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Beach during summer is something most teenagers look forward to. For Fuyuko however, the beach is something she usually avoids.

For one, she hates the sun—she hates the heat it provides. She doesn't like sweating or tiring herself with beach activities. Two, she doesn't like large bodies of water like the ocean—partly because she can't swim. Even if she somehow managed to learn how to, she doesn't like getting wet.

She was usually considered a private person despite how friendly she seems. However, that is the furthest from the truth, as she doesn't really care about keeping things secret. It just seems that way because most times, she's just too lazy for details. So, wearing a swimsuit wasn't something she fusses over too much, and she was never bothered or self-conscious of revealing skin.

The day marks the last day of the training camp, and their hard work was rewarded by a trip to the beach. While Atsumu was excited for beach volleyball—as expected, Osamu was looking forward to something else.

"I bet yer wonderin' how Fuyu-Chan looks in a swimsuit." Atsumu teased, teamed up by Suna no less.

"I'm not surprised, her in a swimsuit is a sight to behold." Suna dawdled out with a miniature smirk, snickering when both Osamu and Atsumu's heads turned to him.

Osamu's eyes narrowed at the fox eyed male suspiciously. "Why do ya sound like ya've seen 'er in one?"

He was backed up by his brother, the blond's arms folded over his chest. "Yea, out with it Suna."

Suna's smirk widened. "Because, I have already seen her in one before. Last year around this time, before you two knew her duh."

Atsumu gaped while Osamu averted his gaze to a side with an irritated frown. "HOW CLOSE 'RE YA TWO EXACTLY?!" The blond exclaimed.

Only to have Suna nonchalantly shrug with a deadpan. "You can say she's my female best friend." He turned back to Osamu. "Anyways, that's not the main topic here. Osamu, you want to see her in one, don't you?"

The older twin snickered, immediately turning sides. "Don' be shy Samu, ya can tell us. Cuz to tell ya the truth, 'm lookin' forward to it too."

Osamu's eyes instantly snapped towards his brother. "So what if I do wanna see 'er in one?" The boy hissed, like an enraged fox—which was exactly what he was mind you.

A few miles away, in the girls changing room, stood Fuyuko in front of the sink—blankly staring at her reflection with half lidded sleepy eyes. She really wasn't looking forward to the sand, and she was planning to avoid the water at the risk of her life. Despite this, Alice still urged her to wear a black two pieced bikini with white highlights.

While others were brimming with energy despite the exhausting camp, Fuyuko wanted nothing more than to sleep. I mean for the past two weeks she'd been helping the team out with anything and everything they needed. With her abilities, she was tasked to attend to all injuries—small or big. Not only that, she'd been spending her free time in the Itachiyama High's music room—granted permission to use after a small meeting with the principal.

She's been losing sleep for a while now, not even having the time to watch her precious anime. She silently cursed Alice for dragging her out of the comfort of their temporary room back in the school. If not for her then she would've been peacefully sleeping about now.

"Are you going to keep that brace on?" Alice asked, snapping the girl out of her sleepy daze. Fuyuko's gaze trailed down to her left elbow through the mirror—mind suddenly playing his exact words.

"It's hella badass, shows yer strong enough to survive through it."

With a small smile blooming on her lips, the girl didn't hesitate to take off her elbow brace. "No, I think I'm fine without it."

Alice raised a single brow at that. "What's with the sudden change of heart? You used to hate showing that around..." Fuyuko only shrugged, slipping the cloth in the locker she temporarily occupied, leaving Alice with a face full of doubt. "Does this have anything to do with Onigiri boi?"

The lavender head turned to Alice, a light blush blooming on her cheeks. She decided to click her tongue as an act of distracting herself, speed walking right out of the changing room right afterwards. "Tch-"

Alice was left to gape, before she gathered her bearings and bolted right after her friend. "No way?! Seriously?! You are totally whipped for him Fuyuko!"

"So what if I am?" Fuyuko asked, very casually. Unknowingly stating out the same words as Osamu when he was being bothered by Suna and Atsumu.

"Wow. Look how far you've come... Just a year ago, you asked me how someone can romantically love another-"

"Oh hush Alie-chin, that was in the past."

The red head snickered to herself. "Now imagine his surprise when he finds out, that you entered their club because of him."

Fuyuko pouted at that. "I didn't like him like that... back... th..." Her voice trailed off, voice dying out as she stared into a distance—her steps coming to a halt.

"Hmm? Why'd you stop?" Alice wondered out loud, following the direction of Fuyuko's eyes, only for it to land upon a sexy black-haired girl talking to Osamu. "Oh..."

What bothered Fuyuko was the fact that, the girl kept on getting closer and closer to him as she conversed away with a bright sun like grin. The lavender head slowly turned to Alice. "I feel like hiding."

Alice could only let out an awkward smile. "And why... is that?"

Fuyuko only pouted in return, eyes flickering over to the black-haired girl before she turned her back to the scene. "I don't know, I kind of feel self-conscious all of a sudden."

Alice was once again left to gape, because never ever have she seen Fuyuko—during the time she'd known her, doubt her appearance with the exception of her scar. She never once heard the girl complaining about her body, nor have she ever tried to follow a diet to keep in shape.

"I... wow... so this is what love does to people..."

The lavender head huffed out a breath. "As if you're the one to talk. Your personality goes a full one eighty when Atsumu's around."

"This and that are completely different Fuyuko!"

"Fuyu!" Osamu's voice reached them, making Alice look up at the grey head approaching them. "What're ya guys doin' all the way 'ere?" The male came to a stop next to Fuyuko, raising a brow when the girl turned her head to the other direction in return. Osamu tuned to Alice, silently asking what was going on.

He only got a sly snicker in return. "I'll leave you to deal with her~" That was all she said before she took off towards the waves, an arm raised to wave at a certain blond. Her melon sized boobs bounced along with her dark blue bikini top, as if it was going to spill any moment—which gained a lot of attention and a few nose bleeds. "TSUN-CHAN~"


Osamu and Fuyuko silently stared at the scene of Alice smushing Atsumu into a hug, his face squished between her melons and gaining many jealous tears. No one noticed the blond's face heating up because of his position—and he liked it that way because he wanted to keep his pride.

Fuyuko smiled at the scene while Osamu's gaze turned to the girl next to him, discreetly observing her outfit. Let's just say, he's eyes have been blessed—which had him silently thanking whatever god watching after them. Nevertheless, Osamu cleared his throat, trying to cool down his light blush. "I see that you don't have your elbow covered."

His observation made Fuyuko instinctively turn to him, making eye contact with dark grey hues. "Yeah... I decided to leave it behind..." Her voice was soft, almost awkward as her eyes trailed away, looking at nothing in particular.

There was a brief silence, before Osamu decided to break it—silently wondering why Fuyuko was acting so awkward and distant. "Yer lookin' pretty by the way... Makes me wanna cover ya up cuz I see people starin' atcha." His eyes darted around, seeing a few intense stares, as if they were trying to take off Fuyuko's clothes in their minds.

His comment though, had Fuyuko instantly blushing a light pink—her head lowing to hide it as a pout made its way over her lips. "I should say that to you..." Her murmured was barely heard, but being used to her low tone, Osamu managed to make perfect sense of it.

He blinked, eyed glued on Fuyuko's figure, his brain working faster than it ever did before.

Huh? Why'd that seem like it has a second meanin'...? Wait a sec...

"Didja see me talkin' to that girl earlier?" His curious question had Fuyuko folding her arms across her chest, back hunching even further as if she was a turtle trying to hide in its shell. Her actions had an amused smirk crawling over Osamu's lips, letting out a loud laugh right afterwards. "No way! Yer kiddin' right?"

He didn't get a vocal response in return. Instead, Fuyuko turned around and almost walked off had it not been for Osamu—who managed to grab ahold of a wrist. The male swiftly turned her around, his other arm wrapping around her bare waist as he continued his amused stare. Fuyuko in return didn't dare make eye contact with him, the small pout still apparent as she started at anywhere else but his face.

"Hey Fuyu, look at me." His command was blatantly ignored, not that it bothered him though. I mean he wouldn't have minded staring at her pink face for hours if not for their current situation. Hence, with a light chuckle, Osamu's other hand gently grasped her cheeks, before turning her face to him. He lightly pressing her cheeks to make her pout more apparent, lips puckered out cutely. "Y'know yer the only one I want."

Fuyuko's eyes narrowed, her pink cheeks turning red. "Ae noah." Came her muffled response, making Osamu bite back the laughter which bubbled up his throat. The lavender head grabbed ahold of his wrist, trying to pry it off, making him let go despite his wishes. "I know, but you can't blame me." Fuyuko gave him a knowing look through her partially lidded eyes making him let out another chuckle.

"Yeah, cuz if a guy randomly asks for yer number, I would've acted out more than that." Osamu voiced, before moving to her left and entwining their hands. "So, what do ya wanna do today?"

His casual question got an almost immediate response. "Sleep." Osamu was left to stare as Fuyuko let out a yawn right afterwards, barely hiding it behind her right hand.

"Why didja come 'ere than?" He dead panned, only to have the girl turning to him with a deadpan of her own.

"Alice happened." That answer instantly answered the rest of his pending questions, leaving him nodding as he understood where she was coming from.

Osamu looked around, his eyes stopping at Suna who was laying out a picnic blanket in the shade of a huge patio umbrella. He let out a mischievous smirk at the sight. "Let's go disturb Suna then."

The fox eyed male instantly knew they were going to make use of his hard work, the moment Osamu and Fuyuko appeared before him side by side. "No."

"We didn' say anythin'-"

"I don't care." Suna proceeded to lay down on the middle of the blanket, hands behind his head as he pretended to sleep.

Fuyuko's left eye twitched at the sight of her friend peacefully on his way to sleep. "If I don't get to sleep, then no one gets to sleep." She uttered, before slipping away from Osamu to walk next to Suna's laying figure. She didn't hesitate to raise her leg and press her foot down on the fox eyed males' abdomen. "It's either you share or suffer with me."

Osamu and the other team members seen wandering around the area, sweat dropped at the sight of Suna withering in pain underneath his managers bare foot. Osamu turning his head away and pretending to not see anything when Suna asked for help through his eyes.

"Uwa! Inarizaki's manager scares me!"

"Now that's a first for you Crappykawa."

"Ahh~ Imagine getting stepped on by her~"

"No fair! I want a female manager!"

Suna suddenly bolted up when Fuyuko's foot dropped lower, threatening to crush his manhood. "Okay wait! We can share okay! Just don't be too lovey dovey in front of me." The poor male grumbled out, gaining hum from Fuyuko before she let herself fall next to Suna.

"Sure, good afternoon then."

Suna and Osamu were left to blankly stare at the girl who fell asleep right after her words. The formers eye twitching with irritation while Osamu smiled at the sight of her hands folded on her stomach—looking as if she was in a coffin.

Then again, he was hyper aware of the fact that she was showing a lot of skin—and the fact that the male population was greater at the beach. He decided to have a seat on her other side, legs crisscrossed as his gaze intently searched around the crowd for wandering eyes.

Suna who caught his behavior let out a snort, before he pulled out a white t-shirt from the bag nearby. "You're too obvious. Here you go lover boy." Suna chucked the piece of cloth towards Osamu's head, before laying back down and turning his back to the two—going back to minding his own business.

"Thanks." The grey head uttered, before spreading the fabric over Fuyuko's body. Suna's shirt being big enough to cover her from her chest to thighs much to his relief. He let out a relieved sigh afterwards, gaze moving to her face to move her bangs out of her face ever so gently.

He was soon distracted though, by Atsumu who ran up to them. "OI Samu! Aren'cha comin' to the sea?!"

He instantly gained a glare from his brother. "Shut yer trap! Can't ya see Fuyu's sleepin' 'ere?!" The male whisper shouted to the male who stopped at the edge of the blanket to prevent it getting wet.

"Damn, she's sleepin' even on the beach- Suna too?!" Atsumu shook his head with a look of disappointment. "What a turn off, don' tell me yer stayin' 'ere all day too Samu?"

The irritated look didn't disappear from Osamu's eyes, still glaring daggers at his brother. "Duh, who else will look after 'er."

"Suna's 'ere."

"The hell 's he gonna do? Sleep walk?"

Atsumu clicked his tongue, before he caught the sight of something—or someone. His expression did a complete one eighty as a huge grin broke through, before running off elsewhere. Osamu was left to stare as the blond drag a shorter blond over. "Kyō-tan will stay with 'er!" He announced, making Osamu scowl his loud volume.

The grey heads gaze turned towards the shorter blond, who was currently glaring daggers at Atsumu like he was a few seconds ago. "Will ya be okay with stayin' look out 'ere?" Osamu questioned, gaining Kyōtani's attention. "If ya wanna go out there 'n have fun, ya can say no." The grey head knew Kyōtani would be perfect to scare any weirdo's away. Plus, there was the fact that he can trust Fuyuko with him with the amount of times he'd spent with the blond at the camp.

Then again, he wasn't like his brother, reason why he asked of Kyōtani's opinion on it as well. Even then, Osamu felt a bit disappointed when Kyōtani nodded his head. "I'm okay with it." The boy voiced out, his tone as gruff as ever and eyebags making it seem as if he was glaring.

Damnit, I wanted to stay with 'er...

"'kay then." Osamu muttered, standing up to place a hand on Kyōtani's shoulder. "'m trustin' ya to look after 'er. Alright?" He pressed on the blond's shoulder, sparing Fuyuko's peaceful face one last fleeting glance before letting go and walking off with a hyper excited blond next to him.

Kyōtani had a feeling... that having Osamu's trust when it comes to the lavender haired manager... was a huge feat people usually can't attain...

Besides, Osamu didn't have to say anything for him to look after her... he would've done it any day.


Night arrived shortly, with the active peoples having their fill and exhausting themselves. Atsumu and Osamu weren't an exception. Despite that, all of them gathered in the Inarizaki boys' room to play short games among them. Kita was also a participant much to the second years surprise, he was pretty lenient and face less tense—with the exception of when the Miya brothers go off tangent with their banter that is.

Many truths and dares later with them having fun, Fuyuko was asked a question. "How many ex's do ya have?" Ginjima questioned curiously. "'ve heard a rumor that ya dated someone from our school, so 'm curious."

Atsumu snorted. "What're ya talkin' bout. Fuyu-Chan doesn' look like the type to have-"

"I had one before."

"SAY WHAT?!" Atsumu burst out. He wasn't the only one shocked though, because most of the team stared at the girl with varying degrees of surprise. Osamu wasn't an exception.

"That's... unexpected." Aran commented.

Osamu on the other hand, got rather curious. "Why haven' ya ever mentioned havin' an ex before." He voiced out, gaining a casual shrug from the girl sitting next to Alice.

"It didn't go well, wasn't worth mentioning." She replied, showing that she was not really affected by the topic—hence proving that she was over it already.

"Her first relationship was a complete joke." Alice commented with a light laugh. "I can tell you about it if you guys want to."

The Miya twins and Ginjima perked up at that. "Yeah! I wanna know!" Atsumu exclaimed.

While Ginjima nodded. "'ve been wonderin' bout it for a while now, so I wanna know too."

Osamu's gaze trailed towards Fuyuko. "Ya don' mind us talkin' bout it Fuyu?" He asked, gaining a simple nod from Fuyuko as she leaned against Alice's shoulder.

"I don't mind. It's nothing serious." Fuyuko snuggled into the read heads shoulder, relaxing in between her two best friends—namely, Alice and Suna. "Tarō-chin knows about it too."

Their eyes instantly darted to Suna who was already scrolling through his phone. "I had a first seat view of how their relationship went."

Alice grinned. "It started on the late spring of last year, when Fuyuko's classmate confessed to her via letter. In that very letter he specified that he knew Fuyuko didn't feel the same way, he also mentioned that he'd be glad if she was willing to give him a chance." Alice had everyone's attention, including the third years who stayed quite to let her continue, unlike Atsumu.

"So, Fuyu-Chan gave him a chance? That's not like 'er." The blond commented, as if Fuyuko wasn't sitting right next to the very person doing the story telling. In his defense though, the girl had her eyes closed, so he automatically thought he was asleep.

"Alie-chin suggested accepting it, because she deemed my life boring." Fuyuko commented, letting them know that she was indeed awake. "She wanted to bring come colors into my life apparently."

The team's gaze shifted towards Alice along with Fuyuko's words, but only Atsumu had the guts to say his thought out loud. "IT WAS YER FAULT!"

Alice waved a hand, casually brushing his concern aside. "Anyhow, things started off with very, veryyy slow with them."

Suna snorted, remembering back to his friends first relationship. "It took them an entire month to start holding hands. Even then, they never did that in front of others."

"A whole month?!" Atsumu started laughing his ass off. "The hell, Fuyu-Chan ya suck."

Once again, Alice ignored the blond. "Both Suna de fox and I knew their relationship was going to go downhill from the very first day."

"What ended it though, is something even more hilarious." Suna commented, gaining curious looks in return.

"What ended it?" Kita asked, gaining stares from his team—appalled to see that he was actually interested.

Alice smiled. "Well this boy apparently didn't like how slow their relationship was headed. Even when Fuyuko showed clear signs of dislike, he didn't back off." Alice frowned. "He treated her like a fucking trophy, telling his friends about her achievements and all..."

"She-Devil and I suggested Fuyuko to break it off with him at one point." Suna voiced. "And Fuyuko followed along with it... but their break up didn't really go clean."

"What?" Osamu asked, all of a sudden getting the urge to find that male and beat him up. "Did he do somethin' to 'er."

Suna placed his phone down, glancing at Alice as if urging her to tell the rest. "Well he was somehow under the illusion that their relationship was going well. It didn't sit well with him and he tried forcing himself on Fuyuko."

"WHAT?!" Everyone except Kita and Ōmimi shouted out loud.

"WHO'S THE JERK?! TELL ME HIS NAME!" Atsumu got straight up at Alice's face, looking ready to bash someone's skull in. Osamu and Ginjima was in the same condition, except they could hold their anger without blasting it off like the blond. Kita and the rest weren't doing much better, looking quite intimidating with their frowns and furrowed brows.

"This person 's in our grade isn' he." Osamu asked, a dark ominous aura rivaling his brother surrounding his being. They shared the same DNA after all.

Atsumu's threats continued until Alice burst out laughing, putting a hand on Atsumu's face and pushing him back while she was at it. "I expected that reaction. Not gonna lie, you guys didn't disappoint me."

Atsumu and Osamu's brows twitched at Alice's carefree tone. "Wmf da ya sounf mike yer nom mofered mf it!" Atsumu's voice came muffled though Alice's hand, later lifting his hand to grab ahold of the red head's wrist to pry it off. "I thought ya guys 're friends!"

"He tried to kiss her, not completely violate her geez." Suna voiced, amused by their reactions despite his words. "Even if he thought about it, he wouldn't have gotten to do anything anyways. Right? Fuyuko?" His fox shaped eyes darted towards Fuyuko, a miniature smirk forming as he saw her sit up.

Alice snickered, her too staring straight into Fuyuko's soul. "Tell them what you did to the dude who tried kissing you."

"What... did ya do, Fuyu?"

Fuyuko averted her gaze to a side, a miniature pout appearing on her lips. "I..." Her murmured was even softer than her normal one, and it went unheard by anyone

"What didja say? Speak louder will ya!" Atsumu impatiently huffed out making the girl frown.

"I said I punched him." The lavender head voiced—this time loud enough for everyone to hear her. Leaving most of them with wide eyes.

"Ya did what?"

"Not a normal punch too!" Alice laughed out with a bright grin. "He ended up with a busted lip and a bright red cheek!" 

_______›»FLASH BACK«‹_______

"What did you say...?" He was an honor student, scouted into the high school from Kyoto because of his artistic abilities. An average looking boy with chocolate brown hair and beautiful golden eyes, who's also the boyfriend of Rairakku Fuyuko—well, ex-boyfriend as of now.

"I said let's stop. This is clearly not working... I don't want to give you more false hope Sato." His heart clenched when his nickname came out of her mouth.

He always wondered why the girl didn't bother using the honorific she used with Alice and Suna—but he didn't really bother to ask. All that mattered to him was the fact that she was his, and his only. He was closer to her compared to her friends with the title he held as her boyfriend—at least, that's what he thought this entire time.

The boy didn't know where he stood, what kind of face he was supposed to make, nor what he was supposed to say to that. He simply didn't know. What he did know, was that he didn't want to lose her like this.

He snapped. The thin thread holding him together despite their relationship going downhill, finally snapped—and with that, he found himself slamming her back against her locker. His arms clutching tightly on her shoulders to prevent her escape as he ran his mouth away. Blabbering anything and everything which came to his mind in hopes to convincing her to stay.

Fuyuko grunted, brows furrowing at the feeling of his nails digging into her shoulders "Sato! Let go of me! It hurts!" Her exclaim didn't seem to reach the boy though. He continued to run his mouth, beg and scream as his grasp threatened to break her bones.

"Fuyuko! You can't do this! You promised to give it a try so why are you calling it off?! PLEASE FUYUKO! LISTAN TO ME DAMN IT!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, alerting a few students still lingering around in campus during the club hours. "I HAVE PROVED MY LOVE TO YOU FUYUKO! JUST ACCEPT IT ALREADY!" He leaned forward, eyes teary and lips puckered—about to take the frightened girl's first kiss.

Her actions after that were just a result of her flight, fight or freeze response—running completely on adrenaline at the moment. By the time she realized it herself, her right fist had made contact with her ex boyfriends left cheek. Putting everything into that punch of hers and exerting a force she never knew she held.

That was around the start of Summer at that time around...

_______›»FLASH BACK«‹_______

Now as the Summer had been on the verge of ending, Fuyuko had found herself in a similar position with her backed off against a wall inside her and Alice's room—a male towering over her, trapping her way of escape.

Not that she wanted to escape from him though. After all, even though she was in a similar position, their situation was on the very other side of the same coin.

White Satoshi was uncomfortable to be around, she felt nothing else but comfort with Osamu. While her ex felt like a complete stranger, she felt as if she'd known the onigiri boy her entire life. While the artist tried rushing what they had, the wing spiker made sure to take his time with her. While the brunette showed fake smiles, the grey-haired twin showed her his genuine kindness.

"I don' want ya considerin' me a 'friend' ever again." Osamu's voice sounded close, tone raspy and sending a shiver of warmth through her being.

Fuyuko shuddered, staring into clouded dark grey eyes, swarming with many emotions. His right arm—from wrist to elbow was placed right over her head, the other hand caressing her cheek lovingly. "What if it doesn't end well?" She whispered, a part of her afraid that their relationship might turn out like her first one.

Osamu smirked, eyes unwavering as he leaned closer, and letting his other arm drop to her other cheek. "I know it's gonna end well. It's me, Miya Osamu. Not some stupid ex."

Fuyuko's arms wrapped around the male's neck and let her digits brush against his dark undercut—bringing him close until a few centimeters were left between their lips. "So...?" Fuyuko whispered, flickering her eyes up to look into Osamu's eyes. Her half-lidded gaze having a sly glint to it, tone lazy but warm. "What now?"

The grey heads stared back into her half-lidded lavender hues, his voice coming out low. "'m gonna try somethin'. 'n if I get away with it, we'll stop being friends." He didn't hesitate to lean in, fluttering his eyes close—already knowing the outcome of his actions. Quite well.

Their Summer ended... very eventfully... but without a single regret.


Hello~ The Summer Arc has come to an end guys! Two arcs done and two arcs to go! Honestly I'm excited for the Autumn arc and a bit lost at the same time! Expect a lot of fluff!

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