Thirty Five.

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I love you

Thena had awoken nauseous again, and today was one of those day's where it was more extreme, and had decided to spend her morning laid up on the couch as Kol prepared some hot chocolate for her. Her dog, Pepperoni was curled up by her feet sound asleep, and keeping her toes warm. She heard foot steps approaching the living room with kol in his Christmas Pajamas, "I made you your favorite, darling." Kol said setting the hot chocolate by the little table, and helping his wife sit up.

"Thank you, Koala." Thena said taking a sip of the hot chocolate as her husband sat beside her, and pulled her closer pulling the blankets, and covering them completely as he wrapped his arms around her waist, and his hands rubbing circles on her little baby bump, "I love you." Kol whispered pressing a kiss on her neck making her giggle, "I love you more." Thena said snuggling in closer.

The two had drifted off to sleep in each other's embrace, and not noticing their oldest son turning off the television for them, and giving his mom a kiss on the forehead as he whispered 'I love you both, and my future siblings'.

Two hours later

Awhile later, Thena had awoken up, and ran to the bathroom, and sat on her knees as she had opened the toilet, and vomited. She didn't notice kol had awoken until she heard footsteps approaching, and made her wave him off.

"Don't come in...I'm alright," Thena responded still vomiting, "Thena I'm going to be here with you every step of the way, darling." Kol responded approaching his wife

Kol Mikaelson had grabbed a hair tie, and pulled his wife's hair back up into a messy bun, and had massaged her back as she continued to vomit. The feeling was gross, but she wouldn't have it any other way. Thena had finished vomiting, and silently got up brushing her teeth, and glanced back at kol smiling slightly, and hugged him.

"It's okay darling, I'll be here through your worst, and best days. Remember that, darling. I love you to the moon, and back–" Kol said as he knelt down by her stomach, "And I'm going to love you both to the moon, and back as well." Kol whispered kissing her small baby bump.

The two had left the bathroon and made themselves the way into the kitchen, "I'm going to head-out, and get groceries. I won't take long, and I'll bring the ginger-ale as well." Kol said kissing his wife's forehead as she cut apples up, "Okay, Koala." Thena said as kol huffed playfully, but smiled heading out the house.

Twenty five minutes later

Thena heard loud pounding on her front door, and huffed with annoyance, and pulled her robe on to check who was knocking this horrendously, and to her surprise it was one of the many faces she despised.

"It's kind of hard to track you down," Hayley stated crossing her arms, "What do you want Hayley Marshall?" Thena questioned with a straight face.

"How did you know my ex-husband?" Hayley said trying to approach Thena, but couldn't access her home, "I've been friends with him since before you came into his life, and caused his life." Thena said already getting upset.

"Listen little psycho, and I'm going to make it clear. I loved him, and apparently he didn't enough to tell me he had a kid with who knows who–" Hayley began speaking as Thena interrupted her, "I'm sorry you don't come into my own home, and disrespect the one woman Jackson loved, and him not telling you wasn't my problem. Please get out of my property," Thena said kindly as Hayley huffed in annoyance stepping out her house, and just a couple minutes later Kol had opened the other side of the door with groceries in hand.

Three hours later

"You going to tell me about her," Kol questioned his wife rinsing the shampoo out of her hair as he felt her bare skin onto his, "No I don't think I will, but all I can is she was wonderful." Thena said smiling softly at the woman she always had adored, and now speaks to her wherever she is at, and hoping she's at peace with him. She felt kol lean by the crook of her neck, and kissed her cheek as she turned to face him.

"Want to have sex after this?" Thena questioned as the water kept hitting their face making kol laugh, and pull her into a hug as she felt the vibrations of his laugh.

"Whatever you want, darling." Kol simply said kissing her lips.


Again, these trimesters will go by fast

Hope you liked this chapter. A chapter focusing on their love.

How about that steve reference though .

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