━━━ 𝙳𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚜

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⤵︎ ⤹
( an original chapter )

❝ YEAH, YOU IN ? ❞


WARNINGS ━━━━ blood, death, mentions of death, fire, sad Dean 😔, sad Sammy, sad Eirene, swearing.

Never thought I'd put warnings for this book, but here you go. Lmk if I missed any.



THE LOUD ringing of her phone awoke the brunette that fateful night. It pierced through the somewhat peaceful sleep the girl was having ( if you called finding your parents murdered peaceful that is ).

Eirene sat up, rubbing her eyes slightly, wondering who it could be. She checked the alarm clock that sat not on the wooden bedside table, not far from where her bed lay. It was two fucking am. Who had the galls to call her this early in the morning? Oh the plethora of cuss words and snarky remarks they would receive from her.

Groaning slightly, Eirene picked her phone up to not only stop the loud ringtone of 'What you waiting for?' by Gwen Stefani but the incredibly annoying buzzing sound that came with it that was droning into her skull. The college student tucked some hair behind her hair and turned on the lamp by the other side of the bed.

"What the hell is so important that you had to call me so early in the morning?"

The voice of Sam Winchester echoed through. Well, they were barely words. Barely coherent at least. "She's dead . . ."

Eirene furrowed her brows. What the hell was he talking about? Surely he knew Halloween had come and past a few days ago. If this was his idea of some kind of sick joke then he sure had it coming.

"What are you talking about, Sam? Who's dead?"

"Jess . . . she's dead . . ."

Those words struck a cord in her chest.

"What?" The woman barely managed to choke out. Jessica couldn't be dead. She just couldn't be. Eirene had seen the blond just earlier this morning. The hunter had been comforting her friend and reassuring her after Sam had told her he needed to leave. That he was going somewhere with his brother. Now, Eirene had only met the infamous Dean Winchester once but she sure knew how he could be.

Instantly, her mind went to something supernatural.

"What ━━ what was it?" She asked. By now, tears were forming in her eyes. Jessica Moore was yet another person who Eirene Blackwell had lost to the hunting life. Even though Jessica had never even known about it all, her death was still due to a monster. And for that she'd make it pay.

"It was a demon. The demon." Sam replied. In the background, Eirene was sure she could hear the distinct voice of the one and only Dean Winchester asking him who he was talking to. She only hoped it was knowing Sam could use all the support he could get. After all, his girlfriend had just died.

"Are you sure?" Eirene inquired. Why would this demon go after poor Jessica after all these years? Why her? Why now?

The shaggy haired man sniffled slightly and wandered further away from the fire fighters still putting out the fire and the wandering gaze of neighbours and fellow college students. Sam could practically feel their heated stares on his back. Although perhaps that was just due to the heat of the blazing fire of which was still engulfing the small apartment they once shared. "Positive. It was the same way my ━━ our mum died." 

"Oh god . . . Sam, I'm so sorry." Eirene muttered. By now, she was on the edge of her bed, legs hanging off, not even caring about the chilling breeze that filtered through the window that had accidentally been left open. The white lace curtain flowed in the breeze in a way that certainly contradicted the events that had just occurred. Nothing about this was innocent. And nothing about this was okay. Her best friend was dead, and she'd make sure that, along with her parents, she'd get justice.

Although the brunette could have sworn that she'd seen a pair of menacing yellow eyes glaring at her figure by the doorway of her bedroom.

( would've taken place in 01 x 01 where poor Sam tells eirene about Jessica's death, a heartbreaking moment for both of them ).

"Alright, so let me get this straight." Eirene paused the two in their frantic movements. "You two want me to travel all around America with you both to find your dad?"

"Yeah," Dean grinned with a cocky smile. "You in?" He asked while handing the brunette a gun.

Eirene returned his coy smile and grabbed it from him, blue eyes glinting in excitement. "Hell yeah."

( also takes place in 01 x 01, i think u can tell what's going on here 🤭 )

Nightmares plagued Dean Winchester more than he liked to admit. Wether it was the horrific memory of his own mother burning on the ceiling, or any and all of the possible ways that the two most important people in his life right now could be taken away from him. It was agonising. Watching as his brother died and being able to do nothing about it, not being able to move or even think a coherent thought.

Or holding the brunette he had become so fond of in his arms as she bled out right now front of him, begging for someone to help him, screaming his throat raw but alas, no one would show. And she'd die in his loving arms that he'd use so often to reassure her or when they'd be forced to share a bed in the new motel they were staying at ( which was becoming more and more common by the day ).

This particular one was the worst, though. The trio had gotten word from another hunter that there were supposedly a werewolf or two prowling the streets of a little American town and it was drawing suspicion from not only the locals but the small sheriffs department located just on the outskirts of town.

So, the trio did what they did best. Hunt. Though what the hunter had failed to tell them was that there wasn't a couple, there was a whole pack of them.

While in their motel room ( Sam had gone out to get some food ), Dean and Eirene were trying to track where the werewolf would strike next. They had just about narrowed it down to a small family home they had passed on the drive their when a scratching noise echoed throughout the room.

Dean raised a brow. "Did you hear that?" He asked, stopping in his movements, the previously occupied pen dropping to the paper below with a smack!

Eidene didn't say anything but just nodded, slowly getting up from beside him and reaching for the gun she had hidden under her pillow. She threw it to him. The man caught it with ease and was just about to give her a gun, but the breaking of a window interrupted the pair. Both hunters turned around in alarm, shocked at what had just happened. For one of the werewolves, he jumped through the window and broke it entirely. Entire shards of glass had cut his face and clothes all over, but that didn't seem to bother him at all, for he had but one mission. Kill Eirene Blackwell.

Dean didn't like the look he was sending the brunette and liked it even less when he moved closer towards Eirene with a cocky grin. Oh, he was going to enjoy this. Not only was he killing the last famed member of the Blackwell family, but he'd also be killing one of the few people that had managed to worm their way into Dean Winchester's cold and closed off heart. His weakness. Then, he'd kill Sam his brother, and then, and only then would he finally get to Dean, wanting to make the man suffer. Feel how he felt when the hunters had murdered the only person he cared about in cold blood.

Now, the next part of the nightmare was all but a blur to the older brother. He figured it must have been his brains attempt at blocking out something so traumatic for him.

One minute, he was staring at female hunter, and the next, he was cradling her limp body in his bloodied hands. His hands were covered with crimson red blood. Her blood. He'd cry out for her, but deep down, Dean knew she wouldn't answer. That she wouldn't come back. She'd died in his arms. In the pair of arms that belonged to a man who promised to always protect her. That he'd failed at miserably.

The sequence would only go on long enough for Sam to enter, arms clutching three different bags of food from a fast food restaurant from down the road. Then, they'd all fall to the floor in shock of the sight of it all. Dean would hear Sam crying next to him, he'd see him fall to his knees and beg for his best friend to wake up, to be okay but deep down, Sam also know that Eirene Blackwell would never open her eyes ever again.

Never again . . .

Green eyes fluttered open. The remnants of what he'd just dreamt crashing around in his brain all haphazardly, trying to piece it all back together. Though he wasn't sure he wanted to.

Many times after he'd had this particular nightmare, the older brother would find himself removing the woman from his chest that he'd scoured time and time over to make sure she was okay, then he'd get dressed and take his beloved car keys from the holder that the motel so graciously provided for all their guests and drive out to the nearest bar. Whether that be five minutes away or half an hour away, the man would make the journey just to forget the horrid flashes of her dead body in his arms. Drowning away his sorrows with each swig of beer and each empty glass he curated.

However, this time, it was different. A hand was shaking him. A voice asking if he was okay. He knew that voice. How could he not? It was only featured in his best dreams and plagued his worst nightmares.

Dean peered to his side only to be met with a pair of glistening blue eyes that rivalled any bright sky that mother nature would ever have to offer.

Her hand was rubbing against his shoulder in a comforting motion, back and forth. "You okay there?" She asked, voice as comforting as ever. Though, he found that he always felt at ease when in her arms.

The older hunter just nodded. "Yeah, just a nightmare. No biggie." He waved off, not wanting to share the details of his night terrors with her. She didn't need to hear that. Especially not after what happened to her parents.

Eirene's gaze turned to that of a concerned one. The woman sat up slightly to brush the hair back that was covering his eyes slightly. "You know I'm always here if you want to talk, right? I know I act like a bitch sometimes but I really care for you. For both of you."

"Yeah, I know." Dean nodded, which earned him a small hearty smile from her.

"Good, now go back to sleep. And if you have another nightmare, I'm right here." She took his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

She was always here . . .

( would've taken place at a random spot, maybe in between shifter or anything onwards )

Dean's grip around Eirene only tightened as he made sure she was okay. The grip his double had on her may have disappeared, but the already forming bruises began to fade in rapidly. His jaw clenched at the sight. In that moment, nothing else mattered to him. Not Sam and Rebecca consoling and talking to each other on the other side of the room, or the damned shapeshifter that had collapsed on the table when he'd pumped its body full of silver bullets.

He smoothed the hair back from the brunette's face once again like he'd done earlier down in the sewers. Her blue eyes stared straight back up at him. "You alright? He hurt you?" The man questioned, gesturing from anything else besides the dark handprints forming on her neck and the bruise on her forehead. Once more rage filled him entirely.

Eirene shook her head, not wanting to speak. Most likely due to her aching neck. She only took the hunter by surpise when she wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, not wanting to let go anytime soon.

Dean, of course, wrapped his arms back around the woman just as tight, one hand on her back while the other rested in her long brunette locks. Occasionally, his gaze would drift from Eirene in his arms to the fake dead him on the table staring lifelessly up at the ceiling.

Man, he hated shapeshifters.

( This would've taken place during the episode skin. A cute little moment between 'friends' ).

ODI SPEAKS ━━━━ OKAY, SO here's another chapter while I write the next one. Sorry, these are mostly sad, but I do have some sweet moments between them, which I love. Low ━━ key wish I added that one in, but oh well.

Also, enjoy this cute gif I made for them ! ♡♡♡


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