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Murasakibara Atsushi would never admit how grateful he felt from the bottom of his heart, when the sound of music reached his ears upon his first step into Rairakku household. He remembers finding it annoying when they were younger, but now he can't help but relax at the thought of the person making the noise.

"Come in Atsushi dear!" Nanami, his non blood mother urged him, guiding him into the couch before leaving to get him a glass of water. "How does it feel like? Getting in to the sound of music again after a long time?" The raven-haired women asked, placing the glass on the table before sitting on the single sofa in front of the teenager.

Atsushi hummed, a jelly fruit stick hanging from his lips as he leaned to take the glass. His free hand reached to take the plastic from his mouth, glancing at the direction of the stairs before he finally answered. "Nothing different, it's always like this."

Within a second, he had chugged the entire glass down before the jelly stick returned back to its rightful place. "Violin huh..." The boy muttered to himself, familiar with all of the instruments her older sister played.

All of the sudden the sound stopped, before the piece was completed. Nanami only smiled at that, silently preparing herself for what's to come while Atsushi's gaze turned towards the stairs yet again.

Why did she stop...? I thought she said she got over her fear of playing...

However, the next set of sound to reach his ears, had him actually dropping his snack. He pulled a face, snapping it to the direction of his non blood mother, only to see her grimacing herself.

"What the hell is that?" he asked, just as Fuyuko's laughter reached them which was followed by the sudden pause of the music much to their relief. Atsushi instantly went tense. "Whose she with?" He bluntly questioned, making Nanami sweat drop.

"She's with Osamu-kun, teaching— no, trying to teach him how to play the violin." Nanami answered with a soft smile, remembering how determined Fuyuko looked as she dragged Osamu upstairs that morning. "They tried the piano already, but it wasn't much different from what you just heard."

Despite how much she loved them, she wished they would stop already because it was really painful for her ears. To say Osamu was not at all improving was an understatement. She actually thinks he'd been getting even worse as time passes by, but the fact that they're still continuing meant that Fuyuko wasn't giving up on him.

Atsushi on the other hand, slowly picked up the jelly stick he dropped, face unreadable as he frowned. "Her boyfriend... she talked about him on the phone." He voiced, frown looking more like a pout now. "I don't like it, the moment we started living apart Fuyu-chin goes and gets herself a guy."

Nanami couldn't do anything else but sweat dropped, knowing how petty the purple giant gets despite his appearance. "W-well, there's nothing I can say..." She sent him a gentle smile. "But try giving Osamu-kun a chance alright, both of them really does like each other." She calmly stood up to take the empty glass. "I've never seen her look at anyone that way."

Atsushi kept on pouting as he watched Nanami leave to the kitchen, glooming in the silence. That was before he heard the horrendous sound of the violin yet again, caused by the wrong amount of pressure put on the bow that had his brow twitching in annoyance. He eventually got up and made his way upstairs, stopping in front of the open door of her music room.

Only to be greeted with the sight of Fuyuko standing on a stool in front of a grey-haired male. Osamu himself was seen openly grimacing at the overly high-pitched sound he made, pausing to send Fuyuko a despairing look. "Fuyu, this 's hopeless. There's no way I can play like ya... 'n ya lied! Violin 's harder to play than the Piano!"

"But you're almost getting it!" Fuyuko brought her clenched fists near her face to pump it down, eyes glinting determinedly.

"How?!" Osamu exclaimed, tired and exasperated.

Fuyuko huffed, closing her eyes as she folded her arms over her chest. "Well actually, you are getting worse not better. BUT!" She shot her hand forward, easily poking Osamu's forehead from where she stood as she narrowed her eyes. "You didn't give up on me, so I'm not giving up on you!"

"I'm pretty sure something is definitely wrong with your logic." Osamu was left to sigh, slumping tiredly as he lowered the violin—very carefully so he won't damage it because he didn't want to face Fuyuko's wrath. "Then 'n now, our situations 're different ya know."

"Fuyu-chin, give up." Atsushi commented, voice a bit muffled as he still had the jelly stick in his mouth. He didn't fail to get their attention though, both of them almost snapping their necks with how they turned to stared at him with wide eyes. "There's no reason to try when you don't have talent, and I don't want to go deaf today. It's hopeless."

A nerve instantly popped on Osamu's temple. "Huh?! 'm not hopeless ya purple titan!"

Fuyuko sent a deadpanned stare at Osamu while Atsushi slowly blinked, expression unchanging. "You said it yourself just a minute ago..." Both chorused together, making the grey head flinch back. Wondering if that was what Suna felt when his brother and him talked together to prank him during their very first encounter.

Fuyuko on the other hand, was somewhat panicking in the inside.

Osamu was not at all a bad person—she knew that extremely well. Reason why she wasn't much bothered about him meeting Atsushi, despite knowing the childish giant would definitely not warm up to him from the get go.

That's an understatement actually. After all, when she herself first met the guy himself, it took her full six months to make him warm up to her. It took tremendous efforts from her part, and that was saying something.

Then again, Osamu did mention the fact that Atsushi reminded him of Atsumu a while back—and based on their very first conversation in the music room itself, she came to a hard realization that things weren't going to be sailing smooth.

So, when her mother all of a sudden dropped by asking to lend her a hand in the kitchen, she wasn't too surprised when both boys volunteered together at once before turning to glare at each other. Fuyuko couldn't resist a facepalm.

Osamu volunteering to help was completely natural because he usually rules over the kitchen when Nanami wasn't around, but for the lazy Atsushi to volunteer as completely unusual. After all, he was the type to enter and make something if he felt like it—somehow ending up with delicious product no matter what, much to her annoyance.

Sushi-chin is definitely being competitive. Is it because I once told him Osa-chin was a great cook? I mean I didn't lie—no one can deny that he is both husband and wife material.

Yep, Sushi-chin's competitive spirit is coming out. That too for something other than basketball... but seriously? I know he hates to lose but th—

Wait a second... is he feeling jealous cause his sister loves another guy? Aww is he jelly right now? How cute.

The girl hid her smile behind her hand as she followed two six-foot-plus males into the kitchen, completely ignoring the glares and frowns exchanged between the two as she continued on with her thoughts. Unfortunate for her though, it didn't take long for the tables to turn. Completely.

"Fuyu, ya can go back to practice till we're done." Osamu addressed to her in the process of trying a blue apron that says 'I can cook, I can clean." in black bold prints—something her mother gifted to him for some reason she wasn't aware of.

What she didn't expect though, was to have Atsushi siding with Osamu's remark. "I want you gone too. Who knows the kind of mess you'll end up making if you stay to help."

To say Fuyuko was offended was an understatement. She was stunned, betrayed by both her brother and her partner. The girl ended up huffing out a pout, folding her arms across her chest in defiance—trying to make herself look bigger compared to the two giants, which didn't work by the way. "Who's the best baker in here again?" She asked with a bite in her tone.

Only to receive an almost immediate answer from Atsushi that left her speechless. "You obviously." He bluntly stated out, looking at her with a raised brow as if questioning her sanity because of her even asking that question.

"But Fuyu. When it comes to cookin', even a baby can do better than ya." Osamu continued on for her brother with a deadpan, making her blink in disbelief.

Are... are these two actually agreeing with something?! They were glaring at each other minutes ago!

Meanwhile Osamu and Atsushi both collectively shivered, remembering back to the many traumatic adventures they've had in the kitchen with Fuyuko in the picture. It never, never ended well for either of them.

"I still can't believe that one-time ya made poison outta veggies only..." Osamu murmured to himself, face going pale when he remembered the fly that sacrificed itself to taste it out before anyone.

That's cause I hate vegetables... what do you expect?

Atsushi huffed. "That's bad?" He sent Osamu a look, both of them properly making eye contact for the first time without glaring at each other. "She once set a bacon on fire."

That's cause I don't like pig meat!

Osamu snorted, completely amused with the amount of information being dropped about his girl's nonexistent talent to cook. "This one time, she made some white tar-like thing just trynna cook rice."

I— Okay I have nothing to say about that... I love rice... BUT PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES OKAY!!

Atsushi huffed out a breath, actually enjoying the game of insulting his sister. "She once made an egg explode trying to boil it."


Osamu's eyes were instantly blown wide at that. "The hell?! How'd she even manage that?!" He burst into loud laughter, grabbing the counter for his balance while his free hand clutched his side. "Oh my god! She's hopeless!"

Fuyuko was left to stare at them with a dead gaze, face as blank as an unused sheet of paper as the boys continued along with their insult game—not even attempting to pay attention to the fact that she was still with them.

When I wanted them to get along... this is not at all what I meant...

Am I supposed to be glad they found a topic to bond over? Or am I supposed to be offended at the topic they chose to bond over?

Yeah... it's definitely both of them...

"Oh, would you look at that? They're getting along~" Nanami cooed from behind Fuyuko, having just arrived to the scene, completely unaware of her predicament. "Now then Fuyuko dear, you can wait for us to finish alright? It won't take long with both of them helping out! Promise!"

Her mother's bright personality didn't do anything to lift up Fuyuko's spirit. In fact, she went even more depressed with the fact that her mother didn't want her in the kitchen either. Hence, with a heavy dark cloud all around her figure, Fuyuko turned around to leave.

"Right, sorry for being born a useless swine." The lavender head uttered darkly, scaring her mother off with how cold the air around her was when she passed by to leave the place. 


Night time arrived shortly with mama Miya joining them for their dinner. Both parents were having a light hearted conversations among themselves on one side, leaving their three children on the other side with their silence.

"How's the food?" Osamu asked all of a sudden, wanting to break the tense air produced by the female sitting in between him and her brother. From the faint smirk on his face however, Fuyuko knew he was doing nothing but teasing her.

"No need to ask her." Atsushi voiced from her other side, lazily sending her a glance. She knew he was also teasing her with the glint seen in his eyes. "We all know it'll be better than anything she can cook."

A nerve instantly popped on Fuyuko's temple, followed by her taking a deep breath. "Sushi-chin." Her voice was monotonously cold, reminding Osamu very much of Kita that he felt a shiver go through him. "I'm officially not baking anything for you this weekend." From the dead stare she sent his way, he instantly knew she was dead serious.

Atsushi froze, eyes widening quite a bit. The frown that decorated his lips as he stared back was something Fuyuko enjoyed, making her smile with a close eyed smile. "You can't do that Fuyu-chin, I didn't get to eat your cakes in a long time." His frown deepened even more. "You promised to make me one."

The childish giant's glare didn't affect her the slightest as usual. "If you want my cake then say sorry for insulting my cooking." Fuyuko demanded, opening her eyes to narrow it at her lavender haired brother.

"I wasn't lying was I?" Atsushi shot at her childishly.

"So, you don't want cake? That's what I'm hearing."

"What? You want me to lie? I thought you hated liars?"

Fuyuko's lips turned into a childish pout. "It's either you want cake, or not. It's a simple question I'm asking here."

Her blunt tone made Atsushi pause and for the both of them to progress into a heated staring contest, none of them backing off—not even thinking of it.

That was before Atsushi turned away from her with a childish pout. "Fine, I'm sorry alright?" He grumbled like a child who was refused their want for candy.

"You have to mean it!" Fuyuko exclaimed, leaning towards the male.

"I did mean it!" Atsushi exclaimed right back with tick marks all over his temple.

"You did not! Don't lie!"

"You wanted me to lie!"

"Did not!"

"Did to!"

"Did not!"

"Did to!"



"I did not Sushi-chin!"

"You did Fuyu-chin!"

Nanami chuckled at the two fondly, honestly finding it refreshing to see them heated up once a while with how lax and carefree their personalities were. "Now, now~ Limit arguing in front of food, Fuyuko, Atsushi." She reminded them kindly, making the two go silent and to proceed into another stare off, until they turned away with huffs.

Mama Miya turned to a sweat dropping Osamu. "See, that's only a quarter of what I have to put up with every day. Atsumu and you are only three times worse with the additional volume, violence and insults."

Osamu felt himself sweat drop even more, silently making sure to not make eye contact with his mom the rest of the dinner.

Seriously? We're worse than that...? Maybe I should start ignorin' Tsumu from now on...

An image of a smirking smug blond appeared in his head, which was all it took for him to get pissed off enough to almost destroy the silver wear held in his grip.

This 's all Tsumu's fault!


Despite their disagreements with each other though, the night ended with the three teens piled on one couch, watching an anime named 'Blue Lock' together. Their parents have left them alone at home, having gone somewhere to hang out with coworkers or something along those lines.

Fuyuko sat in between the boys, cuddling into Osamu's side as she dozed off in the middle of watching it. Something he took note off as he always does. Honestly, it had become a habit of his at this point, casually taking care of her when she dozes off at random times that is.

Atsushi from her other side, kept munching away. Not at all bothered with the pile of empty trash growing bigger and bigger on the coffee table. Despite his causal and comfortable appearance though, he kept a close eye on his sister and her boy's random gestures with each other.

His eyes narrowed, silently watching Osamu scoot over to shift Fuyuko so that she was laying comfortably on his lap. He paused from eating his snacks for the first time he started, carefully noting the look in the grey heads eyes as he fixed her bangs behind her ear, before a rare fond smile stretched on his lips.

With a raised brow Atsushi lowered the bag of chips to his lap before fully turning his head to the pair. Osamu who noticed his actions, turned to look at him as well, both of them falling into a long staring contest afterwards.

Atsushi continuing to stare at Osamu with new-found interest while Osamu stared back, downright confused. "What?" The older male finally asked, getting more and more weirded out the more time passed.

"... Nothing." Atsushi murmured out after another beat of silence, before turning back to the television.

"You sure?" Osamu's brows furrowed—silently wondering whether the weirdness was a family thing when Atsushi spared him another glance from a corner of his eye, casually pulling Fuyuko's legs over his own lap while at it.

"If you hurt Fuyu-chin, I'll crush you." He uttered out bluntly out of nowhere, making Osamu blink at him.

When the words properly processed in his mind though, a slow smirk pulled over the grey-haired teens lips. "No need, cuz I wouldn't even dream of that." That was a promise that involved himself and the rest of the world.

A promise that he would never dare to hurt her, and would hurt anyone who ever dares to.



A special thanks to karinagenxx o00700o & pikachu_321 for all your support! I LOVE YOU GUSY!

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