๐•ฎ๐–๐–†๐–•๐–™๐–Š๐–— 40

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Chiแปu cao dรฒng

I slammed my car door shut just as Beau slid out of the passenger seat, looking up to see the Eiffel Tower directly in front of us. I put my hands on my hips and turn to Beau, who leans over the top of the car with a mischievous grin.

"You wanted to come to the Eiffel Tower? I thought we were going out for drinks?" I drawl, trying to shove down the reminiscent feeling that reminds me of how I'd met Beau.

"Don't worry, we are." Beau chuckles, walking around the side of the car and towards me. He takes my hand and draws it to his lips to place a quick kiss on my skin, which leaves an odd tingling sensation. "I thought it would be nice to come to the place that started it all."

I frown, trying to ignore the way my cheeks warm slightly as Beau draws my hand down to his side and we begin walking toward the tower. My skin warms where it touches his, but I blame it on the contrast of the crisp afternoon air around us.

"Are you afraid of heights?" Beau asks, tugging on my hand to lead us towards the ticket booth. He smiles at the ticket lady and exchanges a stack of euros for two tickets.

"Mildly, why?" I ask, frowning when I peer over his shoulder to see 'TOP FLOOR'.

Well shit.

Beau grins, as he guides me toward a large elevator. "You'll see,"

For the first elevator ride, Beau just stands next to me with an irritating lopsided grin, winking at me every time I met his eyes. He gives my hand a light squeeze when the doors of the elevator open to reveal the second floor.

I take a step out and start to walk towards the railing, but Beau quickly tugs me in the opposite direction towards another elevator. "Not yet," he smiles, raising his eyebrow at me as we step into the other elevator, a small family follows us in.

The family consists of a blond woman, her son, and a daughter. The daughter seems to be ten and quiet, while the little boy looks to be around five.

The mother gives us a kind smile as she reaches down to grab the children's hands. "Alright children," she says in what sounds like a German accent. "Let's be polite for Mama, yes?"

The little girl nods, her long blond curls springing forth to cover her face shyly as she glances up at Beau and I. The little boy on the other hand isn't as shy, and tugs against his mother's hand as his blue eyes bore into mine.

"Diese Dame sieht gemein aus, Mama." he whispers, his eyes never leaving mine. Beau snorts beside me as I frown, trying to translate the sentence with the brief German lessons I took in high school. I end up getting something like The lady is mean mama.

"Di!" the mother scolds, as I glance over to Beau who presses a fist to his mouth trying to keep from laughing. I shoot him a warning glare, before turning back to the little boy as I consider the consequences of what I want to say.

"Harper," Beau warns, seeming to sense my thoughts. wraps a hand around my elbow, but I ignore him and lean down beside the boy with a smirk.

"What makes me look mean, little one?" I ask in German, as the boy's bright blue eyes widen, obviously surprised I can speak his language.

He opens and closes his mouth for a few seconds, before his eyes narrow with his mind made up on something. "Du Amerikan-"

"Dimitri, you know how to speak English." his mother chides, glancing up at me with an apologetic look. "Please use it when speaking to this nice lady."

"Nein, alles in ordnung," I reply, glancing from the boy to the lady. "I don't mind speaking German, I should be practicing it more anyways."

When I glance back down at the boy, I notice that he shoots his mother a smirk. He looks back over at me and sticks out his hand, and I can't help but melt a little when his chubby cheeks and tiny lips turn upward. "Ich heiรŸe Dimitri, you are American... yes?" Dimitri asks in broken English.

"Ja," I smile, squeezing his hand once before I stand. "Are you on vacation?"

Dimitri nods as his mother puts a hand on his shoulder and glances up at me. "We are, we also have some family here we're visiting."

Beau gives my arm a squeeze as the elevator light above us flashes, signaling we'll be reaching the top floor soon. "How nice, I hope you have a wonderful time." I glance down at the little girl who has remained silent. "Wie heiรŸt du kleine?"

The girl glances up at me, her hair parting slightly to reveal striking emerald eyes. "Bailey," she says quietly, as her mother smiles down at her and strokes a hand down one of her blond curls.

"Wow, I'm surprised she said something to you! Usually, she doesn't talk to strangers," her mother says to me with a smile, as the elevator doors open. Bailey grabs her mother's hand, as Dimitri bolts the second the doors open.

"Dimitri!" the mother snaps, stepping forward to run after the little boy, but Beau quickly lets go of my hand and gives me a humorous wink.

"Don't worry, I'll get him."

The mother sighs as her eyes follow a laughing Dimitri, and Beau who chases after him with a large grin, though the edge of her lip tilts upward "Such a troublemaker he is these days."

"It's the same thing with my guy," I grin, gesturing to Beau as the mother throws back her head and lets out a bright laugh. My eyes dart around the top floor of the tower, looking from couple to couple, before my eyes land on two men standing near the railing. One plays the violin and has his case left open for tips, while the other sells red roses to couples.

"They don't call this the city of love for nothing," the mother beside me muses, drawing my attention back to her as she smiles and sticks out her hand. "My name is Hanna,"

I grab her hand and give it a gentle shake. "Harper,"

Suddenly Bailey lets go of her hand and bolts toward Dimitri, who bounces on Beau's shoulders laughing. Hanna's grin turns sweet, while she clasps her hands together, watching as her children and Beau all run and play with each other.

Bailey smiles as Beau puts down Dimitri and picks her up, swinging her around with her arms spread wide. "Wow, I haven't seen her smile like that in months," Hanna breathes.

Something in my stomach flutters as I can't help but smile too, watching Beau entertain the two small children before us. His eyes seem impossibly bright as he sets down Bailey and kneels down before them, straightening the navy collar of Dimitri's shirt while saying something to them with a large grin.

Then, he glances up at me and his grin softens. He pulls the children to him, his eyes never leaving mine as he whispers something in their ears and points to me. Dimitri and Bailey both turn to look up at me with bright eyes, before turning back to Beau and nodding. Beau then hands them something small, and they race towards us,

"Mama, mama!" they giggle, tugging on her hands. "Can we go over there?" they point to the man who stands playing a fast tune on the violin. Hanna grins as she nods.

"Sure!" she glances back over to me and gives me a warm nod. "Nice to meet you Harper, and tell your boyfriend thanks!"

I open my mouth to correct her, but from the way her children look up at me with wide eyes and astonished expressions, I decide to let it go. "I will," I say finally, waving to the children as they turn and drag their mother to the violin player.

I glance back over to Beau, who smiles at me and holds up a single finger to signal me to wait a second. He walks over to a small champagne bar and asks for something from the tall brunette man that sits behind the counter. The man nods as Beau presses some Euros into his hands, and pours some kind of liquid into two glass flutes, before handing them to Beau.

He thanks the man and turns to walk back over to me, handing me one of the flutes with a lopsided grin. "Champagne, mon cherie?"

I give him a small smile and take the flute, lifting it to my lips to take a sip. The golden liquid immediately hits my tongue, as bubbles trail down my throat. I can tell the alcohol travels straight to my brain, as I take another sip of the strong liquid. "Aiming to get me drunk faster, eh?"

Beau snorts and lifts his own flute to his lips. "Although I would be quite curious to see what you would let slip, a gentleman would never."

I roll my eyes, not able to stop myself from taking another large swig. Harper, you need to be careful... this stuff will loosen your tongue faster than Beau irritating you.

"Want to go to the railing and look over the edge?" Beau asks, as I force myself to lower my flute, my mind already slightly lapsing from the alcohol.

I felt myself bite my lip as I give him a hesitant smile. "I'm not sure I entirely trust you to take me near the edge of a tower,"

Beau pretends to gawk and places his other hand on his heart. "You don't trust me, how could you not? I'm handsome, strong, and not to mention your knight in shining armor."

"Oh yeah?" I laugh, leaning forward to poke him in the chest. "Don't you think I'm your knight in shining armor? Given that I saved your ass the first night I met you?"

Beau glances down at me, his smile growing wider as he swirls the golden liquid in his flute. "I still fully intend to figure out why you saved me that night, and repay my debt back, don't think I've forgotten."

The smile on my lips quickly fades as I shake my head. "I will say it again, I saved you because it's part of my job, and I would rather you not get yourself killed by trying to 'save' me."

Beau's hand snakes from my back to my waist, turning my body until I come face to face with him. "But what if there was another way I could save you?" he breathes, his eyes half-lidded as he looks down at me.

My heart clutches in my chest at his closeness, the heat from his fingers on my waist making it hard to think about anything but his lips. "And how would you do that?" I whisper, as Beau continues to stare down at me.

Lucรญa's words ring through my head again, you have him wrapped around your finger, and you know it...

Do I though? I think, as Beau stares down at me, and it's almost as if I can see the thoughts bouncing around in his head. Does he believe he can save me by having me fall in love with him? My eyes betray me by flicking down to his lips, my fingers curling around the sleeves of Beau's sweatshirt as he holds me.

"I want to help you with your past," Beau finally says, before I have the chance to accuse him.

"My past?" I ask, leaning away slightly to look back up into Beau's jade eyes. Beau nods, opening his mouth to say something when the violin player suddenly stops playing behind us.

I glance over my shoulder to see Dimitri and Baylee whisper something as he leans down next to them, before his eyes dart over to Beau and I, and he grins. The violin player then straightens and positions his violin underneath his chin, as I look back over to Beau.

"Beau, what did you do?" I ask, as Beau's grin widens and one of his hands hovers over my waist. At that moment a clear and strong melody wafts over to us from the violin, I can't recognize the slow song, but it does sound familiar.

"Care to dance?" Beau smiles, as he takes the champagne flute from my hand and sets it on the ground beside us, before holding out his hand. A couple beside us giggles in excitement at the song, quickly clasping each other close and swaying back and forth.

I glance back over my shoulder to see Dimitri and Bailey staring up at us with bright eyes and large smiles, expectant smiles. "Oh fine," I pretend to sigh, though I can't help the slight lift of my lips as Beau takes my hand and presses his other to my waist.

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