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Messing With Him.

Arjun ~

Making Siya my wife was what I had planned on, the moment I laid my eyes on her for the second time. She was a fire, drawing me in despite the knowledge that I may burn, again.

All her words, her thoughts and everything else belonged to me as much as I belonged to her and for now, this was enough.

I may have married her the way I did but I will win her over too. She will willingly accept me as her husband soon.

The brave act she pulled up after I walked into the bedroom, she didn't look anything less than a scared kitten trying to act brave but I had to give it to her. She was creative with her insults and consistent with her efforts to push me away, only if the little flower knew that there is no way she will ever be able to keep me away now.

" Good morning your Highness, may you have such a terrible day that ghosts shy away." Siya greeted me, stepping out of the shower while I was rummaging my closet, only to find all my suits shredded to pieces.

" If this is how you plan on making my life miserable little one, then you will need to turn yourself a bit more creative." I told her, turning to look at her when I saw her and couldn't take my eyes off then.

There she was, standing in front of the mirror, adjusting her dupatta with a grin playing on her lips.

" This is literally just the beginning Ranaji. You have no idea what else is going to greet you your whole life now." She said, turning around to look at me as she put on her mangalsutra and then turned back to the mirror, trying her best to avoid me.

I then went on to ask one of the helps to get a suit from the actual closet before making my way back.

" For being a King, you don't have many clothes, you know. It took me fifteen minutes to shred each one of them. Isn't that sad Ranaji? Are you going to declare bankruptcy soon? Because if really have any money left anyway, I'm going to go on ridiculous shopping sprees and buy the whole of Markets to drain your money." She was just trying to get a reaction out of me which wasn't within me. She can buy whatever she wants and still won't be able to drain the money.

" Here you go, little one. Keep it with you and treat yourself with whatever you want and wish for." I kept one of my cards in front of her and she narrowed her eyes looking to and fro from the card to me and I couldn't help but laugh at the way her nose scrunched up in irritation and disappointment.

" I don't want this." She replied instead before walking away from the mirror towards the door where one of the Servants was standing with my suit and she gave me a look as if I had betrayed her before storming out of the room.

If she was trying to aim for me to shout at her by doing this, she'd find out soon enough that it was a lost cause. No amount of suit shredding will make me to get angry at her.


Siya ~

I slept like a baby for some reason throughout the night but my personal alarm, mumma, had called me up at 6 AM to wake me up and even when I disconnected twice, she was still damn persistent, making me throw myself off the bed and take the call as I made way to the balcony of the room.

His Royalass Highness was still asleep on the couch that I had thrown him on last night.

" I am up mumma! God you can be annoying!" I am clearly not a morning person.

" Yeah yeah now listen to me. According to the rituals, you will be making the breakfast for everyone in the morning and you don't know how to cook. I have sent you the recipe videos so watch them properly before stepping out and please Siya, don't do anything stupid." She went on to school me as I rolled my eyes.

" Thank you. Now go back to sleep. I will see you in the afternoon. Bye!" I replied before hanging up when a brilliant idea suddenly appeared in my head as I watched the videos.

Once I was done, I snooped around the room and found Ranaji's closet which had a few clothes.

" Till to fulfil one of the promises I made to you, Ranaji." I spoke to myself and found a pair of scissors in my bag.

" Now, I am not evil but this is the least how I can repay you for what you have done to me." I said, justifying my act to myself sweetly before I started showing off my creativity on his precious clothes and it didn't take me more than fifteen minutes, after which I decided to go for a bath and get ready for the day. This wedding, most certainly has taken place without my happiness but I won't let my parents reputation down in anyway.

Once I got out of the bath, his highness had woken up and I was so sure that in someway I might irritate him and make him scream at me so that I could get a perfect reason to ask for a divorce but he gave me none. Instead, he shoved one of his credit cards in my face, which after failing in my damn mission, I refused to take.

Siya's Look ~

As if this was not enough, he also had another perfectly fresh suit got to the bedroom as I stormed out of there. I know it was childish but both my damn plans had just failed.

On my way, I bumped into Preeti bhabhi who was chasing after Jahanavi.

" Good morning Chikki." Little Jahanavi greeted me as she wrapped her arms around my legs.

" Good morning Janu!" I picked her up in my arms and gave her a small kiss which she returned.

" Where were you running off to?" I asked her as she asked to be put back to her feet.

" Bade Papa! I always go and give him a good morning kissie before he goes for work." She replied and my mood immediately soured.

" Go to your Bade Papa Janu." Preeti bhabhi asked her as she ran away.

" What happened to you when you heard his name?" She asked as we started to walk together.

" I shredded all his suits in the closet but he didn't get mad. I also mocked him but he did not get angry." I sulked, folding my arms.

" Bhaiya has a lot of patience and I think when it comes to you, it just multiplies. Why else do you think will be marry you perfectly knowing what kind of hard time you can give him?" She chuckled, guiding me to the Kitchen and boy was it huge, it was ever larger than the living room of my house!

" Sheela and Raj here will help you with whatever you need. You can totally refer to YouTube for recipes and you are free to cook whatever you want. I would have stayed and helped you but I need to make sure Jahanavi gets ready for school. But if you need me, just let any of the servants know, okay?" She instructed me and I nodded in understanding as she went away.

I had started working on making the kheer first and then Sheela didi helped me with the measurements of milk and sugar and rice in accordance with the number of people.

I also decided to make Gatte ki subzi, ker sangri with onion kachoris. Now either this could turn out to be extremely well or the absolute worst considering that I was cooking for the first time. The probability of happening the latter was highest than the former.

It took me about one and a half hours to finish all the cook but the worst part was that I couldn't even taste before offering everything for prasad.

" Sheela didi, how does it smell?" I asked her, nervously.

" You have nothing to worry about Ranisa. Everything smells and seems as it should be." She replied, trying to assure me.

" Please call me Siya." I asked of her.

" You are our Ranisa." She gave me a small smile before arranging everything into bowls and stuff for me to carry outside.

" Everything smells amazing out here beta." Mom said, walking in the kitchen and gave me a smile which I returned.

" Thank you Maa. I just hope it tastes fine too. I have cooked all these things for the first time." I told her honestly.

Instead of Sheela Didi and any other helping members, Mom helped me carry everything to the temple and then to the dining table.

" Everything smells delicious beta. Seems like Nupur bhabhi's talent has been transferred directly to you Siya beta." Dad said, praising mumma's cooking.

" You'll have to eat and tell that Dad, I have no idea how it turned out." I told him too as we kept all the dishes on the table. Samarth bhaiya, Preeti bhabhi and Janu.

" Where is Arjun?" Dad asked looking at Samarth bhaiya.

" There he is." He replied as Ranaji walked to where the dining table was, greeting everyone as he took his seat at the head of the table. Preeti bhabhi helped me serve everyone and then Mom asked me to sit next to Ranaji in the right which I reluctantly obliged but then it would only help me for what I had planned for him.

As everyone was distracted, I took a spoonful of salt and put it in his kheer in the pretext of giving him a spoon. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice since everyone was helping himself and Ranaji had just stepped away to take a call.

He was back just as soon as I was done with what I had to and acted nonchalant about everything.

" This is so damn delicious Siya!" Samarth bhaiya said, taking a bite of kheer and gave me a huge thumbs up.

" Thank you bhaiya!" I replied, giving him a smile.

" Agreed. Siya everything is extremely tasty." Mom spoke up and dad along with bhabhi and Janu agreed.

" Come on Arjun, you eat too." Mom said, looking at her son who gave her a nod and took a bite of the kheer which I had tampered with salt. I bit the inside of my cheek really hard to stop myself from laughing, imagining how bad it must have been tasting.

" So how is it bhai? You loved it too, didn't you?" Samarth bhaiya asked and now was the time when I got scared. if he rats me out in front of everyone, I don't think people around will be happy. In anticipation, I averted my eyes away from him and gulped down my glass of water in a hurry.

He didn't say anything but nodded his head in a yes and then I felt his eyes on me. YES! Mission Accomplished. He is angry!

I turned my eyes to look at him to find him furious but instead, he had a smirk on his lips as my eyes met his and he took another bite of that kheer which was filled with salt and my eyes widened in surprise. What was he doing!? Why was he still eating that??

" Arjun Bhaiya should feed a bite of the kheer to Siya now." Preeti bhabhi said and my head immediately turned towards her. NO!!!!

" Absolutely! Arjun, come on." Mom asked him and I looked back to Ranaji who had a small smirk playing on his lips as he took the spoon and brought it near my lips.

I looked between the spoon and him to and fro, realising that my plan had just backfired on me as I forced myself to part my lips and take a bite of it. That is when I realised that the content in the spoon was so little and I hardly had any taste on my tongue but he continued to finish the kheer in his bowl before he moved on to eat the rest of the things.

Once everyone was done with breakfast, Mom called me to stand next to her and dad.

" This is for you beta. You cooked an extremely delicious breakfast for us and this is your reward for doing so well in the first time." Dad gave me a box wrapped in a gift which I hesitated to take.

" Take it beta. It's shagun." Mom encouraged me as I took it in my hands.

" Thank you mom, dad." I said, touching their feet.

" May you have a long life." They blessed me and then Jahanavi forced me to open the gift which I had to.

It was a beautiful platinum set engraved with diamonds and sapphires and it was the most delicate piece of jewellery I had ever laid my eyes on!

The Set ~

" This is so beautiful! Thank you!" I replied, touching their feet once again.

" Siya beta, go and pack whatever you need for a day. Your father and brothers must be arriving to pick you up soon for the Pagphere. You will come back tomorrow morning." Mom asked me and I got so excited that I took my leave and basically ran to the bedroom but then I got confused. My geography was so poor anyway and this whole freaking Palace was so huge!

" Are you lost, little flower?" I heard THAT name again and cringed. I was avoiding him and here he was, calling out to me. I did calculate my chances of running away but that involved turning around so I dropped the idea altogether so as to not make a fool out of myself.

" You have a huge Palace. Anyone can get lost here. Why don't you put signboards for easy navigation?" I asked him in the most sarcastic tone that I could muster up.

" Come with me." He asked in the most normal tone ever as opposed to my idiotic one.

" Why did you continue to eat that kheer?" I couldn't handle my curiosity as I finally asked him when we he held the door to the bedroom for me.

" Because you wanted me too." This was all he said.

" Why didn't you take your revenge when Preeti bhabhi had asked you to make me eat it too?" I threw another question at him.

" Revenge? For what?" He asked, sitting on the couch as he looked at me which an amused expression.

" For adding salt to your kheer!" I replied, turning around and rolling my eyes. He just made me confess to my damn act.

" I have not married you to return your antics, little one. They are just an attribute I enjoy about you." He replied as I tried to pull my suitcase up once again and this time too, he came forward to help me and as my hand touched him, about a million butterflies made their presence felt in my stomach as a shiver ran down my spine which made withdraw my hand immediately from him.

Siya, he is the enemy. What is wrong with you!?

" Here you go." He said as he helped me.

" I could have managed on my own." I told him this instead of thank you.

" I am sure you would have." He replied, as his phone went off and he left me alone in the room, frustrated!

All my plans had failed in front of him....why god, whyyyy!?

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. To unlock the next one, at least 150 comments are required on this one.

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