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chapter six:


̔ ̔ NO CHANCE ̓ ̓


DEAN WINCHESTER always knew that the time after his brother left for college would be difficult. He just wasn't prepared for the anger of his father. After all, he had left the hunting life that was so painstakingly set out for him. Of course, the man was mad. Sam and John's argument didn't exactly sound friendly, nor did it end on a high note. The last time Dean had seen his younger brother was that night as he watched the teen shove clothes into a bag, storming our without a second thought.

That was difficult.

So, from that moment on, it had just been John and Dean, the father and son duo. And it had been like that for a while. That was until the man had caught word of his friend's death. The Blackwell's death.

John had been on the scene the night of their death, watching from afar. He'd heard that the whole family was dead. So, imagine his surprise when he saw their oldest daughter arguing with a police officer about something he couldn't see from where he was. It was safe to say the man was shocked. And that was only half of it.

Nothing could have prepared him for when he saw her again with his two sons whilst hunting a particularly nasty demon, Meg. But that was a story for another time.

When John arrived home that night, he looked considerably heavy - hearted but didn't say a word to his eldest son. After all, the death of your friends was a hard burden to carry. John felt the same desire to kill whatever had murdered the Blackwell's as the demon who killed his wife. Dean, of course, didn't know anything that was going on, so he just shrugged it off and left his father in peace. Not knowing that just mere months later, he'd meet the very same woman who his old man had witnessed that very same night.

IT WAS well known to anyone who knew the man, that Dean Winchester also enjoyed a good party. As well as the fact that he could always worm his way into one. Even one that was clearly meant for college students only. But he didn't care.

Unfortunately, what he could admit was that it was rather abysmal. None of the girls had tried their luck with the brooding man, but he supposed that wasn't one of his main interests as of right now. Besides, Dean didn't find any of them too attractive anyway.

Planning on leaving, he downed the rest of his drink and grabbed his wallet from the bar counter, and spiralled around to face the exit. Only then did he see his brother. But it wasn't Sam that he was interested in. No. He used to see his younger brother's face every day. What he was interested in was the woman standing next to him, who appeared to be checking him out. The brunette then said something to the teen, which made him grimace and reply with something that made her laugh, her white teeth shining out against the darkened lighting of the building.

It was only then that he began walking over to the smiling pair. Maybe this night wouldn't be too bad after all.

AFTER A long case, the three had traversed to a local motel in the area. Sam had immediately crashed on the closest bed, which left the other two hunters with the other bed as there were always ever two.

Dean and Eirene looked towards each other, Dean with a small smug smile and Eirene with a nervous gaze (not that she'd admit it).

The brunette tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and sighed. "Look, you take the bed for the first couple of hours, and then we'll switch."

Dean turned to her, facing sideways with his head turned. "Really?"

"Well, unless you have a better idea, Winchester, then feel free to share with the rest of the class." she retorted while gesturing to herself and a sleeping Sam.

The clean - shaven man grinned even more if possible and said with a cocky grin, "You could always share with me, Blackwell."

Eirene scoffed. "No chance." she then snatched his bag and threw it on the bed, gesturing for him to sit down. Dean said nothing but looked slightly disheartened at her words. Determined to not let it show, he grabbed the clothes from his bag and tore them out harshly, putting them on. Only the sound of his clothes hitting the floor and Sam's laptop keys tapping could be heard as Eirene was searching for any new cases in the area to keep them busy.

With one last look at the brunette, Dean sat down on the bed, turning off the lamp that sat next to him but still allowing the main light to shine through to allow for Eirene to see properly.

Eirene turned back to the sleeping men and smiled slightly. She couldn't imagine a life without them. With Sam, he was her best friend after they'd met at a party. And Dean, well Dean was a different story, but she still considered him her friend (even if he was quite annoying most of the time). If she hadn't met the brothers, the brunette wondered what would have become of her life. Would she have stayed in college or let the grief and depression of her family's fate sink in and control her life? Eirene hoped for the first option. She didn't dwindle on these thoughts for long, however, because before the hunter knew it, hours had flown by. Really, the hunter thought she ought to wake Dean up but found sleep was non - existent right now. Besides, Eirene couldn't help but feel slightly bad for waking the man up just because she couldn't face sleeping in the same bed as him. It was ridiculous, really.

So, the woman settled for looking further on the Internet for any cases or any curious mishaps that looked like they needed their attention. But, there was nothing. How come Sam always managed to find new cases for them? He was always the smart one, so Eirene supposed that was why. She didn't sit on it for much longer as a firm hand suddenly grasped the back of her right shoulder making her jump out of her seat and pull the perpetrator close to her where she could easily disarm them if needed.

"Woah, would you calm down? It's just me." A gruff voice interrupted the woman's deep thinking.

Stunned to hear them speak, Eirene peered down only to see it was Dean. She immediately let him go and winced at her mistake. "Sorry." she apologised, which earned a shocked look from Dean as he rubbed his wrists from where she'd held him by. Never once had he heard her say sorry to anyone. Not even Sam.

Regaining his composure, the hunter cleared his throat slightly. "No problem."

Eirene sent a pointed flare his way. "You should really learn not to sneak up on a woman, Winchester. Especially not me. You never know what'll happen."

Dean looked like he didn't want to say what he had yet to speak but obviously decided against it as the words began to leave his mouth. "Right, well, it's time to switch, Blackwell."

By now, the woman was sitting back on the chair but facing Dean. "Yeah, no, I'm good. Just go back to sleep. I think I'm getting somewhere anyway." That was a lie. Eirene just wanted Dean to leave her alone already.

The man raised an unimpressed eyebrow. It was clear that he didn't believe her. And to be honest, Eirene wouldn't either.

"Well, I know for a fact you're lying just by looking at you." he pointed out. "And by the fact that the laptop screen has stayed the same for past half an hour.

Eirene mentally cursed herself. Of course, he was watching like the creep he was.

"You were watching me?" Eirene crossed her arms in front of her chest, still sitting down in the (rather uncomfortable) wooden chair. Again, it's not like she'd admit anything to him.

Dean didn't say or do anything, which only further confirmed her suspicions. However, what he did do was sigh deeply and walk over to her. Confused, the brunette's brows furrowed in turn with her emotions. What was he doing?

Once the man had reached her, he grabbed her hands and pulled the female hunter from her spot near the desk and towards the small bed that could probably just about fit two people in it. She wasn't impressed. Though, their altercation and the extra few minutes of screen time had admittedly made her feel extremely tired. So, if she was going to sleep in a nice, warm bed, Eirene to share it with Dean Winchester wasn't the worst thing to ever happen to her.

The man was quick to adjust the pair so they could both lay comfortable on the duvet covered mattress. Dean lay on his back while Eirene was on his chest lightly, not wishing to hurt the man. One arm was behind his head while the other secured tightly in the brunette's hair, weaving through it slowly. Finally, since there was not much room, Eirene's left arm lay hanging off the bed. The female hunter didn't think she'd felt this secure since her parents had last been alive, and that sure was saying something.

Dean glanced down to his friend with a soft and gentle gaze, messing with a couple of strands of hair that framed her face. "Try to get some sleep, alright?"

Eirene didn't reply but nodded hesitatny before resting her head back down. The feeling of the man's callous hands brushing through her hair had quite frankly never felt better.

THE SOUND of a male voice speaking echoed throughout the room. Eirene was slightly annoyed that Sam was interrupting her sleep but didn't say anything on the matter. That was until she remembered her current sleeping predicament. She'd slept with Dean Winchester. Well, not slept with him, but they'd shared a bed all the same.
But, despite their position, neither of them wanted to move.

"Guys!" Sam's voice yelled once more, breaking through the sleepy stupor the pair were both in. Begrudgingly, the brunette removed herself from the position on the man and made her way to the end of the bed, leaning her hands on her knees and rubbing her hands over her eyes to reduce the tiredness she felt. Newsflash, it wasn't working.

By now, Dean had made his way yo the small bathroom the motel room had without saying a single thing to either hunter.

"You have fun last night, Ei?" Sam questioned with an amused gaze, smirking slightly as he spoke.

Eirene looked up and smiled at the use of nickname he had given to her, but then the reality of what he'd said registered in. Sam must have thought that they'd done something else.

Eirene groaned inwardly and pointed at him with a serious look on her face. "Not another word, Winchester."

Sam raised his hands in defence and shook his head while laughing and moving back slightly.

DEAN CLOSED the door with a small thud, the conversation of his brother and friend fading into nothingness as he stared at the mirror.

He truly hadn't expected to do what he had last night. Sure, he'd dreamt about it. Dreamt about the feeling of holding the woman securely in his arms, but never did he think that he'd actually have to guts to act on it. Maybe it was the lack of sleep? He didn't know. He reckoned that he was probably thinking of it too much. Eirene seemed fine about it, not having said a word about it and just acted as she normally would when waking up for a new day, a new case. But this was, of course, different. Much different. She hadn't woke up in a single bed alone while switching turns with Sam every few hours. No. She'd woken up in his arms. Dean found he much preferred that situation. However, even he knew that neither him nor Eirene were one to act on their so called thoughts or desires meaning it would most likely never happen again unless their had been a few drinks involved or sleep was their new best friend.

That didn't stop him from hoping, though. Hoping that one day, maybe something could happen between them.

Dean Winchester wasn't stupid, far from that, actually despite what Sam may say. He knew what could happen if something were to bloom between the two hunters. One of them would end up getting hurt or worse, killed, and Dean sure hoped that it wouldn't be Eirene. Although, after what had happened to Jessica and his mother, Mary, he wasn't too sure what would end up happening to them. But he sure as hell was ready to try - even if the brunette herself wasn't into him in any way remotely the same way as he her -.

The voice of the very woman he'd been thinking about rang throughout the small motel room and into the bathroom he was currently holed up in. Hesitantly, he tore his fixed gaze away from the mirror and swung the door open. Eirene met his eyes as he walked out with a slightly shocked look.

"You always do like your dramatic entrances, don't you, Winchester?" she mused. Dean nodded as he watched her. The hunter was stood slouched by the desk Sam was sitting by, one hand hanging down by her side, and the other laid flat on the miniature table.

"You know I do, Blackwell." Dean grinned back while sending a (not so subtle) wink her way. Eirene merely rolled her eyes and re - focused her attention back on Sam and his laptop. "Sam thinks he's found something if you'd care to listen." the orphaned woman stated with an annoyed tone.

Dean didn't hesitate and walked over to the two friends and stood by the other side of his brother as his eyes focused on the screen and read the words of the newspaper article.

The younger Winchester spun around in his seat and turned to peer up at his brother, who for once stood taller than him despite being the older one. "You think it could be something supernatural?"

"Maybe." Dean replied. "Where is it?"

Sam turned back around and pulled up a map of the location he'd already worked out. "Not far actually, it's only a thirty minute drive from here."

"What do you think it is?" he then pressed on while looking back to them, eyes flitting between the pair.

"We don't know. I think it's some sort of spirit, but Sam here thinks it's something else." Eirene spoke with a targeted glance at the college dropout.

"Well, I guess we'll have to see, won't we?"

Eirene narrowed her eyes. "Yes, we will."

The man sat at the laptop, then scrolled down and clicked on to another page, showing a carnival of some sorts.

"Will there be clowns there?" Dean asked, a coy grin plastered on his features.

Eirene turned to the man and raised a single brow. "Clowns?"

The eldest hunter chuckled and nodded, gesturing to Sam's way. "Our little Sammy here is afraid of clowns."

Sam groaned and placed his head in his hands, no doubt somewhat embarrassed and incredibly annoyed at his brother for bringing up his - very rational - fear of clowns.

"Well, I mean, it is a carnival . . ." Eirene pointed out while gesturing to the computer screen. "So there ought to be clowns." The brunette then went silent and thought for a moment before the face brightened up with joy. "Maybe they'll be on stilts!"

Dean laughed out loud as he gave the woman a wide smile and gestured for a high five. Eirene grimaced. "Too far, Winchester."

The man's smile faded as he lowered his hand in inaudible disappointment.

Eirene stood up straight and clapped her hands together, sharply eliciting both men's attention. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's hit the road, or whatever it is you say, Winchester."

Dean and Sam glanced to each other in hesitation but complied with her wishes regardless and began packing anything they'd need.

"SORRY, SAMMY," Eirene apologised though something told Sam that she didn't actually mean it. "you've been demoted to back seat passenger."

The teens' grip on the handle loosened as he looked none to pleased. Making sure to send his friend a faux glare of displeasure on his way, Sam made his way to the back seat behind Dean and slouched into the leather. "Maybe next time?" The brunette turned around and said with a genuine smile. One that he found to be rather common in the presence of both brothers. Not that he'd ever mention that to Dean, of course, inflating his forever large ego was not on his mind right now.

The drive to the carnival was long and strenuous, especially with Dean drumming to the beat of heavy rock Metallica playing in the background on the wheel with his fingers. Eirene had requested multiple times during the thirty minute drive for the man to change the song or to stop his incessant tapping. Both of which were declined by the driver. He claimed that the driver picked the music. Sam, already being used to this so - called rule, only groaned in his seat when it got unintentionally brought up by his friend.

Eirene turned to the man, then to the map they conveniently had spread across their laps, then back to the road, not recognising where they were. "Uhm, Dean."

Dean turned to the woman at the mention of his name but quickly switched it back to the road ahead of them, not wanting to damage or even crash his precious car. "Yeah?"

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" she questioned with a confused gaze locked on the map, her finger tracing over where they'd been already and where they hadn't.

"Uh, yeah." he replied while nodding assertively. Offended that she'd even asked that.

She raised a brow but leaned back into the leather with her arms firmly crossed, pulling out the pair of sunglasses she had stowed away in the console of the vehicle. They were white with darkened black frames that sat above her nose appropriately, pushing her wavy hair away from her usually framed face slightly. Her mother had gotten them for her a couple of years back, and the brunette couldn't find herself to get rid of them.

Dean looked surprised. "How long have those been in there?"

Eirene pulled her hands away from the handles and glanced to him with a smile on her face. "Oh, since the vey beginning."

"Anything else you're stowing away in here?" he demanded, the sight of the carnival now coming into view.

She stayed silent for a moment as if thinking but then replied with a simple "No."

Sam watched the interaction from the back with careful eyes. Just a mere hour ago, he'd found the two sleeping together, in the same bed. Now, it seemed as though it'd never even happened in the first place.

"Aha! Would you look at that? Seems I was going the right way after all, Blackwell." Dean looked all too happy with himself as he whacked his hands on the steering wheel in beat with the dramatic ending of a Metallica song that neither Sam nor Eirene cared enough to know the name of.

"Yeah, whatever, Winchester." And with that, the female hunter pushed open the car door and slammed it shut with such a force that Dean winced as the glass came into contact with the car.

"So, who are the people we need to talk to first?" Dean asked as he peered around at the scene around them. There were stalls of all sorts around them with bustling crowds of people attempting to weave their way through the crowd.

Sam didn't say anything for a moment as he read the piece of paper he'd written down all of the information they'd need on finding these people.

"A man named Grayson Horowitz and some woman called Maggie Sinclair. Apparently, her friend went out the other night to this carnival and never came back to their dorm."

Dean sighed. "I don't know, man, this doesn't exactly scream supernatural."

"Well, get this," Sam spoke, knowing what Dean'd say. "The guy she went with actually works here. So all we've got to do is find him, find Maggie, and then we should have all we need. If it really is nothing supernatural, then we can maybe hang around a while until we pick up a new case."

The older brother's face scrunched up in confusion. "Hang around? What'd we do that for? What are we five?"

Eirene rolled her eyes at the man and nudged his shoulders slightly with her crossed arms and glanced to him through her tinted lenses. "It may not apply to you, Dean, but some people actually like to have some fun every once in a while."

Dean scoffed. "I have fun."

"Oh yeah, prove it." the female hunter challenged while wiggling her eyebrows. Dean ignored her and marched over to a random stall. As he played the game, Sam and Eirene peered towards each other in amusement. They hadn't seen him so carefree as he was as of right now whilst he was playing ring toss. The clinking sound echoed out, signifying that he'd won. Dean grabbed the prize the stall owner had given him and held it out for his friend to take. She raised a brow in shock. "Well, aren't you a gentleman, Winchester?"

Dean smirked and looked down at her. "Tell me something I don't know, Blackwell."

"As fun as this all is, the case . . . ?" Sam interrupted the joyous moment between the two hunters while holding the piece of paper up in the air for them to see.

Dean coughed and cleared his throat, regaining his cold and serious composure as he snuck one last fleeting glance at Eirene. The man found that he rather enjoyed the smile fixed on her face, especially when he was the one who caused it for once and not Sam or any other guy.

"I don't usually say this, Sam, but you're a real mood ruiner."

At the look on the teens face, she quickly added, "No offence or anything."

Despite her words, Sam looked very much offended while Dean just laughed.

"She's not wrong, man." Dean spoke, earning him a glare from his younger brother.

"Alright," Eirene laughed. "Sam's right, we need to focus on looking for . . ." The brunette suddenly trailed off, not knowing the man's name of who they were looking for. "What's his name again?"

Sam was quick to reply. "Grayson."

The female hunter's face scrunched up as she grimaced. "Grayson, that's a terrible name. No offence to that guy, of course."

"Eirene, you know that 'no offence' doesn't actually mean anything, right?"

The woman in mention scoffed and dismissed him with a look out of her glasses, which had slid down slightly. "What are you talking about? Sure, it does, I say it all the time. A perfect example being my ex - boyfriend." As the memory re - surfaced in her mind, she smirked darkly. "He will now never cheat on anyone ever again."

While Sam looked weary, Dean just scowled at the thought of the brunette's ex. Why on earth would anyone cheat on her?

"Right . . ." Sam spoke apprehensively. "So, Grayson." the former college student only hoped that by bringing up the teenager they needed to find, would stop Dean from most probably planning on ways to find the unnamed ex of their friend, as well as to wipe the horrid look off of Eirene's usually pristine features.

"Do you know which stall he works at?" Eirene questioned as they continued to walk through the crowd of people, a child nearly knocking over Eirene in the process.

Sam came to a stop as did the other two as he pointed to a stall, presumably the one they were looking for. There stood a man who was currently giving a small stuffed animal to a little girl who was with her parents. The family of three then left, leaving the stall completely free.

"Guess this pur time to shine." Eirene sarcastically muttered whilst walking up to the wooden structure. Sam and Dean following not long behind.

"Hey, Grayson, right?"

At the sound of his name, Grayson nodded and turned around, meeting eyes with the brunette. Plastering on a grin, the red - head leant his right arm on the front of his stall. "Depends on who's asking." he replied in turn for her name.

Eirene only grinned and looked up to his eyes through her lashes and smiled innocently. Before she could reply, Sam cut in, knowing that soon enough, Dean was going to lose it and probably punch the poor teenager. "We were just wondering if you had any information on a woman named Maya Jenkins."

Grayson's face looked visibly displeased. At first, the hunters thought he was going to say something consequential to their case. However, they were proved wrong as soon as the words left his lips.


A silence settled amongst the three hunters and Grayson.

"Uhm . . . we were told that you went out with her the other night to this very carnival, actually." Sam answered while looking at him carefully.

Grayson nodded while his green eyes flitted between the three stood in front of his stall. "Oh yeah, by who?"

"Some locals," Eirene quickly replied without any hesitation.

"Right." he spoke as his eyes filled with remembrance. "Well, if you want information on her, then you're better off talking with her friend. Her name's Maggie Sinclair."

Sam nodded and appreciated the information even if they already knew that information. At least he was being compliant.

"She lives about a half mile in that direction," he added while pointing to a clearing free of any and all people. "I can drive you there if you'd like. It's almost time for me to pack up anyway." Grayson gestured to his stall with a small smile.

"No, thank you, that won't be necessary." Dean denied as he stepped forward slightly with a hand out. The man talked with a calm tone, but Sam knew it was anything but.

The red - head shrugged his shoulders before nodding, showing he understood their (or more like Dean's) request.

"Thank you for your time." Sam, the ever kind brother spoke.

Grayson's gaze lifted off the two hunters speaking a bit away from Sam to where the voice came from. "Anytime."

The younger Winchester brother then began to walk away to the pair, not noticing the longing glare that was sent his way.

"So, still think it's something worth our time?" Dean inquired as he held the stuffed animal he'd won for Eirene just minutes ago tightly in his ring - covered hands.

Sam sighed as he looked up to them both with his hands stuffed in his Jean pockets. His beige jacket not providing much warmth on the cold night. "Honestly, I think we should still check it out, just in case you know?"

Dean and Eirene listened to him and said nothing in disagreement.

"I've got an idea." the brunette announced as she walked to where Sam was and stood facing them. "Why don't I go and try get more information out of college boy there, and you two drive to Maggie Sinclair's house to see what she has to say?"

Before Sam could say a single word, Dean spoke. "No."

"What? Why not?"

Nothing all eyes on him, Dean shoved his hands in his jacket pocket, along with the prize, and cleared his throat. "I just mean that we shouldn't split up, y'know?"

The two friends glanced to each other, both as confused as each other on his sudden change of behaviour. It was odd and rather unsettling if they were being honest.

"Okay, well, I can protect myself just fine. You know that as well as anyone." Eirene muttered with a silent gesture to the small dagger she had recently added to her inventory. "Besides, Sam's okay with it."

Dean peered to Sam with silent and pleading eyes, begging him not to let the woman go of on her own. The obvious truth was that he didn't want Eirene getting hurt. So far, whilst being with them she'd taken a crowbar to the head, had been stuck on a crashing plane and even nearly been drowned if someone hadn't of stopped her from getting in after he and Sam. Plus, there was also the fact that he was immensely jealous of not only the way that Grayson had looked at her but the way Eirene had looked at him.

"Yeah, I'm alright with it. Plus, she knows to call us if anything goes south and vice versa."

Eirene grinned and side hugged the man. "That's why you're my favourite, Sammy." And with that, she began to stalk her way back over to Grayson, who was now packing up all of his stuff.

"He seems rather calm for a man whose date went missing the other night." Dean concluded as he snuck a glance back at him. He was incredibly close to Eirene, and she definitely didn't seem like she minded.

"Are you sure you're not just saying that because you don't like him?" Sam asked, knowing how his brother could be. Dean Winchester was jealous, and you didn't have to be a rocket scientist or something to know that.

The older man scoffed as though the accusation was so ridiculous. Now, even though he himself wouldn't admit it, he knew that deep down, it was true. So, very true.

"Whatever, man. Let's just go find this girl."

Sam chuckled and walked after him.

"SO, WHERE are those two guys you were with?" Grayson queried as he was packing up more stuff from his stall.

"Them? Oh, they're gone. Probably went to go question that Maggie girl you told us about."

"And you didn't go with them?" he asked curiously while peering up at her.


"Why not?"

"Didn't feel like it." she replied. "Besides, I'd much rather be here with you."

"Go figured."

Eirene laughed but kept up her act. "What?"

"The shorter one looked like he wanted to beat me up or something."


"Oh, so that's his name, huh?"

Eirene raised a brow. "Yeah . . ."

Grayson didn't say anything and just made his way out from behind the stall and began walking to his car. "Are you following me?"

Eirene grinned and leant forward on her feet. "Maybe." he looked at her pointedly. "So what? Got a problem with it, college boy?"

The red - haired man chuckled at her words. "Not at all."


Grayson laughed and continued to make his way to his car.

DEAN KNOCKED on the door of Maggies Sinclair's house firmly. It only took a couple of seconds before the door swung open and who the brothers presumed to be Maggie stood there with a grim expression on her face. She sniffled slightly before looking at them, both with questioning gaze. "Can I help you?" she asked.

"Yeah, we were wondering if you had any information on your friend, Maya Jenkins?"

Maggie raised an eyebrow in hesitation. She obviously appeared to be rather suspicious of the two men.

"And who are you with exactly?" the blonde asked in an accusatory tone.

"With the police." Dean was quick to reply.

Sam sighed. As soon as he opened his mouth, the man knew they were screwed. Both him and Eirene knew he could not lie.

"The police?" The brown - eyed woman quizzed.

"Yep." Dean chuckled but stopped once he realised no one was laughing with him. "Got to get somewhere in the world, am I right?"

"Right . . ."

Sam cleared his throat, gaining both the woman and the man's attention. "So can we come in?"

Maggie looked apprehensive but complied with his request anyway. "Sure, it's not like you two could do anything to me anyway?"

The brothers shared a look of confusion. Noticing this, she stifled a laugh. "I took a self - defence class earlier this year. Looks like it'll come in handy after all." she muttered before ushering them inside, to which they both shared equal looks of alarm. Maggie didn't notice it, however, as directed them to her living room.

"What happened to staying at your college dorms?" Sam asked as he readied his pad of paper and a pen to write down anything key things that she said.

The girl looked visibly uncomfortable at the question but replied anyway. "I didn't want to stay there anymore. Not with Maya, not there. All of her stuff, it just reminds me of her, you know?"

Sam and Dean nodded, empathetic.

"Either of you want a drink?" she questioned, moving the fridge located not too far from where they were sitting.

"No, thank you, we're fine -" Sam replied but was interrupted by Dean.

"I'd love a beer if you're offering."

Maggie spun around with a quizzical gaze pressed on her features. "Beer, huh?"

The younger Winchester brother turned to the older one slowly with a glare. "Really?" he whispered shouted? Dean just shrugged.

"Drinking on the job, are you?"

"Oh . . . yeah." he laughed, his eyes going wide. "Rough day, you know how it is."

"So, anything you could tell us?" Sam questioned while leaning forward on his knees.

Maggie seemed to be thinking for a second before she answered. "Well, like told the other officers that came here, she went out to the carnival the other night with some guy, and then she never came back."

Sam flipped a piece of paper over in his notepad and stared at the name. "Grayson Horowitz, right?"

The college student nodded. "Yeah, that's him."

"Have you ever spoken to him?" Dean asked this time, trying not to sound too bitter while doing so.

"Not really, no. He's known around campus because of how he sleeps with literally every girl. Even the ones that aren't interested in him whatsoever end up fucking him. He's a man whore."

Dean chocked on a laugh at the blonde's words. He rather liked where this conversation was going.

Maggie, however, only looked somewhat concerned. "Is he okay?" she questioned with a pointed finger in his direction.

"He's fine." Sam automatically dismissed. "What else do you know about Grayson?"

Maggie sighed as she looked up to the two, wringing her hands together. "He's been acting kind of strange recently. Well, he's always been kind of weird but . . . not like this."

"Weird how?"

"Weird like . . . he doesn't show up to any of his classes when everyone knows how smart he is. Even if the guy is a dick."

Sam nodded while writing all of what Maggie said in short so they could easily tell all of this to Eirene later on.

"Anything else?" The older man quizzed.

The blonde looked around uneasily, just in case their were any unwanted ears listening in on their conversation. "Okay, so, you didn't hear this from me, but I heard that his family used to be involved in some dodgy shit back in the day."

"Dodgy as in . . .?"

"As in like ghosts and voodoo stuff. It's super creepy." Maggie looked from Sam to Dean. "But I mean it's just a rumour, right?"

"Yeah, definitely." Sam replied though he was only trying convince the blonde as Sam and Dean both knew that it was most likely true. A rumour like that sure does get around.

Dean immediately shot up from his seat, eager to get out and go to this guy's house. He knew anything could happen to Eirene whilst she was with him. It appeared that the red - haired man had already taken a clear liking to her and they knew what happened the last time he was alone with a girl. So it was safe to say that he was worried, extremely so. Especially with the new knowledge that Maggie had provided them about him and his family.

"Thank you for your time." Sam thanked and hurriedly walked away with Dean.

Sam struggled to keep up with the steady pace his brother was moving in towards his beloved car. "Dean, woukd you just slow down?"

Dean paused for a moment before quickening his steps. "I'm sure she's fine. She can defend herself and you know that." he tried to reassure.

Dean stopped right before he got in the car. "Yeah, against spirits and and any other supernatural creature. But against a man twice her size? I don't think so."

Sam only groaned in annoyance knowing the brunette in mention would be mad at the man who was doubting her defence skills. It was a good thing she wasn't here right now.

"Hurry up Sam! Who knows what that freaks doing to her!" Dean yelled from the front seat, his arms draper over the wheel.

EIRENE'S FINGER traced over a picture of Grayson and another woman. "Who's this?" she asked softly.

"It's my sister, Julia." the man replied. Eirene spun around only to reveal that Grayson was much closer to her than she originally thought. The woman just laughed it off awkwardly as she put her hands and pushed him back lightly. "Ever heard of personal space?"

Grayson rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Right, yeah."

"So, nice place you got here." she complimented while looking around the place with wide eyes.

"Thanks, it used to belong to my parents. It was supposed to go to my sister but . . . they gave it me instead."

Eirene furrowed her eyebrows, not liking the dark tone his voice took on when mentioning his family.

"Where are they anyway?"

"Out of town."

"Where?" she immediately countered.

Grayson chuckled and stepped closer to her once more. "You sure do ask a lot of questions don't you?"

Eirene grinned up at him. "Is that necessarily a bad thing?"

"No, not at all."


"Why don't you look around a little more, I've got something I've got to go look after but I'll be right back."

Eirene didn't say anything but nodded. The woman made her way around the house and lowered her gaze to a particular photo. It was of the missing girl, Maya Jenkins. She was tied up to a chair with some chains and had tape around her mouth. The brunette felt as though she may be sick. There was no doubt that Grayson would be back any minute now and there wasn't exactly anything around the house to defend herself with except the small dagger she had stuffed in her pocket. Quickly, she pulled it out and shoved it up her jacket sleeve in the hope that she'd have an opportunity to use it on him to gain a good chance to escape.

In the photo she was still looking at, the man's reflection could be seen stalking towards her. Before Gryason could lay a single finger on her the brunette ducked and kicked him back from her making him fall to the ground. The red - head glared at Eirene but quickly got back up, bat in hand. It wasn't the most creative weapon he probably had available but Eirene wasn't too picky. After everything she'd been through with the Winchesters, this was nothing.

Another swing came the brunette's way but she skillfull hunter dodged it once more. Grayson really wasn't too good at this.

"C'mon, I know you can do better than this college boy." Eirene taunted. Perhaps angering the guy wasn't the best strategy to escape but it sure was fun seeing the seething look on his face.

This only fueled the man even more as he swung again and again so fast the hunter just about missed them. Grayson had now made his way back over to her only for Eirene to stab him with her small dagger in the stomach. Grayson looked stunned but that only gave her a chance to smash the closest object over his head which was a vase. The glass - made object shattered from the impact as he dropped to the ground with a loud thud.

Eirene was quick to reach for the knife still in him and yank it out. She grimaced at the crimson blood that coated it but knew it wasn't one of her main concerns. The woman grabbed her phone and rushed out of the house walking back to the carnival. Once they'd gone their separate ways, Dean messaged the hunter encouraging her too meet with them back at the dreaded place in case anything went wrong. It was safe to say that it definitely seemed as though things were going wrong.

A KNOCK sounded firmly on the door as the person behind the wooden barrier was quick to answer it. Grayson opened the door only to see Sam and Dean. Grayson had begun to speak but didn't get much of a chance to as the older brother did so first.

"Where is she?"


"I said, where is she?"

Grayson put on his act that hopefully neither of them would see through. Then again, they were smarter than they seemed.

Dean just glared at the college student with hate filled eyes, not looking to play around.

The man behind the door looked confusedly to Sam for help. The teen just shrugged and stuffed his hands in his jean pockets once more giving him a 'don't look at me' look.

"Our friend, Eirene. You know, the one with the white sunglasses." Dean replied.

Like before when they had asked about Maya, his eyes filled with remembrance. Neither brother, however, noticed the small glare that was now pulled on his features. "Yeah, she said she had a family emergency."

"Liar." Dean accused, growing increasingly more mad.


"You're lying. Eirene would have told us, would've called us and let us know. Besides, she's not even in contact with her parents."

"She said it was urgent."

"Then how'd she get there. With what car smart guy?" Dean challenged, glaring at the man with the most hatred Sam had ever seen.

Grayson breathed out of his nose and laughed quietly before he lifted his hand up and brought it back onto the older brother's face. Then, he grabbed him and threw him into the wall roughly. The man smiled as he dropped to the ground. Sam didn't even have a moment to act as he was soon yanked into the house and thrown into the wall. His eyes were barely focused as he watched Grayson drag his brother in by his legs and kick the door closed with his foot.

IT WAS safe to say that Eirene Blackwell was mad. Neither of the brothers were answering her calls and she didn't know what to do. There was no doubt that they could defend themselves but that's not what she was worried about. She herself had barely managed to get away from the deranged red - haired mad - man. And Eirene knew she was skilled. But Dean? He'd been trained since he was a kid and Sam since he'd pretty much been born. So if she could just about take him, there was little hope that they could.

On her walk back there, her phone buzzed indicating she had a message. She quickly pulled it out of her pocket and saw that it was from Dean.


The man said they were waiting for her at Grayson's house. She had barely made it out of the house the first time so it was safe to say that the brunette didn't necessarily want to go back in, but if it was to save Sam and Dean's lives then she would. She obviously didn't trust Grayson after what he'd done to her - or tried to do to her -.

Signing, Eirene turned back in the other direction ready to trek back to Grayson's house.

"SAMMY, YOU okay?" Dean asked, worried for the safety of his brother.

Sam glanced at his brother with an uneasy look in his eyes. "Yeah, I'm good. Apart from you know, being tied up." he replied, motioning to the white ties that held up their hands above them. Dean's appeared to be tighter than his but perhaps that was because of his stature or overall brooding personality.

"You think he got Eirene?" Sam questioned as he watched the man across from him reaction. Dean's gaze seemed to harden st the mention of the fiery woman.

"No, she'd be down here with us if he had. Besides, I think we both know she can take care of herself."

The younger Winchester brother snuck a look towards him in surprise. Just earlier he'd been worried for her safety - not that he still wasn't - and doubted that she could defend herself against the college student. Now, she was their supposed saviour.

The door cracking open interrupted their conversation as light bled through the now no longer dark room. Grayson was walking down the steps holding a tray of sorts. Neither brother could peek a glance as to what it contained as the man stood tall above them both.

"Do you two want to know want to know why?" Grayson questioned as he was holding a very long and sharp looking zig - zagged dagger in his pale hands. He didn't take his eyes off of it once.

"Why what?" Dean's gruff voice demanded.

The red - haired man chuckled and gestured around them to the small room they were in. "Why I'm doing all of this of course."

Confusion. That was the emotion both Winchester's felt as they turned to each other. Nobody, or nothing, they'd hunted ever gave away their plans willingly. So why would Grayson? Sam guessed it was a good thing because at least they'd know what they were dealing with and try their luck in escaping, knowing full well Dean'd be able to take him on.

"Well, if you're offering." Dean replied in an all too snarky tone. Grayson glared at him with an undeniable amount of hatred and rage.

Their captor smirked slightly before turning around to pick up a picture frame of two people. On the left was obviously Grayson, but on the right there was a woman neither of them recognised at all.

"This," he began, motioning to the other red - head stood next to him with a bright smile on her face. "is my sister. Or should I say was." his eyes then hardened by a scary amount. "Before she was killed."

Sam assumed that Dean wasnt going to say anything to the angry man so he took it upon himself to do so. "Killed?"

Grayson glared at him before placing the photo frame down on the fireplace mantle with such force the glass covering cracked and shattered.

"I don't understand, why are you doing this?"

Their captor scoffed and turned back around to face them with a gun held firmly in his hand. "You hunters never do, do you?"

Sam and Dean were extremely confused. Dean was confused on how they fit into this, and how the man knew they were hunters. While Sam didn't understand how any of this fit into the supernatural. Sure, his family had some dodgy stuff going on behind the scenes but none of this actually fit together.

"You think you know everything but you don't!" he yelled while glaring at them both. The man then seemed to calm down almost immediately as he opened his mouth to speak once more. "Her death was ruled as an accident by the police but me?" the man chuckled and pointed to himself with the gun before aiming it back at the brothers. "I knew better."

"So then what? You just start to kidnap girls for the fun of it?" Dean asked in an accusatory tone.

The college student looked at Dean with a creepy smile. "Not for the fun of it, no. Though I did find myself becoming rather good at it. I mean, all you have to do is say they look pretty and take them out and they'll love you. It's pathetic." Grayson then moved away from them to the other side of the room. Looking back to them with crazed eyes, he pulled away a part of the wall to the side which moved back with ease. There, was the missing girl they'd been looking for. Chains were at her hands and feet with tape around her mouth. Maya looked absolutely terrified and Sam definitely didn't blame her.

"This is what I've been leading up to." he said with a wide grin on his face.

Both brothers looked to each other then back to Grayson. What the hell was he talking about?

"He said, if I give him a girl, any girl every few weeks for a month, he'd find a way to get her back to me. To get my sister back!"

"Listen, whoever he is, he's lying to you." the older Winchester tried to convince but Grayson was having none of it.

"No he's not! He's not . . ." at the end of his words, the red - heads voice broke but he didn't let it show as he pointed the gun right at Sam. "Maybe your brother would enjoy a shot in the head. He wouldn't live that one would he? Then you'd be forced to live with the fact that you couldn't even protect him well enough. Then you'd see where I'm coming from."

It seemed that Grayson enjoyed the angered look of pure rage on Dean's face as he stalked over to him.

"If you ever, and I mean ever, threaten to shoot my brother I'll -"
his words were interrupted by Grayson placing tape over his mouth as well.

"There we go, much more quiet isn't it? He was really starting to annoy me. You know, Sam, I really don't know how you do it. Deal with him every day."

"It's not without difficulty." Sam replied which earned a muffled shout from the older brother that sounded something like 'bitch'.

Grayson smiled slightly before turning around and marching back over to Maya. Retrieving a small bowl from the side of her, he leant down and drew a circle around her in what Sam and Dean could only assume was blood.

The man then checked the time with the watch on his wrist and grinned. "It's time."

Grayson now stood above Sam with an evil glint in his eyes. "Any last words before I shoot your brains out?"

"Hey asshole!" Grayson spun around only to be met with the brunette hunter. Dean could only mentally sigh in relief that she was okay. Well, as okay as they could be after the day they've had.

Before he could react, Eirene knocked him over the head with the bat he'd used earlier on her. It was starting to be quite useful after all. Grayson automatically fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Eirene then moved over to Dean and ripped off the tape covering his mouth. Sam winced from afar at the noise that echoed throughout the dull room they were in. The older brother of course didn't say anything until his usual smirk befell upon his features.

"Look at you saving me." Dean smirked as he winked at her, making the brunette grimace slightly.

"Well, I did always like a damsel in distress." Eirene replied with a coy grin.

A cough sounded out through the room making both hunters look to where it came from. "Not to interrupted your moment or anything but we're all still kind of tied up here." Sam spoke as he gestured to him and then to Maya who looked on the verge of tears.

Eirene laughed slightly in remembrance. "Right, I knew that." Sam just rolled his eyes. If anyone coukd distract the woman it'd be his brother for sure.

She got out the dagger from her pocket and began to cut away at the rope with it. Neither noticed the man laying on the ground begin to rise back up. That was until Dean finally looked up and saw him. He still held the gun firmly in his hand.

"What? What is it?" the woman asked, seeing the alarmed look now pulled on his features. However, before he coukd say a single world, Gryason grabbed her from behind and threw her to the ground. Eirene was sure she'd heard a crack when she hit the ground but ultimately wasn't too sure.

The red - head got out his gun once more and barely got it to her head before she managed to kick it away from him which fired a bullet through the ceiling. Grayson scowled as he turned back to her. "God, I just hate you hunters!" he spat with venom laced in his tone. Grayson then proceeded to take a more practical approach and held his arm over her neck as he pulled out his dagger, which had yet to be used. The metal shone in the light as his reflection mirrored his actions. Grayson lifted his hand in the air before swinging it down right at her chest.

The man had expected this to be easy. What he hadn't expected was his hand to be forcibly stopped halfway through. Eirene held his arm just before where his weapon would of impaled her making both brothers watch with wide eyes what would of been her death.

The brunette glared at the college student above her and kicked him in the shin. Then, she grabbed the dagger out of his hand and stabbed it into his stomach. Grayson appeard shocked but could do nothing to fight back as his bloodied hands came to put pressure on the wound. His blood staining his once pristine blue shirt.

"You two alright?" she asked. Not that that she tired to let it show but the former college student's eyes were mainly lingering on Dean.

"Just peachy." was his reply.

Eirene chuckled slightly and began cutting their ropes once more. She was nearly finished with Sam's ties as a question popped into her head. "How'd you both wind up down here anyway?"

"Son of a bitch knocked us out." Ddan replied as he stood up, rubbing his wrists slightly that were red raw from the rather tight ropes binding his arms and hands.

Eirene turned back to him while helping Sam up. "He knocked you two out?" was her response. Eirene couldn't help but scoff. They were twice his size and she'd managed to take him twice.

"That's ridiculous."

Dean just glared at her playfully and muttered something inaudible under his breath. Sam just laughed ut off while the brunette went over to Maya. The circle of blood around her had begun to glow an ominous black colour before Eirene broke it with her shoe. Unfortunately, Maya was tied with chains and not ropes. However, there was a multitude of keys hanging to the side so she grabbed them. Fitting and twisting each key into the lock until one of them broke the poor girl out of them.

Eirene crouched slightly so she could get on her level and grabbed her hands carefully, not wanting to scare her anymore. "Hey, you're safe now alright?"

Maya looked up and smiled slightly while sniffling. "Thank you." the teen then wrapped her arms around the woman, surprising her slightly.

Eirene glanced backwards slightly motioning for the two call the police. Both brothers nodded and made their way upstairs while she stood comforting the teen.

"WELL, THAT was fun huh?"

"Sure was." Dean replied with a grin at his brunette friend. Meanwhile, Sam just looked annoyed at their insane amount of obliviousness.

"That guy's didn't hurt you anything did he?" The older brother inquired as he gave Eirene a once over to see if there was anything he missed the first time.

"Nope. I took him out both times." she answered with a shit - eating grin plastered on her face.

Dean nodded while Sam gave him s knowing look.

"It's a shame we didn't end up seeing any clowns though." she added.

The youngest Winchester glared at her alsmot immediately as the words left her mouth. Eirene just shrugged and didn't say anything else.

"Maybe next time." Eirene sighed with a longing look.

"Yeah . . . absolutely not. You will never see me even step foot in a carnival ever again." Sam protested vehemently with a grimace on his face as he thought to the dreaded men dressed in silly clothes and white - painted faces.

"Well see about that." Dean challenged as they reached the impala. Dean sat in his usual seat while Sam in the back and Eirene in the front once more. The brunette put her feet up to which Dean immensely scolded her for.

"Shut it Winchester and drive." Eirene instructed as she reached for her glasses that were in her pocket and put them back on.

"Looks like I was right after all wasn't I, Sammy?" Eirene mused while leaning back towards him.

The man in mention merely rolled his eyes at his friend. "Next time."

She narrowed her eyes. "Yeah, maybe not."

━━━ Credits to @Reanna1617 for some ideas and character names! As well as for the support they've given this book! :))

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