‖013‖ .☮︎AUTUMN TRAILS☮︎.

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The soft song produced by the simplest touches on the piano tiles, resonated through the Rairakku residence. A specific blond setter is seen laying on the couch, casually watching One Piece from Fuyuko's laptop with his headsets on. Having gotten bored and tired of the many times the melody gets disrupted in the middle—by Fuyuko's own hands.

Atsumu may not show it much, but he wished nothing but the best for the girl who became a constant part of his life. He knew his brother felt the same—if not even more when it comes to her. He knew at one point that Osamu was never leaving her alone, and him being his brother could never leave her either—not that he was complaining.

He knew Osamu would help her till the end, until she's able to play her music—the music she cherishes close to her heart. For her, music was volleyball to Atsumu—which was painful even thinking about it as he could never imagine living without being able to play again. You could say he respected her for her efforts, for not giving up despite everything holding her back.

Then again, he thinks they would be fine. Both Osamu and Fuyuko together can overcome it. He knew they would support each other till the end, so he wasn't too bothered. He would rather die than admit it, but if they needed help with something he could do, he would support them thoroughly without being told. Then again, he had a feeling both his brother and his manager knew that already.

Inside her Music room, Osamu sat beside Fuyuko on the small bench accompanied by the grand piano. Watching her play and recording her to go through and judge her plays later. Honestly speaking, there was little progress within the past week, but the thought of giving up never crossed their minds.

Fuyuko will keep on trying and trying until she succeeds, and Osamu had faith she'll pull through. "One more time please." Fuyuko asked, glancing at Osamu with light pants. They've been at it for hours now, without any breaks in between. He knew it was about time Fuyuko take one, because exhausting herself won't achieve anything.

Yet the moment he sees the look in those wide-open eyes of hers, he couldn't bring himself to say it. "Fine, but only one more time. We're takin' a break after, 'kay?" He narrowed his eyes at the girl who pouted in return. "Poutin' won' work on me Fuyu." He effortlessly smiled, oh the things she does to him.

Fuyuko turned back to the piano with a light sigh. "Osa-chin... fine, but I'm coming back right afterwards." She announced with a trumping smile.

Osamu's smile refused to fade, lightly patting her head at her stubbornness. "We. We're comin' back Fuyu, we're a team now." He corrected her statement, gaining a light blush while she tried leaning away from his hand.

"Stop doing that, it makes me look short." The girl complained, eyes narrowed down on the grey head whose smile turned to a small smirk.

"That's cuz ya 're short."

"Shut it you overgrown winter melon."

Osamu raised a brow, giving her a stare as if she said something dumb. "Winter melon? Really?"

Fuyuko casually shrugged in return. "Hey, not my fault winter lemo- melons sometimes look grey."

"... Didja just almost replace melon with le-"

"Anyways! Let's get on with it!"

Osamu silently watched at Fuyuko starts playing another piece, before a small fond smile filled his lips.

Oh Fuyu... Yer one of a kind aren'cha?

It's been a full week since they've started dating, a week since they've shared that kiss between them. A week since they've decided to take their relationship next stage. Osamu and Fuyuko now claim each other as their lovers. A bond closer than friendship and maybe a bit different compared to the typical girlfriend boyfriend relationships.

Fuyuko mentioned the fact that she didn't care about the titles placed on their heads. She said she didn't care because she doesn't need a title to explain what they felt for each other. Had it been Osamu from a year ago, he would've found it ridiculous—but with her, he can agree to it. It wasn't a simple like or a crush after all, they loved each other dearly, and they weren't afraid to show it.

Even then, nothing has changed much with how they act around each other. They've never bothered to make anything official for anyone either, reason why no one really knows what they are currently. Then again, the atmosphere around them have been extremely light as of late, so people like Kita, Alice and Suna have noticed the little changes in between them.

Atsumu though, remained clueless, not that it was a surprise—he was an idiot with a volleyball always passing around his mind after all. Osamu often wondered when people will start to realize, wondering how they'll react. He already knew how Atsumu would react so he wasn't bothered about him.

He wasn't much bothered about the reactions of their parents either, I mean it was apparent how close their mothers are. He knew his mom would accept Fuyuko with open arms as she was already fond of her—he sometimes gets the feeling she loves his girl more than him. Fuyuko's mom on the other hand was like an angel sent from heaven with how kind she's been to the brothers, so he knew she wouldn't be against them either.

What he was reluctant about was the reaction of her brother—the day news would reach him was something he wasn't looking forward to. Atsumu would laugh at him had he knew what was going through his head for sure, but he knew how important it was to get their brother's approval. From Fuyuko's stories about her childhood and their family, he'd come to realize that Murasakibara was someone very important to her.

Maybe it was the fact that they were strangers before they met in adolescents, or it could be something else—but their bond was much deeper compared to most siblings. He would go as far as to say, that their bond rivaled what him and Atsumu had as twins. He knew Atsumu would approve of their relationship, but he was not at all sure of Murasakibara's thoughts on it. Not when he was still a stranger to him.

It's funny how we both 've brothers to rely on...


The day progressed with Fuyuko making little to none progress and a bit down as usual—and Atsumu being the person he was, suggested they go out a bit to get some fresh air. Keep in mind that the blond was not yet aware of their bond, practically signing himself up for third wheeling without him knowing.

Three of them made their way down the streets and around town, laughing and talking along casually. With the girl waking in between two tall ass boys, she got that anime vibe. You know those typical two-man one girl groups in anime? Yeah, she felt like she was in one at the moment. She just enjoyed the anime like moment with a wildly running imagination, casually entwining hands with Osamu while at it.

After a while of them walking around, they entered a small café called 'café mami' around a corner. The bell ringing along with their entrance and alerting the staffs of their arrival. The air inside was colder than outside—maybe because there wasn't a lot of customers, but either ways Fuyuko loved it. Both the cold and the quite atmosphere.

Atsumu eagerly bounced over to a table next to the glass wall showing outside, taking a chair on one side. He went silent though, when he caught sight of Osamu and Fuyuko's hands—blinking a few times to see if he was just seeing things as they sat down across from him, hands finally leaving each other.

"'re ya guys hidin' somethin' from me?" Atsumu questioned suspiciously, narrowed dubious eyes moving in-between the two. "Why do I get the feelin' ya guys 're closer than ever?"

Osamu and Fuyuko glanced over to each other's eyes, before turning back to Atsumu. The former with a cocky smirk while Fuyuko had a mysterious smile. "We aren't hiding anything from you Atsu-chin."

Atsumu got literal shivers from how suspicious their faces were. "Ya sure? Cuz yer faces 're hella sus right now."

He was interrupted when a waiter came over to take their orders, distracting them from their conversation. Osamu ordered a simple pudding with bubble tea while Atsumu went with chocolate brownie with a vanilla milk shake. Fuyuko on the other hand ordered a large molten chocolate lava cake with iced chocolate as a drink, which was honestly the most her company have seen her order before. They knew she wasn't much of an eater, so her sweet tooth was fully apparent.

It didn't take long for their order to arrive, making her stare at the delicious desserts with flowers surrounding all around her. "Desserts are the best." She voiced loud enough for the brothers to hear, making them sweat drop at the happy aura surrounding her.

"Yep, definitely the best way to brighten 'er mood." Atsumu muttered

Making Osamu nod, mentally taking note of it. "Desserts on bad days, got it."

That was before Fuyuko realized something. The girl snapped out of her daze, eyes moving from one dessert to another.

"Ken-chin..." Fuyuko murmured to herself, glancing at Osamu pudding. Her gaze moved towards Atsumu's. "Kyo-chin..." And at last, her eyes slowly trailed town till she kept a level stare at her own plate. The dark brown reminding of something unpleasant. She deadpanned. "Chocolate head from Aoba Johsai..."

"Hm? What's wron' Fuyu?" Osamu wondered, seeing that the girl hasn't moved a single inch to touch her food. "Want me to feed ya or somethin'?" He casually asked, making Atsumu choke on his shake while Fuyuko turned to the grey head with curious eyes.

"Why did you suggest that?" She wondered, only making Osamu shrug.

The male moved a spoon full of pudding towards Fuyuko's direction. "Cuz I wanted to do it." Atsumu kept on gaping at the couple as Fuyuko slowly moved to eat the spoonful of pudding from Osamu's hand, there was no way she was refusing free pudding after all. The grey head on the other hand smiled with satisfaction, before leaning down to place a peck on Fuyuko's lips.

Atsumu fell straight out of his chair at the sight—gaining concerned looks from the staffs, while Osamu casually moved back to smirk at the flustered girl about to blow a fuss at the public display of affection. "I knew the puddin' would taste better from yer lips."

Atsumu's hand suddenly appeared, griping the table to lift himself off the floor—struggling to do so. "Y-Ya-" He stared wide eyed at the two staring back at him. One with a deadpan while the other with flushed cheeks. "YA BOTH 'RE A THING NOW?!"

He gained a raised brow from Osamu. "Yeah? Why're ya so surprised." His casual response had Atsumu speechless for a moment.

"HOW?! WHEN?! WHERE?! HOW?!!" He was interrupted when a staff came over, kindly asking the blond to calm down. With much reluctance, Atsumu sat back down, glaring at the two. "How long 've ya guys been a thing?"

Fuyuko looked away from Atsumu's dark glare. "A... week..."

"A WEEK!" Atsumu burst again, gaining looks from the few customers present.

It took them a while, but they finally managed to calm down the frantic blond, who latter started whining about them keeping it a secret from him.

"We didn't really hide it from anyone you know..." Fuyuko trailed off, with a soft smile.

While Osamu kept his amused smirk, enjoying his brother's pain. "We just didn' bother broadcastin' it to the world. If people 're smart enough, they'll find out." His gaze clearly mocked the blond. "I guess that means yer just too dumb."

Atsumu banged his hand on the desk, rattling the plates above it. "Bullshit, I bet no one knows."

Fuyuko lightly narrowed her eyes at Atsumu, as his action almost had her iced chocolate spilling. "I'm sure Alie-chin, Shin-chin and Tarō-chin figured it out." She voiced, gaining furrowed burrows from Atsumu.


"She meant Kita-san." Osamu answered for her.

Their conversation progressed from there, with Atsumu finally noticing that Osamu and Fuyuko really do act different compared to before. He sees the light air around them, with the many casual psychical contacts like cleaning away chocolate from Fuyuko's lips and her hand feeding Osamu. Heck Atsumu noticed the fact that Osamu had been smiling for frequently as well.

"Fuck... how did I become a third wheel?" He asked himself, gaining an immediate response from his brother.

"Well ya did it to yerself, idiot." 

This led to another argument between them, with Fuyuko casually enjoying her sweet drink—not a bit bothered by the Miya brothers. That was before she felt a low tug on her white button up shirt.

Her eyes slowly trailed down, only to meet huge brown ones belonging to child who looked nothing more than seven. "Nee-Chan, mommy said ya can play piano. 's dat true?" The boy asked, making Fuyuko's eyes widen for a moment while her companions quietened down—having heard the child.

"Uh yeah?" The lavender head hesitantly answered, eyes slowly searching around in search of the child's parents.

That was when a woman with similar characteristics as the child walked up to them. "'m sorry bout him dear."

Fuyuko blinked, standing up in respect to talking to an adult before nodding to her. "No, it's quite alright." Her flickered over to the boy who kept staring at her with wide curious eyes, holding something she was very familiar within. "He... likes the piano..." Her eyes moved towards the women. "Doesn't he?"

It's like looking at a mirror... his eyes remind me of mine back when I was a child... he reminds me of myself...

The women's smile refused to fade as she let out an elegant chuckle. "As expected from a professional. Why yes, my son's been quite interested in the piano for quite a while now." Her smile made Fuyuko stare right back her. "That day, after he saw ya play on the television..." Fuyuko's eyes widened, snapping it down to the boy. "... he's been hooked."

I remember... back when I was young, seeing Martha Argerich play the piano on the television... she was the one who had me diving into the world of music... To think I inspirited a child just like she did with me... that's...

Fuyuko didn't know whether she should laugh or cry due to the overwhelming feelings swarming through her at the moment. She had a feeling she would have done the latter action if not for Osamu placing a gentle hand over her head. "Ya okay?" He softly whispered into her ear, making her nod.

She blinked away the wetness of her eyes before smiling down at the child. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, I'm sure you'll do good."

The child's brown orbs shined at her words. "Then! Can ya play for me again?! Please?!" He eagerly pulled on her shirt, enthusiastic childlike eyes making Fuyuko weak.

Her eyes moved up to the women's when she started to talk. "It would be an honor to hear ya play in person. If ya don' mind that is."

With that Fuyuko's mind was decided. Sure, she was scared, she's scared of letting them down, them who enjoyed her performance back them. She wondered what they'll say when they hears about her current condition. Will they be disappointed? Disgusted? She hoped not. "Fuyu, ya'll do fine, think positive thoughts." And just like that, the gray head saved her from her own pessimist thoughts.

She looked over to the grey head. "Osa-chin..."

Atsumu appeared next to Osamu, smiling brightly at her. "Don' worry Fuyu-Chan! Samu 'n I 're gonna be there for ya!" He shot her a thumbs up, while Osamu shrugged off the blond's hand from his shoulder.

"For once, him and I 're on the same page 'ere." He stared directly into Fuyuko's eyes. "We'll be there for ya if ya mess up. Just forget bout anythin' negative, forget bout that accident 'n think bout the people there to support ya alright." His mini speech had both Atsumu and Fuyuko aweing at him, before the girl smiled.

"I know, thank you." She managed to let out, before getting dragged off by the over excited brown-haired child—not slowing down till they stopped at an upright piano placed near the counter-wall of the cafe.

"Can I play with ya?!" Fuyuko could only smile at the eager child, already tired of the energy producing from him. "Oh, but I only know one song..." The child trailed off shyly, making the high schooler chuckle at him.

She gently took the boy's fiddling hands, leading him to sit down at the bench in front of the instrument. "What's your name?"

The child instantly brightened at that. "My name 's Yuuta!" He exclaimed, slightly jumping in his seat, making Fuyuko let out another chuckle.

"Well Yuuta-kun, I'm Fuyuko." She casually introduced herself, gaining another bright response in return.


From their table nearby, Osamu and Atsumu stared at Fuyuko laughing along with the boy. "Fuyu-Chan's even good with kids..." Atsumu's eyes trailed over to his brother who was softly smiling at Fuyuko's smile. He visibly cringed at the soft expression, never ever in his life feeling as single as he was currently. "Ya sure got lucky Samu, now let's see if ya can keep 'er."

Osamu scoffed at his brother's last statement. His mood diving deep down when his eyes came in contact with his twin. "Shut it Tsumu. I know I got lucky..." His gaze moved over to the girl who was getting ready to play. "... it's not up to me to decide if 'm worthy or not. All I know 's that 'm not lettin' 'er go."

Atsumu stared at his brother's expression, scoffing and folding his arms across his chest when Osamu smiled at Fuyuko yet again—him making eye contact and nodding to encourage the girl to do ahead. "I 've a feelin' yer gonna end up marryin' 'n havin' devil spawns like the one holdin' Fuyu-Chan's attention right now." He gained a look from Osamu, before they were quickly interrupted with the melody resonating through the cafe.

Yuuta started playing the base of 'twinkle twinkle little star', the only song he learned to play. The melody was beautiful by itself, with him managing to play off the tune with close perfection, gaining a short applause from Fuyuko and the customs when he finished his short performance. "How's it Fuyuko-nee?!"

The soft smile refused to leave Fuyuko's lips, fondly watching him play. "It was perfect. Looks like you have mastered the song Yuuta."



You really, really remind me of my younger self Yuuta-kun... back when I first started playing...

"Now, mind play it again?" Fuyuko asked, gaining a curious look from the boy.


The lavender head nodded. "Yes, but this time I'll play along with you."

Yuuta got more curious at that. "Together? How?"

Fuyuko turned back to the piano. "Just play like you did before, I'll support you."

Still doubtful, Yuuta turned back to the piano. No that he minded playing again, instead he was glad to be playing the piano no matter how much he has to repeatedly play that single song. Without another complaint, Yuuta started playing Twinkle Twinkle Little star yet again. However, this time, Fuyuko started playing along with him.

His brown eyes instantly widened, flickering over to Fuyuko's own fingers pressing different notes compared to him—it somehow created a melody that supported his simple one, making it sound entirely different. A bright grin appeared on his face, concentrating on his own play as he relished in the newly sounding song he'd been practicing over and over again, until he reached perfection. Just when he thought he reached that perfection, he realized, that there's always room for improvement.

He wasn't the only one. Osamu, Atsumu, Yuuta's mother, the staffs and the customers present, instantly recognized the similar but different tune of the song. The previous child's nursery rhyme turning into something entirely different, something which sounded sophisticated enough to be played in a café like the one they were in. "Wow..." Atsumu gaped, while Osamu gulped before breaking into a proud smile.

Yea, that's my girl...

Everything went fine, and for the first time since the accident, Fuyuko managed to play through a song without feeling like she was plunged into the depts of the deep ocean. Even when the song came into a full end, Fuyuko kept on smiling—both happy and satisfied.

She felt a hand being placed over her head, making her tilt her head back to stare into Osamu's eyes, the male smiling down at her softly. "Ya did well, Fuyu." Fuyuko beamed at that, a wide smile which instantly brightened the atmosphere and had Osamu's heart fluttering.

"It's because of everyone being there for me, and believing that I could do it." Fuyuko voiced, before their moment was broken by the child.

"'re ya 'nd Fuyuko-nee a couple?" Osamu stared into innocent wide brown orbs. Blinking dumbly at his question, before nodding.

"Yea, we 're." He responded casually, not showing how awkward he felt conversing with a child. No one could blame him though, he never really interacted with children. The only child he knew was Atsumu, and he was a child that annoyed him greatly.

Yuuta awed up at Osamu before looking at Fuyuko. "Does that mean ya two smooch like mommy and daddy does?"

Now that was very unexpected, which could be seen from the fluster of Fuyuko's cheek while Osamu openly gaped at the child. A pink tint visible on his cheeks.

"Now Yuuta, ya don' go around asking people things like that." His mother reprimanded him, leaving the teenage couple to stare at the scene awkwardly. The women then turned to them. "'m sorry bout him dears."

"Oh no it's alright." Fuyuko quickly voiced, standing up to move next to Osamu before lightly nudging his arm. "Right Osa-chin?"

Osamu nodded at the older female, a miniature smile on his lips. "Yea, he's just a kid, it's fine." He mentioned politely, actually having a polite bone in his body unlike Atsumu.

"My, what a sweet pair we've 'ere." The women cooed, flustering both Fuyuko and Osamu with it. "Hope things turn out perfectly for ya two dearies." 


Fuyuko and the Miya twins made their way out of the café, heading back to Rairakku residence. That was before Atsumu got a call though. The blond let the couple walk in front of him, them walking hand in hand and enjoying each other's presence before being interrupted by the third wheel.

"Fuyu!" Atsumu called out, running to walk next to the girl with his phone still next to his ear. "Didja know what Alice 's doin' at school right now?"

Sure enough, it was a weekend, the only day they didn't have practice together. That wasn't the case for Alice though. "Well, Alice is in kendo club remember? She mentioned having practice today." Fuyuko explained, making Atsumu curse under his breath before hanging up the phone. "But they should be done by now Atsu-chin. What's wrong?"

"Damnit. It's nothin'..." He uttered, making Osamu and Fuyuko exchange looks.

"You look... very bothered by something though..." Fuyuko trailed off, watching as Atsumu roughly scratch the back of his head with a frustrated groan.

"Shit! Imma go somewhere! Ya guys go on before me!" Atsumu shouted, already dashing off somewhere and leaving Osamu and Fuyuko staring at his back in surprise.

"Wa? Is he okay?" Fuyuko turned to Osamu who merely shrugged.

"He's always been a bit retarded up in his head, I think he'll be fine." Osamu bluntly commented, raising a finger to gesture at his head.

Fuyuko turned back to the direction Atsumu ran off to. "I don't know... he mentioned Alie-chin..." She turned to look up into Osamu's eyes. "I have a bad feeling." 

They made it back to Fuyuko's home, with no signs of Atsumu in sight. Both of them changed back into comfortable clothing before the girl started spam calling her best friend. When Osamu came out of the guest room, Fuyuko was seen walking back and forth in the living room. "'s that Alice?" The male asked, making the girl glance up at him.

"Yeah, but she's not picking up, Atsu-chin's not picking his phone either." She explained, getting more and more worried as time passed. "Do you think we should go over to the school just in case they're in there?" Fuyuko asked, just before getting a call.

"Who 's it?" Osamu leaned over her shoulder, seeing Fuyuko's version of Alice's name on the screen under the said girl's picture. The girl didn't hesitate to pick up the call, delivering off a hundred questions before the other side could say anything.

The gray head shook his head, amused of his girl's behavior. So, while Alice and Fuyuko continued to talk, he sat on the couch, pulling the girl down to his lap while at it. Fuyuko spared him a glance as he carefully moved her hair aside to let it fall to the front over her right shoulder, before moving his arms around her waist and burying his face into the exposed crook her neck.

Fuyuko in return snuggled back into him, relaxing into his hold as she finally finished off the call. "What happened to 'er?" Osamu muttered out, making the girl tense as his lips moved against her skin.

"Well, apparently a group of girls from the Miya-twins fan club, targeted Alie-chin and somehow managed to beat her up." She explained, brows furrowed and softly frowning at the thought of her friend getting hurt.

Osamu moved his head to glance up at Fuyuko's side profile, making sure to not exert too much pressure on his chin placed on her shoulder. "Alice? Got beat? 'er? By those pigs?" He had every right to be surprised, I mean Fuyuko was shocked too when she first heard it.

"I think they must have played dirty. Cause this is Alie-chin we're talking about." Fuyuko voiced, before she shifted to move around in his lap to bury her face in his shoulder. "I hope they get expelled."

The male's hold on her didn't loosen as he freed a hand run it up and down her back, trailing his fingers and writing random words. "They'll expel 'em. 's that where Tsumu ran off to?"

Fuyuko nodded into his shoulder, moving her head to a side to talk. "Apparently, he almost punched a girl to stop the commotion... Alie-chin was gushing about it."

Osamu snorted, his hand coming to a stop on her upper back. "n' he says he hates 'er."

"I think he did at first... and he thinks he still do..." Fuyuko turned her face to snuggle into the crook of Osamu's neck—while he in return nuzzled his nose to a side of her head, taking in the lavender scent he came to love while being aware of her arms wrapping around him.

It didn't take long for Fuyuko to fall asleep on him, which didn't really surprise Osamu. He casually reached for the remote, changing to a channel he liked before shifting to lay his head on the sofa's armrest. He let her sleep on him as long as she wished, slipping into a peaceful slumber himself with how comfortable he was.

Let's say... Mama Rairakku didn't regret returning home early that day, not one bit.

Autumns dry leaves leave a messy trail,

for them to chase after the truthful coil... 

Rejections on themselves and others,

are soon forgotten upon the face of facts...


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