Chapter 3

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"Jimin?" I felt my hands rumble in fear. What if he finds out?

"I'm sorry for earlier," he apologized making me more confused. Then the reality hit me, he was sorry for what he did to me earlier in the hackers' lab.

"It's okay," I said, giving him a fake reassuring smile. He handed me a red bouquet flower as I stared at it sharing a confused look.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he said with sympathy. I almost stopped breathing but my sense came back when my phone vibrated with a 'ting' sound. I looked at it.


Taeshik: Say yes!

Jensoo: No!!

Taeshik: Do it or else he'll suspect you.

I looked at Jimin and he's giving those weird looks.

"I......... uh...... I.... I..... will," I felt like those words got caught up in my throat but on the other hand, he smiled brightly and hugged me. I didn't know what to do so I just hugged him back emotionlessly. 

It was a deadly awkward silence between us. I pulled out and stepped back a little. He handed me the bouquet as I slowly took it.

"Th-thanks, but how do you know where I live?" I asked looking at him confused. "I..... uh.... followed you," he replied rubbing the back of his beck shamelessly.

"Stalker," I snorted at him as I slightly hit his arm.

"You're not planning on letting me in, are you?" he asked playfully.

"Uhh... yeah," I moved aside so he could get in. His jaw almost dropped to the floor.

"This apartment is b-beautiful!" he exclaimed looking around as I stared at him in disbelief.

"Isn't your house much more beautiful?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest with an eyebrow raised at him.

"Yeah, but it's different, you own a luxurious apartment and even the car you drive is worth a million dollars," he explained, still taking a good look around my apartment.

"Uhhhh..... my dad is a great businessman. And he gives me whatever I want since I'm his only daughter, I lied as he nodded.

"What a spoiled brat!" he slightly laughed.

*After 3 hours*

"Jimin, you should go home," I said. "Why? Call me Oppa," he suggested earning a disgusted face from me.

"No, you're younger than me," I defeated. "WHAT!!? How can I be younger than my girlfriend?" he said sarcastically slapping his forehead making me burst out into laughter.

"Yeah yeah, now get out," I said pushing him out the door. "Fine, but I'm picking you up tomorrow," he protested.

"No need, I love my car," I defended myself, trying to refuse as politely as I can. "Why? I must keep you safe," he said, looking at me. Is he not gonna give up?

"Uhh........ no thanks," I closed the door and leaned back on it.

He's quite nice, charming and to be honest he's not the type I thought him to be.

*The Next Day*

I woke up quickly so I don't have to go with him. But when I opened the door.

"Hi baby!" he exclaimed as he pinched my cheek. "I know how much my baby wants to go by her car, right?" he said cheekily as I hesitantly nodded.

He grabbed my wrist and dragged me with him after I locked my apartment door. We went out to his car and it's pretty much the same car but different colour. He made sure I sat down. He, then, seated himself in the driver's seat and drove off to the Park's HQ.

I waited for him to get out. He walked over to me and snaked his left arm around my waist. I looked at him in surprise. "Don't worry they'll soon know," his voice was calm. I simply nodded without sneaking a single word.

We both walked into the building were just stared at us.

"Jensoo. You're the....." his sentence trailed off as his eyes grew bigger. But I ignored it and walked to the elevator with Jimin next to me of course.

Before I could press the button the number my office was located. Jimin stopped me, "You're going to my office," he proposed.

"Why?!" I asked confused. "Important meeting," he said seriously and stood back looking up to the ceiling.

It was such an awkward silence. But my phone started ringing and that's what thankfully broke the deadly silence. I took it out and looked at it.

'Taeshik. Why is he calling now?' I thought.

I peaked over at Jimin and he's looking at me with a sweet smile. Without picking it up. I tugged it back into my pocket.

The elevator opened and we both walked towards the meeting room. Again I'm sitting in the room but next to me is Jimin this time instead of Mark. Everyone is sitting down already. I sat down.

"So as I have said before..... blah blah blah blah. And the last news is that I want to tell you is Kim Jensoo," he said, gesturing towards me as I quickly stood up, "Yeah?"

"She's my girlfriend. So none of you dare to look up at her, betray her, comfort her, and lastly love her," he said sternly but in a calm voice. I looked at him with my eyes narrowed at him.

"Since when?" asked Mark as he stood up. "You don't need to know the whole detail, do you? Now go and get ready for the mission," Jimin said, completely ignoring his question.

They all nodded and started to leave and so did I. But he grabbed my wrist. I looked at him, "Where are you going?" he asked.

"To my office, I have some important papers to submit," I said, slightly trying it get his hand off my wrist. He nodded and let go of me. I walked to my office and locked the door behind me. I took my phone out and dialled Taeshik's number.

*Over The Call*

Hello Taeshik, why did you call me earlier?

I need you at the HQ, right now!


It's important, can't tell you over the phone.

Be there in 15.

I hung up and quickly and quietly walked out of the building without being realized. And that's when I remembered that I didn't bring my car. I mentally slapped my face in frustration. But there's an enterprise that lends car for some time. I walked myself there with my hood up so no one would easily notice me. I reached the place quickly and asked for an available car and luckily they had one in stock. I paid them extra so if someone asks for any information they don't open their mouth. I drove to my HQ.

As soon as I entered, hairstylists walked to me and dragged me to a random room and started to do my hair.

"What are you doing?" I asked, approaching them with an eyebrow raised. "Getting you transferred back to 'Julian'," one of the stylists replied.


They bleached my hair back to brown. Looks more like the old me.

"Haven't seen you in a while, Julian," said Taeshik, looking at my old self. "Yeah, I second that! I do miss my old life too," I agreed.

"We'll do the catch-up later but we have shooting to do," he proposed. "About what? With who?" I asked, knowing nothing about the mission.

"I'll tell you the whole detail on the way to the scene," he said as he handed me my 'golden gun'. I also changed into this:

'Perfect, Lee Julian.'

We drove to the scene as Taeshik told me the whole detail. As we got out in front of an old warehouse. It was quiet. I kept my gun in its holder. We sneaked into the warehouse but there was no one.

Just then, the door closed and I heard footsteps in my direction. I put my both hands over my holder case of the guns. The lights came back. I saw a familiar figure.

He was pointing a gun towards me. 'Nice'. I took out my gun and pointed it towards him.

We both held the gun pointing at each other squirrelling around round and round in circles.

Just then, an evil laugh escaped from somewhere around the room and found two black-suited guys pointing their guns at our hands. We stopped. Still pointing my gun at Jimin.

"The game is over," I said deeply and that's when something brushed against my wrist like a sharp cupid's arrow. I winched in pain and so did Jimin.

Both of our guns fell out of their place. But I managed to use my other gun and shot the two new fresh fishes. But before I could move any other part of my body it started its way towards the floor. The last and only thing I heard was.

"NOONA!!!!!!" and everything went pitch black.


I reached the scene too late, the Wang's already shot Julian-noona. I saw another guy falling as well with his wrist also bleeding badly and so was Julian noona's. I grabbed her before she hit the floor.

Taeshik-hyung ran and grabbed her guns from the floor and led me to their car. We quickly drove to the hospital that Ji-heun-hyung worked at. We rushed her to the emergency room and they took over noona and ran to the surgery room with her to get the bullet out as soon as possible.


I should've gone in with her. It's all my fault.


I woke up with a sharp pain around my wrist. I tried to lift it but it was too heavy. I looked at it and it was all bandaged neatly. The white ceiling, beeping sound of the monitor.

Just then, the door opened, "Noona, you're awake?" he rushed to me and planted a soft kiss on my bandaged wrist.

"I'm fine kook, it's nothing," I said reassuring him politely.

"I'm sorry," Taeshik apologized as he walked into the room, closing the door behind him. "Why are you sorry?" I asked, trying to sit up but failed.

Jungkook immediately helped and put the pillow behind my back for support as he gently held my hand which was free.

"For not going in with you," he said with his head down. "You did the right thing," I said, giving him a weak smile. "No I didn't, look what happened. It's all because of me," he kept on blaming himself for nothing.

"You should take care of yourself more," a familiar voice spoke up from behind Taeshik. "Oppa?"

"Yeah, you've been so much stressed out that you need more rest than your work now," explained Ji-heun Oppa. "Lalalalalala..... too much of the protectiveness here," I said, pretending to not hear him. "I should be," he let out a deep sigh.

"Ummm....... noona I have to leave now. But I'll visit you tomorrow," said Jungkook as I nodded but I knew that can't be here. 'Sorry Jungkook, your noona is sorry'. I repeated inside my head.

"When can I get out?" I asked after he left. "After all the reports of the test are seen," replied Ji-heun oppa. I nodded.

After doing all the results of the test were seen, I got out of the hospital as Sehyo drove me back to my apartment where I found my hairstylist.

"Do you want to change back to the mash-up or something new?" she asked. "Something new," I replied lazily and sat down in front of my dressing table. They dyed my hair to

( sorry for the picture. I know. I know. This is a Yoongi pic. But I love his hair colour so don't mind me that I picked it.)

"I look much newer," I said, observing myself in the mirror. "Bye, Jensoo," said Sehyo.

"Yeah yeah, leave!" I said, playfully pushing him out the door with my better hand.


I love being Julian. But for this mission, I have to live as the damn Jensoo.

*The Next Morning*

I woke up, too lazy to wear anything fancy. But first of all, I have to wear anything long-sleeved. So, I wore a white FILA hoodie and black jeans. I let my hair down. (She doesn't have bangs anymore, it grew up fast..... I don't know, whatever just to let you know.)

As I locked my front door, I walked to my car and drove off to the Park's HQ. I walked to my office. But as I was passing by everyone stared at me.

"Mind your own business," I demanded as they all hung their heads down. I opened my office door and sat down on my chair.

"Jensoo, boss is calling you," said Mark with his head poked into the room. I nodded as we both walked to Jimin's office. He opened the door as I got in.

Jimin was resting his left wrist on the table that was bandaged. Wait, I remember he also got shot. But I pretended just like how an ordinary girlfriend would act like.

"Jimin, what happened to you?" I asked running up to him as I gently picked up his bandaged wrist. "It's nothing," he replied with sympathy.

"Why do you always risk your own life?" I asked as he sat me on his lap.

"Where were you yesterday?" he suddenly asked. 'Now what do I say?' I thought.

"Some friends called and asked me to help them with family matters," I replied with a flat ending. "You could've told me to drive you there," he protested.

"It's okay, you were busy, right?" I said with a small smile.

"I'm never busy when it comes to you."

He leaned closer and gently grabbed my chin, making me meet with his lovely eyes.

"I love you."

He claimed my lips with his and kissed me. Now, what should I do? I hesitantly kissed him back. Wow!!

Those pumped up full lips that perfectly fit with my thin small ones. No shit. I wasted my first kiss with him. I gradually pulled out looking at him.

"You took my first kiss," I said in disbelief. "I'm glad I did," he replied goofily.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and hugged me.

"Jimin?" I said, gaining his attention. "Yeah," he responded, looking at me as I seated myself on the chair right across from him.

"Why are you so nice to me?" I asked. "Uhhh....... cause I love you. Why?" he replied.

"No........ I just needed a reasonable answer," I said, turning my head towards the big windows looking at the view of the beautiful city of Seoul.

I don't think this chapter was a bop, but whatever.

Words: 2494
Edited: ✔️

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