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[Sonic is driving Rachel's beat-up car very dangerously through the streets of San Francisco]

Sonic: Coming through! Whoa, now, this is my turn, and I go around him! Sorry! And, perfect park! [Parks lopsidedly at the curb]

Driver: What are you, crazy?!

Tom: [Exits the car] Is there anything you didn't hit?

Maddie: Why did we let the alien drive?

Mika: I told you it will be a crazy ride..

Sonic: Hey, I got us here. And please, 5 stars.

[Sonic, Mika, Tom, and Maddie stare out at the towering Transamerica building]

Sonic: So, this is it?

Tom: That's it. That's your pyramid.

Mika: Dad, thats the towering Transamerica.

Tom: I know.

Maddie: How did you know what that was called?

Mika: Books.

Sonic: Wow, look at that thing!

Maddie: What happens now?

[As soon as Maddie finishes her question, Sonic speeds away]

Maddie: Oh! He's... gone.

Tom: Yep.

Mika: He'll come back.

Sonic: [Comes back to Mika, Tom and Maddie] No good. You need a special key to get to the roof.

Mika: Now.

Maddie: What now?

Tom: Time for me to abuse the power entrusted to me.

Mika: Oh boy, Sonic I hope your okay with it..

[Mika, Tom and Maddie walk to the reception desk, with Tom carrying Sonic in a duffle bag. Tom and Maddie nod at each other and they approach the front desk]

Tom: We got a jumper on the roof. Gotta get up there fast or we're gonna have a human pancake on our hands. [Produces his badge]

Receptionist: You came all the way from Montana.

Tom: Yeah. That's how serious it is.

[There's a prolonged pause as everyone looks at each other until the receptionist hands Tom the key]

Receptionist: Okay.

[Tom takes the key]

Tom: You just saved a life.

Mika: Thanks Ma'am!

[Mika, Tom and Maddie wait for the elevator to be taken to the roof of the building. As they wait, a businessman and a businesswoman join them, also waiting]

Sonic: How much longer? I can't breathe in here! Hello? Anybody there?

Mika: Sonic shush...

Sonic: Don't shush me Mika!

Businesswoman: Do you have your child in that bag?

Tom: No. I mean, yes, it's a child, but it's not mine. But the girl with white hair is mine

Businessman: It's not your child. But the girl is?

Tom: Relax. I'm a cop, okay? Plus, he likes it in there, don't you, buddy? [Shakes the bag a little]

Mika: Dad...

Sonic: Why would I like it in here? This is worse than the dog cage you had me in earlier!

Tom: Such a kidder.

[Maddie laughs with him as she closes the zipper]

Maddie: Okay.

Sonic: No, I'm scared of the dark!

[The businessman and businesswoman slowly move away]

Sonic: Is anybody there? Mika?

[Mika, Sonic, Tom, and Maddie get to the roof of the Transamerica building and they let Sonic out of the duffel bag, who is coughing and gagging and wearing a pair of underwear on his head]

Sonic: Ugh! What were you keeping in this bag? A jar of pickled farts?! [Takes the underwear off his head and stuffs it back into the bag]

Mika: I did told you, that you can go into my bag.

Tom: All right, all right. What are we looking for?

[Sonic sees his Ring satchel and retrieves it and runs back to Mika, Tom and Maddie, holding a ring]

Sonic: This.

Maddie: Okay. What happens now?

Sonic: Now, all I have to do is think of where I want the other end of the ring to appear, and I throw it.

Mika: So, that means you go back to where ever you want, huh.

Tom: So, that's it? We did it?

Sonic: Yeah! We did it!

Tom: Hey, sorry we didn't get to do everything on your bucket list, pal.

Sonic: It's okay. I did the ones I needed the most. Plus I met Bunny girl, my favouite person.

Mika: Hehhe, I hope your okay with that dad

Tom: Eh, I'm fine with it.

Maddie: You three are so cute.

Tom: Oh, please. What?

Mika: Mom!

Sonic: We are not.

Tom: No. We're not cute.

Sonic: We are a couple of loose cannons just living by our own rules.

Tom: Exactly.

Mika: Yep!

Maddie: Really?

Tom: Yeah.

Sonic: And our rules include expressing heartfelt emotion.

Mika: Yes! What Sonic says!

Maddie: If you say so.

Sonic: Okay, then.

Tom: All right. Um, you gotta go, right?

Sonic: Yeah, I gotta go.

Tom: I gotta go. We gotta go.

Mika: I gonna miss you.

Sonic: See-- All right, bye-bye. [Turns away for a moment, then turns back to Mika, Tom and Maddie] Just one more thing.

[Tom and Mika steps forward and Tom kneels down to Sonic's level as Mika smiled as she held something.]

Sonic: I'm sorry I was so hard on you. I know it's a tough decision for you to leave Green Hills. Walking away from something you care about has to be painful.

Tom: You're not sure you really want to go, huh?

Sonic: I don't want to go, but I can't stay. As long as I'm here, I put everyone in danger. I can't do that. I just want you to know that these last two days have been the best two days of my life.

[Sonic smiles and so does Tom as he stands back up and walks back over to Maddie as Mika hugged Sonic and Mika gave him a drawing for her and Sonic together]

Sonic: W-wow, you drew this?!

Mika: Yeah, I drew this when my dad shot you and you were in the cage.

Sonic: Oh yeah, I still mad at him for that

Tom: That was one time, plus you know, I never thought I'd say this, but, I'm actually gonna miss you, you little blue devil.

Sonic: I'll miss you too, Donut Lord. Thank you. Both for you.

Tom: For what?

Sonic: For saving my life.

Mika: And thank you for the adventure.

[Sonic turns away, reaches into his satchel, and pulls a Ring out. He tosses it, only to have it bounce off of one of Dr. Robotnik's flying drones, and many more of them start closing in on the gang]

Sonic: Okay, did someone leave their "Find My Phone" on?

Mika: My phone is back at home..

[Sonic steps back a few feet but stops at the edge of the roof, and he sees a flying aircraft overhead, which is Dr. Robotnik's Eggpod. The ship hovers over to the trio and the cockpit opens, revealing Dr. Robotnik in an entirely different outfit and with an evil grin on his face]

Dr. Robotnik: Welcome to San Francisco, Mr. Wachowski and his daugther with white hair. Are you two enjoying the clam chowder?

Tom: [To Maddie] It's the government whack job who keeps trying to kill us. [To Dr. Robotnik] Unsuccessfully!

[The remark makes Dr. Robotnik scowl]

Tom: Nice of you to swing by on your way to Comic-Con.

Maddie: Yeah, what are you wearing?

Mika: Is that a uh, a suit for airplanes because I alway thought they wore suits.

Dr. Robotnik: [Looks at his suit and the back to the four] It's a flight suit, designed to modulate my body temperature and reduce [Through clenched teeth] drag!

Tom: Yeah, and you still are one.

Dr. Robotnik: Oh-hoo! Good one. You are catching fire, Thomas. Oh, and speaking of heat, I see you've taken a lover. Does she have a name, or should we just call her "collateral damage"? [Chuckles and drums the sides of the Eggpod with glee]


Tom: Hey, watch your mouth! Unless you want a little more of what I gave you earlier. [To Maddie] I punched him in the face.

Mika: Oh yes I loved that moment.

Sonic: Oh! He punched him right in the face! It was awesome!

Dr. Robotnik: The time for talking is over! [Through clenched teeth] It's time to push buttons!

Sonic: Your flying eggs are pretty impressive, Mr. Eggman, but let's face it, you'll never catch me!

Dr. Robotnik: Confidence! A fool's substitute for intelligence.

[Dr. Robotnik opens a button capsule as the energy from Sonic's quill powers the Eggpod and the flying drones ready their weapons as well]

Sonic: That's not good.

Tom: Sonic, I know you got the super speed and everything, but Mika, Maddie and I--

Sonic: Totally defenseless? Probably gonna get blown up?

Maddie: Pretty much, yeah.

Mika: I do not like hights, I'm saying it...

Sonic: Don't worry. I know exactly what to do.

Mika: Sonic please don't even push us off--

[Sonic jumps up to the side wall and jumps forward, pushing Mika, Tom and Maddie off the roof, and they scream]

Mika: I KNEW IT!

Dr. Robotnik: [Looks down from inside the Eggpod, feigning shock] I was not expecting that... But I was expecting not to expect something, so it doesn't count.

[The flying drones fire their weapons at Sonic, but now time seems to have stopped and everything is frozen in place as Sonic's awareness is increased and he stands there, tapping his foot and looking at his wrist. He then plays around with some of the missiles and bullets from the Egg Drone weapons and is able to destroy most of them. But Dr. Robotnik pushes the button and the quill fully charges the Eggpod and grants him access to Sonic's timescale. Sonic makes a shooting hands gesture to two more Egg Drones, but Dr. Robotnik fires a laser blast at Sonic, which he barely escapes from, causing him to enter slight delirium. Sonic recovers from his trance to find Mika, Tom and Maddie still falling and tries to reach for a Ring]

Sonic: Come on! [Tries air swimming to reach the Ring] Come on, come on, come on!


[Sonic plucks one of his quills out and uses it to grab the Ring and he speeds towards the falling couple and tosses the Ring, opening a portal to a barn for Tom and Maddie and they land safely in piles of hay but the ring closed before Mika got into the portal while Sonic loses control]

Sonic: Whoa, whoa, whoa! No, no, no!

[Sonic hits several tree branches and lands on the street. Rings, rubble, and broken drones rain down around him as Mika grabbed onto an branch and she let go landing safely]

Mika: Sonic?!

Sonic: Ugh, Mika? Oh no the portel closed before you got into it

Mika: Yep.

[Sonic recovers from his fall but notices Dr. Robotnik hovering in the air]

Dr. Robotnik: Can I give you one genius piece of advice? Don't run. It'll only hurt more if you do. And it's bad for your joints, they proved it.

Sonic: All right, Eggman. You wanna get fast? Let's get fast!

[Sonic scrambles quickly to gather up all of his Rings and then picked up Mika and speeds off down the street]

Dr. Robotnik: [Puts on his flight goggles] The hard way it is.

[The cockpit to the Eggpod closes and Dr. Robotnik gives chase to Sonic, firing laser blasts at him, only to damage certain road sections. He turns left to continue the pursuit]

Dr. Robotnik: That was an illegal left, by the way!

Mika: Wow! Okay this crazy?!

Sonic: Okay Mika you going to open a portel anywhere you want to go until we lost him.

[Mika nodded as she held onto the rings and make sure she stay in Sonic arms]

[The same freeze from the beginning of the film is shown and Sonic picks up the story]

Sonic (narrating): So, here we are again! We've been through so much together! Now you understand why there's a psychotic robot doctor chasing a supersonic blue hedgehog and a cute girl. Want to know how it ends? Yeah, me too.

[The pursuit continues as Sonic continues to dodge laser blasts from Dr. Robotnik, even sliding under a large trailer to avoid them]

Sonic: How is this possible?! No one's ever caught up to me before! Mika Now!

[Mika holds a ring, planning the next location]

Mika: Okay here come Paris!

[A mime is entertaining a little girl and her mother. When the mime makes a circular movement with his hands, a Ring portal opens up behind them, and Sonic and Mika zips through]

Sonic: Coming through!

Mika: Sorry!

[Dr. Robotnik follows behind and the mime moves out of the way]

Mime: SacrΓ© bleu!

Dr. Robotnik: Excusez-moi, monsieur!

[Mika grabbed the ring and opened a portel]

Mika: Time for china!

[The pursuit continues along the Great Wall of China]

Sonic: Here we go! Room to open it up!

[The two increase their speed until Mika tosses another ring, opening a new portal]

Sonic: We can't lose him!

Mika: Egypt! Because I got a plan.

[Dr. Robotnik fires multiple laser blasts from the Eggpod, destroying the Sphinx in its wake. Sonic skids to a stop in the sand]

Sonic: If you can't beat 'em.

Mika: Blind 'em.

[Sonic catches up to Dr. Robotnik and uses his speed to create a tornado of sand, which disrupts Dr. Robotnik's visual contact]

Mika: Sand tornado!

Dr. Robotnik: Lost... visual contact! [Sees Sonic and Mika speed up the Great Pyramid of Giza] You two aren't not allowed up there! It's one of the 7 Wonders!

[Dr. Robotnik blasts out of the tornado, and just as Mika opens another ring portal, Dr. Robotnik fires a laser blast at Sonic and Mika, sending them flying through the portal and hurtling Sonic onto the streets of Green Hills where he lays motionless and unconscious as Mika was a few steps away from Sonic]

Mika: Sonic?!



NEXT CHAPTER-Β  Chapter 11 - The Final battle


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