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Lady Bone Demon: For as long as time itself, I've had this recurring dream. At first, its meaning was unclear. Now, I know it was a premonition. The very moment I finally achieved my ambition: to perfect this imperfect world. The Samadhi Fire is the final piece of the game: A tool destiny has gifted me to complete my work.

'Mayor': Then allow me to retrieve it for you, my Lady.

Lady Bone Demon: No need. Fate will deliver it in time. (Angie lands in front of them.) Ah, your timing couldn't be more perfect, Angie the Star Warrior. It appears your quest to use the power of the Samadhi Fire to destroy me hasn't gone quite according to plan. Why else would you show up unarmed with no friends for backup?

Angie: Monkey King didn't need the Samadhi Fire to put you away last time. Figured I could make do without it.

Lady Bone Demon: Oh, my power has far surpassed what it was when we last met in battle. And now I sense you do not have what it takes to defeat me.

Angie: Hmph. That won't stop me from trying.

Mayor: A hero to the end. How delightful.

Lady Bone Demon: (She chuckles.) No backup and no weapon. So your plan is to... fistfight a child?

Angie: We both know that's not what you are little bitch. (She summons her staff and charges at her.)

(In Red Son's training temple, Mei is meditating. A spear slices through the air. Mei dodges but is soon surrounded by them.)

Mei: No! The Samadhi Fire doesn't control me! Breathe! (She focuses and creates a shield around herself, melting the heads on the spears and then using the forces to flick the spears in the opposite direction. Afterwards, she falls back and sighs.)

Red Son: Not bad, Pony Girl. (He jumps down and examines one of the spears.) But not great either. (He grabs it, pointing to the spearhead.) Do you know how hard it is source authentic 7th century modao? Think about that next time you lose your cool— (He is conked on the head by a piece of the temple root.)

Athena: Babe?! (Athena shaked Red Son) WAKE UP!!!

Lorise: Mei you still did good!

Mei: Thanks my sweet little kitty cat.~

(Lorise blushed. Mei eats from a basket while Red Son holds an ice pack to his head as Athena.)

Mei: All this training sure makes me hungy. You sure you don't want any?

Red Son: I'm fine, thank you.

Lorise: I need one! (Eats the fruits) Yummy!

Mei: You're still annoyed with me? Yeah, I moved on from that like immediately.

Red Son: Yes, that's because you're not the one with shiner! (He groans and falls back, wincing.)

Mei: Well, you shouldn't have tricked me into your stab shack of "meditation" or whatever.

Red Son: You are the second most annoying person I know. (He sighs.) That "meditation" is important if you are to stand a chance at defeating the Lady Bone Demon. Lucky for you, you're a quick learner. If you weren't, the whole universe would be burned to nothing by now.

Mei: Why come?

Athena: The Samadhi Fire is more than just an inextinguishable flame. It's an interdimensional weapon with the destructive power to burn through the very fabric of reality.

Mei: (She gasps.) You mean, if I lost my cool on any of the million training exercises we've been doing, there was a chance I could have exploded and destroyed the whole universe?!

Lorise: Yep, lucky we're still alive! Thats my sweet lovely dragon girl!

Red Son: Yes, that could have happened, but it didn't. My guess is that somehow your dragon ancestry has protected you and if you're strong enough to contain the Samadhi Fire, you're strong enough to use it.

Mei: And... meditating's gonna help, how again?

Red Son: Meditation teaches us calm, focus, how to harmonize the wild energies and emotions burning within us and to focus them so we might use them to smite our enemies and destroy all those who are trying to stop us! (He cackles and lets out a burst of fire.)

Athena: Thats my Firefly. So hot-headed.

Mei: Yeah, yeah, I wanna learn that! Teach me, O' wise master.

Red Son: The Samadhi Fire is the ultimate wildfire. It cannot be controlled nor will it control you if you stop trying to fight it and learn to use it. All you need to do is stay calm and focused. So no more angry outbursts!

Mei + Athena + Lorise: Rich coming from you. (Flashbacks of him getting enraged.)

Red Son: Do as I say, not as I do.

Mei: (She sighs, lying back.) Ah, well if there is anywhere a gal can find home, it's right here. This place is perfect.

Lorise: Yeah maybe we can have a our first date here.

Mei: Oh yeah!

Red Son: For now. This is probably one of the few places left that the Lady Bone Demon's putridity hasn't reached.

Mei: But... what if I fail everyone? What if I lose control?

Red Son: (He recalls his uncontrollable state in the vision.) My parents have succumbed to the Lady Bone Demon's power, like countless others. You, the Star Girl and the Noodle Boy will stop at nothing to free them. That's how I know you won't lose control. You can't because you're the only hope I— the only hope this world has left. But only so long as you master all my tutorials. And before you ask, no, it isn't because I was dying to hang out with you guys again — just so we're clear!

Mei: Sure, sure, Red Boy.

Lorise: Hehhe!

Red Son: I've changed my mind. You are the most annoying person I know.

Athena: Okay firefly lets get you some more ice.

Red Son: Thanks Athena.

(Angie and Lady Bone Demon fight each other in a fierce battle in the skies.)

Mayor: Might I have this dance, Miss Angie?

Angie: FUCK!

(Angel, MK and Ne Zha arrive a safe distance away from the battle scene.)

Ne Zha: So, this is the power of the Lady Bone Demon. I'd heard tales, but I've never experienced it first hand. Even from here, I can feel her wretched aura.

MK: Yeah.

Ne Zha: I fear Angie was right. The Samadhi Fire's the best chance we have at stopping her. The fool never should've taken off on her own. Let's make this quick. Get in, get Angie, and regroup with the others.

Angel: Yeah!

MK: Wait! What if... what if Angie is better off without us? Without me? What if we just get in her way?

Angel: MK...

Ne Zha: I've may not known Angie for a long time. All I know she always want to make others happy even if it make hard. She seems important to you, so I can only assume you're equally as important to her. If there's anyone who she needs right now, it's you.

MK + Angel: Get in, get Angie, get out.

Ne Zha: That's right.

(They proceed forward. Meanwhile, the fight continues and eventually, the Mayor manages to wrap his arms around Angie.)

Lady Bone Demon: Your attempts are futile, Angie. I have seen what the future has for you and your little boyfriend. Destiny cannot—

Angie: Be un fucking done. So you keep saying! But what about this guy? Is he in your future?! (She breaks free of the Mayor's hold and punches him to the ground.)

Lady Bone Demon: As a matter of fact, no.

MK: Huh? (He sees the Mayor.) Hey, that's the guy who's definitely probably not actually a real mayor.

Angel: Yeah.

Ne Zha: Get down! (They dodge a blow.)

Angel: Wow!?

MK + Angel: Was that Angie?!

Ne Zha: Yes, ye— She has the Lady Bone Demon on the defensive.

MK: Huh? Wait, you can actually see what's going on?

Ne Zha: Yes. Well, pieces of it. That... speed. Angie really was pulling her punches with me.

MK: Yeah, yeah, that's great. But is she winning? Maybe we don't need to stop her after all.

Ne Zha: It would appear so. But...

Angel: I need to get her! (Then she stopped and she froze and saw Yin and Yang infront of her) Yin?! Yang?!

(They watch the battle continue.)

(The fight continues, with Angie being able to deliver a physical blow on her.)

Lady Bone Demon: This body — It's too weak! I can't stop her. (She gasps and throws up a bone protection around her. Angie punches through it and kicks through her spiritual barrier. Her foot comes in contact with Lady Bone Demon, causing her to crash down on to her mech. She follows and clutches her by the throat.) Stop! Have you forgotten? Destroy me and you destroy the host. Have you become so desperate to end me that you would sacrifice this blameless, innocent child?

Angie: You've given me no choice. All the time you spent locked away, you haven't changed a bit! I'm going to finish you, like I should have done a long time ago. Sun Wukong told you, you should've stayed buried!

Lady Bone Demon: I've come too far to let you ruin everything again!

(Then Lady Bone Demon grabbed Angie's necklace and crushed it making her fainted and she smirked and creates a new necklace with a skull on it and she put it on Angie and she snapped her fingers Angel, MK and Ne Zha watch as Lady Bone Demon pulls power from the Mayor. Then the powers went into the necklace and Angie screams in pain. She turns to look but is possessed by her.)

MK + Angie: Oh, no.

(Lady Bone Demon laughs as the Angie's eyes glow blue, the possession takes full control over him.)

Angel: ANGIE!



Next: The Corrupted Star


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