━━━ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎

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chapter zero:

⤵︎ ⤹
( a short chapter )


❝ WHAT? ❞



OH, TO be a rich girl. It's what many desire and crave in their lives. To have so much money and never have to worry about the price of anything. To flaunt around designer shops with a Chanel bag and a $100 dollar manicure. To walk into a bar and simply say, 'Put it on my tab.'. It was a life Vanessa Davenport wanted.

For as long as she could remember, her parents didn't exactly have a large sum of money to just throw away on the latest phone or the trendiest hair do. However, she was grateful for what they did have, and she was grateful and merely got through life with a can ━━ do attitude. That's why it was so unusual for her to be friends with an enigma like Marie Vanderwall. It was so different and refreshing for the ravenette. Many people thought it was odd that two complete polar opposite girls were best friends, but you never saw one without the other.

Hence why the two were
now cruising around in Vanessa's sleek black Camaro that Marie had gotten for her three years back. Much to Vanessa's dismay, Gwen Stefani was blasting from the tape deck. It was one of the brunette's favourite songs by her, 'Rich Girl'. Next to play was one of her other favourites,'Luxurious'. Her best friend was not too happy about that but hadn't said anything in order to not dampen her mood. In turn, Marie was singing the lyrics and texting Natasha about the party she was throwing later that night. The blue ━━ eyed woman was humming the lyrics in her breath while occasionally tapping her feet to the beat ( not that she'd ever admit that, of course ).

They were on their way back from going shopping ( in which Marie practically begged Vanessa to come along, very well nearly getting on her knees ).

She had eventually agreed, though, with much apprehension. So now, they were on their way back to the campus for the Halloween party being held by Natasha and Michael. The pair were going as Bonnie and Clyde. It was quite fitting apart from the fact that they weren't criminals.
Vanessa was going as Kim from Kim possible. While Marie was dressing up as Elle Woods from Legally Blonde, as again, it was rather fitting.

The parties were always a huge success even if most people didn't even actually end up remembering any of it.

"How much longer?" Marie questioned the black haired woman next to her as they still needed to get changed into their costumes.

Vanessa rolled her eyes slightly. That was the fifth time her friend had asked that question in ten minutes. Marie was now starting to sound like an incessant child on a family road trip. "Around five more minutes. You think you can wait that long?" The ravenette questioned with a small smile towards her before focusing her eyes back on the barely lit road. The last thing they needed was a car accident. Vanessa knew that Marie would most likely just buy her a new one like it was nothing. Nevertheless, she'd still feel bad.

The brown haired woman smiled, showing her perfect teeth. Everything about her was perfect from her meticulously styled chestnut waves to her perfectly polished pink nails with a shiny finish.

"Don't worry, we'll still have time." The blue ━━ eyed woman reassured.


AS SOON as the sleek, black car pulled up to Stanford University, Marie was out of the car and running across the grassy fields of which she and Vanessa had spent too many nights gazing at the stars.

Some students had seen the pair and had come up to them as they noticed the two friends.

"Don't talk to me right now. I'm running late!" Marie yelled back as she ran onto the campus while clutching all of her belongings.

The blonde girl, Andrea, looked shocked as she peered to the brunette. "Does she know that there's still two hours until the party starts?"

The ebony haired woman stared back at her friend in mention. "I tried to tell her, but she wouldn't listen. Besides, you know what she's like. Marie needs at least five hours to get ready every morning." She joked in a sarcastic tone. All three students laughed at that as they stared after the girl.


"EXCUSE ME! Sorry!"

By now, Marie Vanderwall was running through the bustling corridors of the building, trying to get to her shared dorm. Though that task proved to be extremely difficult when there were people everywhere hanging out around their dorms and sitting down in groups. Twice now, she'd nearly tripped over somebody's leg. It was only a matter of time before she crashed into someone.

And that's when it happened.


CALL HIM cliché, but Sam Winchester had never really liked Halloween, nor did he feel the need to dress up. All night long, he'd stare from their current motel room window and spy upon all of the children adorned in their festive outfits while Dean made comments about how inaccurate they all were as 'witches aren't green and they certainly don't fly into the night on freakin' broomsticks' he had said. Nor do vampires 'wear stupid capes'.

The only Halloween events he went to were ones he was practically dragged to by his dormate, Randy. And even then, he didn't see the point. He barely drunk at all ( unless you counted the first time Sam Winchester got totally shit faced ) and never even wore a costume. Randy joked that he could say he was going as a 'grouchy college student'. Many people didn't get the costume, however. But oh well. It's not like he cared anyway.

So, with this current Halloween party approaching being held by two of the most well ━━ known students at Stanford, he knew his lively dormate would stop at nothing to get Sam there. So, begrudgingly, he agreed to attend. It'd only be for a little while, and he'd only grab a drink or two. It was times like this where he found himself missing his older brother. Dean would thrive in an environment such as this. Hot girls dressed in practically nothing while they called it a costume with plenty of drinks around for him to snag. Yeah, practically Dean Winchester territory. It had his name written all over it in scratchy black ink. The kind that would never go away no matter how hard you tried.


JUST MERE minutes into the party, Sam found himself regretting even coming in the first place. It was exactly as he had predicted ( if not worse ). The place was filled to the brim with horny and overly intoxicated college students. However, it seemed that no one cared. So, Sam being Sam, he slipped out the moment Randy looked away, as he was too distracted by a 'hot blonde' as he'd put it walking past as what he'd assumed to be a sexy teacher. Dear god. He and Dean sure would get along.

Besides, if Randy really noticed his absence ( which Sam heavily doubted ), then he could just say that he wandered off. The building was big enough and was way too busy anyway.

In true Sam Winchester fashion, he went where he knew best. The library. Yeah, yeah, he knows. Who the hell goes to the library during a party. Call him a nerd of weirdo all you like, but he doesn't care. As mentioned previously, the party scene is more for his brother and people like Randy.

The man sat down on one of the many empty tables located in the library. He supposed he shouldn't have been too surprised by the lack of people. It was a cold and dark Halloween night with a huge party going on. Who'd want to miss that?

That's what he found himself asking as he got his many books out after snagging a good few books from the libraries shelves. Having a whole entire table ( and nearly row ) to himself had its perks after all. Accompanying him was a beer bottle he had taken on his way out that sat there fill to the brim, yet to be opened.

Though as the night went on and music from the party kept on droning in as well as the constant memories of his father and brother plagued his mind in an endless loop, the man picked up the bottle and took a large swig. He was interrupted as the table suddenly jolted, sending one of his many pens falling to the floor. Slightly annoyed at the sudden intrusion, Sam got up from his chair and bent down only for the pen to keep rolling away. That was when it stopped at the foot of a pink heeled boot. Looking up, the former hunter was shocked to see a woman standing there. She looked slightly intoxicated ( hence why she had knocked into the table in the first place ).

Beautiful chesnut brown tresses fell down her back in long beach waves, and her bright ocean blue eyes were to die for which stuck out on the tanned skin that showed in various places. Her nails were perfectly polished a hot pink colour, which matched the leather coat she was wearing paired with a tight top and long skirt. Finally, a miniature blood red bag was in her hands with glasses hanging on the bridge of her upturned nose. Sam thought she was the most stunning woman he'd ever seen, no doubt about it.

The mystery woman smiled down at him and placed her bag down on the table before bending down and picking up the pen for him. She then handed it to him with a kind smile, showing him her straight white pearly whites.

"Sorry about that. Didn't mean to bump into you there." She apologised smoothly. To Sam, her voice sounded soft, like velvet. The heavenly kind that stretches across the quilted surfaces of sofas or the padded cushions to match.

Sam stood up and found himself utterly speechless in her presence. How on earth had he never seen her before?

"Don't worry about it." He found himself saying before he could think.

"So uh . . . I see you're studying. I hope I didn't interrupt your train of thought." The brown ━━ haired woman posed with a hesitant and rather nervous gaze.

"You didn't interrupt anything. To be honest, I haven't done much since I've been here." Was Sam's reply. This was true. There'd been too many distractions. And it seemed life had thrown another one his way in the form of a beautiful woman.

"I see . . . so what's your reason?" She questioned with an inquisitive gaze. It wasn't judgmental or snotty. In fact, Sam felt like he could tell her his deepest and darkest secrets without a single care in the world.

"What?" He asked. Confused.

"Well, people usually drink for one of two reasons."

"Oh yeah, and what are they?" Sam mused, a small smile becoming more and more present on his lips.

"To let loose and have fun or to forget."

The man chuckled and supposed she was right. Every time he saw his dad crack open another beer bottle, he supposed it was to most likely forget about what happened to Mary. It clearly affected him more than he let on but chose not to show it, to be strong for his boys.

So, Sam mulled it over but only for a mere second. He sighed and put his hands in the pockets of his dark blue jeans. "I guess to forget."

In response, the mystery woman simply hummed in recognition. "Interesting . . ." She mumbled under her breath, making the hunter feel kind of self ━━ conscious. The man was about to ask her name when a different burst through the doors, which earned many annoyed glares of many who were simply trying to study. 9

"Marie! I've been looking for you everywhere." The woman yelled ( again, earning many glares, not like she appeared to care, though ). She was carrying a discarded red wig in her hand, which revealed beautiful long black lustrous hair, which went down to below her shoulders.

Sam looked to the girl stood opposite him and inwardly cringed at her supposed friends voice. Did she know they were in a library?

Marie rubbed a hand over the back of her neck. Sometimes, Vanessa could be truly frightening. "Uh . . . Sorry about that. I just . . . wandered off."

"Yeah, well, don't do that again, alright?" She warned with a chastising finger, making her look much like a mother telling off their five year old child.

As they continued to talk went on, Sam felt rather out of place. Here he was, imposing in on their conversation. Although they did both technically come over to him in the first place. Oh, and it didn't help that Marie's friend hadn't even dared to look at him even once! It's like she was disgusted by him. Maybe it was simply the fact that he was in the library not dressed up on Halloween night while also missing one of the biggest parties of the year. Or it could have been that she simply wasn't a very social person. Either way, the former hunter was glad when he saw her leaving through his peripheral, leaving Marie still standing there.

Said woman turned around in her spot and laughed nervously, hoping that he hadn't been out off by her rather quote on quote 'rough around the edges' best friend. Little did she know, though , that despite only knowing Marie for a little over three minutes, he'd never be put off by her. In fact, he found it rather impossible.

"I'm sorry about her." She appraised.

"No need to apologise." Sam dismissed sporting a huge grin, his dimples ( which Marie found incredibly adorable ).

Marie nodded in gratitude before speaking up once more. "So, I guess you know my name, but I don't know yours. Mystery man."

"Well, maybe we should keep it a mystery." He replied while grabbing the pen that had caused the pair to meet in the first place and took her hand in his and wrote his number in the cold black ink. He then signed it off with the nickname she'd so fondly given him just moments before.

"You really are something Mystery Man." Marie teased. Giving him a small wave, she turned around once more and walked down the long hallway to reach her ravenette of a friend. By now, she was grinning like a mad woman.

And Sam? Well, he was just as shocked yet as happy as she. Since when did he have the balls to do that? Sure, he used to hear about the monsters his father and even brother hunted, yet girls were always a soft spot for him. That was a more Dean thing. But meeting Marie had set something alight in him. Something different.

All he knew was that she gave him butterflies.

For that, he welcomed immensely . . .


ODI SPEAKS ━━━━ I'm so so glad to finally get this chapter out ! As mentioned before this is an original book so it does not follow any of the written spn storyline because it's set in the years before season one takes place. At around late 2003 or mid 2004 I'm not really sure as I haven't decided yet ( please, someone lmk if those dates are even right ).

This book will be one hell of a roller coater which I'm so glad to share with you all and I hope you enjoy it !

It'll last for around 15 ━━ 20 chapters I'm thinking or maybe short or longer depending on ideas / motivation. Speaking of which, if you have any ideas pls lmk as I'll be delighted for any and all that you could come up with. The same can be said for anything you'd like to see in this book.

Also, the absolutely stunning cover for this book was made -lostgardens
so go check out their amazing books trust me you won't regret it !!

TAGS ━━━━ j-futz , Beach9871 , Willowisaunicorn , stvrlvghtt , foresteverr


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