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"Kay, where're we takin' these?" Osamu asked the silent lavender eyed girl walking next to him.

Fuyuko smiled. "The Student Council room." She answered casually, walking towards the stairs, Osamu followed right after her, his expression calmly stoic as usual as he studied her school blazer placed around her shoulder like a jacket, but left without buttoning a single button. Not to mention, her long sleeves laid hanging limp down her sides, defeating the whole purpose of the clothing in the first place.

How the hell ain' it fallin' off?

Their whole surrounding was silent, and there was none to eye them like hawks. After all, the sun had only raised past the horizon at the early hour of 6 AM. In the dead silence of the empty school, only the echo of their own footsteps was heard, one pair louder than the other.

"Why'd ya ask to come so early?" Osamu spoke with the intention of starting a conversation despite the calm and comfortable air around them, his voice coming clear and loud because of the silence.

The girl came to a stop, glancing back and letting the male catch up with her. Continuing on when they fell into the same step while Osamu matched Fuyuko's pace. 

He could've easy overtaken her using his long legs and stamina granted to him as an athlete, but he wasn't his brother who would've definitely wanted to get it over with. He decided to become the better twin after all, so he was gonna see things though, and if possible, get to know the girl walking next to him while at it.

"Well, Alie-chin mentioned that your morning practice starts at 7..." She trailed off, her voice kept low and soft as she kept her gaze on the stairs. "So, I figured it'll be better to get this over with now, so you can properly focus on practice without bothering about doing this afterwards." Osamu gave her a side way glance, actually surprised she thought things though, not even he gave it much though.

Fuyuko turned her head to make eye contact with the grey head, a small smile displayed on her lips. "That, and I'll have more time for my daily early morning nap."

Osamu raised a single brow. "'s it that important to ya?"

Fuyuko nodded, turning her attention back front, her breath noticeably turning lightly ragged upon their start of the third flight. "I can't stop watching an Anime after I get it started. The anticipation and 'what if's' in my head would keep me distracted all day, and I'll end up taking another all-nighter to complete it." She explained with a sudden serious air around her, before looking over to see Osamu deadpanning. "What? It's happened before." The girl murmured with a light pout.

"Nerd." The male muttered, clear enough for Fuyuko to hear him.

The girl huffed out a breath in return, momentarily closing her eyes. "I'll have you know I take pride in being an Otaku."

Osamu scoffed out a light laugh, turning his attention back front with an amused smirk. "Whatever lets ya sleep t'night." He noticed how Fuyuko started slowing down on their final flight, yet never said anything as he kept matching their pace.

"Oh, and I've been wondering." Fuyuko uttered out gaining a sideway glance from Osamu without a need to turn his whole head. "What happened to your brother today?" The girl asked, half lidded tired eyes staring at Osamu's side profile.

The male felt himself frown at the mention of his other half, remembering what happened the morning. "Left him behind cuz he didn' wake up." He answered, looking forward again, his whole mood seeming to turn when the topic of his brother was brought up.

Fuyuko hummed, looking forward to see the end of the flight of stairs leading to the fifth-floor hallway.

Finally! Freedom!

With a new burst of determination, Fuyuko hastily walked up the last few steps before lettings out a huge breath, slightly slouching forward right afterwards as she tried to gain back her breath.

Osamu followed right behind, albeit calmly. "Not very active are ya?" He asked with a light smirk, patiently waiting for the girl right in front of him. Him looking as fresh as new without a single sweat, obviously mocking her.

Fuyuko narrowed her half-lidded eyes, giving Osamu a level stare. "Do I look like the kind of girl who's active." She asked in monotone, her deadpan expression trying to rival against the male standing in front of her.

"If I'm bein' honest, no." He replied almost instantly, looking down the hallway where the Council room was supposed to be. "I mean, I saw ya sleepin' in class more times than I can count."

Fuyuko softly chuckled at that, straightening her back so that she was standing at her full height even if she looked more shorter than usual next to the Osamu. "True, let's get going shall we, Osamu-san?" With that they continued on their short and pleasant journey, only to face a huge problem.

Fuyuko and Osamu stood right in front of the Student Council door. They've made it to their destination, but Fuyuko forgot a single detail. Osamu from besides her, shot her a look. "What're ya waitin' for?" Then again, he had an idea.

It doesn' sound like anyone's in there, meanin'...

"I... don't have the key." Fuyuko's revelation was followed by a silence. Osamu silently deadpanning at their situation and wondering what they were supposed to do now. He watched as Fuyuko let out a sigh, before turning to him to hold out the book bundle in her hand. "Osamu-san mind holding on to these as well?"

He stared at the bundle before trailing her gaze at her face. "Yer plannin' to go back." It wasn't a question, but a statement.

The long-haired girl nodded. "Staff's Room. I forgot about it, but Alie-chin mentioned something about collecting the key from there." She informed, carefully placing her bundle on books on Osamu's own. Fuyuko immediately turned around to rush away, only for her to be stopped by Osamu who grasped the situation.

"Wait a sec, I'll go." He volunteered, making Fuyuko turn to him with a light frown.

"But I'm the one who forgot about the-" She was cut off.

"Just hold on to these will ya?" Osamu asked, extending the tall bundle her way.

She tired 'erself after climbin' four sets of stairs, it'll take 'er a while to take another trip to and back.

Fuyuko isn't the type to back down easily though, even if she was going against the famous Miya Osamu. Hence why she kept a level direct stare right into Osamu's eyes. Who in return, stared right back.

After an entire minute of them just staring intensely, the girl realized just how stupid they would look right now. With a sigh, Fuyuko averted her gaze to the huge closed glass window to her left, holding both her hands out for the books. "Just take your time." She muttered under her breath.

Osamu in return smirked at his win, calmly bringing the bundle down into Fuyuko's hands. However just as the grey head was about to take his hands away, Fuyuko realized something she should've remembered at the very beginning. Her eyes widened, snapping her head back to front as she exclaimed. "Ah wait!"

It was too late though, because Osamu had already taken his hands away, leaving Fuyuko to handle all the weight. Which was a bit too much for her arms at the moment.

Her whole body shifted forward while she bent her knees to balance back her body. Yet before any harm was done, Osamu was quick to put his volleyball reflexes to work by quickly brining his hands down to hold the bundle of books from below. His hands practically encasing Fuyuko own as the both of them stood back to their full height.

With a revealed sigh, Fuyuko looked up to meet Osamu's eyes-only for the both of them to realize that their faces were mere inches apart. Both of them froze in place, eyes widening in surprise.

The girl was however quick to recover, shooting Osamu a sheepish smile. "Thank you. That was a close one." She whispered the last part, which was obviously heard by the male with their close distance. "Seriously, let me go get the keys Osamu-san." Fuyuko voiced, trying to carefully pull her hands away, only for Osamu to tighten this hold on them.

"No, I'll go." He shot right back, narrowing his eyes.

The girl's right eye twitched, staring in disbelief at the grey head's stubbornness despite that deadpan face of him. "Then what should we do with the books Osamu-san?" She asked, seemly exhausted by their back and forth exchange because it reminded her of her brother too much.

Osamu went silent for a second, before he slowly and carefully slid the books away from Fuyuko's hands. The girl was left to watch as the male kneel down to place the bundle on the floor near the door of the Council. The grey head stood back up to give Fuyuko a glance, eyes glinting in certain victory.

Fuyuko sweat dropped, slowly raising her hands in surrender. "You... seriously hates to lose huh?"

"It comes with volleyball." Osamu voiced before turning around and heading for the stairs. When he came back though, the hallway was completely empty. No sight of Fuyuko nor the books present in sight.

The grey head grew confused, lightly jogging up to the Council door only to see it wide open. Directly in front of the door stood Fuyuko with her back to him, carefully rolling around her left elbow. Right in front of her, on the long table was the tall bundle of books they carried together.

Osamu entered, the key in his hands jingling against the ring with his actions. Fuyuko noticing his presence, turned around only for him to dangle the key right in front of her face. "Here's the key, how'd ya get in?" He asked, with that same calm and somewhat stoic face of his.

Fuyuko carefully took the keys from his hands, a sheepish chuckle leaving her lips. "Yeah, about that... The door... it wasn't locked."

That morning, the two parted ways in front of their class where Atsumu was very patiently waiting for them. His patience could be clearly heard from all of his complaints towards the two the moment they entered his sight.

That day, before their morning practice had even started, Atsumu witnessed something frightening. Right before they parted from the girl, Osamu had a raised a hand as a gesture to say bye, and in return, Fuyuko calmly waved her hand at him with a small smile.

Thus, resulting with Atsumu lecturing Osamu about delinquents during their whole practice. Which annoyed not only Osamu but their coach as well. In the end, Atsumu got an earful.


Osamu, Atsumu and Suna walked back from their volleyball practice and into the class 2-1, not surprised to see Fuyuko at her desk. What actually surprised them was the fact that she sat awake in her seat, leaning back in her chair to stare out of the window in a daze.

Osamu walked towards his desk which was followed by the other two. While the grey head took his own seat, Atsumu casually sat on the chair placed in front of his twins table, before swinging his left arm above the back rest to stare at the long-haired girl. Suna calmly leaned against the left side of the desk Atsumu sat, staring at the phone in his hand.

"Hey delinquent, what's gotten into ya?" Atsumu casually asked, gaining dumbfounded stares of his two companions.

Idiots will always be idiots after all, and without Alice here, Atsumu thinks he has nothing to fear.

I won' help him even if Alice kills him.

Fuyuko slowly blinked, coming out of her daydream to turn her head towards Atsumu, only to realize they were actually there. "When did you get here?" She wondered out loud in a whisper, which was unfortunately heard by the others since they were the only people in the room at the moment.

Atsumu's jaw fell lose while a bead of sweat fell from Osamu's temple. Next to them, Suna merely raised a brow.

"What the hell happened to make you so out of it, Fuyuko?" Suna casually asked, leaving the Miya twins staring at their friend in disbelief with how casual he was being with the supposed delinquent. Atsumu more than Osamu.

Fuyuko shrugged, turning back to the window. "Oh, nothing much Tarō-chin. I just quit my club that's all." She uttered out, thoughtfully looking past the vast brightening blue sky.

"First name basis?!" Atsumu shouted, looking back and forth between the two in disbelief.

"Chin?" Osamu repeated after the girl, looking at her questioningly, knowing Suna was the second person she used it on.

They were completely ignored though, and for once, Suna looked nervous. "Does the She-devil know about it?" He asked, albeit hesitantly, somewhat afraid to know the answer.

Fuyuko shook her head, lips tugging down to a small frown as she still stared outside. "I'm sure she'll find out soon." Her answer left Suna paling, his phone almost slipping out from his grasp.

The Miya twins grew more anxious with the change in atmosphere around the two. Atsumu was especially creeped out with how Alice was brought into their conversation. Right then, the front door of the classroom was slammed open, almost stopping the three hearts of the males inside.

In her glory, stood Alice with a mad face, glaring right at Fuyuko. Atsumu and Osamu's eyes widened, the blond immediately starting to tremble at the dark expression displayed by the Devil. Suna in the other hand, quietly walked to the back door of the classroom. He didn't get out though, just stood there with the safety of the door right behind him.

With heavy loud stomps, Alice entered the room and right in front of Fuyuko's desk before slamming both her hands down on the long-haired girl's desk. Only then did Fuyuko turn to the red head, calmly staring right into Alice's brown orbs. "What?" The smaller girl had the audacity to ask while being basked in that intimidating glare of the She-devil.

"What?! What?! Is that the only thing you can ask?!" Alice shouted with clenched teeth, while Fuyuko kept her unwavering stare. Atsumu gulped from a side, wishing upon every single god he could think of, to not let Alice notice his presence. 

Unlike Suna who found his safe place, Atsumu and Osamu were now too close to the raging Devil to evacuate without letting the red head notice them. Hence making eye contact, they telepathically decided to stay put and bask in the entertainment going on before them.

"Yes, I quit, what's wrong with that?" Fuyuko asked in monotone, receiving an immediate response in action. The three males instantly tensed when Alice swiftly gripped fist full of the lavender eyed girls' collar. Not hesitating to pull Fuyuko up towards her, which was an easy feat on her part.

Now the log haired girl stood on her tiptoe, hands pressed against the smooth surface of her desk while her face was mere inches away from Alice's face who stood towering over Fuyuko. The morning dim light coming from the closed window, shadowing the red heads eyes underneath her bangs making her look demonic.

"Oi!" Atsumu exclaimed in panic while Osamu stood up.

"Alice, calm down." The grey head called out, only for him and his brother to be ignored.

While this was going on, from the other back corner, Suna was acting suspicious. His hand discreetly holding up his phone at their direction.

Alice lightly shook Fuyuko, still glaring down at her. "What's wrong? Fuyuko... are you seriously giving up?" Her question was answered with silence with Fuyuko's bangs hiding her eyes from the twins. "ANSWER ME DAMNIT! Are you seriously giving up your dreams?! Just like that?!" She asked shaking Fuyuko more violently this time.

Fuyuko pressed her lips into a thin line before lifting her right hand to grab Alice's wrist. "Let go." She muttered, only to have Alice grit her teeth in frustration. "Let go, Alice." Fuyuko repeated bluntly, raising her head to narrow her head at the She-devil.

Atsumu's eyes went so wide that it was a surprise his eyeballs weren't popping out. He openly gaped at Fuyuko's audacity to go against the red head, someone who gained Kita's respect and someone he himself was utterly terrified of. 

Osamu might not show it, but even he was anxious, intently watching Alice's actions because if a fight were to break out, Alice would definitely be the unscratched champion among the two.

However, they were taken aback when Alice actually let go of Fuyuko with a click of her tongue. She shoved the long-haired girl back to her chair, making her back slam against the backrest of it. Because of that, the chair toppled back, and she would've entirely fallen back if not for Osamu's fast reflex.

Atsumu followed after Osamu, standing behind Fuyuko's chair to intently observe Alice's actions. "This isn't like you at all..." Alice mumbled under her breath, hands clenched into fist by her side with her head downcast, hiding her eyes from the three. "The Fuyuko I knew would never... not because of something like this..."

"Calm down Alie-chin." Fuyuko let out before a sigh, calmly standing up to untie her thin maroon bow tie. She pulled on one end of the thin maroon strip, unraveling it from underneath her crinkled white collar. 

With her other hand, she dusted off her black skirt, only then glancing up at Alice who still had her head down. "I never said anything about completely quitting." She revealed, making Alice snap her head up to make direct eye contact with half lidded lilac orbs.

Fuyuko huffed, glancing down as she tried to straighten her collars. "I just took a small break till I heal from what happened months ago." She explained, voice soft as her brows furrowed, struggling with the collar. "It's not like I can do anything by just watching from the sidelines. It only makes my hands twitch just to get a taste of it when I see others enjoy it." 

In the end, with a frustrated sigh, she gave up on her collar, letting the tie fall on her table before making eye contact with Alice yet again. "Don't worry Alie-chin, I won't just throw away something I love." Fuyuko ended with a soft smile, taking Atsumu by surprise.

Honestly, I had given up... What I never expected was to see you so upset about this... To think you believe in me this much, to think this matters that much to you...

Thank you... for giving me the motivation to not give up, Alie-chin... Thank you... for believing in me...

A few seconds passed, before Alice smiled as well. She stepped forward to snatch the tie into her hand before getting to work with Fuyuko's collar. "You should've said so before I destroyed your uniform." She huffed out.

"Eh?" Fuyuko, Osamu and Atsumu let out at once. The girl looked down just as Osamu and Atsumu stepped around Fuyuko's chair to stand on both sides of her desk, all of them only now noticing the missing button of the collar. The top most button in the other words. 

The twins instantly started to nervous sweat while Fuyuko deadpanned. "You're fixing this Alie-chin." She stated, directing her deadpanned gaze at Alice who pouted in return.

Suna walked forward till he was next to Osamu's desk, he stared right at Alice with his straight face on full display. "No, you should have waited till she explained." He stated bluntly, which earned an immediate glare.

"Shut up." Alice responded just as bluntly. It was intimidating, but anyone could've seen the light blush on both her cheeks. "I-I knew Fuyuko wouldn't have quit just like that." She stuttered gaining deadpans, except for Atsumu who stared at Alice like she'd grown two heads just because she stuttered.


"Hey Fuyuko." Osamu called, taking his own seat. Fuyuko turned to him with a hum, silently asking what he wanted with her. "I've been wonderin', what's the club ya went to?"

Fuyuko went silent, giving him a stare, before mysteriously giving him a close eyed smile. She put a finger on her lips, opening her half-lidded eyes to made direct contact with Osamu's dark orbs. "That, you have to find out on your own." 

Her answer was just as mysterious as the smile she displayed. And maybe, that mysteriousness was the reason why Osamu was strangely interested in her.

Something caught Atsumu's attention, making him turn towards the front door of the classroom. He was utterly confused to see their homeroom teacher poking his head into the classroom. "Did Fuyuko manage to calm down the beast? The rest of the class is waiting outside." He informed blandly, before walking into the room after he deemed it safe.

The four students currently inside, turned to the clock on top of the board, sweat dripping down their temples at the time they saw.

We're fifteen minutes into the homeroom time already...

It's mid-April and the Cherry Blossom petal's gradually fell, leaving behind empty branches.

Summer slowly approached... and the Volleyball team would have their Inter-High at the very beginning of the heat-filled season...

However, before that... there would be some major changes happening...


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