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The atmosphere inside the familiar gym was completely different when the third years stepped in. Messy decorations covered the walls, giving them an idea that they were results of their junior's hard work. There were tables stacked together in the middle, surface covered with different food like cupcakes, doughnuts, cookies, macarons and a lot more surgery desserts. So, at once they knew who was in charge of the food.


Party poppers went off, raining confetti's all around the graduates. They could only stare in shock, not expecting something so grand along with the occasion. Heck they were more surprised with the fact that they actually managed to surprise them without being suspicious. They knew how their juniors were after all, so they knew it was a huge feat they've accomplished.

Nevertheless, they were thankful of their sloppy efforts. It didn't fail to stir their hearts and welcome the party spirit alongside their underclassmen. Even Kita himself was seen softly laughing alongside his fellow third years, reminiscing the good times they've had with the team.

For the third years, they were sure the times spent with volleyball club would last long with them, for a very long time at that. Those difficult times, walls of hardships, the laughs they've shared, troubles they've caused for others and the tears they've shed for both happy and sad times would stay with them for eternity.

The third-year regulars, namely, Kita, Aran, Ōmimi and Akagi had taken their seat at a side of the gym. Watching the live entertainment that always came along with the twins—honestly, with them around there was no getting bored, either amused, irritated or something in between. Till date, no one can determine if that was a good thing or not.

"Kita, Ōmimi, did ya have that talk with the coach?" Aran asked, turning to stare at the duo.

"That?" Akagi mused in thought, wondering what they were talking about. That was until imaginary lightning struck him and his eyes widened. "Wait, yer talkin' bout that?"

Aran merely nodded, giving Akagi a look before both of them turned to the two retired Mother and Father of the team.

Kita lightly smiled at the antics of his fellow third years, glad to see them loosening themselves even for a bit. "Yes, we already had that talk." He amused the two, shocking the other three to leave them speechless for a while. I mean, this was Kita we're talking about.

Akagi managed to gather himself first, hurriedly coughing into his hand to snap the others back to reality as well. "I wonder who ya chose." He wondered out loud as he turned back to the eccentric second years.

Twins still arguing, everyone already aware of the upcoming fight.

Ginjima sweat dropping at the two, having given up on trying to reason the two with words.

Suna with his usual bored and uninterested expression, phone already prepared for the upcoming fight.

Fuyuko, who had been blissfully devouring chocolate cake, completely ignoring the twin's antics.

Akagi and Aran collectively sighed before the latter parted his lips. "This club 's doomed next year."

Akagi nodded. "It'll be a complete disaster. I feel bad for the new first years."

Ōmimi chuckled at the two who now had depressive air all around them. "They 're certainly a handful." He commented before turning towards Kita. "But surprisingly, it was easy to pick."

Both depressed teens, instantly recovered, staring at the other two with confusion.

"It was?! How?!" Aran muttered.

Akagi held a hand under his chin. "Wait let's think about this. Lookin' at things objectively. Suna should be the first one off the list cuz of his laziness and laidback personality. I don't think he'd bother even tryin' to live up to a position like that." He pointed out.

"The Miya twins re' aggressive n' too troublesome to be left to lead an entire team. They're still immature." Aran brutally pointed out. "Leavin' the team to them will be a disaster, especially to Atsumu."

Akagi turned to Kita. "So, ya chose Ginjima?" He confusingly asked. Despite getting the feeling that Ginjima wouldn't really be fit for that position. It just didn't sit well with him.

Kita shook her head. "We can all agree that Ginjima 's the sanest person among the second years. We can say he's the most normal... but, can he handle Atsumu n' Osamu? Especially when we know Fuyuko n' Suna won't help him when those two 're involved?" His question left Akagi and Aran wondering, placing them in Ginjima's position with no Kita or Ōmimi to help them out.

They instantly paled. "Oh crap, I suddenly feel bad for him." Aran voiced.

Followed by Akagi. "No way! There's no way he'll be sane by the time he graduates!"

Ōmimi nodded. "Which 's why we picked out those two."

"Those two... as in those two?" Akagi questioned with a frozen smile.

Aran paled, turning paper white. "No way... why'd ya even think those two can handle an entire team?!"

Kita's gaze trailed over to the twins who had their heads pressed against each other to hold a glaring contest. "For one, we can't deny there's anyone on our team who loves volleyball as much as Atsumu does." He pointed out. "He maybe immature n' reckless, but I don't think he'll lessen the effort he puts into volleyball even without us lookin' after his back."

Ōmimi continued his explanation, eyes trailing over to the grey-haired twin. "Although he may be as reckless n' aggressive as his brother, Osamu 's definitely more rational. Unlike Atsumu, his passion doesn' entirely lay in volleyball. Which 's exactly why we're trustin' him to steer Atsumu to the right path if he were to stray. No one knows Atsumu better than him after all."

"n' finally." Kita's eyes trailed over to the only female member of the team. "While Fuyuko will have 'er attention divided for two clubs next year as she's goin' back to the music world—I know she'll be lookin' after both of their backs in my place. While it seems like she doesn' do much, we can all agree that since 'er arrival, we've all had an extra pillar of support."

Aran and Akagi exchanged glances.

"Well, if its Fuyuko..."

"... she just might be the only one who can handle 'em properly."

"Not only them, she can handle both Suna n' Ginjima too."

"That's how we finalized it." Ōmimi spoke relaxing into his seat, seemly satisfied. "Atsumu will be the next Captain. Osamu will be the Vice-Captain, n' Fuyuko will continue as their manager."

"How many times do I have ta tell ya? I made those by myself Tsumu!"

"n' how many times do I have ta say I don' believe ya?! There's no way yer that good at makin' cake!"

"Ya dumb bitch, ya've seen me bake cake before! Tasted it even!"

"Didn' say I never saw, did I?! This 's better than yer's! Ya probably bought these from somewhere!"


"Ya don' need to lie Samu, even without that all of us know ya ain' at all impressiv—"

That was all it took for Osamu to lung at Atsumu, and for their argument to turn into a brawl. Ginjima at once started fussing over the situation, while Suna proceeded to get into various positions for good shots as if he was a pro photographer. All while Fuyuko never spared a single glance at the two, fully knowing she won't be heading to stop them.

The third years all blankly stared at the scene happening in front of them, while the first years along the sidelines who'd heard their entire debate could only send them looks of pity.

"... Can we really trust this club to last after we leave...?" Akagi questioned unsurely, which was followed by a silence. Yes, not even Kita or Ōmimi could answer that question, because they can't guarantee it. Not one bit.

Aran let out a long, tired sigh. "Inarizaki Volleyball club 's definitely doomed."

Kita blankly stared at the direction of the second years, before he went to stand—only to be stopped when Ōmimi grabbed his arm. Kita glanced at the dark-haired male to see him shaking his head at him. "Let 'em handle the situation themselves. It's not like we'll be there for 'em after we graduate."

Aran instantly agreed. "Yeah let those idiots figure it out by 'emselves. Us third years have done too much already."

Hence, the third years did nothing to stop their commotion. I mean, even they needed their breaks after all. This was their party, their moment to relax—so they have all the right to rest and for once not worry about their chaotic second years.

Meanwhile the always forgotten first years felt their souls ascending to heaven, watching the fight accelerating further and further...

All up until...

Atsumu crashed into the food table, making a mess of all and every dessert it held.

Next followed, Pindrop silence.

Ōmimi let out a sigh, about to head towards the second years when Kita extended a hand to stop him from getting up. The ex-captain gestured over to a person who had been silent the entire time.

Yes, it was Rairakku Fuyuko who had gained his attention. Eyes shadowed by her bangs as she stared at the last piece of chocolate cake—now trailing down the side of Atsumu's face and onto his lap.

With a click of his tongue, the blond quickly and swiftly swatted the food aside, merciless before her eyes. Only to have Osamu wincing at his actions, dreading what comes next.

"THIS 'S ALL YER FAULT SAMU!" Atsumu raged, only to grow confused when Osamu didn't respond back. With furrowed brows, he took notice of the terrified gaze of his twin before trailing it over to what he'd been staring at. "Why do ya look like th—"

Atsumu instantly froze, feeling as if a bucket of cold water had been dumped on his head when he noticed the dark energy seeping out of their manager. "You guys... had the audacity to mercilessly murder my cake." She looked up, narrowed sharp lavender hues glaring daggers into two terrified foxes. She clicked her tongue, making not only them, but Ginjima flinch as well.

Both Miya twins sweated buckets, before simultaneously parting their lips. "F-Fuyu—"

"Save it." She shot, the glare intensifying which had both of them gulping down their apology. "I don't need your sorry. I only thing I need right now, is a chocolate cake of the same taste and size you just murdered." She demanded, just as calmly, yet threateningly.

The twins instantly saluted. "YES MA'AM!"

"Oh, and don't forget to clean up these precious foods. Make sure you make the murder scene spotless, alright?"



Aran nodded to himself, quite satisfied. "Atsumu n' Osamu may be Captain n' Vice by name, but Fuyuko's the conductor commandin' 'em."

Akagi nodded as well. "Yep! With 'er, I can rest easy."

From a side, the first years stared at their manager with wide eyes filled with fear.

"I guess those rumors were true then."

"W-What rumors? That she's actually a delinquent?"

"That too! But the one I'm talkin' bout 's the one bout She-Devil."

"She-Devil? That scary red one, right?"

"Yes, they say the one who tamed She-Devil 's even scarier. It's true!"

The third years except for Kita sweat dropped at the hushed talks among the first years. Hearing them quite well despite them talking 'hushed'. "Well... Fuyuko's not actually scary, only if ya mess with somethin' she likes." Ōmimi voiced.

"True." Akagi nodded with a carefree smile. "Also, didja hear bout the other rumor involvin' our manager? That one was more interestin'." He excitedly informed, gaining the others undivided attention.

"What 's it?" Kita asked, interested.

"That she's an Illustrious Musician." Akagi's smile never wavered, proud of his junior.

"Illustrious?" Aran tilted his head, making Akagi nod excitedly.

"Yes! It goes like this." His eyes glinted. "There's a girl who studies in Inarizaki, presence calm yet known well. She's respected by all n' admired by all. A skilled musician who can easily make ya speechless with a single one of 'er performances. 'er name is, Lilac. The Illustrious Musician of Inarizaki High."


Fuyuko fiddled with the long skirt of the simple black dress her figure was adorned in, painfully aware of all the eyes and the whispers surrounding her. What did she expect though, of course people were going to be talking about her! She was the renowned Lilac after all, the one who had been gaining first place since Middle school during competitions such as this one.

She was sure the media would be having a great field day with the piece of information. Actually wait, those media people were already there, sitting alongside speculators and audiences. Yet there were still no signs of the friends she'd been searching for, from behind the curtains of the stage at that.

The lavender head anxiously backed away, bringing her trembling hands to cup her face.

Fuyuko, calm down. Calm the fuck down, you know they'll be here by the time I start to perform. He said they would.

Besides, why am I even getting so nervous? I haven't been this way since the first time I started performing damnit! That accident has hit me hard urgh!

She remembered back to Osamu, and the times spent with him practicing. Recalling those times, her hands slowly slipped away from her face, coming to rest by her sides.

But, I'm over that already... that accident...

I promised myself I won't let it hold me down... not when Osa-chin and the rest has my back.

Fuyuko inhaled a huge sum of air, before exhaling it calmly through her nose.

Calm down... everything's going to be alright...

"I see you've come back to the grand stage." The lavender head turned, already familiar with the person's voice. "You better not be rusty; I've been itching to beat you after all."

"Hana-chin..." Fuyuko murmured out, feeling nostalgic to see one of her usual competitors standing in front of her. Her wavy dark hair longer than before and emerald green eyes glowing beautifully, just the same as it used to in the past.

Ah... this feeling... I missed this...

Indeed, she has. That single encounter brought along pages and pages of nostalgia, back during the times she could confidently butt heads with the girl standing in front of her. Back then, insults would be shot one after another, and there were small piano competitions played by themselves only.

Fuyuko couldn't help the smile that pulled over her lips. Eyes glistening with the overwhelming amount of happiness she had been experiencing. "I'm... truly happy to be here again, competing against you." Fuyuko stared right into the eyes of her long-time frenemy. "I'm happy. So, I will won't hold back... I'll be giving it my all, so don't you disappoint me either."

Hana scoffed, before a smirk pulled over her lips. "You know it's been too easy without you? It was boring. Everyone other than you suck ass, which is why I made you my goal. Winning first can't satisfy me unless I beat you, so don't go disappearing again~" With a wave of her hand, the girl turned to walk off, the skirt of her dress fluttering after her.

"I won't. I won't hesitate to play again. Not ever again."


It didn't take long for her turn to come.

The nervousness she'd experienced prior was nowhere to be found, only excitement left in its place. Despite having listened to wonderful pieces one after another, despite the overwhelming happiness she'd been experiencing and despite the message she'd received from Alice to inform that they were here. She was excited. Excited to play again.

Then again though, she thought those might the exact reasons why she'd been feeling that way.

So, when she calmly walked on to the stage after her name had been called, she didn't bother listening to the murmurers of the crowd. She couldn't be bothered. Because as she stopped near the edge of the stage, the first person her eyes made contact with was him.

Not with Alice, who had been with her along most of her music journey as her best friend, here to see her continuing it with a proud smile.

Not with Suna, who had been her helping hand in times of need since their first year as scouted students. Here despite being someone who usually skips events as such.

Not with Atsumu, who had been protective of her. Here with as much as enthusiasm as his volleyball, waving his hands and shouting out to her without batting an eye to the attention he received in return.

Not with Kita, Ōmimi, Akagi and Aran, who had always looked after her as seniors, here to offer their further support to her future endeavors despite them graduating.

Not with Ginjima, who had been looking forward to see one of her performances in person. Here with wishes of good luck.

Not with Atsushi who had been feeling guilty ever since the accident, silently having accepted it as his fault. Here to offer his support despite living far away from her.

Not with her mom who had been crying nonstop at the sight of her standing on the stage again. Here with new hope, happy for her only daughter, happy to see her overcoming her fears.

Not with Kyotani, who she shared many nights of texts with, having introduced him into the world of anime. Here to repay her kindness despite mostly knowing her through texts and calls alone.

The first person her eyes made contact with, wasn't any of them. Yet, bottom of her heart, she was thankful for all of them. Her words can't and can never express her gratitude for them, for these people were ones she was glad to have in her life.

Fuyuko smiled, the first person her eyes made contact with, was a male who gave her hope when she needed it the most.

It was during their very first encounter that he gave her strength to not give up, which led to her becoming the manager of his Volleyball club as she was in search for more motivation.

Back then, she had thought being in his presence would help her more.

It did more than help, and in a completely different way.

It gave her a place to belong, friends she could rely on and a person she loved with her entire heart.

That very same boy from the hospital's rooftop, sat by her side inside her music room, and spent hours and hours of his time just to help her out.

She can never relay her gratitude through words. Never.

Hence, she decided. That today, she was going to be playing her piano for them. She will play from the bottom of her heart, to relay her feelings and to help it reach them. She wanted to thank them through the language she has loved since young, and hoped it would reach them.

No. She will make sure it reaches them.

Fuyuko turned around, eyes wide open, reflecting under the stage lights as she proceeded to take her seat in front of the piano.

It reminding her of her past and how she got into the passion of hers. After all, the piano had been the first instrument she'd ever placed her hands on.

With a deep breath, she exhaled out. Eyes closed as Osamu's last words to her played out. The words he said with hands gently encasing her own ones, bringing them close to plant a delicate kiss before looking her straight in the eye with those loving dark greys of his.

"The music ya love to play... I want ya to show it to me. Show me why they respect n' admire ya, why yer well known. Show me what makes ya an Illustrious Musician, Rairakku Fuyuko."

Her eyes slowly opened, lifting her hands to the white and black keys filled with nostalgia.

Fingers readied, and posture as elegant as ever.

She drew her blade and plunged it forward without a single note of hesitation.

I'll show you... so, watch me carefully... and hear me out... Miya Osamu. 


This chapter has been long overdue— since I don't like making you guys wait 😭 Writer's block sucks fr! I don't even know how I wrote this istg. The moment I started typing, this happened and here we are with the the end result smh... It's crappy ikik

Either ways~ This is the final chapter for this book! Hope you enjoyed! This won't be the end though, because there's the Epilogue and two bonus chapters still left! OH GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS ENDING!😃Still in disbelief so don't mind me

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