▣Chapter 1//The Mistake▣

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Truthless narrowed his eyes as he landed in the thickly vegetated Island. He made his way to a large boulder. He huffed slightly as he clutched the black egg close to him. He gently pulled down a root as the boulder moved to his left.

As he made his way into the cave he scowled at the HiveWing. The HiveWing has her tail stinger placed at the LeafWing's throat.

"You two really need to relax" he scoffed as he made his way to the makeshift nest.

This earned a eye roll from the HiveWing as she pulled her tail away before saying "what took you so long?"

Truthless scoffed. "Lady Hornet, you must realize I had to make sure I wasn't followed" he said harshly as he set the black egg down.

He gave a small smile as the moonlight flicked onto the eggs, making the NightWing one stand out even more.

He then turned to the three others in the cave. "I swear on the moons, you hurt this NightWing I will personally kill you" he scowled at the three of them.

Without waiting for an answer he turned and left the cave. A small tinge if guilt filled him as he had to leave such an important NightWing behind. It was all for the sake of Pyrrhia.

Six years later

As the sun slowly rises, it's rays playfully danced through each whole in the caverns ceiling.

Today, the one who created the prophecy will come to see if the dragonets are fit to leave the caves.

A few things worries most of the guardians...
A blind NightWing,
A mutated IceWing,
A strange MudWing,
And finally a SeaWing with a limp tail.

Prepare yourselves for disappointment or success.

Please wait for chains to be posted before rping!

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