📣 You can speak up | Disney, Epstein, Hollywood | ~ The founder

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I'm going to keep this brief, because I want the overall message to be remembered.

I want anyone going through this or that has gone through it to realize their own power.


Corey Feldman.

Courtney Wild.

Jordan Pruitt.

These are the names of just a few of the millions of survivors that have spoken up against large entities of power concerning sexual abuse.

Corey Feldman spoke out against Hollywood and the sexual abuse he dealt with there.

Courtney Wild and many other brave women have spoken out against Jeffery Epstein and the sexual abuse he subjected them to.

And this week, Jordan Pruitt spoke up against and is suing Disney for not taking action against sexual abuse she dealt with for years under them.

Even though, I'm so horrified about what all these people have been through I am so happy to see them speaking up against sexual predators with a lot of power showing anyone that has dealt with sexual abuse that they can too.

Speaking up is hard.

It's even harder when it comes to speaking out against large entities with power, influence, and wealth.

The fear that no one will believe you, no one will listen, and no one will care is magnified in situations like these.

The fear of being blamed, shamed, and never being seen the same way feels crippling.

Imagine how scary it must have been for them.

But they didn't let their fear stop them.

They felt the fear and spoke out anyways.

It's okay to be scared.

It is okay to be terrified.

But please, don't let your fear and terror stop you.

If you have been victimized, you can speak up too.

These people are so brave for coming out against influences so much bigger than them for the sake of justice.

You are brave too.

They made you a victim, but I say you are  a VICTOR.

These victors are living proof that no matter how powerful someone or something is, you can STAND up to them.

All sexual abuse victors deserve peace, justice, and healing for the pain, and all abusers deserve ramifications for their actions.

I might write a girl talk post on advice for speaking up as well.

Just know, they can't take your power.

You are strong.

You matter.

You have courage.


"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear."
― Franklin D. Roosevelt


Sexual abuse helplines:











You can speak up.

You can heal.

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