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"She's clarity and confusion. Never enough, always too much. A simple, complicated perfectly flawed mess.

( - Perry poetry )

Amelia's eyes slowly opened as she attempted to prevent the dazzling light from the window blurring her eyes. She tried to stretch her muscles but immediately regretted the act as she groaned in pain that spread all over her body. She didn't know for how long she had been sleeping, but it definitely felt like ages.

The room was empty and nobody seemed to be around. She started to lift herself to a sitting position before she turned to get up from her bed. Tiredly and weakly, she opened the door and walked down the stairs while starting to hear some muffled and far voices.

"..I still don't get it."

"Well, genius, none of us does."

As Amelia came into the living room and examined the situation, Klaus, who paced back and forth, was the first to notice her. "Finally!" He exclaimed and quickly walked toward her, pulling her into a tight hug and gaining the attention of the three others.

"With how lovely this display of emotion is, try to remember I almost died last night." Amelia murmured in a low and gruff voice as he squeezed her in between his arms.

"Right," He back off and looked at her, examing her face. The dark circles under her eyes were no longer there as the blush returned to her cheeks, giving him the impression that she's better now.

Behind Klaus' shoulder, she saw Damon approaching her and so she walked past her brother to her lover's opened arms. She wrapped her arms around his torso tightly and he stroke her hair with closed eyes. They didn't talk, only found some comfort in the touch of one another.

Klaus looked from aside with envy and as his heart ached for a reason he couldn't understand, and he surely didn't like that feeling.

When the couple separated Amelia could see Rebekah looking from aside with a warm smile which she returned, and then, she saw her witch friend standing not so far from her.

"Louisa!" She called and practically ran toward the woman to pull her into an embrace. "I am so terribly sorry."

"Why would you apologize?" The witch backed off and looked at the original girl's sad expression.

"It was all my fault. I shouldn't have done that." Amelia shook her head firmly and said sadly.

"Hey," Damon appeared from behind her and placed his palm over her shoulder in comfort, "You just wanted answers. It's not your fault that this Agnes bitch decided she wants to kill you."

"About that.." Louisa started to say quietly, uncomfortable to ask Amelia this question, "Amelia, what did you see when you were in your dream?"

Amelia looked between Louisa, Damon, Rebekah, and Klaus thoughtfully. Should she say anything about Freya? She can't, can she?

To tell them she saw their alleged dead eldest sister that, apparently, is not really dead and somewhere out there, in a place she doesn't even know what he is.

Deep within her, she had a feeling that this is not the last time she's going to see Freya, which was comforting since she still has so many questions to ask and so far it seems like Freya could answer at least some of them.

She was torn between the decision to tell them and the decision not to.

"There was the flower and a little girl that cried and then disappeared. Then there was written in the black sand 'Black magic', and I just knew." She told quietly and hesitantly, gulping heavily and trying to keep her heartbeat stable so they won't realize she's lying, or at least not telling the whole truth.

They looked at each other with furrowed brows and wonder. It seemed odd that she was inside this dream for so long and that's all she saw; but she wouldn't lie to them, would she?

"You 'just knew'?" Klaus coked a brow at her words.

"I just knew," Amelia confirmed in a low voice and a blank expression, her body stiffens in fear to be caught in a lie.

"But how did it happen? When did it happen? Why-"

"Okay blondie, we get it. There's a lot of questions, a few answers - we're screwed. Don't point out the obvious." Damon rolled his eyes and said bitterly, annoyed and frustrated that he doesn't know what's going on with his girlfriend.

"Zip it, Salvatore." She returned in the same tone.

"Stop it," Amelia ordered confidently before she sighed and spoke. "It all started when we arrived at New Orleans but.. How?"

"Perhaps it has something to do with your ridiculous trip around the world. I always said it was an absurd idea." Klaus narrowed his eyes and shrugged pridefully.

"You think? 'Cause last time I checked, everything was fine until you had an absurd idea to fight over a place you lived in a century ago!" Damon returned impatiently.

"It is clear you are not familiar with my family's history of the name and status we had here, but then again, I don't blame you. You are not a part of our family." Klaus clenched his jaw and deadpanned, receiving a glare from Damon and the girls.

"Niklaus!" Amelia scolded wide-eyed and before anyone could respond, Klaus was pushed back against a wall with an invisible force.

Everyone, including Amelia, was stunned by the act and looked at hurt Klaus in disbelief.

"What the bloody hell just happened?" Rebekah whispered under her breath as she stared at her brother in fear.

"I.." Amelia laid her palm over her mouth, horrified from her ability as tears started to fill her eyes. "I don't know."

Damon turned his head and gaze back to Amelia who her hands started to shake in fear from what she just did. With no hesitation, he took her hand in his and pulled her into a tight hug, trying to comfort her by stroking her head and planting a kiss on her head.

"Maybe Agnes was right." Amelia muttered into his chest, causing him to pull her away and look at her.

"No." He shook his head with a frown on his eyebrows. "Don't be stupid, she wanted to kill you."

"What she wanted is to stop whatever evil there's inside you. I thought she was exaggerating but.." Louisa replied and looked between Amelia and Klaus, who lifted himself from the ground and adjusted his jacket. "I didn't think it was that powerful."

"What do you mean 'it'?" Klaus approached the four and asked, sending a confused and cold look at Amelia, who cringed in shame.

"This darkness inside you." The witch said in a low voice as she looked at Amelia sympathetically.

"But how do Agnes and her witches knew about it?" Rebekah asked and broke the tensed silence.

"They are a faction of extremists. Sabine stupidly told them about some vision she had about Amelia." Louisa answered the question.

"What kind of vision?" Damon questioned suspiciously, still rubbing circles on Amelia's back.

"She has them all the time. They are totally open to interpretation." The raven-haired woman tried to avoid the question of concern to the original girl.

"Well, how, may I ask, was this particular vision interpreted?" The hybrid asked.

"Pretty much that whatever magic Amelia's possessing, will bring death to all witches-"

"Ah, well, then maybe there is an upside to it," Klaus smirked and commented in sarcasm.

"Louisa, look - I promised Elijah that I would keep Amelia safe whilst he tries to win your witch Davina's loyalty. Why don't you tell me just how extreme this faction is?"

"You spoke to Elijah?" Amelia's jaw dropped in shock and envy.

"Elijah's talking to Davina?" The witch asked in surprise.

"Yeah. As we speak, I imagine." Rebekah stated and exhaled deeply.

"How could he talk to you and not me?" Amelia asked in anger and disappointment.

"Now, that was rather offensive." Rebekah chuckled and raised her brows as she folded her arms over her chest.

"Not to piss you off or something, babe, but I think finding out what is going on with you and why is at the top of our priorities right now." Damon looked at her and pointed out before turning to look at Klaus with a cynical look. "I'm sure Elijah will understand just as Klaus will be glad to hold his plan to destroy Marcel for the time being."

"Nonsense! I am well capable to take care of both." The original protested in response.

"Will you two put your foolish fights aside for a moment?" Rebekah snapped un frustration and looked over at her brother. "Our vampire sister magically threw you on a wall just a moment ago and this is what you're focusing on?"

"I am just as concerned as you are." Klaus hissed through gritted teeth.

"Is there a way to get rid of it?" Amelia said in a shaky voice to her friend.

"For getting rid of it, we have to know what it is exactly first," Louisa replied in what seems to be an apologizing tone.

Amelia nodded and sighed. "So what am I supposed to do in the meantime?"

"Do you have any grimoires of your mother left? She was the original witch - there has to be something about dark magic written in it." The dark-haired woman tried.

"I presume there are a few. They must be in the basement." Rebekah nodded twice and responded before walking out of the room toward the basement.

Amelia looked down at her palms, searching for anything unusual at them that could hint at the dark magic that started to change her.

"You'll be alright, Lia." Klaus took a step closer as he noticed her, and took her hands in between his two palms. "Everything will be alright, you'll see."

The smallest of smiles formed on Amelia's lips as he calmed her nerves and assisted her to relax. She looked between Louisa and Damon for a moment before she tried to use sarcasm. "I should go and get myself a blood beg before I'll go even more mad than I already do."

"Not funny." Damon rolled his eyes as she started to walk out of the room and head to the kitchen.

When Amelia got to the spacious kitchen, she turned to the fridge in a search of a blood bag. She took one out and ripped it open with her teeth, dark veins immediately appearing under her darkening eyes and her fangs emerging and resting on her lower lip.

Her fangs pierced the thin plastic material of the blood bag and let the euphoric taste of the cold thick liquid spread withing her and started to dazzle her. Soon, she finished the bag - but it wasn't enough for her. Hastily and desperately for more blood, she opened the fridge again and took out another bag, which she finished in less than a minute. It wasn't enough as well.

Only when the fridge became empty of bags, Amelia could notice the pile of empty blood bags that surrounded her on the floor and the blood that dripped from her fangs all the way down her chin and throat and eventually to the collar of her shirt.

She took a few shaking steps backward, almost trembling on her feet from how appalled she was by her own actions, and wiped the blood from her mouth with her forearm. It wasn't like her. She loved blood, sure, but she wasn't a ripper anymore and she lived as a vampire long enough to know how to restrain herself.

It was an unfamiliar feeling. A savage one. A dangerous one. A dark one.


"Do you play?"

In the attic, Davina drew while Elijah walked around and took in his surroundings. He picked up Tim's broken violin from a table and examined it

"That's.. not mine." The young girl mumbled sadly.

Elijah sat in a chair and tinkered with the violin for a moment, until footsteps heard from outside the room. The original quickly hid before a new figure entered the room.

"Good news, Little D. I'm moving you out this pile of dust." Marcel walked in with a content smile.

"Are you serious? When?" Davina smiled widely in excitement.

"Tonight. I just need to lock in the arrangements." He assured before gesturing toward Elijah's coffin, "How's our Original?"

"Uh, don't disturb the body!" The witch hurried to stop him as he approached the coffin and intended to open it, and made up an excuse. "I have a spell in progress. "

"Bet you do." He shrugged and took a deep breath. "Pack up, 'kay? Only what you wanna take. I'll buy ya anything else you need."

"Okay." She breathed out the word with a smile before the man left the room, allowing Elijah to come out from behind a corner.

"You didn't reveal that I was awake." He noted surprised.

"We're not done talking yet." She grinned shyly and turned around to sit next to her table.

"You and Marcel seem very close." He stated as he picked up the violin again and attempt to fix it.

"Marcel's my family," Davina replied confidently without sparing him a look.

"And yet Marcel is someone who delights in harming the witches. Those people, I would think, you would consider family. This doesn't trouble you?" He narrowed his eyes and questioned, finally getting her to look at him.

"No. They deserve it." She shrugged with no hint of doubt.

"Why would you say that?" The original asked in confusion.

" 'Cause they're liars. All of them." She answered and started to tell. "They made me and my friends do this Harvest ritual. They said our participation would bring our family strength, health.. That we'd forever be celebrated as saviors of the community. But all they really wanted was more power. So, I left before they could get it.

"Now, they're running out of time, because after the Harvest, comes the Reaping. And if they don't complete the Harvest, there won't be a Reaping. Soon, all the witches in the Quarter will start to lose their power. Eventually, they will cease to be witches altogether." She finished telling with a smirk of calmness.

"So what does it take to complete this ritual?" Elijah furrowed his eyebrows and asked suspiciously.

"I have to die."


After changing her clothes quickly and unsuspiciously, out of all the dozens of thoughts that stormed in her mind, one particular and sudden idea popped up in her brain. She wasn't sure it will work, but she had nothing to lose.

She ran down the stairs to the dark basement and almost bumped into her sister, who held a pile of grimoires that prevented her from seeing her elder sister coming.

"Lia! You scared me!" Rebekah exclaimed as she saw her standing a few steps above her.

"Forgive me." Amelia mumbled and played with her fingers anxiously. "Are those mother's grimoires?"

"Yes. I was just about to give them to Louisa." The blonde nodded and sighed at the thick and heavy books but, thanks to her supernatural abilities, she didn't have to use force to lift it.

"Perhaps I should give it to her?" Amelia tried to suggest, as a part of her plan.

"Why?" Rebekah asked with a frown, confused by her weird behavior.

"Uh.." The brunette tried to come up with an excuse. "Because I have noticed there are no more blood bags in the fridge. I thought perhaps you can get us some. I need to speak to Louisa nevertheless."

"No more blood bags? It is impossible, I brought about nine of them yesterday!" Rebekah wondered out loud and Amelia, who went speechless, only shrugged her shoulders. The blonde cocked a brow questioningly as she examined her elder sister's unusual small smile, but eventually gave in. "Fine. It's dirting my new shirt with dust anyway."

"Lovely." Amelia exhaled in relief as she took the old grimoires from Rebekah and rapidly walked upstairs, not sparing her sister another look.

She sped herself up to the second floor, to her room, and started to flip through the grimoires' pages. Another paper, and another, and another one, until she found the one she was hoping to find. She looked at the room's door to make sure nobody sees her before she ripped the page, folded it, and put it inside the inner pocket of her jacket.

She took the books in her hands again and walked down the stairs to where Louisa and Damon waited.

"Oh, there you are. What took you so long?" Damon questioned softly.

Amelia's lips separated as she took a deep breath before avoiding the question. "Where is Niklaus?"

"He went to talk with Marcel." Louisa rolled her eyes and answered.

"Of course he did." Amelia chuckled bitterly and shook her head slightly as she placed the grimoires upon the table. "There you go. All my mother's grimoires."

Louisa walked closer to Amelia and the books before starting to go through the pages silently, examing it carefully.

"Do you see anything about dark magic?" Damon asked nervously as he stood next to Amelia. Louisa kept looking at the Latin words and drawings in the books with no response.

Amelia looked up at Damon's expression and then at his leg, that jumped lightly up and down in stress. She rubbed his upper-arm and grabbed his attention, sending him a small smile to assure him she's fine. He allowed himself to smile softly at her as well.

"I think I found it." Louisa blurted out in excitement, drawing the couple's attention.

"Did you?" Amelia started to seem hopeful.

"I mean, I'm not sure. It says a few things about dark magic but-"

"What does it say?" Damon interrupted impatiently.

The witch's brows furrowed as she tried to read in her head the words on the paper. "It's.. It's not even Latin."

"So..?" Damon asked annoyed.

"So I can't read it. It's some ancient version of Latin, something I saw before but I'm not very familiar with." The Blackwall told and closed the book, took it along with the others Amelia brought her, and turned to the two. "I'll go back to the shop and try to figure this out as fast as I can."

The original bit her lips and nodded. "Thank you, Lou."

"Of course." The seemingly older woman smiled and said before she walked out of the house with the grimoires, leaving the pair alone.

"Are you okay?" He looked at her and broke the silence.

"Stop asking me that. I'm fine." Amelia sighed and said.

"I'm worried about you. Should I remind you that you almost died last night because some dark evil magic settled inside you and just made you throw your brother on a wall like a god damn witch?" He started to jabber.

"I know, I know, I'm just-" She started but then stopped to think for a moment. When she couldn't find anything good enough to answer, she remembered the plan she had for getting more information about her condition on her own and decided to end the conversation. She wrapped her arms around his neck and stood on her tiptoes. "Thank you for worrying about me. I'm used to be the one to worry about my siblings, but never about myself. Perhaps this is why I'm constantly getting into dangerous situations, and maybe this is karma. Anyway, Thank you."

His lips curved upward to a small smile before she placed a lingering, gentle and loving kiss upon his lips. When they separated, they stayed close for a long moment, smiling silently, until Amelia turned around and walked towards the front door.

"Wha- Where are you going?!" He called after her.

"There's something I need to do. See you later, love!" She replied as she got out of the house and closed the door behind her, leaving him baffled and curious.


Amelia looked around her to make sure there's no one following or watching before she crouched down on her knees and sat on the moist soil near the river, not so dar from the bayou. She took out from her bag a few candles and the paper she ripped from the grimoire and kept in her jacket, examing him and learning it.

"It is just mumbling a few words, right? I can do this." She whispered to herself tensely as she breathed rapidly and tried to soothe herself, unsuccessfully. Eventually, she forced herself to calm down and to ignite the candles.

She opened her fists with her palms toward the sky as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Trette che che che nunc que fra huset quanti nede dom mina.." She started to chant the spell and repeat the words over and over again, but nothing happened. She opened her eyes cautiously and continued to mutter the words she learned from the page, but again - nothing.

Ultimately, she gave up and groan in annoyance that he attempt did not succeed. She returned the paper to her jacket and just when she was about to blow the candles, she heard a voice from behind her.


The brunette immediately stood up and turned around defensively, but softened with a sigh of relief as she saw the spell worked.

"Hello, Freya."



I haven't been here in a while lol sorry for that

Just to make it clearer for those who are still confused - because of the dark magic Amelia has, she's possessing magic of a witch, but it's dark one, don't forget about it.

Anddddd the spell she did was a Spiritual Communion Spell so she could talk to Freya again.

In the next chapter, we're gonna get some more details of Amelia's new powers and its bad effects on her so prepare yourself ladies


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