07, alpha chase in the school

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CHAPTER SEVEN, night school

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"Lock it, lock it!" Scott shouted to Stiles who just slammed the door shut after they all ran into the building.

Stiles glanced at him with a look of disbelief. "Do I look like I have a key?"

"Grab something!" Jason exclaimed, his facial expression showing pure panic when Stiles raised his brows in question. "What?"


The Stilinski boy widened his eyes slightly as if he remembered something, leading for him to stand up straight before looking out the door window to see a pair of bolt cutters on the ground outside.

"No." The McCall siblings instantly responded, disagreeing with the thought of Stiles going out the building where the alpha still could be.

Iylah twitched her eyebrows in question, as if she was snapping out of the nightmare and turned to the boys just to see Stiles stepping outside, quietly shutting the door behind him.

"What the fuck is he doing?" Iylah questioned, huffing out a breath as she approached the doors, looking out the door window as they watched Stiles grabbing the bolt cutters off the floor. "Oh crap." The brown-haired girl muttered in panic, along with the boys when they spotted the alpha crawling out from behind the jeep.

"Come back, come back!" Scott screamed to his best friend in warning as he repeatedly banged on the window. "Stiles!"

The Stilinski followed their gazes, instantly filled with panic when he spotted the alpha make eye contact with him and just as the werewolf began to charge for the young boy, Stiles was pulled back by the arm, by Iylah who pulled him back into the school building, shutting the door behind them before placing the bolt cutters over the bars.

"Where is it? Where did it go?" Jason asked with panting breaths as they looked out the door windows, with Stiles using the flashlight to see better in the dark.

The boys slowly began to back away from the doors with Iylah in front of them when Scott caught her attention who asked. "That won't hold, will it?"

"No. It won't make a difference at all." Iylah told him in a blunt tone, brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. The sound of a werewolf howl echoed through the area, instantly setting the boys off and they started running, Iylah grabbing Stiles' hand as they ran down the halls, using her supernatural speed.

With the first classroom they could find, they ran in, approaching the desk and went to push it towards the door to block it when Stiles raised his hand to stop them. "Shh! Stop, stop. The door's not gonna keep it out."

"We know." Scott sighed.

"It's your boss." Stiles admitted his theory to the McCall siblings and Iylah who looked at her brother in question. "Deaton, the Alpha? Your boss."

"No." Scott shook his head, disagreeing with the boy's theory of the identity of the Alpha.

Stiles ignored their disagreement, nodding his head as he elaborated. "Yes, murdering psycho werewolf."

"That can't be."

Stiles sighed. "Oh, come on. He disappears, and that thing shows up 10 seconds later to toss Derek 20 feet through the air? That's not convenient timing?" He explained his theory, making Iylah tense up at the mention of Derek.

"It's not him." Scott denied the thought of his and Jason's boss being the Alpha.

"He killed Derek." Stiles added.

"No, Derek's not dead. He can't be dead." Scott panicked, continuing his role of denying Stiles' theories even if they did still watch Derek get thrown 20 feet in the air.

"Blood spurted out of his mouth, okay? That doesn't exactly quality as a minor injury." Stiles continued, forgetting Iylah was in the room when he added. "He's dead and we're next."

"Okay, just... what do we do?" Scott asked.

Stiles looked between the three, his breathing getting heavier as he spoke. "We get to my jeep, we get out of here, you seriously think about quitting your jobs, good?"

The boys went over towards the windows while Iylah stayed by the door, using her supernatural hearing to listen out for any sounds outside the classroom.

"No, they don't open. The school's climate-controlled." Stiles told the McCall siblings.

"Then we break it." Scott suggested.

"Which will make a lot of noise. Are you fricking kidding me?" Iylah whispered, interrupting their conversation as she approached the boys.

"Then... we run really fast. Really fast." Jason was next to suggest, moving his eyes around the parking lot with panting breaths when his gaze stopped upon seeing the jeep. "Stiles, Iylah, what's wrong with the hood of your jeep?"

"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong." Stiles responded, thinking nothing of it when Scott followed Jason's gaze before confirming his thought. "No, guys, it's bent."

"Like, dented?" Stiles questioned.

"I swear if that evil creepy beast hurt Roscoe I swear to god-" Iylah grumbled, huffing out a breath as she looked out the window just as Scott elaborated. "No, we mean bent."

Suddenly, something smashed through the glass window, glass shattering everywhere as the object that was thrown, flew across the classroom as Iylah instantly pulled Stiles down to the floor, hovering over him as the McCall siblings followed their actions, dropping to the floor.

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"That's my battery." Stiles mumbled, staring ahead at the object that was just thrown into the classroom.

The Stilinski went to get up from his spot when the ones beside him pulled him back down as Scott warned. "Don't move."

"We have to move." Stiles insisted.

"He could be right outside." Jason chimed in, gesturing behind him, earning a look of disbelief from Iylah as she corrected. "He is right outside."

"Just let me take a look." Scott insisted, his breathing getting heavier as he slowly moved up to look outside the window.

"Anything?" Stiles questioned, making Scott shake his head in response. "Move now?"

"Move now." Scott confirmed before the four teenagers headed outside the classroom.

"Somewhere without windows." Stiles decided, referring to where they should hide next, making Scott look at him. "Every single room in this building has windows." He reminded.

"Or somewhere with less windows." Jason suggested in thought.

"The locker room." Scott said through his panting breaths, earning nods from the boys.

Iylah pulled a face of disgust. "Ew. Do we have to?" She huffed, referring to how the locker room has a high chance of smelling.

"It does not smell bad! Come on." Scott sighed, grabbing Iylah's hand before rushing down the hallway to head towards the locker room.

"Call your dad." Scott said to the Stilinski siblings who furrowed their brows.

"And tell him what?" Stiles questioned, sharing a look with Iylah.

"I don't know, anything. There's a gas leak, a fire, whatever." Scott shook his head through his response, his facial expression showing worry as he continued. "If that thing sees the parking lot filled with cop cars, it'll take off."

"What if it doesn't?" Stiles questioned.

Iylah nodded. "Exactly. It could go completely terminator and kill every cop in sight, including our dad." She pointed out, sharing a worried look with Stiles who nodded. "How do you know it's not gonna do that?"

"They have guns." Scott shrugged, making Jason and Iylah facepalm, knowing police guns won't stop an alpha werewolf from killing.

Stiles pulled a face before going to remind his bestfriend. "Yeah, and Derek had to be shot with a wolfsbane-laced bullet to even slow him down, you remember that?"

"Then we... We have to..." Scott sighed, struggling to come up with an idea. "We have to find a way out and just run for it."

"There's nothing near the school for at least a mile." Jason informed his brother.

"What about Derek's car?" Scott questioned in thought.

"That could work." Stiles said, agreeing with his idea. "We could go outside, we get the keys off his body, and then we take his car."

"And him." Iylah added, sending Stiles a pointed look as if he would dare to disagree with her. The boy sighed, nodding his head as he spoke. "Fine. Whatever."

Just as they were about to reach the door, Iylah was the first one to stop Stiles from touching the door handle as a faint clattering noise was heard from outside the locker room.

"What?" Stiles asked, looking over at his sister.

"I think I heard something." Iylah responded, making Stiles panic more as he slightly snapped at the brunette. "Like what?"

"Don't you take that tone with me." Iylah grumbled at Stiles who sighed. "Now be quiet."

"She's right, Stiles. We heard it too." Scott said, the four teenagers slowly backing away from the door. "Hide." The McCall told the others, pulling Stiles' flashlight down.

"No, no, Stiles." Jason sighed, seeing him head towards one of the lockers before hiding inside it.

"Oh, come on." Iylah huffed, approaching another locker to hide in with the McCall siblings following her actions.

The four teenagers stood inside the lockers, the room filled with silence until the sound of the door creaking open was heard making Iylah hover her hand over her mouth knowing someone or something was there.

At the sound of a familiar scream, Iylah pushed herself out the locker at the same time as Stiles and Jason to see the school janitor standing in front of Scott, letting out. "Ah! Son of a bitch!"

The boys tried to shush him but the man ignored them as he huffed. "Quiet my ass, what the hell are you trying to do, kill me? All of you, get out."

"Just listen for half a second, okay?" Stiles urged, trying to talk to the janitor who simply ignored him as he demanded. "Not okay. Get the hell out of here right now."

The man began pushing the boys out the room as Iylah was already doing it herself. "God, just one second to explain." Stiles huffed as they were pushed out the room.

"Just shut up and go." The janitor scowled before he was suddenly pulled back inside the room, shocking the teenagers as the sound of growling was heard from inside.

Iylah screamed, jumping back with the boys upon seeing the janitor's body being thrown against the door, his blood printed on the window.

The hybrid approached the door, fumbling with the handle as she wanted to help the janitor before she was pulled back by the boys, and they ran down the hallway just as the locker room door was knocked down along with the janitor's body before it was pulled back inside the room.

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"I'm not dying here. I'm not dying at school." The Stilinski boy panicked as the four teenagers walked down the hallway after seeing one of the exits was blocked by a dumpster.

"We're not going to die." Scott said, trying to reassure his friend.

Stiles pulled a face, waving his hands around as he panicked. "God, what is he doing? What does he want?"

"Me." Scott informed, referring to himself being the alpha's beta making Iylah furrow her brows in thought as he continued. "Derek says it's stronger with a pack."

"Ah, great. A psychotic werewolf who's into teamwork. That's... That's beautiful." Stiles sighed through his remark, throwing his arms up in the air.

Iylah reached her arm out to stop the boys who followed her gaze outside the window to see the alpha standing on the roof on the other side of the school building, staring at them with its dark red glowing eyes.

"Shit. Come on." Iylah grumbled, grabbing Stiles' hand and began to run down the hallway with Scott and Jason upon seeing the alpha coming their way. They began to quicken their pace after hearing glass shattering from behind them, followed by the alpha's snarls knowing it was chasing them.

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Still on the Alpha's chase, Iylah began to notice the alpha's strange behaviour and wondered what his purpose was of being at the school. For example, the alpha knew where they were, yet it did nothing to them.

The four teenagers were currently heading to the lobby where Jason told Allison to meet him. The Argent girl had arrived all of a sudden, with Jason yet to know why his girlfriend was at the school, also in worry due to the Alpha's presence.

"She's here." Iylah told Jason as they entered the lobby, sighing in relief seeing the Argent girl unharmed. Without another word, Jason walked ahead of Iylah and the boys, questioning his girlfriend in worry. "Why did you come? What are you doing here?"

"Because you asked me to." Allison informed the McCall, furrowing her brows in confusion, not expecting the question when he's the one who messaged her.

"I asked you to?" Jason repeated, glancing back at the boys and Iylah who shared the same reaction. Jason never messaged Allison, and if he wanted to, he wouldn't have had time as the four were being chased by an angry alpha.

Allison stared at him before scrolling through her phone to click on the text message Jason apparently sent her before turning her phone around to show them, the message reading: Meet me at the school. URGENT. - Jason.

Allison frowned, noticing the look of confusion from her boyfriend. "Why do I get the feeling you didn't send this message?"

"Because I didn't." Jason confirmed.

"Did you drive here?" Stiles questioned, stepping closer to the couple along with Scott and Iylah as Allison answered. "Jackson did."

"Jackson's here, too?" Scott practically groaned, sharing a look with Iylah who shared the same reaction.

Allison nodded. "And Lydia, what's going on? Who sent this text?" She questioned as her phone began to ring making her answer it. "Where are you?"

The five teenagers turned around at the sound of the door opening from behind them, sighing in relief to see it was only Lydia and Jackson.

"Finally." Lydia sighed in relief, seeing the group before asking. "Can we go now?"

Everyone nodded in response until they looked to the ceiling at the sound of a heavy thud interrupting their thoughts.

Iylah and Scott shared a knowing look, the latter of the two slipping his hand into hers before calling out to the group in warning. "Run!"

The McCall pulled Iylah along as they all made a run for it, increasing their pace when they heard loud growling from behind them.

Soon ending up in the cafeteria, the group apart from the Stilinski siblings instantly locked the doors, moving the stack of chairs to block the door.

"Wait Scott, Jason, not here." Stiles called out after him and Iylah noticed the twenty foot wall of windows, indicating the cafeteria was a bad place to be safe from the alpha.

Ignoring the constant questioning from Allison and Lydia, the others continued to move the stack of chairs while Stiles tried to get their attention. Seeing Stiles getting no response, Iylah sighed in annoyance before calling out. "Hello!"

Finally catching their attention, Stiles glanced towards his sister. "Thank you. Okay, nice work. Really beautiful job, everyone. Now, what do we do about the twenty foot wall of windows?"

"Can somebody please explain to me what's going on? Because I'm freaking out here, and I would like to know why. Jason?" Allison asked through shaky breaths.

Jason panicked, walking past her to move where Scott, Stiles and Iylah were. The brown haired girl moved to the side, leaning her hand on the table stuck in her own thoughts as Stiles was the first one to break the silence. "Somebody killed the janitor."

"What?" Lydia gasped, shocked by the new piece of information when Stiles clarified. "Yeah, the janitor's dead."

The Argent girl shook her head letting out a scoff as she questioned. "What's he talking about? Is this a joke?"

"What, who killed him?" Jackson asked.

Lydia shook her head in denial. "No, no, no. This was supposed to be over. The mountain lion killed..."

Jackson looked at the strawberry blonde before interrupting. "Don't you get it? There wasn't a mountain lion."

"Who was it? What does he want? What's happening? Jason! or Scott even!" Allison cried out, desperately wanting to know more information.

Iylah stared out the window, stuck in her own thoughts as she voiced out the others when Scott's voice snapped her out of it, hearing him lie to the group, although inform them. "It's Derek. Derek Hale."

"Derek killed the janitor?" Jackson questioned, furrowing his brows at the McCall who ignored the shocked looks he received from Stiles and Jason, but he could practically feeling Iylah's glare burning into the back of his head.

"Are you sure?" Allison asked as Lydia softened her gaze when she looked at Iylah. She didn't know the reason behind it but she knew the brunette was close with the Hale family.

"I saw him." Scott said.

"The mountain lion..." Scott was quick to cut the Martin off as he repeated in a sharper tone. "No, Derek killed them."

"All of them?" Allison asked, staring down at the floor when Scott responded. "Yeah, starting with his own sister."

"And the bus driver?"

Scott nodded. "And the guy in the video store. It's been Derek the whole time. He's in here with us. And if we don't get out now..." He turned around to the group, sending Iylah another apologetic look before he added. "He's going to kill us, too."

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A few moments later, Iylah was stood by Stiles as they locked pinkies, the latter of the two holding onto Iylah to stop her from tackling Scott after what he just told the group.

"Call the cops." Jackson said, looking over at the Stilinski siblings who instantly shook their heads, with Stiles denying his request. "No."

"What do you mean, no?" Jackson questioned.

The Whittemore received a glare from both Iylah and Stiles before the latter responded with a remark. "I mean no. Do you want to hear it in spanish? Noh." He sighed, sending Iylah an apologetic look before continuing on to what he was going to say. "Look, Derek killed three people, okay? We don't know what he's armed with."

Jackson looked between Iylah and Stiles before reminding them. "Your dad is armed with an entire sheriff's department. Call him."

Lydia stepped forward. "I'm calling."

Stiles went to call out to the girl only for Jackson to push him back, earning a glare from Iylah who scoffed. "Get your dirty hands off him."

The others watched as Lydia informed the police about their situation, only to be shut down believing that it was a prank call, telling her that if she called again, they would trace the number and have her arrested.

"Okay, then call again." Allison decided, as if the police showed up, they would see how they really are in a life-threatening situation.

"No, they won't trace a cell. And they'll send a car to your house before they send anyone here." The hybrid informed the group.

"What the... What... What is this?" Allison asked through shaky breaths. "Why does Derek want to kill us? Why is he killing anyone?"

"Why's everyone looking at us?" Scott asked upon seeing the group looking towards him and Jason.

"Is he the one that sent her the text?" Lydia was the first to ask, looking at Jason who responded with a nervous stammer.

"Is he the one that called the police?" Allison was next to question, looking at her boyfriend who snapped without thinking. "We don't know!"

Iylah slapped Jason upside the head, sending him a glare as she walked past him to stand near the wall. Stiles pushed the two boys back and away from the group as he said, referring to Jason's snap. "All right, why don't we ease back on the throttle here, yeah?"

Stiles was left to talk to the boys before they were soon interrupted by Jackson who rudely snapped. "Okay, assheads. New plan. Iylah or Stiles calls their useless dad and tells him to send someone with a gun and decent aim. Are we good with that?"

"Useless? Are you kidding?" Iylah scoffed, stepping forward towards the Whittemore when she was pulled back by Jason. She huffed out a breath, looking over at Scott who glanced between her and Stiles. "He's right." The two sent him a look of disbelief before he continued. "Tell him the truth if you have to, just call him."

"We're not watching our dad get eaten alive." The Stilinski boy told him, sharing a look with Iylah.

"All right, give me the phone." Jackson huffed, starting to approach Stiles.

As soon as Jackson's hand touch Stiles' shoulder, he was pulled off, receiving a hard punch to the face by Iylah causing him to stumble back with Allison calling out his name.

"Jackson! Are you okay?" Allison asked, running over to the Whittemore. "Hey, are you okay?" She repeated, making Lydia and Jason look at them with an upset expression.

Iylah ignored the stares, walking back to Stiles who muttered. "Nice one, Moon." She sighed, approaching the boy through her response. "Well I had to take my anger out on somebody."

Stiles smiled proudly at his sister before sighing in defeat as he pulled his phone out. "Hey dad, it's me. And it's your voicemail. Look, I need you to call me back now. Like, right now."

Suddenly, the group was interrupted by a loud continuous banging noise from the other side of the double doors, following with that, Stiles hung up the phone but not without telling him where they were.

Iylah stood in front of Stiles, keeping him behind her to protect him in case the alpha came in. "The kitchen, the door out of the kitchen leads to the stairwell." Stiles suggested making Jason look at him to remind. "Which only goes up!"

Stiles sighed. "Up is better than here." The doors were close to being opened making Iylah start pushing them back. "Go! Go, now!"

They all rushed to get out the cafeteria and up the stairwell until they ended up finding another open classroom for them to lock themselves into.

They all grew silent watching as a dark shadow walked past the chemistry lab door until letting out a breath of relief. After glancing around the room, Stiles' heart started to beat really fast when he realised something.

He grabbed onto Scott's shirt getting everyone's attention as he spoke. "Guys... where the hell is my sister?"

Stiles only received looks of worry and fear when they realised Iylah wasn't with them as the spoken girl was currently hiding behind a wall, due to splitting from the group in attempt to distract the alpha.

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"Come out, come out, wherever you are." Iylah hummed, quietly walking into the gym trying not to show her fear. "I know you're here but I don't know why."

She stopped in her tracks at the growls coming from behind her. She turned on her heel to spot the alpha crawling out from behind the bleachers.

"Nice doggy." Iylah said, stammering slightly at the alpha's presence, receiving a low growl in response. "Who are you? What are you doing?"

"You know who I am." The alpha spoke, making Iylah furrow her brows in confusion before reminding the werewolf. "No, I really don't. I wouldn't be asking otherwise."

Iylah sighed. "Okay, if you're not gonna tell me who you are then can you at least say why you're doing this?"

"Revenge." The alpha answered, staring at Iylah with it's dark alpha red eyes.

"Why?" Iylah questioned, pursing his lips at the werewolf.

"I can't tell you that." The alpha answered, turning his head slightly as if he heard something from down the hall before he turned back to Iylah with a growl.

"Shit." The brown haired girl sighed upon seeing the alpha start to charge for her. "Absolutely not." She huffed, raising one of her arms forward, making the alpha fly back at the force from Iylah's spell.

The alpha was quick to get back up to it's feet and snarled at Iylah, his anger increasing at the Stilinski who nodded at him. "Okay, if that's how you want to play. Let's play."

And her eyes glowed blue.

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Scott McCall creeped up near the doors, now fully transformed into his werewolf self with his eyes glowing yellow as he walked down the hallway with one thing on his mind β€” to kill.

Him and Jason had caught the alpha in the gym beforehand, with Iylah nowhere in sight. The alpha knocked Scott on the floor, hovering over him before letting out a deep alpha roar, affecting Scott who knocked Jason to the floor before leaving the gym to go on the hunt to find the group.

He scraped his werewolf claws along the wall as he walked up the staircase, heading towards the chemistry lab where the group was still trapped.

He poked his head around the corner, looking down the dark empty hallway before continuing down the hall, his mind still in focus on what the alpha wanted him to do.

His breathing began to grow heavier, when he suddenly stopped in his tracks, turning to the chemistry lab door. Just before he could approach it, someone tackled him from the left, making him fall to the floor.

Scott looked up at the newcomer, revealing Iylah who was glowing her were-coyote eyes at him before calling out his name, whispering. "Scott, you have to stop."

It seemed to take a few moments before Scott's gaze softened at the sound of her voice, although his eyes continued to flicker between his werewolf ones and his human ones. His heart began beating faster as flashes rang through his mind of special moments with Iylah.

Hearing footsteps from behind, Iylah turned to see Jason running up to them, making her sigh in relief before she rolled off Scott, hearing shouts from inside the classroom from Allison who heard the noises they made when the sound of her shouts grew quieter when loud sirens echoed from outside, indicating that Noah had finally gotten Stiles' voicemail and the cops arrived at the school.

The Stilinski girl stood up from the floor, leaving Jason with Scott as she rushed down the hall, wanting to get away before they could talk to her, her mood not changing from what Scott lied about earlier.

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