Jimin: So, how old are you now?

Y/N: 20. I am out of teenage

Jimin: You'll soon become an old hag

Y/N: Talk about yourself. You're older than me

Jimin: I (cough) don't really give gifts to people. Plus, I didn't know today was your birthday

Jimin took off a chain from his neck which he always wore.

Jimin: This chain has got old and I don't like it anymore

He took Y/N's hand and put the chain in her fist and closed it.

Jimin: Better be thankful

Y/N: No

Jimin: Woman, that's what I hate the most when someone isn't grateful

Y/N: This friend of yours loves doing things you hate

'So this is what friend-zoning feels like' Jimin thought. On the other hand, Y/N had sad thoughts. She knew she had to kill this guy under KIA's orders. Y/M looked at her fist. She got two gifts now. Y/N and Jimin chatted for the rest of the party. To Y/N, Jimin could be that one person who helps one avoid talking to others. An unexpected guy, Suga appeared.

Suga: Happy Birthday, Y/N!

Y/N and Jimin looked at each other with wide eyes. Suga would never say something like that.

Suga: From Irene

Y/N and Jimin( together): Of course

Y/N: That's all she said?

Suga: Uh...

Y/N: I'm sure she told you a three page detailed speech

Suga: I don't get girls at all

Jimin: But you did 'get' a girl (smirks)

Y/N: Suga, she thinks you as her friend

Jimin: Tch, friend-zoning sucks

Suga: It does, right?

Just then a third guy popped between glaring Jimin and grinning Suga.

Hoseok: Y/N, come over to the fighting squad tonight. The guys want to meet you

He was talking about the friends Y/N had made there. She hadn't seen them for a few months. Y/N too wanted to meet then but she couldn't do that today.

Suga: Even my hackers were talking about throwing some party. I don't get what they see in you

Y/N: I'll meet everyone (smiles) but some other day

Jimin: Why not tonight?

Hoseok: I get it! She belongs to Jungkook tonight

Y/N covered her face feeling shy.

Jungkook: I heard my name

Y/N: N-No nevermind. You guys, where is Jin?

Jimin: He's at home. He couldn't come tonight

Hoseok: Speaking of which, we should go back too. I know, let's race!!

Jungkook: I'm in

Suga: I'm out

Jimin: Let's do it. I need to beat Jungkook this time

Y/N: Sorry boys, I'm winning

Y/N stepped out of the car which she had stopped in the garage. Apparently, she reached at the same time as Jimin. He also came out.

Jimin: It's pretty clear I won

Y/N: We reached at the same time crackhead!

Jimin kept whining and they both walked towards the main door. Both of them were shocked to see Jungkook leaning against the door witha proud smile.

Jungkook: Did you forget? I win every single game

By now, both Suga and Hoseok reached and they all went inside.

Jimin: I hate cheating the most

Y/N was sitting on the bed after changing her clothes. She was lost in deep thoughts. Just then the door opened and Jungkook entered and stood infront of the mirror. He took off his coat and started to open the cuffs of the sleeves. He noticed that Y/N was sad, from the reflection. But she smiled when their eyes met. Y/N got up and was walking towards the door when Jungkook pulled her arm and brought her near him.

Jungkook: Trying to escape, young lady?

Y/N: I'm just thirsty, young lad.

Jungkook: I'm also thirsty, for you

Y/N laughed and ruffled his hair.

Y/N: Be patient man

Jungkook's hand went near her cheek. He just looked at her for a while. Y/N's smile faded. For a second, it looked like he could see her sadness. Y/N turned around.

Y/N: I'll be back in a while

Y/N entered the kitchen and unexpectedly, bumped into Jin.

Jin: Oh Y/N! Happy Birthday!

Y/N: Why didn't you come tonight?

He stayed quiet and looked down.

Y/N: Oh~~~~ it's a woman, right?

Jin: Yep! Wanna see her?

Y/N: She's here? Wow! Sure

Jin walked out of the kitchen towards his room. Y/N followed him. On entering his room, he grabbed a picture which was on the table.

He handed it to Y/N.

Jin: That's my mother. Today's her death anniversary. That's why I couldn't join your birthday celebration

What a beautiful lady she is!! So this is Jin's mother....

But wait!

𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐦!!!

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