Live In The Moment - Kiara

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Thur 20th:

This isn't a long chapter today. My inspiration gave out and I'm on work experience so I'm a little short on time.

Sometimes, life kicks you in the head and then covers you tenderly with a blanket.
Sometimes, it gives you a hug and then strangles you!
It's pretty unpredictable.
Unfortunately, there's no definite way of telling what life is going to do next.

So that's why the saying goes: Live In The Moment.

You don't know what life will throw at you (and it isn't always gentle when it throws)!
If you live each day like it's the only day you have, then you could do so much!

You are capable of amazing things, and you only need to TRY. If you have no motivation, then find some! (That sounds overly optimistic but I know what it's like to lack motivation. I have very little motivation in my life at all)

This chapter is for me as much as anyone, because I need to start living by my own advice! I sound like a hypocrite telling people to do all of this if I am not.
So please - everyone; (me included) TRY to find motivation to do something - it doesn't have to be "great" - just anything that'll get you moving and adapting to life and its unpredictable temperament.

What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?


I'm sorry this is such a short and disjointed chapter... I have a headache and I'm really not feeling too inventive right now!
Keep on living everyone - you have so much to do ❤❤

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