Malfic Troubles, A Snapping Snape and new friends

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Percy's P.O.V. (his words)- 

I did not want to be a part of the Malfoy-Buckbeak incident. Neither did I want to get bad Nordic news. Long story short- My life just got worse.

How did that happen?

Malfoy, the big idiot as he is, decided it would be nice to go and insult a proud and fierce creature like a hippogriff. What did he get as reward? His ass whooped.

Well, almost. 

He is lucky that a son of Poseidon goes to the same school as he goes. Very very lucky indeed. I will just give you a short version of a very very very long story.

Malfoy insults Buckbeak. Buckbeak kicks him hard on his shoulder. I go and stop Buckbeak. Malfoy is a prat claiming he died. Had he not been hurt, I would have already killed him at spot. 

"I am dying!!!" he shouted. Then he said a list of colorful words to the hippogriff getting me angry. He doesn't get to insult horses. Not even if the horse is a part bird. 

"You prat, you are not even close to dying! Shut the ha- hell up and get on your feet. You great big moron." 

I couldn't control myself. Don't blame me. And my British accent was really showing up. 

"I am getting that hippogriff dead. I swear! My father is going to-"

"Go all mad. Yeah I know. Now go to Madam Pomfrey before I get to kill you." 

Hagrid helped Malfoy to get to Madam Pomfrey. Hermione followed him too. The Slytherins had a string of more colorful words for Hagrid. The Gryffindor stood up for Hagrid, but they were shunned by the two followers, Crabbe and Goyle.

But it didn't work when this Jackson was here.

'PUNCH. PUNCH. PUNCH.' the chorus rang out. Crabbe being the incredible fool he is charged right at me. I sidestepped, and he hit the wall. Goyle being more of a fool punched right at my nose. Instead of breaking my nose, his fist was caught by Buckbeak's mouth was right behind me. 

All in all, it was a scenario to remember. The Gryffindors kept laughing, while the Slytherins, turned away in shame as their two sloppy idiotic fighters fell to the ground- one rubbing his bleeding head, while the other trying to get his hand out of Buckbeak's mouth, who seemed to be having a nice time.

"Dude, that was awesome." (do they say 'dude' in brits?) 


"They deserved it."

"Wow man. Wow."

"How did you do it?"

"Where did you learn that?" 

People started dog-piling me with those questions. That was what I hated the most. Too many questions. 

Apparently Snape had got news of two Slytherins getting their asses whooped and ran down to where we were.

"Mr. Johnson. For injuring two Slytherins, you are hereby put in detention and I am removing fifty points from - "

I smirked. 

Snape gurgled.

The class stared.

Snape threw out his early breakfast.

Let's say it was not a pleasant sight. 

Cause of that sudden vomiting was due to - uh - I may or may not have focused on the water particles inside his stomach to rise the food, and put him in his current condition.

"Eww" The class said in unison, and looked away. After Snape stopped retching, he swirled his wand, and the grass cleaned itself. His mouth was cleaned too. 

"As I was saying before- Mr. Johnson, you -"

"have been rewarded with 50 house points for stopping two certain idiots from attacking a fellow Gryffindor." I cut him off.

"You dare-"

"to cut a throwing-up-his-breakfast teacher in his speech? Yes. So what?" Snape's eyes turned red in anger. He gritted his teeth.

"You have attacked two students. That can even cause exp-"

"Please Professor Snape, I acted in self defense of of another Gryffindor. By the way, I didn't even attack. I just stopped Goyle's hand mid-air, causing his to turn at me an punch me. He missed, hitting the hippogriff. Same with Crabbe. He hit the wall. You can hardly punish a student for it. Rewarding a few house points to Gryffindor for putting them back to their place can be a good action, Professor Snape." I said the word 'professor' as if Snape was actually a student.

Snape was speechless for a minute or two. I heard a whisper from Hermione behind me. 

'Peter, you are gonna get yourself expelled'.

I just flashed her a grin, before turning back to a gaping and red-with-embarrassment Snape. 

He was saved from the embarrassment, as Hagrid returned from the medical ward, and called out Snape.

Lunch turned out to be pretty fun. 

I told the whole story to Ginny who was sitting beside me. She was laughing by the end of it. 

"Hey Peter!" I heard a call. I turned around to see it was Ron. 

"Yes?" I asked.

"You have a letter. Dunno why, but this letter dropped on my brother's plate" He said handing out my letter. Oh. The owl sent by the Norse might have been said to drop the letter to Percy. 

"Thanks." I opened the letter. It was written in Nordic language. Can't they even write in Greek, or even English?

Luckily I learnt a bit of Nordic during my stay in the infirmary of Asgard. 

I silently read it, and noticed Ron and Ginny glancing at it. They don't know Norse now. Do they?

Dear Perseus, (Helgi liked calling him that)

First of all, I would like to know if you are well. We are doing fine . . . yet. There's a change in enemy plans. Our scouts have reported that the enemies are not taking any chances. The second wave and third wave will be coming together. It will be too large of an army, and we won't have any chances against them. They will be rounding us in a thousand upon one. Valhalla's defenses will be breached. 

It is estimated that the battle will be near March 21. The time day and night will be the same, and the enemies will have great chance of success. Even you - no offence - can't stop them. We will be needing like 15 of you to defeat all of them. 

That's all the war report we have. Please consider it before replying. Our doom is falling. The Norn's words are coming true

Yours faithfully,


Valhalla Hotel Manager.

"Hey, what's written there?" Ginny asked.

"A language from my native family." I replied simply. 

Ron sat down on the other side of me. 

"You know that was cool what you did there." he said. 

"What?" I was honestly distracted thinking of the letter.

"You know, what you said to Snape."


My mind was on the 15 me part. 

"Hey, you wanna be friends?" Ron asked. I turned at him, and raised an eyebrow. Ron flushed red. 

"N-No. I n-noticed that you don't really h-have any friends. So-" he stuttered. I smirked a bit. 

"Not really. I have Ginny and Luna as my friends." 

"Yes you big head. He is my only friend who talked with me during the first year. Harry did too, but Peter was here." Ginny said. 

"But, I guess I can take up your offer too, only if you take Ginny, me and Luna to your adventure group too. Specially, running off to secret chambers and playing chess to go to old moldy-shorts to get a stone. Or maybe blowing up aunts. You know, I could really use that. Got an aunt, and would pay to blow her up." I said referring to a certain goddess who decided that it would be nice to take away my memories, send me to a Roman camp, and expect me to co-operate.

Ron didn't expect me to know of the aunt incident. 

"And maybe running off around the school wearing a certain cloak." I winked.

Ron kept gaping a minute. 

"H-How did you know?"

"Hey, I am in your dormitory. Do you expect me to not notice a Christmas present wearing which you just go - vanish?" 

Ron's ear was no more being distinguished from his hair. 

"So friends?" I said raising my hand.

Ron shook it. 

Sorry for publishing it late. I thought of writing another Thertemis fluff scene. But then decided that it would be unwise to do that, because of painful murder threats from one or more certain persons *cough* kaiyo2 and darthvader *cough*. 

1400 words

logging off


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