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Yosen High experienced a bitter loss at Winter High Quarter-finals, ending with Murasakibara Atsushi's newly experienced Zone and his words to quit Basketball altogether.

At the very back of the stadium stood Aomine and Momo, them having experienced loss to Seirin high before Yosen did. Momo glanced over to her blue haired childhood friend. "Do you think Mu-kun's going to quit?"

Aomine snorted in response. "No way, that idiot always talks about how boring basketball is, but he managed to enter zone. That's saying something."

"Well, he'd always been dishonest with things he liked actually. Junk food being an exception of course." A lavender head from the very back row voiced, butting into the conversation without a single glance back to the pair.

"Like the time back when he talks about how bad your cakes are?" A red head commented from the lavender heads right.

The blond who sat on the red heads other side let out a hum. "Gotta admit, basketball ain' bad. But Volleyball 's still better!" He huffed out.

Making the grey head at the very left of their row—next to the lavender head scoff. "Says the person sayin' how trashy basketball was an hour ago."



The twins continued on back and forth like they always do, gaining lots of unnecessary attention. Both good and bad, the bad including some fans of theirs unfortunately.

Aomine raised a single brow, turning to Momo afterwards. "You know them?"

"No." Momo whispered back. "But the boys look familiar... I think."

Aomine glanced back to the group of colorful heads—them reminding him of his own team back in middle school. "I think I've seen that red head from somewhere..." He trailed off, shameless staring at her chest like it was no one's business—even when it wasn't too visible from where he stood.

"Alright." Fuyuko stood up, watching the Yosen team gathering their things from the bench. "I'll go talk to Sushi-chin." She voiced, moving to get out of the row they sat. When she finally managed to get out and on top of the stairs, she turned to the other girl. "Alie-chin, keep an eye on Atsu-chin and Osa-chin for me.'

"Wait, Chin?!" Momo exclaimed, extremely familiar with the honorific.

Alice on the other hand, instantly saluted. "Aye aye sir~"

Fuyuko proceeded to smile at her before turning to Aomine and Momo. The former getting a good look at her chest before turning away almost immediately—losing interest.

Barely a C...

As if telepathically hearing his thoughts, Osamu's head snapped around to glare right into Aomine's eyes—almost getting a whiplash with how fast he was.

Oh, ya didn' just think somethin' dirty bout 'er...

Aomine and him stared into each other's eyes, before the blue head sent him a mocking smirk. Let's just say, a fight would've broken out if not for Atsumu who held the grey head back from jumping over the backrests.

Meanwhile Fuyuko was having a casual conversation with the pink haired manager. "It must've been difficult taking care of that childish giant. You have my gratitude for putting up with him." Her smile was lopsided as her half-lidded eyes stared directly into dark pink hues, somehow intimidating the taller girl.

"Oh no, it's fine?" Momo tilted her head, downright confused.

Childish giant? She's talking about Mu-kun right?

Momo wondered in her mind, watching as the shorter take her leave afterwards. 


By the time Yosen managed to reach their lockers, the sight of a girl leaning against the door—waiting for them was the last thing they could've ever imagine, especially after they just experienced defeat.

"W-who are you?" Their captain managed to stutter out after a moment of silent staring. Never did he imagine the day would come where a pretty girl would willingly approach them after all. Especially with how intimidating their team was in the height department.

Fuyuko glanced at the group, before pushing herself off the door to face them. She proceeded to bow with a polite small smile. "Rairakku Fuyuko, pleasure to meet Sushi-chin's team." She announced before looking up, staring straight at the very back of their group.

"Chin? That's like..." The team collectively looked back to their purple titan at the very back, only to see Himuro nudging the boy's side as soon as he came to recognize who she was.

"Sushi-chin?" Fuyuko called out, making Atsushi pause for a moment before slowly lifting his head to look up at her—a towel still around his neck. The stretching tense silence was soon broken when the lavender haired girl let out a soft chuckle, slowly making her way over to Atsushi—others making way for her silently as she did so.

She stopped right in front of him, craning her neck to stare up into his eyes from where she stood. "You always said you hated basketball, but today I found out you loved it the entire time." She cocked her head to a side, a teasing small smile stretched on her lips. "Does that mean all those 'I hate you' 's that you've said to me meant something else?"

Fuyuko slightly parted her arms. "If so, I love you too, Sushi-chin." Atsushi didn't hesitate to bend over and burry his face into the small crook of her neck, making her instinctively wrap her arms around his head. "You know... right now, I'm proud of you. For finally playing like you used to, long ago." She gently brushed her fingers through his vibrant lavender locks. "I'm glad I came to watch the match today."

Himuro merely smiled at the sight, being reminded of Kagami and their strained relationship. As expected, it hurt a lot. Especially when he knows he can't call himself Kagami's brother anymore.

All while the rest of the team were experiencing grief. Especially their third-year captain.


"Huh? I thought he was into taller girls?"


Unfortunately, that won't be the only loss Fuyuko would be seeing that winter. Because even a murderer of crows is capable of killing a full-grown fox. 


It was their last practice at Inarizaki High School, planned to depart to Tokyo the very next morning. The practice wasn't hardcore as usual, it was much more simple and easier as it would be their last before they depart. So, with a final short meeting with their coaches, the team was left with their own devices.

Fuyuko unlike others, was left absolutely exhausted after helping the coaches with their preparations for the trip. Making sure to check off everything necessary off the list and double check if it had been placed in their private bus. Yes, private bus, because their school was rich and the volleyball team themselves were practically celebrities themselves.

The first thing Fuyuko did when she returned back to the gym was to rest—sitting down against the wall, slumping forward, and then dozing off within a matter of seconds.

When Osamu found her, he was not at all surprised. By now fully used to her habits as he took off his jacket to place it around her shoulders, covering her front in case of her being cold—especially when it was winter. With no regards to his own health and to the fact that he was someone who was supposed to play in nationals mind you.

He proceeded to move to sit next to her, before carefully moving her head so that it would lay against his arm, mindful to make sure her neck won't be sore by the time she wakes up. When he was satisfied with his work, he nodded to himself with a smile before laying his own head on hers.

Suna had watched this all happen, and might have even recorded the moment for future purposes. When he realized Osamu had also dozed off though, he internally pouted at the fact that he wanted sleep too. Hence, the fox eyed boy moved to Fuyuko's other side, literally passing out with the back of his head on her shoulder and his legs stretched parallel to the wall.

After a while, Atsumu and Ginjima entered the gym only to freeze at the sight that left them dumbfounded. They turned to exchange looks, before Atsumu frowned. Almost immediately, Ginjima knew what the blond wanted.

By the time the third years reached inside—kind of concerned with how silent the gym was for the first time since the year started, Atsumu was seen sleeping curled up with his head on Fuyuko's lap. While Ginjima on the other hand was seen with his head on Osamu's shoulder, him too sleeping soundly.

Surrounding the trouble making second years, on the floor, were the first years piled over one another in different ways. All passed out, sleeping like babies. Honestly, had it been a little darker, the scene could be easily mistaken for a murder scene—especially with their famous maroon jackets.

"What in the world..." Aran couldn't help but let out, his momentary surprise disappearing as his cheeks puffed to contain the bubbling laughter that threatened to spill out. From next to him, Akagi awed at the silent and peaceful looking team, immediately fumbling to take out his phone to capture the rare moment.

Ōmimi on the other hand felt himself sweat drop at the loud noise of the Miya twins' snoring, the blond much louder than the grey head. "We should probably wake 'em u—"

A hand on his shoulder cut him off, turning to see their captain in all of his glory basking in the silence. "We still 've time 'till the usual time we leave." He informed; tone as emotionlessly blunt as ever. He glanced up, gaze moving from one sleeping face to another as a small almost invisible smile graced his lips. Granting the third years a holy view. "Let 'em rest."

"'n enjoy the peace while it lasts, right." Aran added with a smile, watching Kita as he carefully weaved through the sleeping bodies until he reached Osamu—proceeding to spread an extra jacket over him as his jacket was draped over the only girl among them.

The third years made their way to the other side of the gym, right across the rare sight of their peaceful underclassmen's. Talking about random things, including the sentiments on the fact that it would be their last nationals with their current team.

It had been a memorable year, with the slowly passing Spring, Summer and Autumn. Now, as the Winter continues to run by, they could only wish it would freeze time itself. 


January sixth would be a day that would last in their minds for a while despite their team moto. The day marking one of their earliest defeats at national grounds in a long while. Afterall, while it had been the second match for the crows, it had been their first match that season. Yet the dark horse managed to tenaciously defeat the most favored team among all to win nationals.

No one expected the outcome. Karasuno was unheard of since long time after all. However, despite the defeat, everyone—including all spectators and their opponents will agree, that the match was worthy. They were worthy opponents not to be underestimated, and next year, they'll be back stronger than ever. It was a worthy match that deserves praise, and the crows were worthy opponents too.

"Ya should go find Tsumu, he must be more frustrated than me..." Osamu muttered out, both of them sitting on a bench right outside the stadium.

Fuyuko simply smiled, the light chuckle that left her lips creating a cloud in front of her. Warm air mixing with cold, before disappearing completely. "I know you're frustrated too Osa-chin. Frustrated at the fact that you're not too frustrated with our loss." As usual, she knew them well and there was nothing they could hide from her.

Osamu couldn't help the sigh that slipped out, felt by the girl as it breezed through the jacket covering her shoulder. The male pressed his forehead further into her warmth, the sweat from his game having cooled his body more than hers. "Hey Fuyu, 's it a bad thing?" His voice was lower than usual, making the girl raise a curious brow as she glanced down at the male.

The arm wrapped around his back tightened instinctively. "Not really. It means there's something you love doing more than volleyball. Isn't it?" She voiced, a smile slipping on her lips. "For me it's music, for Atsu-chin it's volleyball. But how about you Osa-chin?" Her question had his eyes going wide, actually processing her words. "What makes you happier than volleyball?"

A single name instantly came into his mind, making him snort. "You." Fuyuko paused—blinking at his answer as the winter air mixed with her sudden increased blood flow, made her cheeks flush more than usual.

"Uh, you know that's not what I'm talking about..." The girl trailed off in a small voice, turning her head away to hide the obvious red.

Osamu lifts his head at her answer, leaning over to cup her jaws in his hand—pressing his fingers into her cheeks to make her lips pucker out much to his amusement. He turned her head towards him, openly admiring her flushed cheeks with a soft charming smile. "Did I lie? I love ya more than volleyball."

Fuyuko pouted in response, making her lips pucker out even more and had Osamu laughing at the expression he deemed as 'adorable'. He casually leaned over to place a simple peck on her red nose, never failing to wake up the butterflies that lived in their abdomens—no matter how small the gesture was.

The grey head finally released her face, only to move down to properly secure her scarf around her neck. "How about food?" Fuyuko muttered out, making Osamu hum as he glanced up at her, momentarily pausing task at hand. "I'm talking about food. Do you love me more than food?" She peered straight into his eyes, half lidded eyed displaying curiosity.

Osamu couldn't help the smirk that stretched over his lips, purely entertained by her question and her curiosity. "What're ya talkin' bout?" He asked, tone indicating that the answer should be obvious.

Fuyuko slightly tilted her head in response. "It's a... no?" She answered unsurely, not really getting the obvious answer he was hinting at.

With the very same smirk on his lips, he moved a hand to the back of her neck before pulling her into a deep kiss. Making sure to properly taste her. Only then did he pull away with a final swipe of his tongue over her bottom lip.

Fuyuko was forced to watch him slyly run his thumb across his own bottom lip, smirking all the way as his dark grey eyes glinted animalistically like a predatory fox.

"Ain' it obvious? Yer my energy supply too. Personal one at that."


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