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Fuyuko knew them telling her mom about their relationship, would send her straight over the moon and straight back to earth to bother her. Restlessly. Reason why she wouldn't mind if the women who birthed her gets stuck on the moon for a while—but no, she just had to return back, and for what? To basically conduct a huge ass party to celebrate them getting together?

She knew she was weird, but her mom? Yeah, she was on her own level. Fuyuko can't believe Mr. and Ms. Miya's were on it as well, going as far as to invite the volleyball team regulars and Alice at that. It was as if their parents were somehow more overjoyed of them getting together than they themselves. The party in one word, was embarrassing for the couple.

They just barely managed to put up with their friends teasing and accusations of not telling them about it. Heck even Kita congratulated them, which shocked them greatly for some reason—I mean this was Kita Shinsuke after all. Safe to say, the party was memorable with tons of photos and making fun of both Fuyuko and Osamu.

News travelled fast from there, the next week of school—everyone, literally everyone talked about the new power couple or something along those lines. Not that they really bothered to keep track of all the gossips though, hence they weren't aware of the many names such as 'Pretty Pair' and 'Fuyuko Hogger' going around the campus.

"How are the bruises?" Fuyuko questioned her red-haired friend, eyes trailing over to the many patches seen on her face and limbs. She had seen the full extent of those bruises Alice had, from her face, shoulder and even on her thighs, they looked nasty. It's a wonder how she could walk normally. Fuyuko obviously asked her about it, and guess the response?

"I'm used to getting bruises doing Kendo."

Alice merely chuckles at her concern. "It's healing just fine~ doesn't even hurt now." She informed before a smirk crawled over her lips. "It's lovely to see you care so much for me~ I mean you usually don't show much of that concern!"

The lavender head deadpanned at her friends teasing, turning towards the bus stop where the Miya brothers were seen waiting for them. "Do you want me to stop caring?" The girl bluntly asked, making Alice shake her head exaggeratingly.

"Oh no no no! I prefer you caring for me!" Alice beamed. "Caring Fuyuko is wayyyy sweeter than non-caring Fuyuko~"

Fuyuko lightly scoffed at her words, before a small smile crawled on her lips—shaking her head. "Just because I don't show it doesn't mean I don't care, Alie-chin." The manager glanced over to Alice, letting out a mysterious smile before jogging towards Osamu and falling into his open arms.

"Missed me?" Osamu murmured into her hair, making her chuckle.

"I did, how about you?" Fuyuko asked, leaning back to look into his dark grey orbs—a soft smile dancing on her lips, making him automatically smile as well.

"Not really, didn' miss ya much." Osamu teased, making Fuyuko deadpan.

The lavender head calmly leaned away from his hold, starting to walk towards the bus as it came to a stop just in time. "Guess you aren't getting any more hugs today." She voiced, loud enough for him to hear her, making him stare at her retreating back with wide eyes. "I mean, if you didn't miss me, then you certainly didn't miss the hugs too."

Osamu instantly chased after her. "Fuyu! C'mon ya know I was jokin' around!"

Atsumu gagged at the couple, feeling more and more single as of recently—before his thoughts were interrupted when Alice glomped him into a hug. "Atsu-chin~ Why don't we start dating? That way we won't feel so single around those two!" The red head suggested excitedly, annoying Atsumu instantly.

"Hell na! Get off! Yer boobs 're squishin' me again DAMNIT!" Atsumu attempted to push her off of him, before abruptly freezing in her hold when he processed the fact that he was grabbing her shoulder. Her bruised shoulder.

Oh right- she's still recoverin'-

"Hm? What's wrong Tsun-chan?" Alice asked, leaning back when Atsumu became eerily silent in her hold. Both second years stared at each other in silence, one in confusion while the other with furrowed burrows.

They would have certainly continued their staring contest for a very long time, had it not been for Osamu calling them over from the bus doors. "OI TSUMU! ALICE! WE'RE LEAVIN' WITHOUT YA!"

That... Was weird... Is Tsun-chan sick?

Alice wondered, boarding in and sitting in a row along with Atsumu, sparing him a few glances on their way to school.

Meanwhile, with Osamu and Fuyuko just behind them—sat close together as usual. The passed-out girl sleeping away, cuddling into Osamu's side as the male held a single arm around her. All while listing to Fuyuko's weird playlist with her headphones on.


The students of class 2-1 all rushed towards their seats—as if they'll die if they weren't seated, the moment their homeroom teacher entered class. The dark-haired male looking like a homeless person raked his eyes over his class, only for it to stop at Fuyuko sleeping away with her head resting on her desk. He stilled, before his gaze snapped over to Osamu who only sent him an apologetic look.

The adult didn't even bother attempting to wake her up, only letting out a disappointed sigh at himself for getting used to her sleeping in class. "Alright class." His gruff voice sounded through, having everyone except Fuyuko's undivided attention. "Today you lot are getting the first period, to decide on what we are doing at the school festival." This instantly brightened up the entire class, whispering and mummering among themselves.

"Sir!" A brunette raised his hand, being one of the enthusiastic students in class. "When 's the school festival bein' held?"

Their homeroom teacher scratched the back of his head lazily. "Exactly a week from now." He informed before walking back towards the door. "I'm leaving the class reps in charge. Make sure you have something finalized by the time bell rings. Or else I'm holding a live lecture."

The door shut behind him, leaving behind a deadly silence, where the students imagined them having a lecture class with tons of strangers watching them and laughing their asses off. Instantly, the class went into a chaotic hazard which eventually woke up Fuyuko—who stared at them with tired confused eyes. "What's gotten into you all?"

Her confused statement had everyone turning their heads towards her at the same time, making Osamu flinch back with how creepy they looked.


That's how both class reps found themselves at the front of the class, Fuyuko asking around for plausible suggestions followed by Osamu writing them down on board.

"We're going to cross out the weird ones from the list and finalize this alright?" Fuyuko voiced, cutting of suggestions such as 'death arm wrestling' and 'raise money by selling OsaYuko pics'.

Osamu glanced over to the few remaining. "That leaves us with Haunted House, Maid Café, Live Shokugeki 'n Photography Showcase."

Fuyuko hummed, staring at the board. "Personally, I think we should cross out the maid café." Fuyuko voiced, gaining a lot of protests from the male species.


"Huh? Why do ya say that Fuyu?" Osamu asked, making the boys in class support his question.

"Yah! Tell him why we shouldn' consider somethin' so amazin'!"

Fuyuko let out a sigh. "It'll be unfair because the girls are the only ones participating. What are the boys going to do? Cross-dress into maid dresses as well?" She instantly gained the support from the girls.


"That's actually not a bad idea at all Fuyuko-san!"

The boys were left horrified at Fuyuko's casual suggestion. Including Osamu and Suna as they kept giving her stares of disbelief as if she had gone mad.

That was when the cousin pair of the class exchanged glances, before the girl with the glasses broke her stare from her cousin brother to look at Fuyuko. "Fuyuko-san, why don' the boys wear butler uniforms instead of maid ones?"

One thing led to another and in the end, they ended up at an agreement. Their final theme for the school festival was called...


Yes, in the end they decided to include a little bit of everything in their shortlist. At first, they had concerns for their budget—but that was easily solves by the cousin pair throwing their rich money into it.

Tch, damned rich people... is what Haruhi would say...

Their homeroom teacher didn't know where to begin with when he got a detailed plan, of what his class was planning. He groaned, leaning his head back into the backrest of his chair before glancing at the class reps by his side. "I have one question. Can you guys actually do this?"

Fuyuko and Osamu glanced over to each other, before smiling and looking back at their teacher. "Definitely." Both of them coursed at the same time, making him let out a defeated sigh in return.

"Alright, I'll leave it up to you two then." The teacher watched as his students walk out of the staff's room, softly mummering to themselves—distance between them absolutely nonexistent.

He was soon distracted when a laugh was heard next to him, belonging to the homeroom teacher of class 2-2. "Ya lost the bet Shouta, Alice and Atsumu 're still nowhere near the level of datin'. Now hand it over mate!"

Shouta let out another groan, pulling out his wallet to place the promised amount into his friend's wide-open palm. "How did you guess Fuyuko and Osamu pair would turn out like that? They only met this year."

"A single dude with zero relationship experiences won't understand." He gained an immediate hit on the head.

Class 2-1 was divided into different groups. First group being in charge of clothing's led by the female cousin, Minamoto Akane. The girl claimed to had fun, ripping and trashing their maid and butler uniforms to make them fit into the horror theme.

Her male cousin, Minamoto Teru was in charge of the decorations and the interior planning. Their group divided the class into two—the kitchen area and the normal area with tables. According to Teru, he had fun bossing people around to achieve perfection.

Next was the Kitchen group, with Osamu in charge. Fuyuko and Osamu were both assigned to the role of making food, gaining a lot of protests and tears from quite a few of them as they weren't going to be seeing the pretty couple with costumes on... or so they thought.

Fortunately for them, Akane was well prepared. The scene showing her pulling out a female and a male chef costume clothes from nowhere, smiling innocently at the couple who sweat dropped at the right was proof of it.

When a week came to pass, the small café like place was looking perfectly neat, actually surprising Shota with how unexpectedly clean their teamwork was. When the awaited day of the school festival came, the class 2-1 led by Fuyuko and Osamu, were well prepared.

Atsumu and Alice entered 2-1, instantly getting amazed with the dark and horror theme of the room. The blond who was not a fan of such things almost let out a streak—when a horrifying laugh sounded from speakers placed somewhere in the room.

They had to admit, with many fake skeleton's and skulls laying at random corners—the use of black clothes on the walls with the creepy sound effects, their café was a huge success. Heck even the waiters were looking creepy with dark gruesome make up and ripped out dirty costumes.

They made it over to a free table inside, taking a seat to watch the live performance of the kitchen staffs as they busy themselves with the orders. To no one's surprise, Osamu and Fuyuko operated in the kitchen alone, giving off astounding performances despite the dim light and bloody chef clothes.

"Fuyu! Pass me the metal spatula!" Osamu called out, without sparing a single glance over to the girl—who blindly reached over to the said item placed near her, before throwing it towards Osamu.

"Incoming." Fuyuko called out lazily, continuing to work on the chocolate cake—while Osamu blindly caught the projectile sent to him, before expertly using it to even out the icing on the cake he was working on.

They instantly gained amazed cheers from the audience at the tables, while Atsumu and Alice stared at them with shocked awe. "Damn they're something else."

Atsumu nodded to Alice's whisper. "Yeah... for once I agree with ya."

Suna took this chance to click a photo of the two—using the borrowed polaroid camera from the photography club. He smugly placed it above their table, before walking off with a wave. Leaving Alice and Atsumu staring at his back with dotted eyes.

Suna glanced over his shoulder, lazily smiling. "Each group gets a free photo taken of them." He shortly explained before walking off towards another table.

Of course, Suna was the one appointed for the photo taking for obvious reasons.  


Fuyuko let out an exhausted sigh, leaning forward against the counter with her head hanging—tired eyes barely open, looking down at the kitchen counter top. Her dazed stupor was interrupted when she felt arms wrap themselves around her waist, making her automatically lean back and relax into the familiar touch.

"Tired?" Osamu asked, already knowing the answer, as he freed a single hand to tuck the left side of her bangs behind her ear—making it easier for him to see her expression.

With another sigh, Fuyuko nodded, tilting her head back to stare directly into Osamu's eyes, half lidded lavender making direct contact with half lidded dark grey. Osamu smiled down at her, deeming her tired face 'cute' as he leaned down to connect their foreheads.

This had Fuyuko instinctively closing her eyes, feeling his fake grey locks tickling her closed lids and making a tired smile crawl over her lips. "Y'know yer tired face 's cute, right?" Osamu muttered, barely loud enough for her to hear him.

Fuyuko hummed at his words, lifting a hand to run them through his hair and trying to lift them up, but to no avail. "Only to you Osa-chin." She muttered right back. "Only to you..."

The classroom door opened, interrupting their time and making them move their heads towards the direction. Without attempting to move away from each other's comfortable hold, they watched Akane come into the kitchen area—instantly rolling her eyes with a small smirk at the couple at the sight of them.

"Osamu-san, ya can get out now. They brought over the rest of the costumes already. The girls will be changin' first." She glanced over to the rest of the class piling back into the room, the females that is. "If ya wanna see Fuyuko-san naked ya can just ask 'er, 'm sure she'll be fine showin' ya."

She left them staring at her with wide eyes, before Osamu's entire face burst into bright red. "I- I'll be outside then..." He bashfully murmured, leaning away from Fuyuko and turning his back to the girl with the fear of her seeing his face.

He stumbled outside, where the boys were waiting and talking among themselves. Unfortunately for him, his face was still red, and them seeing him stumbling out of the classroom before slamming the door shut gave the boys a wrong impression.

"No way... Osamu—ya..."


While Osamu was in trouble with the boys, Fuyuko started stripping off her costume—leaving her in her undergarments. Akane on the other hand was dressing up in her own chef's costume. "I see that Osamu-san 'n yer hittin' it off very well." The blonde girl continued to tease her.

Not that it affected Fuyuko much with her being tired out of her mind. "Hm? Well yeah. Osa-chin's always been kind to me. He didn't change much after we started dating."

"Ya sure?" Akane asked, making Fuyuko glance at her while buttoning up her white school shirt. "'ve noticed him smilin' a lot more after he met ya." She pointed out, making Fuyuko pause.

"He... have?"

"Well yeah, 've known him since middle school, course I'd know. He used to be so unexpressive, always havin' the same usual deadpan." Akane explained, smiling at Fuyuko, her glasses hiding her eyes. "Y'know I used to like him back then." The girl watched Fuyuko's eyes widen at her words. "Pretty sure he doesn' remember, but he rejected me back in our first year of middle school."

"I- sorry..." Fuyuko murmured out, looking down at the skirt held in her hand, not really knowing how to respond to the blonde.

Akane in the other hand, burst out laughing. "Why 're ya apologizin'? It happened long back in the past Fuyuko, lighten up!" The blonde patted the girls back with reassurance. "I'll drop the honorific from yer name, ya can call me Akane too from now on. Kay?"

Fuyuko glanced over to the girl's expression, before lightly smiling as well. "Yes, we're friends from now on?"

Akane smirked. "If Osamu-san treats ya bad just come to me will ya, I'll make sure to beat him up!"

Just then, they heard Teru loudly call out to Akane, bursting through the door with the rest of the boys trying to pull him back by his shirt—but to no avail. Shouts immediately burst around the room with the girls throwing things at the blond male.

While Osamu was currently emitting a dark aura from behind the male trying to cover himself from the projectiles, shouting out apologies while at it. The grey head stomped up to the male, the rest making him a path as he does so. As soon as he stopped right behind the blond, he reeled back his fist before punching him upside the head with all his strength.

With a sigh at the commotion, Fuyuko glanced at Akane who was stunned to silence with how stupid her cousin was. The lavender head than made her way over to the door, making eye contact with Osamu and nodding as a thanks before closing the door and locking it.

Osamu on the other hand, turned straight to stone when he Fuyuko appeared in front of the door. Why? Well, because the girl was only wearing her shirt, which actually covered her underwear. Not that it was okay though, because she was not wearing her skirt and that revealed a lot of her thighs.

He robotically turned back, only to meet the sight of boys trying to stop their bleeding noses. A dark aura instantly covered him, alerting everyone else. They stared at him with wide eyes, eyes catching sight of a passed out Teru behind him before paling.


That was how a goose chase progressed within the hallways of the Inarizaki high. With Osamu not failing to knock all the boys out. By the time their small break was over with the other half of the class taking over the tasks, the males of the class were looking like real undead people with lots of black and blue bruises, and painful groans.

Osamu and Fuyuko left the class with Osamu's right hand wrapped around her shoulders protectively. "Why are you pouting Osa-chin?" Fuyuko wondered out loud, turning to look at his hand holding her shoulder when his hold tightened at her words.

He still didn't say anything though, not until they made it to their destination. The school's terrace. "Why?" Osamu muttered out, his pout turning into a small frown as he looked over to make eye contact with Fuyuko. "Why'd ya step in front of the door dressed like that? It would've been fine if it's only me, but others saw ya too, Fuyu." He complained, his tone supporting his worry.

Fuyuko raised a brow at him, eyes swirling with amusement. "It would have been fine if it was only you?" Fuyuko asked, her tone teasing and repeating Osamu's words.

Osamu had a small pause, expression showing confusion before his eyes went wide with a loose jaw when he realized his own words. His face flushed red, bright red as he moved to grab into Fuyuko's shoulders tightly. "I DIDN' MEAN IT LIKE THAT!"

Fuyuko burst out laughing at the urgency held in his tone. She was just messing with him, and she knew Osamu thought of the worst scenarios. Like her thinking he was a pervert or something along those lines. She leaned forward, laughing into the male's chest with her hands balling up his uniform shirt.

When she finally caught herself and looked up at Osamu, she caught him frowning at her yet again. A light pink currently visible on Osamu's cheeks as he had his head turned away from her.

With a gentle smile, Fuyuko's hands cupped his cheeks, making him look down at her. His dark greys made direct contact with her lavenders, both intently staring into each other's eyes. "I didn't really mind showing up in front of others like that, because I'm already used to wearing swim wears. The underwear I wear compared to those, practically shows the same amount of skin."

Osamu's cheeks turned red once more, this time because of her causal use of undergarments. The boy's hands slipped around Fuyuko's hips, snuggling his face into her hair as if it would cool his face down. "I still don' like it... they enjoyed it..." He uttered loud enough for her to hear him, making her lightly tilt her head up to peek into Osamu's face.

"Then..." Osamu listened to her intently, waiting for her next words. "I promise not to show myself to anyone in my undergarments. Only to girls, alright?" Osamu leaned back to stare into her eyes.

"Ya promise?" He asked, gaining a nod.

"I promise."

Osamu's right hand found its way to the back of Fuyuko's neck, pulling her into a heated kiss. The kiss being a bit different compared to the innocent pecks, and soft ones they've exchanged till now.

His other hand pulled her against him, bodies pressed together as their lips continued to move in sync. Fuyuko's own arms made its way around Osamu's neck, tilting her head to deepen the kiss before both of them leaned away after a while—only to leans their foreheads against each other to grasp their breaths.

Their chests rose and fell, attempting to gain back the air they lost as her eyes stared into Osamu's hues, his grey looking darker than usual with a needy glint to it. He ended up crashing their lips together for the second time, before they could even properly gain back their air. His tongue flickering over Fuyuko's lower lips hungrily, which had the girl silently gasping in surprise.

Osamu on the other hand, uses the chance to slip his tongue in her mouth—leaving Fuyuko to fight back in defiance with furrowed brows and tightly closed eyes. His eyes opened, instantly turning amused at the sight and couldn't help but let out a hoarse chuckle into the kiss.

It's cute how yer trynna fight back... but...

Her resistance was futile, because Osamu skillfully dominated over the kiss—taking full control over it and letting his tongue explore the inside of her mouth. Fuyuko was instantly overwhelmed with the intensity of the kiss. Her insides churning pleasantly and her entire body heating up.

When his hand on her back smoothly trailed his fingers over her spine, she couldn't help but softly moan into the kiss—which had Osamu smirking, his hands moving to her hips to stable her when her knees buckled.

When he finally had his full, Osamu broke off the kiss, licking her lower lip to take in the excess saliva before leaning back. Chest heaving to gain back his breath, his half-lidded eyes watched Fuyuko lean her head into his shoulder. Her hands slipping down to clench his shirt in her fists and lips parted to desperately take in air. "Osamu..." She whispered into his shirt.

Her voice sounded vulnerable while breathless and his first name sounded extremely pleasing along with it. It sent a shiver if excitement through him, his hold on her tightening as he leaned down to place a soft kiss on top of her head. "Fuyu... I love you."

Fuyuko's eyes instantly snapped open, quickly leaning back to make eye contact with him.

That's the first time he used that term...

Osamu hesitated at her wide eyes, wondering if he's taking things too fast. Just as he was able to say something, he found himself in her embrace—arms tightly held around his chest and clenching the back of his shirt. "I love you too... Osa-chin."

A figure silently closed the door of the terrace, leaning their back against it with clenched hands and gritted teeth. "Oh, I'm not lettin' ya be so happy."


Okay so... Keep in mind I've never kissed anyone before— So the description of the kiss is all based on fics I've read T . T I wonder if it's alright lmao

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