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Just a week after Alice and Fuyuko's little spat, the volleyball club relieved big news from their captain. The announcement they've received in the late days of April, shocking them quite a bit.

It was during lunch, with the volleyball club having it on the School's roof. They've recently managed to convince Kita to join them.

Truthfully, it was Alice who talked to him about it. All it took was for her to overhear Atsumu whining about wanting to have a team lunch together in peace. The next thing they knew, Alice dragged Kita over, saying he agreed to it as long as she herself could join in sometimes.

Everyone was entirely sure the condition came from the red head herself and not from Kita, but seeing how the captain never denied it, they knew he never minded it.

Atsumu of course had mixed feelings about it, yet he reluctantly agreed to it after Kita's words about the matter. Then again, for Kita, Alice was just another person attending his school.
Now Atsumu can safely say that nothing, not even his parents nor his brother had that much power over him like Alice and Kita do.

Getting back to the story, the starting regulars sat on the roof, eating lunch with Kita like the last five days. However, Alice had yet to join in on them. It was honestly strange for the team, to think that the red head was ignoring opportunities which enables her to get close to Atsumu. On the other hand, the fake blond couldn't be more relieved.

The lunch went by like usual with no Alice in sight. Atsumu, Osamu, Ginjima, Suna and Akagi sat on the floor in front of the bench where the rest of the third years, Kita, Ōmimi and Aran was seated.

It was quite peaceful, the wind messing with their clothes and their hair as the sound of chirping birds was heard in a distance. There were no squealing of fangirls and no pestering of Alice. The twins weren't fighting either, not that they'll start one with Kita before them.

"So, Alice ain' joinin' us today either huh." Aran drawled out, eyes more focused on his lunch despite the topic he brought up. He however glanced at a certain blond who was already glaring at the Ace of their group.

"Don' ask me ya jerk, I'm the only one against this." He complained before lowering his voice and muttering something under his breath. "Ya buncha betrayals."

From next to him, Suna brought down his lunch box, placing it on his lap before he spoke. "The She-devil always have her lunch with Fuyuko. She's not here maybe because Fuyuko refused to come along. Remember, she never bothered us last year during lunch either."

"So, yer saying, this Fuyuko girl has that much control over Alice?" Ginjima asked, gaining violent nods from Atsumu.

"Yeh, the tiny delinquent's definitely sus." The fake blond stated making Suna glance at him.

"Tiny?" Suna asked with a raised brow.

Atsumu stuffed some rice in his mouth. "Ya have to agree to that." He managed to let out, voice muffled because of his full mouth.

Osamu too joined the conversation after placing down his now empty lunch box. "For once we're agreein' on somethin'."

Kita who stayed silent this whole time glanced at Atsumu. "Don' talk with your mouth full." He stated bluntly, making the said blond freeze. Kita who ignored Atsumu's condition, calmly turned his head to the left. "And Alice is right there." His monotone comment turning Atsumu straight to stone before robotically turning his head to the direction Kita was looking at.

Osamu and the others too followed after him only to see the She-devil sitting on the very other side of the roof, a couple benches away from them. Something they've noticed was that she wasn't alone, there was someone she was animatedly talking to, sitting on Alice's other side. Unfortunately, from their view, the other person wasn't completely visible.

"Rapunzel?" Aran wondered out loud, eyeing the long pale colored hair seen flowing down to the floor of the roof behind the bench.

Wait. 's that who I think it is?

The team's attention was again diverted to their captain, but this time, with him informing them of something big about to change. Something that'll effect the future of their Volleyball club. "I've been informed this mornin', we'll be gettin' a new manager today."

This caught all of their attention. "Seriously." Aran uttered, caught off guard because of the sudden news.

"Hopin' 's not a fangirl this time." Osamu commented bluntly, eyeing Kita, as if asking for more information.

"You don' have to worry about that." Kita assured them just before the first bell rang, informing the end of the lunch time. Which in turn had them hurrying to pack up and head towards the exit. Even then, there was a single topic conversed among them, the topic being the hot news of a new manager.

The Miya twins were looking forward to this encounter as well, but if their new manger happened to be a distraction to them, the fake blond won't stay quiet. Osamu on the other hand would handle it much calmer than Atsumu, however reaching certain limits will make him as aggressive as his own twin. They're brothers after all.

On the other hand, if Atsumu were to flirt and make the girl fall for him just to kick the female out of the team, then Osamu would definitely step in. The fake blond had the guts to do something like that for sure. Actually, Osamu wouldn't be surprised if he seriously tried to do that.

Anyhow, back to the story, both Osamu and Suna glanced back to their captain when they reached the doors, only to see Kita's eyes directed to Alice, who was walking up to him with a friendly smile. Fuyuko trailed after the red-haired girl, eyeing the captain of the Volleyball club with a thoughtful look.

Both second years glanced back at each other, and immediately agreed to keep going. After all, they were at least a hundred years away from casually butting into Kita's business.

It was however, because if that, that they missed a certain exchange between an unexpected pair.


It was the very same day after school. The volleyball practice had already started just like their usual every day routine... Yet, there was no new manager in sight.

"Ya know, I've always wondered how it'd be like havin' a manager." Osamu voiced, face stoic as he stretched in between in twin brother and Suna. "I mean we've our fangirls but havin' a non-fangirl manager 's more professional."

Atsumu stood straight, only to wiggle his eyebrows with a smirk. "It'll be much better if our manager 's a sexy non-fangirl. That way she'll never get in our way, plus we can brag bout it to other schools."

Osamu blinked, giving Atsumu a look as if the blond was stupid. "What'll ya do if she's a fangirl." The grey head asked, his question coming as a statement because of his tone.

Atsumu's smirk grew, looking forward as his eyes glowed with the shadow under his bangs. "Then we'll just have to put 'em in their place."

Osamu looked away from his brother, remembering the times Atsumu had glared at his fans because they disturbed their practice.

I can't believe I'm related to this piece o' shit.

"Huddle around!" Their official coach, Norimune Kurosu called out, gaining the high-schoolers attention. As ordered, they gathered in front of him and their advisor/coach, Tarō Ōmi. "That should be enough time for warm-up's, we'll get straight to our regular routine."

A first year named Heisuke raised a hand, gaining the coach's attention. "Coach, when'll we see our new manager?" He voiced out the subject rolling through most of their minds.

"Oh her." Their advisor Ōmi perked up. "She'll be here anytime now."

Atsumu placed a hand on his waist, smirking right at the Coach. "What kinda person 's she?"

Suna glanced at the twins. "I'm fine with anyone as long as they're not your fangirls."

Ōmi smiled, "Don't worry, she was invited by me. I actually got lucky this time around. Cuz if it's any other day, she would've never agreed."

Just then, the doors of the gym opened, and entered a girl. She stopped right in front of the door, making the sun shine from behind her, which made the scene pretty dramatic. "I'm not a fangirl Taro-chin."

With the voice being familiar to three of the second years present in the gym, they perked up. The twins stared at the girl with huge eyes, expressions looking exactly alike.

In her right hand she held the outdoor shoes she changed out of, managing to slide close the door behind her with the same hand which in turn made her more visible to everyone inside.

Atsumu's jaw dropped right to the floor, gaping at the girl in disbelief. "T-Tiny delinquent!" He exclaimed, slowly walking up to the girl. "What're ya doin' here?!"

Fuyuko stood in front of the door, tilting her chin up to stare at the fake blond with half lidded eyes. She silently raised her left hand to take a sip from the chocolate milk packet in her grasp, all while eyeing Atsumu as if she was trying to figure out who he was.

Meanwhile, the rest of the volleyball team except for a few who already knew of the girl, stared at her in wonder. They observed her half lidded lavender eyes, and pale lavender long locks reaching the middle of her thighs, despite being tied up into a high ponytail with a white bow.

She wore Inarizaki's maroon colored, long sleeved activity uniform, black shorts reaching the middle of her thighs with the rest hidden under black stockings. Her feet were covered in indoor black shoes containing lilac markings. All in all, she was quite pretty. Her beauty mark underneath her right eye adding to the unique charm.


A pretty Kouhai.

It's mini Rapunzel!

"Miya-san." She uttered out after pulling away from the white straw, her soft voice just barely being heard by the others despite the silence surrounding them. "You're as loud as ever."

"Gah!" Her blunt monotone voice shot an arrow straight through his chest, making him dramatically clench the cloth above it. He then narrows his eyes at the girl, recovering from the burn almost immediately. "Don't dodge the question Tiny-delinquent!" Fuyuko's left eye clearly twitched with the nick name. "Just what're ya doin' here?!"

Fuyuko gave him a silent stare, before looking away. She walked around his form to head straight for the coach, leaving the guy hanging.

Atsumu got ignored! By a girl!

"Wait!" The fake blond wasn't stopping though. He turned to snatch Fuyuko's left wrist from behind, taking the girl by surprise. Atsumu spun the girl around, which ended up messing up her balance.

Fuyuko found herself falling towards the blond with wide eyes, but she was quick to let go of her outdoor shoes held in her right hand to plant it on Atsumu's chest to escape from any unfortunate accidents. However, in her worry of falling on Atsumu, she had completely disregarded the packed held in her other hand, and she ended up squeezing it right to Atsumu's face.

Utter and complete silence followed right afterwards with the only exception being the faint noise of liquid drops hitting the wooden floor.

The coach coughed, covering his laugh completely. While the immature club members just laughed their hearts out with Suna taking pictures of the scene with an amused smile.

To make the situation worse for the blond, Osamu walked right up to them, only to totally ignore his twin to snatch back the girl's wrist. "Ya okay?" The grey head asked, his face as stoic as ever as he stared down at Fuyuko, pretending his other half never existed.

A single nerve popped on Atsumu's forehead, eyes covered behind his bangs as he let his right hand—which was previously holding into Fuyuko, drop back by his side.

Fuyuko who was staring at Atsumu with wide eyes, blinked as she turned to Osamu, still trying to process her situation. "Huh? uh, yeah..." She trailed off, looking back to Atsumu. "Sorry, Miya-san." She uttered out in a soft tone. "Even if it was your fault."

A couple other nerves popped on Atsumu's forehead, adding to his first one.

Osamu calmly held out a tissue to the girl who accepted it with a soft smile and a thank you. "Ya don' need to add any honorific to his name. -san, doesn't match him at all. Just call him Atsumu." Osamu stated, half lidded eyes glancing at Atsumu who popped more nerves on his neck.

Fuyuko too looked back to Atsumu, only to be met with wet hair. "Atsumu. I think you should wash that off?" Her lazy tone snapped the last thread within Atsumu.

"WHY YOU!" The blond shouted at the top of his lungs, lifting his head to glare right at the girl.

Their advisor and coach taking a hint, walked up to them incase Atsumu got physical. They didn't want him getting suspended when Inter-High was just around the corner after all. Plus, they can't have their new manager getting hurt on her first day. "Now, now..." The advisor trailed off, placing a hand on the fake blonds shoulder. "It was an accident Atsumu-kun."

Atsumu snapped his head to the teacher. "No! It was all intentional!" The blond claimed loudly, pointing a finger at Fuyuko. "She's a delinquent! Course it was!"

However, he was interrupted, with the sound of the gym door being slid open. All of their attention was diverted to a certain red head they were very familiar with, the girl entering the gym like she owned the place.

Rairakku Alice stopped a few steps in, immediately comprehending the situation. She trailed her eyes from the soaked Atsumu to the deformed, milk packet in Fuyuko's hand. 

Everyone except the Miya twins, Suna and Kita thought Alice was gonna go and snap at the long-haired girl for doing something like that to Atsumu. Heck, even the coach thought Alice was gonna go on a rampage and that Fuyuko's life was in danger.

Much to their disbelief though, the red head started cracking up at the sight, laughing right at the blonds wet face and hair. "AHAHA Fuyuko what the heck did you do?!"

Atsumu got even more pissed along with her arrival. "Stop laughin' dammit!"

The red head, finally started gathering herself. Wiping away imaginary tears from the corners of her eyes before smiling at the guy. "Sorry, Tsun-chan~"

"What are you even doing here Alie-chin? Don't you have a club to run?" Fuyuko wonders out loud, walking past Atsumu and up to the red head.


Most of the volleyball club shouted in their minds. Some watching in wonder while other in horror as Alice's aura changed completely, looking down at the girl. "Ah, that. I wanted to know how your first day went so I left the club to Jellal." She informed before lifting a hand to her mouth, covering up the laugh that spilled from behind, clearly heard by others as clear as day.

"To think you already messed up..." Alice moved her hand towards Fuyuko's head, petting the girl with her gorilla strength which almost knocked the girl down. Alice, ignorant to this kept petting though. "That's Fuyuko for you."


It took a bit of time, but the gym was cleaned while Atsumu was busy cleaning himself up. Fuyuko took this as a chance to properly introduce herself.

"I'm Rairakku Fuyuko." She introduced herself with a small gentle smile, half lidded eyes trailing from left to right, observing her future club mates. "Please call me by my first name so you don't confuse me with Alie-chin, since we coincidentally have the same last name."

Akagi perked up. "So ya guys ain't related at all?"

Alice gave him a firm nod from besides Fuyuko. "Yes, it's just fate signaling to be best friends." She chirped with a smile, tone as firm as ever despite.

"It's just a coincidence." Fuyuko stated, without a single glance towards the red head, gaining sweat drops from the boys of the Volleyball club.

Atsumu entered the gym, coming towards the group in a fresh shirt. "Why're ya joinin' our club anyway?" Atsumu asked, gaining others attention. He stopped next to his brother, eyeing the girls with judging eyes. "You've experience as a manager or somethin'." He asked suspiciously.

From next to him, Osamu glanced down at the shirt Atsumu wore, only to realize something. "That's my shirt yer wearing Tsumu." He stated with narrowed eyes.

Atsumu only waved his hand at his brothers' direction. "I'll return it later."

Osamu scoffed. "As if."

"I know nothing about sports, including Volleyball or managing a team, so I'm sure I'll be making mistakes." Fuyuko started, stopping the fight about to break out between the twins. "I'm not smart either, that should be clear since I'm from class one." Fuyuko continued on, gaining sweat drops from the crowd.

"But, since I'm standing in this gym right now, introducing myself as your new manager... I... want to see this through till the end." The pale girl ended before looking up with a small closed eyed smile. "So, I hope we get along." She voiced with a small tilt of her head, charming the dummies of the group instantly.

Ah~ to score a pretty manager~ how lucky~

Behind the long-haired girl, a certain red head instantly noticed the change in the atmosphere. She let a dark smirk take over her lips, closing her eyes to tilt her head just like Fuyuko. "Lay a single inappropriate finger on her and you're dead." The aura around her was dark, instantly intimidating the crowd and making the coaches sweat drop.


Near the back of the crowd, Osamu turned to Suna. "How do they get along again?" He asked, tone monotone, only to gain a shrug from Suna who clicked a picture of Fuyuko standing in front of the team.

"I sometimes wonder that myself." Suna uttered out, bringing his phone back to his face to take a closer look at the picture he took.

"Leave your worries aside Alice, we'll take care of her." Kita's voice was firm but it was filled with reassurance. "She's a part of the team now." The captain's eyes trailed down to their new manager, making direct eye contact. "Glad to have you on the team." His monotone words were repeated in chorus by the rest of the team.

The gentle smile never left her face a she nodded. "Likewise."

_______›»FLASH BACK«‹_______

On the roof top during the end of lunch earlier that day, Alice had introduced Fuyuko to Kita and verse versa.

"Yo Kita-san!" Alice called, stopping right in front of the dual haired male with a small smile. Kita having already recognized her presence, gave her a nod. However, the red head wasn't the only one he noticed. Kita's eyes trailed down to meet half lidded lavender orbs of the girl who stopped right next to the infamous red head.

Alice noticing Kita's distraction, immediately turned her head to Fuyuko. "Oh, Kita-san, meet Fuyuko, the girl I talked about." Alice than raised a hand to the male. " Fuyuko, this is Kita. The captain of the Volleyball club you're joining."

The lavender head stared at the taller male, having a short stare down before she decided to break it off with a slow blink. "I'm looking forward to working with you in the future, Kita-san." The girl voiced out calmly, extending her right hand to the male.

Kita's gaze trailed down to her hand, before bringing his own to take a hold of her smaller one. He looked up into her eyes. "Likewise, Rairakku-san." He stated, which was responded with a small gentle smile.

"Just Fuyuko's fine."

_______›»FLASH BACK END«‹_______

That evening was spent with the advisor giving Fuyuko a small tour of the place and explaining her tasks. Afterwards, the coach taught her the basic positions and rules of volleyball.

The practice for the boys went well as well, with no interruptions, hence everyone officially concluded she wasn't indeed a fangirl. The blond twin though, was fully unsatisfied. So, the male kept giving suspicious stares to the girl during the whole practice.

Osamu temporarily stopped his serving practice to glance at his brother, only to see him distracted by something outside the court. The grey head trailed the blonds gaze, only to stop on his classmate who was busy writing on her white notebook, listening to the coach who kept talking about something.

"If I didn' know better, I'll say you're fallin' for our new manager." Osamu stated bluntly, immediately gaining Atsumu's attention who shot his twin a dirty look.

"That sounds disgustin'." The fake blond commented.

"Then why do ya keep starin' at 'er?" Osamu asked, glancing down at a ball that slowly came rolling towards him.

"Just that..." Atsumu narrowed his eyes at the seemingly innocent girl. "It feels like somethin's wrong about 'er suddenly appearin' 'ere." Atsumu's claim got his brothers undivided attention.

"Wrong... how?" Osamu asked with sight furrowed brows.

"I think there's another reason why she joined. I mean, why'd she suddenly quit 'er own club just to join a new one? And why our club?" Atsumu questioned, looking down at the colorful ball in his hands. "There's definitely somethin' wrong 'bout 'er."

"Why don't you just straight up ask her then?" Suna's voice came from right behind them, startling the two.

"Gah! Suna!" Atsumu exclaimed.

"Warn me next time will ya?" Osamu bluntly asked, only to be ignored.

"It's Fuyuko, when it comes to her, it's better to just ask directly." Suna informed.

Osamu slowly nodded, silently wondering how close Suna and the girl was. "I'll ask 'er in class tomorrow then."

Suna turned to the grey head. "Why don't you ask her when we walk home tonight?" He asked, voice casual and uninterested.



"Why... WHY'RE WE WALKIN' HOME TOGETHER!" Atsumu shouted into the darkness of the night.

"Tsumu, shut up." Osamu stated bluntly from his right. The irritation displayed on his furrowed brows.

"But!" The fake blond glanced to his left—more specifically, to Alice who only sent him a bright close eyed smile. "Why're ya comin' too!"

"I usually walk Fuyuko home since our clubs used to finish at the same time." Alice explained, letting her right-hand rest on her hip before leaning her weight to her left foot. "But now, both of you are in the same club. Meaning, I can walk home with both of you." Alice explained before staring into the star filled sky. "It's fate."

"'S NOT!" Atsumu exclaimed right back.

"You don't have to wait for me though." Fuyuko's voice made them look back to the school gates, where the girl walked toward the group in her white uniform. Her maroon blazer hanging on her shoulders as always with the long sleeves uselessly hanging by her sides. "I'm not a little kid." She commented, coming to a halt right in front of Alice.

Osamu and Atsumu observed the two practically opposite girls underneath the dim half moonlight. The glow of the moon practically making Fuyuko's whole being glow with the exception of her blazer and skirt. Her pale skin and light-colored hair reflecting the light beautifully.

Alice's on the other hand gave a completely different vibe despite her light skin. Her hair practically reflected a deadly scarlet color which strangely matched in her maroon blazer, looking demonically deadly and somewhat hot at the same time.

"They're like Angel and Devil." Osamu commented.

"Yep, there's no way in hell I'm walkin' home with 'er!" Atsumu instantly turned to speed walk down the road, which of course gained both Alice and Fuyuko's attention.

Alice immediately perked up. "Ah. Wait! Tsun-chan!!" She called, jogging after the blond.

Atsumu noticing this, instantly broke into a sprint. "QUIT FOLLOWIN' ME!"

Alice didn't wait to pick up speed as well. "Wait!" She shouted before coming to a stop as she remembered something. The girl turned around. "Hey Osamu! Suna! Take care of Fuyuko for me!" With that, she was gone just like that.

Fuyuko let out a sigh, her shoulders going slack. "I seriously don't get why Alie-chin wouldn't get a hint." She muttered out loud.

The grey head spared her a glance. "We should get goin' too." He informed, making Fuyuko tilt her head up to make eye contact with Osamu. "Before Tsumu does somethin' stupid."

The girl smiled at that. "That includes Alie-chin too. I don't know what gets to her when Atsumu's involved."

They were interrupted by a click, making the two simultaneously turn to Suna. "Tarō-chin?" Fuyuko called, completely turning around to see Suna with his phone out. Osamu too partially turned his body to furrow brows at his best friend.

Suna in respond took another picture for the two, before bringing his phone back to see how they turned out. "What're ya doin'?" Osamu asked, trailing his sight after Suna's figure as the said male walked past them to the very front, never taking his eyes off his phone.

"Taking pictures for... reasons." Suna answered casually.

Fuyuko and Osamu exchanged glances, before they walked after the dark-haired male. "You've been taking a lot of those lately." The girl pointed out, falling into place right next to the male who pocketed his phone.

Osamu trailed after the two, keeping a close eye on Fuyuko as his brother's words replayed in his mind.

"Just that... It feels like somethin's wrong about 'er suddenly appearin' 'ere."

"No, I take as many as I can as long as I can, so that I won't miss any interesting shots." Suna responded to Fuyuko who only hummed in return.

"By the way, Tarō-chin, you're playing the 'Middle Blocker' position, right?" Fuyuko asked curiously, only to be answered with a hum. The girl then glanced back at Osamu over her shoulder. "Osamu-san? What about you?" She questioned, snapping Osamu out his thoughts.

The grey head, looked up, furrowing his eyes at the girl's stare. "What?"

Fuyuko blinked, before turning around to face the calmer twin, casually walking back with her hands behind her back. "What position are you playing?" She elaborated, knowing the male wasn't listening to their conversation.

"Oh that. Opposite hitter." Osamu responded. "The Wing Spiker position."

Fuyuko hummed. "You're brother's a Wing Spiker too?" She wondered out loud.

"No, Tsumu's a Setter." Osamu stated bluntly, his never changing bank face staying the same as usual.

The girl's expression froze. "Seriously?" She whispered out in surprise, completely shocked. "Maybe I got it wrong, but isn't Setter the control tower that carries out all of the attacks?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yes, somethin' wrong?" Osamu asked with a confused raised brow, even if it came out as a statement.

But it's Atsumu! He's that important of a person?!

"N-No. Not really." Fuyuko mumbled, turning around to walk straight. "Never expected that from him at all..." She muttered out, getting lost in her thoughts.

Right, Osamu-san looks decent, and he's related to that blond idiot. Maybe I underestimated him a bit...

A comfortable silence followed afterwards, before Suna parted was with them. Afterwards, it didn't take long for the two to arrive at the bus stop.

"You're takin' the bus too?" Osamu asked, gaining Fuyuko's attention.

The girl nodded. "I'm headed for the 27th Street. It's the seventh stop. What about you?"

"The sixth stop." He answered, before looking at the dark road ahead. "It's odd how I don't recognize ya."

Fuyuko smiled at that, tilting her head up to stare into the endless dark sky. "I'm glad. I don't exactly like too much attention." Her comment received a glance from Osamu who once again remembered his brothers' words from their practice earlier.

"I think there's another reason why she joined. I mean, why'd she suddenly quit 'er own club just to join a new one? And why our club? There's definitely somethin' wrong 'bout 'er."

"Fuyuko." Osamu called in monotone, making the girl hum, still staring at the sky with a pleasant soft smile. "What's yer exact reason for joinin' our club?" His straight forward question made the girl slowly turn her head to the male, tilting her head to show her confusion.

"Reason as in?" Fuyuko asked.

"There's a reason ain't it? What's in it for ya?" Osamu asked, his bangs shadowing his eyes underneath the street light, making him more intimidating. Especially with how blank his face was.

Right... They may be different, but they're still brothers...

That was the thought which went through Fuyuko's mind, before she completely ignored the tense aura around them to process the grey heads words. The moment she did though- "Pfft-" The girl had cupped a hand on her mouth to laugh her heart out.

The tense air around them was instantly lifted, and Osamu was left to stare at the girl like she'd grown another head. His left eye twitched, getting irritated at the sound of her laughter echoing through the night. "Why're ya laughin'?" He asked, trying to calm him sudden agitation down.

With a chuckle, Fuyuko lifted her head to look up at Osamu. "S-Sorry, but-" The girl burst into another fit of giggles, which irritated the male even more. Fuyuko finally calmed herself, wiping away imaginary tears before looking straight into his eyes.

"Ya done?" Osamu asked with a deadpan, only bringing up the girl's laughter. Yet this time, she managed to hold it off by biting down on her lips.

"Osamu-san." Fuyuko uttered out with a certain glint in her still half lidded eyes as a teasing smile slipped on her face. "Are you wary of me?"

The male didn't even try to hide his dissatisfaction, frowning straight at the girl before turning his head away. "Am not." He stated, the irritation fading into his tone.

Fuyuko only smile at the male's agitated self. "I'm kidding. There's nothing I can do to anyone of you." The girl voiced, turning her head to stare at the bus which stopped in front of them.

Osamu looked back to the girl. "We can't be sure 'bout that."

The girl let out an airy laugh, walking forward when the door of the bus opened. "You seriously don't have to worry Osamu-san." Fuyuko told the male who walked right after her.

Osamu watched as the girl nod to the bus driver before moving to find an empty seat, which wasn't difficult since there were only a few people scattered around.

Fuyuko choose to sit down on the left side, second row from the back, taking the window seat. Osamu having found no reason to sit away from the girl, took the seat right next to her.

"I admit, I have my own selfish reason to join your club." Fuyuko confessed, immediately making Osamu turn to the girl. He only saw her side profile, the girl staring outside with her head leaning against the window. "But I won't disturb you guys. That's a promise." 

Her whisper of the last statement, was barely heard by Osamu who thoughtfully trailed his gaze to the front. Thinking of her words.

The bus started moving with the silence that formed around the two Inarizaki students. One in deep thoughts, while the other was already dozing off.

I don't feel like she's lyin'... n' I myself don't think there's much harm she can do to us.

Osamu spared a glance at the long-haired girl, only for him to completely let go of his doubts and his guard. Why? Because the girl was peacefully asleep, without any worries and with no second thought of exactly where she'd just fallen asleep.

Osamu could only sigh.

Fuck Tsumu for plantin' things like that in my head.

Soon he'd arrived to his stop, yet the girl kept on sleeping. The grey head didn't have the heart to leave her like that, so he woke her up. That's how Fuyuko ended up walking out of the bus trailing after the male while yawning and rubbing her eyes.

Osamu never complained, having an idea of why the girl got off with him. "Ya think Alice's at my place?" The male questioned, sparing her a glance.

Fuyuko let out another yawn, almost tripping because of her closed eyes. She tried blinking the sleep away, only to fail her half-lidded eyes. "The probability of that happening..." She cut herself off with a yawn, continuing right afterwards. "... is high."

They soon arrived at Osamu's two-story home, only to be faced with a pissed off Alice who kept complaining about how Atsumu locked himself inside, leaving her stranded out.

Fuyuko let out another yawn, hiding it behind her hand as she did. "Alie-chin, I wanna sleep. Let's just go."

In the end, Osamu was left to watch as the two bit their good byes.

"Say goodnight to Tsun-chan from me Osamu!" Alice waved. "Don't forget!"

Fuyuko spared him a nod, barely standing. "See you tomorrow, Osamu-san." Her mumble was barely heard. In the still cold night of the late April. The male only watched as the girl turned to stalk off with Alice right by her side.

It feels odd to hear her callin' me that... Like how it felt strange to call her by her first name for the first time...


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