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Thena Salvatore-Mikaelson
Immortal Witch
Age: 17 (171)
Wife- Mother

"I don't hate you it's just monday."

"If you don't shutup I will incendia you, and I mean it."

"Life's good you should get one. I mean after all I'm living my best life with my husband and son." 

Kol Mikaelson
Age: 18 (1000)
Husband- Father

"I confess. I did it."

"Always and forever never implied to me with you lot, but it does when my wife says it."

"Tell me how handsome I look." 

Alec Mikaelson
Age: 17

" I never truly thanked you both for adopting me, and being the best parents."

"You don't have to repeat yourself. I was already ignoring your presence."

"Your tone implies that I should be offended."

Finn Mikaelson
Age: 27/28 (1000)

"Oh bloody hell. I think I need to call my therapist, again."

"What is this thing you call 'flirting' ?"

"I made us brownies, but don't touch I'm going to snap a picture with them."


Stefan Salvatore
Age: 17 (171)
Uncle- Husband

"Okay this sarcasm is too much stop hanging out with your aunt and uncle."

"Don't tell Finn that I just snatched a brownie blame it on Damon."

"She's married back off my sister."

Damon Salvatore
Age: 25/178
Uncle- Husband

"I've been dead before. I got over it." 

"Oh look it's my evil little sister stomping over here like the gremlin she is."

"Ow! Stop hitting me. I didn't even snatch your brownies, but speaking of them can I have one!" 

Caroline Forbes- Salvatore
Age: 17 (25)
Aunt- Mother- Wife

"When anybody tells me I can't do something, I prove them wrong."

"I'm so exhausted of them. I think I'm just going to head over there, and snap their necks."

"I love you girls to the moon and back."

Elena Salvatore 
Age: 18 (25)
Aunt- Wife

"Who would've thought I'd come to terms on being a vampire."

"Let's have a girls day it's been awhile."

"It's like the Mikaelsons like to bounce around with drama every-time. "

Lizzie and Josie Saltzman
Ages: 17

"I can't believe that hybrid dick is back into town, and brought the whore with along with the kid."

"I love you Josie you're my sister, and I just want the best for you."

"Don't touch my sister or I will siphon from you."

"Did my sister just activate her bitch side? I like it!"

Bonnie Bennett
Age: 25

"I mean Finn is cute, but anyways."

"What do you want from me?"

"I love being a witch it's the best thing, and so far I've been charging people who want things from me ain't no way I'm doing things for free."

Alaric Saltzman
Age: 50

"Excuse my girls they just woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

"When life gets you down you just have to keep swimming, and yes I quoted that from finding Nemo!"

"Who wants a glass of bourbon."

Valerie Tulle
Age: 18 (170)
Bestfriend- Aunt

"I never knew I could love, again until you showed up."

"You broke my Bestfriend's heart you dog."

"I feel like I'm truly living my life, and choosing my own path. I love it."


The Mikaelsons

"I still love you."

"Is that kid mine, and if you're lying I'll collect every single truth." 

"Leave them brother. You broke Thena, and expect her to be on her knees for your love."

"Yes I knew they were married."

"I miss our friendship please forgive me."

"I could careless. I got a child in the end who i so much love. "

"I'm so sorry about my siblings, and congratulations on the marriage and your child."

"You cheated on her dad?"


If you guys are wondering Elijah never had a thing with Hayley.

Elijah is going to find love with some other girl *smug smirk*

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