Chapter 7 : Time Speeds By.

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The meeting with her maternal grandfather all of a sudden was a pleasant surprise for Amba. She had no idea about her maternal grandfather, mostly because her father rarely spoke of their mother. Regardless of her thoughts about her  father and his disappointments, the man never remarried after their mother's death. Either he loved their mother enough to stay a Ekpatnivrata or he simply never got time to find a bride for himself. Amba wasn't planning on finding the answer to that question anytime soon. Nonetheless, the surprise of finding family amongst wilderness had been a pleasant shock compared to upheaval of emotions raging as an inferno within her. 

Mātāmaha Hotravahana had asked her to visit his dearest friend Bhargava Rama, popularly known as Parshurama. He said that as his friend, the vanquisher of Kshatriyas, who was one of the many teachers of Gangaputra, would surely help her in getting justice.

Amba kept that in mind but she declined the offer for the time being. She decided to reach out Lord Parshurama when she truly had a need for his help and guidance.

She stayed with her Mātāmaha for a year. She had requested him to teach her his knowledge. During this time period she slowly regained the strength she had lost. Amba's pale and gaunt skin, finally had a healthy glow with a slight dusky tone due to working and mediating regularly in the sun. As she stayed with her Mātāmaha, she took care of the up-keeping of the house which allowed her maternal grandfather to focus on his yogic practices. Steadily, she learned various things. Learning to control her sense, her emotions and her mind, Amba grew into her potential steadily. 

She did not keep anything hidden from her Mātāmaha.

After learning everything that had happened, he was enraged. He wanted to confront Bhishma, but she managed to calm him down. His words to her had touched her broken heart, "Child, know that whenever and wherever you need me, I would just be a call away. Your grandfather won't abandon you. Keep a heartfelt request of mine. When you're ready to settle down, summon me. I wish to stay with my little granddaughter."

She agreed to his wish, happy to have one adult in her life who was willing to be beside her, because at the current time, Amba had no one. Sometimes, these pangs of immense loneliness visited her at the middle of the night quite abruptly, making her shed tears of pain. 

The solid presence of her grandfather had somehow curbed it to an extent these months and she was immensely thankful. Amba was still learning to deal with the loneliness in her life. 

Another year and a month later :-

Gauranga Devavrata strode down the hallway of the magnificent palace of Hastinapura with a look of calm fury on his face. The news he had gotten from the soldier had devastated him and brought about a sense of utter rage.

"Devavrata!" called Kripachraya, as he tried to match pace with an enraged warrior, "Listen to me once!"

"What shall I listen too, Kripa?" said Bhishma, as he turned around abruptly to face the startled Raj Guru of the Royal Family, "Shall I listen to the fact that my own brother got himself captured by the Panchala King because he dared to tease his daughter when he was half drunk ? Is this a behavioural benefit of a Kshatriya King or even a Crown Prince?"

Kripacharya gulped at the controlled anger in Bhishma's voice, while the man himself continued to speak as he paced in front of the Acharaya like a caged lion ready to hunt his prey, "I still cannot believe that, Vichitravirya had the audacity to do something like this! I am ashamed that he is representing my beloved Hastinapura!"

Kripa said tentatively, "Perhaps there is more to the story, Devavrata. At least hear the Crown Prince's version too."

"Oh, I will, Kripa, I will," said Bhishma, chocolate orbs flashing with a sense of resoluteness, "After I have rescued that rascal, I will get the answers to all my questions!"

With that Bhishma turned on his heel and strode down the hallway. 

Kripa sighed before following him, as he thought scowling slightly at Bhishma's back, "This man will make me run for my entire life! O Mahadeva! What have I done to get him as a best friend?"

"At least inform me where you are going!" said Kripa, as he hurried to keep up with his 'best friend'.

"I am going towards Mata Satyavati and the Kashi sisters," said Bhishma, slowing down and allowing his friend to catch up to him, "They need to be informed as well."

"Well, the Queen Mother will be displeased," replied Kripacharya, eyes filled with concern.

"When it comes to Hastinapura," replied Bhishma, turning cold chocolate orbs at Kripa, "Even she cannot stop me from ensuring her best interest."

Kripa nodded seriously, half impressed at his dedication and half-exasperated at his passion.

"Mahadeva, it seems like he is channeling all his passion into Hastinapura!" thought Kripa, "Why can't you just break his stupid vows?"

On the other hand, Satyavati was speaking with her daughters-in-laws. A daas (male servant)came inside at that moment.

"I apologize for coming abruptly, Queen Mother," said the servant with a bowed head and lowered eyes as he continued to tell the reason behind his abrupt entry, "His Excellency is waiting outside the room. He is asking for permission to enter."

Satyavati frowned wondering why Bhishma was here at this time of the day. It was not even madhyaanha (a time between 9 am to noon). Usually, he would be attending Royal court during this time.

"Allow him to enter," said Satyavati regally.

"Mother," said Bhishma coolly, as he entered.

 He was in complete Royal regalia, of his trademark white dhoti, silver armour and white angavastra, hanging elegantly and casually from both his arms. The same get up he had taken when he had gone to the self-choice ceremony of Kashi.

"Instead of Royal court, he looks like he was going to war," thought Satyavati worriedly, getting up from her seat as she asked, "What happened, son? Is someone waging a war against Hastinapura?"

Bhishma's eyes flitted to glance at the concerned looking Ambika and Ambalika, both of whom had come to stand behind their mother-in-law, as he answered, "Vichitravirya got himself captured by the Panchala King Prishata. I am going to Panchala to release him."

"What!?" said Satyavati, a concerned look mingled with a bit anger at her son's incapability to defend himself, "How did he go to Panchala? I was told he was going hunting inside the Kuru borders."

Satyavati ignored the slight gasps of her daughters-in-law though she was pleased at their apparent concern. The past two years had been productive as she tried to build some bonds with her daughters-in-law.

"That is what I knew myself, " sighed Bhishma, before meeting his step-mother's eyes, "I am going to rescue him, and I will get my answers today."

Though his words seemed to be informing her, Satyavati did not miss the hard tone of the Shantanava's voice. She gave a small nod of acknowledgment, understanding that she cannot stop him from doing what was right for the Kingdom.

As he bent to take her blessings, she blessed wholeheartedly, " Victory to you! "

Rajmata Satyavati watched him leave, her heart bitterly wishing again like it has done in these past years after her husband, King Shantanu's death, to be granted a son like Bhishma.

In Panchala :- 

Amba had left the sanctuary of her Mātāmaha after promising to stop by when she could. She had no idea about her destination but had only a wish to attain Yogic powers through austerities. She would not go back to her father, well aware of the reception she would receive from him.

As it is, Amba would never be able to get martial bliss, the happiness of a complete family or the chance to become a mother. The most she could do is to make most of her celibacy.

Yes, celibacy. Amba was not going to marry anyone, obviously. In this time where a women is seen as an object for many, she had no wish to endure the same process. She hoped the path she walks on would allow her to rediscover her own self. 

These past two years had been a bliss to finally meet an adult, a family member, who had helped her without asking much in return. She  felt a small sad smile grace her bare lips, free of any colored tint, as she slowly walked through the busy streets of Panchala Kingdom. 

She had arrived within the Kingdom two days back. A small hermitage of some male and female sages at the outskirts had provided her a place to stay. She was planning on leaving currently as staying in one place won't be a good idea for her.

The common people were rather kind here. They were happy and very few in this kingdom was truly poor, as Amba's eyes traced the various shopkeepers setting up shop. She stopped by a small shop selling aromatic pedas. She couldn't stop from buying a few. In Kashi, it was sold on almost every streets. It was also her favourite sweet. She haven't had it in a while.

She still couldn't believe it was almost two years since that dreadful day which changed her life. She wondered how Ambika and Ambalika were doing these few months. Amba hoped they were fine and were actually happy with their husband, no matter how much she found Vichitravirya not fit for her little sisters.

As she munched and finished those sweets, Amba heard the sounds of dhol ( barrel shaped wooden drum), which had her wondering what announcement was about to be made here.

"Suno! Suno! Suno!" yelled the royal announcer as he stood near the middle of the marketplace. She came near, curious enough to listen to what he was about to say.

"His Highness, the King, orders every people present in this Kingdom to head over to the Rangabhoomi (amphitheater) for an amusing show!" announced the announcer, a quick grin on his face, as if something amusing was going to happen.

Her curiosity was piqued. She went along with the crowd to the amphitheater near the main palace of the capital of the Panchala Kingdom. Instead of taking a seat, Amba stood at the highest possible place, in between two women, to watch what will happen.

Usually, an amphitheater was used as a place of punishment for criminals when the King wanted to make a statement to his subjects (which in itself was rather rare) or during some celebrations, which was actually a show-off to the other guests.

Surely a celebration wasn't taking place, as the Kingdom would be lavishly decorated as such and guests from all over the Aryavarta would be arriving as well. A kingdom as influential as Panchala wouldn't have done a halfhearted job in a celebration.

She wondered whether it was about a punishment.

Amba was startled into focus when a series of conch was blown, signalling the arrival of the King. The King of Panchala was Prishata. He was married and had a son and daughter. His daughter was his eldest child while his son was rather young, currently in his Gurukula probably. She watched as the King entered, a proud look on his face yet a gleeful gaze in his eyes.

Like most Kings of Aryavarta, humility was not in the royal blood of the dynasties ruling various Kingdoms. Even, Bhishma, had a sense of arrogance in him. She let out a small cynical smile at that, after all he did not even ask whether the girls he was abducting wanted to marry his brother or not. She had to tell it in front of the entire council of Hastinapura. No doubt, he wasn't taught to ask a girl's consent. After all, a girl has two guardians in life - father or husband. The irony is she had neither!

"I pity those Princesses!" whispered the female beside her, while the other said, "Well, the Crown Prince shouldn't have dared to behave like that with our beloved Princess. His Highness is doing the right thing!".

Their words bought a frown on Amba's face as she glanced at them before looking at the scene happening down in the Rangabhoomi which shocked her to the core!

Vichitravirya, as in the Crown Prince of Hastinapura, Satyavati's son and her little sisters husband was tied to the pole in the middle of the Rangabhoomi. 

What has this idiot done now? 

Amba hope he wasn't planning on making her sisters, a widow, within two years of marriage.

She held in her gasp as she watched King Prishata take a whip in his hands. Amba was stunned to realize that she won't be able to watch this. In the end, as much as she disliked the weak Crown Prince of Hastinapura, he was still her brother-in-law. 

If she saw him like this, then her sisters tear-streaked faces, would swirl in front of her eyes. Surely, after some months, they must have started to care for him.

No, she won't be able to watch.

Amba shook her head slightly before quietly leaving from the place and coming out on the main streets of Panchala capital. She lifted the end of her uttariya, placing it on her head and then covering half of her face. Usually, she would not resort to such measures, but she preferred to be careful.  

Suddenly, she collided against a solid, rock hard wall. It almost felt like an armour. Amba's face twisted into a grimace, as she lifted a hand to gently massage her forehead, which no doubt was turning faintly red. She looked up wondering whom she had collided with, meeting familiar intense chocolate orbs.

O Mahadeva! It's him!

The aforementioned orbs seemed to blink with a trace of confusion fading away to it's normal enigmatic haze, as her heart thudded against her ribcage so furiously that she felt it planning to come out of her chest. 

Please, O Bholenatha, do not allow him to recognize me!

Amba gulped slightly beneath her mask of the uttariya, utterly thankful for her own foresight to cover her face, otherwise today she would have gotten caught.

"Forgive me, my lady. I should have watched where I was going," he said, voice as rich and deep as before.

Amba nodded slightly with a slight bowed head, not trusting her voice, which she was sure he would recognize at once. She simply prayed he did not recognize her unique eyes, something she had been proud of once. Yet it could be what made her easily recognizable. 

She quickly moved past him, completely sure in her belief that if she stayed longer he would surely recognized her. Amba's heart skipped a beat as she slipped past him, feeling his magnetic stare on her back.

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