━━━ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎

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chapter one :

⤵︎ ⤹
( an original chapter )

WARNINGS FOR THIS CHAPTER ━━━━ use of swearing ( lots of it bcs let's face it, it's the boys ), use of graphic and / or disturbing descriptions of violence and assault, mentions of death ( possible obsessive tendencies ? only if you squint )

If any of these trigger you, please feel free to skip this chapter as nothing major happens here. That will all be in the next chapter as we get into the plot of things.



WHEN HUGHIE Campbell was all but a mere young boy, his bedroom walls were split into three sections. One for the fast supe, A ━━ Train. One for the war hero, Soldier boy. And finally, one for the electricity heroine, Electress.

It littered his room from movie posters, action figures, old duvet sets from when he was ten, supe inspired food packaging, and tapes upon tapes of old interviews that they'd all been in. It was safe to say that his obsession was slightly out of the norm for a man his age.

Speaking of which, this was what you could find him doing most days. When he wasn't with his girlfriend or working at his job, he'd be at home re ━━ watching all of these said films and interviews.

The CD slid into the boxed TV with ease like a hot knife in butter. It took time for it to load, given how old it dated back to, but eventually, it was done, and the screen flickered on. It displayed a famous and very popular TV show host at the time, Amanda Hawkins. The ravenette would usually have different Internet stars ( or, in this case, Supes ) on her show.

Soon enough, Amanda's voice broke out and looked to the camera with a huge smile on her face as she got ready to introduce who she'd be interviewing this time round.

"Good evening, everyone! How are we all doing tonight!?"

In response, the audience went wild.

"Well, I think you all know what time of the night it is. Let's bring our mystery guests in, shall we? We all know them as America's greatest supes. But we also know them as America's strongest standing superhero couple! Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Soldier Boy and Electress!"

At that, the cheering of the rowdy 80s audience could be heard as well as screamed adorations for the pair. The couple walked in donned in their costumes, hand in hand. Electress smiled to the camera occasionally and used her free hand to wave back to the audience.

"So, how are America's sweehearts tonight?" Amanda queried with one leg crossed over the other. Her long black skirt was rather dull compared to the audiences brightly coloured outfits, and Valerie had to resist the urge to sneer at the woman. She'd never wanted to go to this stupid interview in the first place, but of course, Ben had convinced her as usual as they had to 'keep up public appearances'. His words not hers.

"Well, to be honest, we didn't think you'd ever invite us onto your show." The man replied while tearing off his mask. God, that damned thing drove him insane at the best of times.

Amanda laughed softly, bright blue eyes glistening. "Of course! How could I not? You two are all the rage right now and have been for a while. Especially with your new film coming out very soon." After she'd finished talking, almost as if she had summoned it just by her words, the screen in the middle of the backdrop showed the poster that was set to release with their new movie.

The two supes stood side by side wearing their costumes proudly. Valerie had a gun held tightly in her hand, to which she had protested heavily against.

"Why the fuck do I need a gun? I could fry your fucking insides out in a matter of seconds."

"Authenticity." One of the camera men replied shakily, intimidated by her icy cold glare.

She scoffed almost immediately. "Fuck authenticity. Who's the guy in charge of all of this?"

The man pointed to a different man who was talking to one of the casting directors, coffee in one hand, and script in the other. The brunette sneered at him. Who the hell did this guy think he was? Not many people were able to recall the events of that day, but it was safe to say that they needed a new props manager.

As the trailer played for the movie, the brunette couldn't help but notice that the damned interviewer was looking at her boyfriend. She didn't even have any shame. After this stupid show, she'd have it in her right mind to hunt her down and sear her insides out until there was nothing left of the slot of a woman. But that was after this now. And unfortunately, they'd be here for a while.


RETIRING, FUCKING retiring!? I'll show that bitch retiring when I fry her fucking face off!" By now, the two were back in their shared bedroom. The man was sitting down on the bed as he watched Valerie pace across the room with her hands deeply rooted in her brunette tresses.

"Calm down, sweetheart. You can show her who's boss later."

Valerie whipped around and took slow, small steps towards the man. "Never tell me to calm down." By now, she was right up in his face as he towered over the woman slightly even when not standing. Ben just smirked his cockly smile on response. He wasn't scared of her. He was fucking Soldier Boy. The war hero. He's not scared of anyone or anything. In fact, it's a world wide known fact that he likes a good challenge. Even if that comes in the form of his girlfriend.

Valerie took a step back and went back to pacing incessantly. "It's just that those goddamn TV show hosts always think they know best. And then there's the fact that they have no shame whatsoever in staring at you like you're a piece of meat."

The supe took in his girlfriend's words and smirked once more. It seemed that this feature was almost a permanent feature on his perfect face that she just found herself wanting to knock the living daylights out of sometimes. "Whoah, you're not . . . jealous are you?"

This stopped her in her tracks as she turned to face him once more. Electress sneered at her boyfriend's accusation. Her jealous? Absolutely not. "Jealous? Jealous of a TV skank who can't seem to keep it in her pants? No fucking way."

"Oh. So vulgar." He teased mercilessly. He had fun in watching the woman squirm in annoyance.

"Like you can talk. At the rate you're going, you'll need a swear jar." She replied in a mocking tone.


Hughie looked down at his phone only to see a message from his girlfriend. She wanted to meet after work. Speaking of which, he was already late enough. The man hurriedly got up and paused the interview he had been watching. The screen freezing on the two holding hands, smiling at the interviewer, Amanda, who was most likely in her late 60s by now. Valerie had her left leg crossed over her other one while the man next to her had a stoic expression, which could make even the strongest of men fall to his knees . . .


ODI SPEAKS ━━━━ OKAY, SO the first chapter is finally out ! I'm so excited about this book, and I hope you all are too !

Updates will be slow as I've already got enough books to focus on ( I say that like it's not my fault ).

TAGLIST ━━━━━  j-futz , superpink24 , -ginnjensen , starkovs_love , BRUJ4S , GirlPotterheadXx

Beautiful gif made by kazzledazzle


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