๐ˆ๐ˆ โ€• swear it on the gods

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โœง. โ‹† swear it on the gods

ย  ย  ย ๐•ฐNGLAND WAS EVERYTHING ELDRID HAD heard about and more. She had listened to many Danes talking about how rich the land was, how sweet the water and how soft the wind. She had often dismissed their stories as nothing more than pretty words but now that she'd spend over a year in the Saxon country, she could do nothing more than agree. Though her love for Denmark would forever remain in her heart, she had to admit that England held a certain beauty. It was less rough, more inviting and a beautiful place for anyone who wished to make a new start. The dangerous journey the Danes made across the sea was understable now that she'd seen the rich green hills with her own eyes. Yet the mountains and the colored night sky of Denmark were calling her home with such fury that her heart ached at times.

And oh how her heart ached at this very moment. She was seated on the beach, looking out over the sea, her fingers playing with the soft and golden sand. When she closed her eyes she could pretend she was standing on the battlements of her father's fortress. Tornbridge was the most beautiful place she had ever seen. It was built high in the mountains looking out over a mighty fjord that stretched out as far as the eye could see. The sound of the sea meeting the shore could just as easily have been the water of the fjord beating on the rocks. If she tried even harder she could pretend that the sounds of the camp behind her were the sounds of the market in the courtyard.

She could almost feel her father's presence and hear the limp in his step as he walked towards her. The thought of his wound changed her pleasant day dream into a nightmare. Suddenly she was no longer standing on the ramparts but down below in the courtyard, desperately searching for her family in the chaos of the battle. There had only been one thought on her mind that day. Her fault...it was all her fault. And even now, after many winters and summers had passed, it was still the only thought on her mind when she thought of her family.

She knew very well it brought her father sorrow to see his daughter punish herself by travelling the world on an impossible pursuit of their family. Her mother and sister could be far behind the shores of Frankia, or maybe even in the lands to the south where the sun never darkened. And then there was of course the looming thought that they weren't even alive anymore. Yet this mission was the only thing that kept her standing, that made her feel like she was worth having survived that day.

Inhaling sharply she opened her eyes to stare out over the great blue ocean that stretched out before her. She had always loved the sea. To swim in the waves or stand on a ship looking out over the endless waters surrounding her. She knew it was also a place to fear, for the storms could make a ship sink as easily as she could wield her sword. But Eldrid had never shied away from her fears. Staring her fears right in the face made her feel alive and maybe that was another reason she couldn't stop her search.

Footsteps behind her made the sand shift. She let the golden grains of sand slip between her fingers before lifting her gaze to see Bjorn standing beside her. He offered her a soft smile while taking a seat next to her in the sand.

"Were you thinking of home?" her brother questioned.

"No," she lied, keeping her eyes focused on the horizon.

"I do. All the time." A chuckle left his lips. "I just cannot seem to get used to the Saxons and their strange ways."

"They're weak," Eldrid said. "Their God demands they are merciful. Yet all they do is fight with each other and then they judge those who would do the same." She turned to look at him. "But you didn't come here to talk of home and the Saxons."

"In truth, that is precisely what I came to talk about," her brother said, making her frown. He took a deep breath, as if having to prepare himself for his next words. "I have sworn to follow you to the ends of the earth and I will stand by that promise forever. All I want in return is for you to consider what I'm asking."

"What are you asking?" Eldrid said, her voice sharp while her heart was beating in fear of his next words.

Bjorn held her gaze steadily. "I'm asking you to consider what we are doing here."

Anger flared up inside of her and like a wounded animal lashing out she felt herself speak up. "We are here to find our mother and sister!"

Sadness clouded his eyes. "I know but we have been searching for years and not once did the gods show us a sign that they are even alive still."

She knew that what he was saying was true. Had the thought not just crossed her own mind as well? Nevertheless she could not give up. She would search the entire earth if needed. As long as her heart was beating, as long as there was still air in her lungs she would not give up. Every slaver that would cross her path would pay. She would color the world red until her family was found.

"The men are growing restless Eldrid," her brother whispered softly. "They lack purpose and long for home."

"Is finding our family not purpose enough?" she snapped, her heart aching in her chest.

"It is," Bjorn agreed. "But we have searched for years and found nothing. At what point do we turn into fools looking for nothing but a memory?" He placed his hand on her arm and ignored how she tensed up. "The men will follow you to the end of the earth, as will I. All I am asking you is to make sure they don't follow you down an empty path."

She wanted to respond, wanting to scream at him for giving up hope but couldn't. Because a part of her knew he was telling the truth. The very last thing she wanted was for her men to die for a cause they no longer believed in. And so she simply nodded and tried to keep her emotions hidden beneath a mask of indifference but she had never been very good at keeping her emotions hidden. And so her brother could clearly see her struggle written on her features.

Luckily she was spared being confronted with it when the sound of a horn came from the camp. The siblings got to their feet immediately and headed through the sand in the direction of the tents. As they got closer Eldrid could see a number of horses standing by the entrance of the camp. Two of her men standing guard were holding them at the gate. The strangers did not appear to be hostile as they waited patiently to be let in.

Eldrid made her way to the camp with Bjorn right behind her, until she was standing right in front of the group. Now that she was standing right before them she could tell they were Saxon, all but one.

"Young Ragnar," she said, a smile starting to form on her face. "Weren't you captured after the battle of Ethandun?"

Ragnar smiled back at her, a welcome sight after going years without seeing him. The late Earl Ragnar the Fearless had been great friends with her father and she had seen Young Ragnar many times while growing up. The last time was years ago, right before he and his father left to conquer England. She had been much younger then but she could still remember how he had carried her on his shoulders through the forest surrounding Tornbridge while their fathers taught them the many secrets of the hunt.

"He still is a captive," a large man with a stern face said.

"Then where are his chains?" Bjorn asked, coming to stand next to Eldrid.

Upon seeing her brother, Ragnar climbed down from his horse and walked forward and pulled him in for an embrace. The two laughed at each other, holding on tightly to each other after being separated for so long. When they finally let go, Ragnar took a step towards Eldrid and embraced her tightly as well. She stumbled on her feet and tried her best not to tense up. It had been so long since anyone had embraced her so warmly, without fear, with little knowledge of all she had done these past few years. A simple hug, just because he was happy to see her.

When he let go and took a step back, she felt strangely empty. The Dane took her in and grinned. "By the gods. You have grown into a woman, Eldrid."

She raised her eyebrows at him. "I wasn't planning on remaining a little girl forever."

"Sadly she has not outgrown her sharp tongue," Bjorn said, a grin on his face.

"No, I did not think she would," Ragnar laughed.

Eldrid crossed her arms over her chest. "Why are you here?" she asked, quickly changing the subject. Though it only seemed to amuse them further. Her eyes went to his company. A few soldiers, the large man who seemed like the head of the guard and a woman in brown armor and a cross around her neck. "And in the company of Saxons?"

Ragnar threw a quick look over his shoulder before turning back to her, his expression suddenly a lot more grim. "I've come to ask for your help. Is there somewhere we can talk?"

For a moment she stared at him, trying her hardest to hide the fact that she was surprised at his words. Finally, though, she nodded and gestured at her guards to let them pass. Then she turned to Kara, who was standing at her right. "Show them where they can let their horses rest."

Her raven haired friend nodded and took the soldiers, except for the large man and the woman to the camp stables. Eldrid led the others to the main tent that stood in the middle of the camp. There was a table in the middle on which lay a map of the Northumbrian coast that her brother had been working on. She gestured for them all to take a seat and sat down at the head of the table herself. "So, tell me, why do you need my help?"

"I'm here on the orders of Alfred," Ragnar began.

"King Alfred," the big man interrupted.

"Please Steapa," the woman muttered.

Eldrid tilted her head in curiosity. "What could King Alfred possibly want from me?" she asked, not even bothering to hold back her smile when she saw the large man, Steapa, unable to hold back a cringe at her disrespectful tone. "I'm a heathen, am I not?"

"The King knows your worth," the woman said.

Ragnar spoke quickly before Eldrid could manage another sneer. "It was my suggestion to seek your help. Every Dane knows of the Lady of Death and her hunt for slavers."

The mention of her nickname made her shiver and she was barely able to hide it. "I fail to see how I can be of service to a Saxon King," she said through clenched teeth.

"My brother has been made a slave and Alfred has tasked me with finding him," Ragnar explained. His green eyes shone with genuine worry and pain.

"Your brother, Uhtred the Daneslayer?" Eldrid asked in disbelief. She had never met the Saxon who had been raised by Ragnar the Fearless as his own son but she had heard many tales. The one where he broke through the shieldwall at Ethandun came to mind. But not one story could make up for the one where he had set Ragnar's hall aflame and burned the family trapped inside as revenge.

"Ragnar," her brother said, leaning forward in his chair. "Why would you want to find the man who killed your family?"

"He didn't," Ragnar said, his tone stern. "It was Kjartan who came to act out his revenge for my father banishing him many winters ago. Uhtred was blamed for a crime he did not commit."

"Then why did he fight for the Saxons?" Eldrid frowned.

Ragnar sighed deeply and it was the woman in the brown armor who answered. "Because the Danes failed him. He had no other choice than to turn to Alfred."

Eldrid narrowed at her. "And who are you?"

"Hild," the woman replied, "a friend of Uhtred."

"Eldrid," Ragnar spoke, taking her attention. "You know more about the slavers and their way than anyone else. I need your help finding him."

She took a deep breath and leaned back in her chair. She was being asked to help search for a man who had fought against her people. She was to turn her back on her family for a man who had killed her people. Her eyes went to Bjorn, who was already looking at her with a steady gaze. His eyes told her all she needed to know. He believed Ragnar. He believed Uhtred was innocent of killing Ragnar the Fearless. But they both knew he was guilty of slaughtering many more Danes. However, the chance of finding him was much higher than the chance of finding her family. And her men knew and respected Ragnar, they would be glad to help him recover his brother.

Her brother's words echoed through her mind. She did not want to lead her men down a futile path. They had stuck by her for years and they deserved a purpose. A purpose she could no longer provide. But here was a new fight, a new purpose, a new path to follow. Maybe it was the will of the gods, maybe they had finally her cry for guidance. Even if it was, it was up to her to make this choice. And so she made it.

"All right, son of Ragnar," she said. "I will help you."

She reached for her sword, pulled it out of its sheath and held it in her hands.

"I swear it on the gods."



Chapter two is here! I really enjoyed writing this chapter as it goes a little deeper into Eldrid's thoughts and history. And I introduced Tornbridge! The fortress is inspired by Bebbanburg as you might have noticed but it's very much its own thing. Just imagine a beautiful fortress in the mountains of Denmark with a lake surrounding it. Maybe Eldrid will travel back there some day...

Also, I'm really curious to hear your thoughts on Bjorn! Eldrid is the yin to his yang. He is her rock and I absolutely adore him. He is such a dork at times and loves to tease his sister as much as possible. I imagine him and Ragnar to be great friends and seeing as they're around the same age, I like to think they grew up together fighting and playing games.

I'll dive more into their relationship with Ragnar in the following chapters because I love this trio to death. Eldrid is very judgemental to Uhtred but maybe once she's met him, that will change :) Also there is a certain Irish warrior waiting for her in the future and boy is he going to shake up her world and her view on the Saxons and their religion. BUT that is for later chapters.

Anyway, I should stop rambling.

Thank you all so much for reading and voting and commenting. It means the world to me so please continue to do so!

xx Nelly

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