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[Angie was in her room getting ready of a walk with April and her father Kirby, when Ren came in]

Ren: Mama, can I come with you?

Angie: Ren, are you sure, you do know we'll be meeting the Kraang.

Ren: And also the turtles!

Angie: Okay fine you can come. (Hears a knocking) Oh that's April, I still hate her but gotta stay with the plot and act like shes a friend. Oh and I got us this!

[Then Angie gave Ren a tanto with pink roses on]

Ren: Woow!

Angie: Okay, be right back.

[Angie went to the front door and opened it to reveal, April and Kirby]

April: Hey Angie, I'm glad you can come with us!

Angie: I'm glad, oh and I want you both to meet someone, but don't freak out.

Kirby: Oh sure, we like to meet new people.

[Then Ren came out and she was in a yellow small dress]

Ren: H-hello Miss April O'Neil and Mr O'neil.

April: Aww shes cute!

Kirby: Wow, shes a turtle thing?

Angie: Ren is a mutant and she kinda calls me mama, because I'm like a mother figure to her.

April: She so cute, why will anyone be scared for this cutie?

[Ren smiled and Angie picked her up and they begined to walk, after they went around a corner thats where, a purple masked turtle saw Angie and was awe struck by her beauty]

Donnie: She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

Raph: Isn't she the only girl you- wait the ginger one?

Donnie: What no?! It's the one with the brown hair one, And my point still stands.

[Van pulls up in front of Angie, Ren, April and Kirby. four men all identical jump out of back.]

Kirby: What? What is this?

Angie: Uh oh, Ren you got your weapon?

[Ren smiled and grabbed her Tanto and she came out of Angie's arms and she disappered]

Ren: Ren's first fight, lets see how this goes.

[April grabs Father's arm in fear as Angie grabbed her warfan.]

Angie: You wanna get us? Then come and get us.

[Then Angie started to fight the men as Ren was making sure to get ready for the right moment and she jumpped but got caughed.]

Ren: Aww, swear apple!

April: (Being dragged to van, Kirby is unconscious as the men grabbed ahold of Angie and Ren.) Help! Help!

[Man tosses Kirby into van.]

Raph: Hey!

[Raph punches the man while brothers engage the rest. Man rises up as a strange warbling sound echoes and then Ren and Angie landed and grabbed their weapon and started to attack.]

Raph: Still standing, huh? I'll fix that and who let a child hold a weapon!?

Ren: I'm four years old hothead!

Angie: Still a child Ren but maybe help them fight?!.

Ren: Kay!

[Raph bumps into Leo.]

Leo: Watch it!

Raph: You watch it!

Angie: You both shut up before I'll shove this fan up your turtle butt!

Raph: Haha, I'm starting to like her.

[Turtles + Angie and Ren fight in uncoordinated fashion, all bumping into each other while trying to fight the men.]

Raph: Watch it, Donnie!

[They continue to fight erratically, having no awareness of where or what their brothers are doing. Each unintentionally impedes their own brothers.]

Raph: Oh, come on!

April: (Man tosses April over his shoulder and he grabbed Angie.) Hey, cut it out! Stop! Ow! Let go of me!"

Angie: Get off of us, you little uhh.

[Donnie notices April and Angie is being carried away and hurls his bo at the man, knocking him down. April and Angie goes flying and Don catches them before they can be hurt.]

Donnie: Gotcha!

[April and Angie looks up at Donnie, who gives them a charming smile and Angie smiled back. Without any warning, April screams, causing Donnie to scream also and drop them.]

Donnie: AAGHH!! No, no, no. No. Don't worry. We're the good guys, she knows we're good. (April screams again.) It's okay.

[April turns to see that the men are coming closer and she looks at the strange creature. He holds out a hand to help her up, however Mikey accidentally hits him with his nunchucks as Ren was ontop of Mikey with her tanto away.]

Mikey: Whoops! Sorry.Β 

Ren: Uh oh, watch out!

[The man kicks them away and takes April into the van and drives off.]

Donnie: Huh? They're getting away! They got the girl!

[He grabs his staff and gives chase as Angie followed.]

Raph (Running after them.) You just jabbed me with your sword."

Leo: (Running alongside him.) Well, I didn't know you were gonna land where I was stabbing.

[Mikey stands, puts Ren on his shoulders and starts walking after the others, then spots one of the men, alone.]

Mikey: You think you're tough, huh? You think you're tough enough to stand up to my hot nunchuck fury?

Ren: Or my uh, man I can't think of one.

Mikey: Don't worry little one, you'll think of one plus your so cute.

Ren: I-I'M NOT CUTE, I'm a mutant warrior!

[He strikes the man several times but he doesn't flinch, then he grabs the nunchuck and yanks it from Mikey's hand.]

Mikey: Huh? I see. Well, then... Aah!

Ren: We better run.

Mikey: Y-yeah we gotta run.

[He flees and the man gives chase. Mikey and Ren runs into a dead end alley and is cornered. Mikey pulls his kusarigama as Ren pulls her Tanto, eyes closed as they begins slashing at the man.]

Mikey + Ren: Stay back! (Then Mikey slashes the man across the face. He stumbles around with hands over face and then collapses.) What the..? (Mikey uses his foot to flip the man onto his back and sees robotic face beneath human mask.) That is all kinds of wrong.

[All of a sudden a pinkish brain creature inside the robot screeches. The duo screams as it leaps onto Mikey's face. the two struggling to get the creature off, Mikey slams into a wall and then tugs at the thing. He finally pulls it far enough away to use his feet for leverage and yanks the thing off, where it hits the wall and scurries away. Panting for breath, Mikey and Ren runs to find the others and Ren hugged Angie.]

Mikey: Guys! Guys! You're never gonna believe this! That dude, he... he... had a brain!

Leo: We all have brains, Mikey.

Donnie: Not all of us.

Ren: In our chests?

Leo: No, Ren. Not in our chests.

Mikey: You're not listening to us! (Leo slaps him.) Did you just slap me?

Leo: I was calming you down.

Ren: Why would that calm him down?

Donnie: I think they both delusional.


Raph: Wait ain't you young to have a kid?

Angie: Well, I kinda adopted her but I am her mother figure.

Donnie: Oh well your making a great mother figure to Ren.

Angie: Thanks!

Mikey: Just-just come here. (He walks off to show the rest.) We're telling you. The big guy was a robot and he had a freaky-weird alien brain thing in his chest. You gotta believe us.

Raph "I'm not sure we do."

Mikey "Oh, yeah? Well, you'll change your tune when you see that he's . . . (The alley is empty.) ...gone?"

[The brothers leave and Mikey stares in the direction the alien had lain before following them as Angie stopped him]

Angie: Don't worry I believe you and Ren.

Mikey: Thanks Angie and Ren, your both are the best.

Angie: What are friends for.

[After Mikey and the rest left, Angie looked at Ren's pendant]

Ren: Mama, why checking my pendant?

Angie: Because it has a power locked away, look. Blue is for Leonardo, Red is for Rapheal, Dark purple is Donatello, Orange is Michelangelo, Yellow is April O'Neil, Green is Casey Jones and purple is Karai.

Ren: Wow, but wait where are gem stones?!

Angie: I don't know but all I know is thats the symbol is the Hamato clan.

Ren: Cool, I'm part of the Hamato clan!

Angie: No your not.

Ren: Awe.

[Then after the Turtles came back the gang were on the roof top as Ren was on Mikey shoulders and Angie was near Donnie]

Mikey: Explain to me one more time what we're doing here.

Ren: Dummy.

Angie: How did you forget?!

Leo: Mikey, we've been over this. That building has the same logo as the van that was used to kidnap the family. So if we wait here long enough, one of the kidnappers will eventually show his face. And when he does, we'll make him tell us where they took them.

Mikey: And then we got ourselves a van!

Ren: Yeah we'll get a van!

Leo: Just hit the guy I tell you to.

Mikey + Ren: Will do!

Raph: Are you sure this is gonna work?

Leo: Trust me. They'll be here any second.

[Time passes, Angie, Ren, Raph, Donnie and Mikey do things to entertain themselves while Leo keeps watch.]

Mikey: Okay, I'm thinking of something symbol. Sy-mbol. Sy-mbol.

Donnie: Is it Ren's pandant again?

Mikey: Man, you're good at this!

Raph: Give it up already. The guy's not gonna show.

Leo: We have to be patient.

Raph: No, you have to come up with a better plan, 'cause the four of us standing here with our thumbs up our noses . . .

Mikey: I don't think they'd fit.

Angie: Okay gross.

Raph: . . . is pointless.

Leo + Angie: You sure about that, Raph?

Raph: He just showed up, didn't he? I should've complained two hours ago.

Leo: Ladies and gentlemen, I have a bold and daring plan. There's no time for hesitation. My orders must be carried out without question. (Notices that the rest are gone.) Guys? Guys, wait up!

[He joins them. Street level all four approach the driver of the van.]

Raph: All right, buddy. We can do this the easy way, or my vote, the hard way.

Angie: Yeah, look at it logically. There are siz of us and one of you. What are you gonna do?

Donnie: Oh she's really smart.

[The man starts shooting lasers at them and the gang jump high to avoid them.]

Raph: You had to ask, don't you Angie!

Angie: Do want me to stick the fan in your-

Donnie: He's getting away again!

Ren: And Donnie saves us from Angie swore.

Leo: No, he's not.

[Then the six take to the rooftops to chase him down. Raph leaps atop van but is shaken off. Man sees other turtles atop roofs, begins shooting at them. Leo jumps into the air and throws shuriken, which pierces one of the van's tires. Driver loses control and plows into light pole, and then van flips onto its side.]

Leo: Now we're getting somewhere.

[All six go back down to the street. Leo begins to give hand signals, but brothers look at him in confusion.]

Raph: I don't know what that means.

Leo: Go around back.

Mikey: Why didn't he just say so?

[They creep around to the back of the van, which is open and the contents spilling onto the street. Raph pulls up one of the doors and a canister filled with glowing blue ooze rolls out and stops at Mikey's feet. It looks exactly like the canister they have at home.]

Mikey: Mom?

Ren: Is that.

Angie: Mutagen.






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