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"Darling, be a woman who deals with business and not with drama."

( - Nancybadillo - )

Fall 1835, New Orleans

There was something alluring and irresistible in the Mikaelson sisters, that, Marcel knew for sure.

Each of them was so different, yet they both were so alike. The one tall, blonde, and with shimmering blue eyes, the other short, brunette, and dark-eyed. The one sweet and soft, the other completely brutal. The one fancied him, the other not.

It was impossible for him to decide in who he found more interest, though there's always the intuition to help you see clearer.

"Did you enjoy the meal?" The voice of the man that sat beside him grabbed his attention and snapped him out of his trance of thoughts.

"Uh.." He hesitated before he forced a kind smile. "Absolutely. Thank you for it. It was really-"

Loud hysterical laughter and giggles heard from the entrance of the compound, drawing the gazes of the four that sat around the table toward the darkness. Through the shadows came out, of course, the emotionless female original that leaned on two men who walked beside her as her arms were wrapped around their shoulders.

She was drunk, that was obvious, and by the open wounds on the two men's necks and the evident weakness in their walking, they all could tell that she wasn't only drunk from liquor. They were already familiar with such situations; It had the same script as every night.

"Oops. I see I missed dinner." Amelia giggled and said when she finally noticed the large table in the middle of the compound, being lightened by a big chandelier from above them, and a few candles on the table itself. She narrowed her eyes with a grin as she looked at her siblings. "Perhaps, there are three empty seats left?"

"For your barely-conscious friends, you mean?" Rebekah cocked a brow and replied coldly, clearly annoyed by her sister's behavior pattern ever since she turned off her emotions.

"Uh-huh." Amelia teased and said before looking at the two men that she leaned herself on so she wouldn't lose balance. "Uh.. This is Cain," She improvised with a smirk, "A negative, very tactile but still a lot of fun."

She turned her head to her left and tapped the man's shoulder twice. "And this is Abel. B positive, which is my least favorite, though he was very easy to seduce, so I settled for him." She shrugged her shoulders and looked at the table innocently. When she watched the four sending her looks, she exaggerated with a dramatic gasp of surprise before she started laughing. "I am Amelia, you sillies! And here I thought I was the drunk one!"

It wasn't the first time Amelia turned off her emotions. She has done that several times through the years, probably more than any of her siblings did. Perhaps because she was never daggered, then she never really had a break from life and from the constant hunting memories and demons from her past that tormented her from time to time.

Even as a human girl, she was always reckless, impulsive, and irrational, but whenever she was emotionless - She was a walking disaster. Pitiless. Murderous, vindictive, and full of anger. Passionate, seductive, violent, and stronger than ever. She was the most hideous version of herself, and there was nothing more painful to her siblings than seeing her like that.

Although he was concerned about her well-being and her state as an emotionless vampire, Niklaus was amused by her behavior. He knew that it must be a matter of time before she will return to her usual self with her emotions on, but he knew that she's strong enough to go through the moments of guilt that attacks every vampire as he's turning on his emotions after a while of slaughtering relentlessly.

Rebekah was annoyed and impatient. She was always under the impression that her sister was strong, both mentally and physically, and every time that she turned off her emotions only made her respect for her sister to fade and shatter.

Elijah, on the other hand, was completely devastated from within by the sight of his sister like that. She was his beloved Lia, his other half, and as a part of her was gone, so was a part of him. With all the love he had for his brother and his hope for his redemption, there was something else about the relationship between him and Amelia that made it be on the top of his priorities, above anything else.

He had no doubt that there are redemption and hope for Amelia, and that she has so much potential that she was yet to discover about herself.

And lastly, Marcel, who found this behavior of her - alluring. Amelia Mikaelson was one of the most beautiful and unique women he has ever met. He knew her since he was 10 when Niklaus saved him from being tortured, and ever since he saw her, he couldn't lay his eyes off her. He adored her; Her sense of humor, her intelligence, her beliefs and caring. While he wanted to be as powerful and as respectable as Niklaus, he also wanted to have all the characteristics of Amelia.

If you'd ask Elijah, it was almost a disturbing obsession.

But then there was Rebekah, who paid more attention to him than Amelia ever did. With all her grace, the older sister was more centered in her own life and her own struggles - And when she came for a while to be with her siblings in New Orleans, most of the time she focused on being with them. He understood that, but he hated that. Rebekah, however, was kinder, warmer, and closer to him. She was as lovely as a goddess as well, and her heart was pure and soft, despite the creature she was. So slowly, he started to develop feelings for her.

But he will never be able to ignore his first and greatest crush.

The honorable brother stood up and approached her, standing in front of the first man and looking deeply into his eyes. "Thank you for your.. Serving. You are dismissed. Forget about anything that happened tonight."

He finished doing that to the other man as well, and the two left the compound, making the short original stumble as she had to stand on her own. "Whoa." She said with a short laugh as she almost fell, but Elijah caught her in his arms.

"Perhaps you should call it a night." He suggested and pulled his handkerchief from the pocket of his pants, offering it to her so she could wipe the remaining blood trails that ran down her chin.

"Ha!" She snorted in contempt, "No! I was just getting started!"

"Go away and get some rest, Lia," Rebekah scowled with a roll of her dazzling eyes.

"Is it an appropriate way to treat your sister?" She clicked her tongue offended whilst she pulled away from Elijah's grip on her, "Niklaus, why don't you give them an example of generous hospitality?"

The blonde-haired man opened his mouth to speak, yet the warning looks that he received from his sister and brother made him hesitate and reconsider his words. "I fear this time I must agree with Elijah and Rebekah."

Amelia scoffed. "Why would I even care about your opinions? I do not feel much respect for you, in case you have forgotten. Actually, I do not feel anything at all."

Elijah looked at her coy grin in frustration, hoping that this period of time where her emotions are off will end soon. He sighed as he watched her taking a few unbalanced steps backward, laughing as she's almost falling from her high heels. She walked backward more and more into the dark shadows of the entrance to their house.

"Just remember how you expelled me from the house that was supposed to be mine too." She pointed at them threateningly in mischievousness, before lowering her voice to a sarcastic comment. "Oh, and if it wasn't clear enough - They are not really called 'Cain and Abel'. I made it up!"

Amelia stared at the empty table and recalled the memory of that night, comparing the old Amelia to the new one, the one that has become. Her old self would most likely be a ripper right now just as she was most of her life. Her old self would have been playing around with a few guys, never fixating on and being satisfied with one particular man. Her old self would have laughed in your face if you'd tell her that one day she will be engaged and pregnant.

A part of her misses her old way of life, of which freedom was of paramount importance. But on second thought, she wasn't free at all; She was locked inside the cage of her traumas and her pain that made her feel like she should go in the path of self-destruction. She wasn't happy like she is with Damon, and absolutely not as stable as she is right now. With him, she had no self-doubts. No insecurity, no confusion. Through his eyes, she saw the reflection of herself and with the way he saw her, she learned to love herself.

Now, having a baby in her womb, forced her to be a completely different person. No more slaughtering for fun or turning off emotions. She can't be irresponsible and impulsive. She's going to be a mother, and she wishes to be the best parent for him or her, to be the parent that she wished that she had in her childhood.

"Thoughtful, I see." A male voice of a man that joined to stand by her side and look at the compelled servants that arranged the table and got rid of the leftovers.

"New Orleans brings up a lot of memories." She admitted quietly with a sigh, crossing her arms.

"It was our home for the longest time," He replied and stopped for a moment before turning to look at her, "And it can be again."

Amelia turned her head to her brother with furrowed brows of confusion. "I must admit, after what happened in the mansion, I was rather surprised you called and asked me to come, and here I am. What did you want to discuss?"

"Well, I may have been advised to reconsider my rage towards you." He announced nonchalantly, starting to pace and walk around the space of the almost empty-of-people compound.

She chuckled and shook her head in disbelief. "Damon, huh?"

"If to be honest, at first I despised him and blamed him for distancing us, but he truly and deeply cares for you." He said honestly, a glimpse of sadness in his voice. "But he is going to be a part of our family soon so I have no choice but accepting him, aren't I?"

"He is not the one to blame for the change in our relationship." She walked closer to him and gripped his arm to stop him from walking and looking straight at her. "I was hurt, but I forgave you already."

"And then you walked away."

"I did not walk away, Niklaus!" She raised her voice now in frustration. "I went on a vacation with the man I love, but that doesn't mean I do not love you anymore. Those are different kinds of love, but know this, Niklaus. Nothing will ever make me stop loving you. Angry? Hurt? Yes. But stop caring for you? Never! We made a vow, remember?"

His eyes started to brim with emotional tears. "Till the end of time."

Her lips twitched into a small smile as she cupped his cheek with her hand and nodded. "Till the end of time."

It took him a long minute to take a deep breath, sniff and put on a calm and confident face. "You shall come and live here. There are plenty of rooms, you can choose one for you and Damon, and one for your baby."

"And what about Elijah and Rebekah?" She frowned in question.

"Well, they have betrayed my trust. Therefore, as I said, they can rot together there." He spat the words bitterly in the thought of how hurt he was by Elijah and Rebekah.

"Elijah did nothing wrong. He did not 'take' me away from you just as Damon didn't. Please, do not accuse him of being the reason why we have drift apart." She pleaded, biting her lip anxiously. He looked at her doubtfully, considering her request.

"I will try to." He eventually agreed to try and rolled his eyes in defeat, causing her to smile in satisfaction.

"I should call Damon and ask him to bring our stuff here." She smirked and said, starting to make her way toward the stairs to go up to the second floor and pick a room.

"Lia," He abruptly looped his fingers around her wrist and stopped her, she turns around to look at him in question. "I heard you wished me to be the child's godfather."

She raised her brows in surprise, a little disappointed that Damon told him instead of her, as she had hoped. "I did. I mean, I do."

"May I ask why?" He looked at her in wonder, making her heart squeeze at the pure and excited expression his face wore.

She took a step forward and caressed his shoulder with a soft smile. "You had the worst childhood of all of us. If the day will come and neither I nor Damon will be here to raise our child, I have no doubt you will give my child the life you never had, the childhood that you deserved."

She pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek, making him smile sweetly at her before she turns around and walking away.


Tip-toeing into the garage at the compound, Davine looked around in search of the person she hoped to see, and knew where to find. "I know you're in here, Josh. I can sense your fear."

From his position of hiding behind one of the parked cars, the newbie vampire raised his head to take a cautious glimpse at the girl, who stood in the middle of the room. When he saw it was his witch friend, he smiled in relief. "I heard you're moving in."

"What are you doing in here?" She smiled widely as he got up and walked toward her.

"Uh.. You might've known." He muttered as he pulled her into a tight hug. "You know, incognito. Gotta run for the hills, but I'm stuck here until it gets dark."

"Are you okay?" The young girl exhaled deeply in concern for her only friend.

"Yeah, yeah.." Josh tried to sound reliable and convince but paused for a minute before shaking his head and admitting, "No. Not really. I mean, totally led Klaus into a trap that was the most epic fail of all time, so yeah, kinda crapping my pants right now. Figuratively. So far."

"It's okay. You can trust Marcel." She grinned softly before her expression went serious and assertive. "And if Klaus tries to hurt you - I'll hurt him."

"Hmm. So confident."

The two hurried to turn and look at the entrance to the carport in worry. at the sound of a voice with a strong accent speaking to them.

"I doubt you can really stop him. After all, my brother is the so-called almighty original hybrid." The woman pouted her lips as if thinking deeply.

"You're Amelia. Klaus' sister." Davina narrowed her eyes at her, understanding who she is by the tales she heard of her.

"I prefer being recognized by my own actions and not as 'Klaus Mikaelson's sister'." The brunette commented, making Josh's spine shiver at her confidence and intimidating tone.

"I can recognize you by the bad things I heard about you, if you'd rather that." Davina replied in disgust.

"Ooh, the disrespect." Amelia placed her hand on her heart to pretend to be hurt whilst starting to walk toward the two slowly. "How bold and ignorant is this from such a young girl as you to threaten an old, powerful vampire like me."

"I may not be able to kill Klaus, but I can take you down." The girl announced, holding her head high although deep down, she was a bit afraid.

Amelia laughed and shook her head. "Now, at any other circumstances, I would be shaking with fear. However, I can assure you I am well capable to end you if I'd like to."

Davina chuckled. "You wish."

"Are you challenging me, dear?" Amelia raised her brows with a wide, cocky smirk. Truth be told, she didn't know for sure how powerful she is and if she truly can kill a witch as strong as Davina Claire with her dark magic, but the rush that ran in her veins at the thought of how much power she posses now with her pregnancy.

"Davina.." Josh whispered to her as he grabbed her forearm to draw her attention so she will stop teasing the original.

"Yes, Davina. Listen to your friend." Amelia nodded before looking up at the guy. "Josh, isn't it? A newbie vampire way out of his element, newcomer to the 'wanted' list of my brother."

"What do you want from us?" Davina raised her voice as she asked her.

"I heard you had quite the meeting with my precious twin brother." The brunette folded her arms and watched Davina stiffening in distress. "Oh, do not worry, dear, I don't hold grudge against you for prisoning him. I do, however, heard you had an agreement with him. Thought I could suggest an alliance with me as well."

"What 'alliance'?" She frowned skeptically.

"There is something I suspect you might be able to help me with." Amelia informed.

The Claire girl snorted in amusement. "Why would I do that?"

"Well, first of all, you do live in my house from now on. Secondly, I can offer you my protection against any member of my family that will want you harmed."

"Klaus won't kill me. He needs me." Davina dismissed her words.

"But he has no need in Joshua, in fact, I know he wants him dead. And from what I see," She grinned and gestured with her head on the hand that he placed on her arm, "I can tell you care for him and his wellbeing."

Davine exchanged a doubtful glance with Josh as she considered the offer of the original girl who waited patiently for the reply.

"What do you need from me?" The witch asked in a low voice.

"I'm afraid this is something you and I must discuss privately. No offense, Joshua." Amelia said in sarcasm.

"None taken." He uttered nervously.

"So what do you say, Davina? Do we have a deal?"

Davina remained silent for a long moment as she thought deeply.



Heading out of the new room that she shared with her fiancรฉ, Amelia intended to go see Davina in her new room so she could tell her about what she needs her help with. As usual, she didn't want to tell anyone that she has some sort of plan to find more information about her pregnancy. She knew everyone might tell her it's risky to tell more people about it and that Davina isn't really the best choice of a confederate right now.

Unfortunately for her, when she walked out of the room and went down the hallway, she almost bumped into the last person she hoped she'd see now.

"Wow," He chuckled as he stopped to stand in front of her while she retreated a little before running into him, "Someone's in a rush."

She raised her brows as he caught her off guard, before letting a breathy smile to form on her lips. "U.. Yes. A little bit." She nodded and looked at the big box he held in between his arms. "I see you are still moving our belongings here."

"Yep. Even I wasn't aware of how many things you have, I mean, it's the second jewelry box." He snorted and mocked.

"Hmm." She pressed her lips together to a toothless smile whilst glancing at the doors to the room behind him knowing that somewhere there, Davina was supposed to be. "Do you need any help?"

"And let my pregnant future-wife get herself tired? Uh uh." Damon smirked coyly as he leaned down and pecked her lips, before furrowing his brows at her. "But where were you going to, though?"

"I.." She uttered, trying to make up an excuse, which caused him to arch a brow in question. "I was about to go and see Niklaus. You haven't seen him by any chance, did you?"

"Don't think so. Why? Did something happened?" He lowered the box so he could examine her expression properly.

"Oh, no, dear. He was just.. Supposed to give me his answer about being the godfather." She formed a smile on her lips as she waved her hand, dismissing his concern.

"I still think Elijah is the better choice." He rolled his eyes in disagreement.

"And I think that you should trust me on this one." She took a step forward and placed her palm on his cheek, sliding her thumb over his skin. "Besides, you were the one who refused to let Stefan be the godfather."

He scoffed. "That's because I don't want my kid to be mortified about what he is for his entire life like my brother is."

"Your choice." She giggled and said as she took in the sight of his mesmerizing blue eyes that almost made her forget about what she wanted to do in the first place. She took a deep breath and recovered. "Anyhow, I must go and find him. Will you be okay with the moving?"

"Sure." He assured as he leaned down to kiss her softly. "Don't be too long."

"I won't." She snickered and promised before walking past him, glancing behind her shoulder to make sure he's going inside the room and not noticing where she's actually going.

She was passing through the full-decorated rooms in search of the person she was looking for - a young, short, skilled witch that could help her with her problem. After a few doors, at the end of the hallway, she finally found the girl sitting by her new bed, surrounded by boxes and going through them nervously.

"What are you looking for?" The original questioned in curiosity as she folded her arms and leaned on the door frame.

Davina, who was startled by the sound of a sudden voice, instantly raised her gaze to the person and exhaled deeply before returning to her previous action. "My violin. It must be left in the attic."

"And why won't you go get it?" She lifted a brow in wonder.

"I can't. It's not safe for me out there." Davina told in frustration.

"Huh. And I was under the impression everyone was afraid of you." Amelia chuckled in amusement.

"The witches are after me." The young girl rolled her eyes.

"You mean that lunatic witch, Agnes? Oh, yes, she tried to kill me, too. You'd be surprised to know that she is dead. My dear twin killed her." Amelia informed as she approached the girl with a satisfied smirk.

"But. Agnes was the last living Elder." Davina shook her head and mumbled in disbelief, getting up and leaving the attempt to find the violin in the box. "If she's dead, then I'm safe. Marcel would've told me."

"Perhaps he didn't wanna lose his secret weapon against the witches?" Amelia pursed her lips and pointed out.

Davina took a moment of thinking about her words, struggling to believe that the person who cared for her most will lie to her like that. "You're lying."

"Now, why would I lie to you?" The elder questioned, narrowing her eyes at her.

"Because you want something from me, which reminds me - you said you'd tell me when Josh won't be around."

"Correction - when nobody will be around." Amelia placed her hands on her hips and sighed, turning her head to gaze at the door to make sure no one was around before she lowered her voice. "What I am about to tell you is a great secret which you must keep. Consider it a guarantee of my honesty."

"What is it?" Davina coked her head to the side, interest taking over her face.

It took Amelia a long moment of hesitation before she took a deep breath and tightened her big sweater on her slim torso, revealing her now-very-evident belly bump that was showing on her pregnancy.

Davina gasped. "What the-"

"Language." Amelia quirked a brow with a sarcastic grin. "There are children in the room, after all."

"How is that possible? Y.. You're a vampire, you're dead, you can't.. You can't have a baby!" Davina's wide eyes barely remembered to blink at the miracle that she was witnessed.

"We are not certain about it, and this is exactly what I need your help with," Amelia told the witch as she returned her hands to her sides.

"What do you mean?"

"I need to contact a witch. A very powerful witch and, unfortunately, a very dead one as well." The original told, confidence returns to her usual tone.

"I.. I don't know how to do such a strong spell." The young girl admitted quietly.

"I will provide you the spell itself from my mother's grimoire. All you have to do is to make it happen, and to keep it as a secret." Amelia warned.

"Why? I bet you have some other witches that will help you with it so.. Why me?" Davina questioned in confounding.

"The thing is, my witch friend appears to care for me - therefore, she not only will agree to do this dangerous spell but also will tell my family, and the father of my child. This is something I fear I cannot afford." The pregnant girl told.

Davina considered her words. Taking part in such a miracle as a baby in the womb of a dead woman sounded insanely exciting for her, yet she knew it is also risky and that there's have to be a catch. "What's in it for me?"

"As I said, my protection against anyone who will desire to harm you." Amelia's voice was assertive and calm.

"And Josh," Davina demanded.

"And Joshua." The Mikaelson girl rolled her eyes and agreed to her terms. "So, do we have a deal?"

The two stared at each other so intensely, that they couldn't hear the deep exhale of shock that fell from the mouth of astounded Marcel, who stood behind the door and listened.



This chapter is already done but my computer died about a week ago and I couldn't upload it - so here it is!

Emotionless Amelia is so fun to write and there will be a lot more to see of her past with her family in this book!

Nik as a godfather, or Elijah / Stefan? Any thoughts?

I'm so excited for this baby, I literally planned him and his / her and hers plot since like the middle of the first book. My friends are so tired of me calling them at 3 am every few days with a new idea for a name for this baby that I ask for their opinion about lol

Hope you liked this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment!


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