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As the days went by, as September melted into October, and just as routine as leaves turning brown and snow melting away, Eddie and Richie drifted further and further apart.

And the both of them hated it. Abhorred it. But both boys were too shy and scared to say anything, especially when there was still the strange matter of someone that looked like Richie. Richie in question, was extremely jealous of the mystery boy that had supposedly dried away Eddies tears. His Eddie.

His Eddie Spaghetti.

His peanut butter to his jelly.

His eyes to his face.

His beat to his heart.

Eddie, in just a few months, was a part of him just as much as he was a part of Eddie. Both boys hearts ached for the company and voice of the other.

But only silence filled the empty spaces in between.


Beverly Marsh was a very observant person. She was considered the "Molly Ringwald" of the group and often the "healer". She made amends and fought off anyone that dared to hurt her friends.

So when Greta Keene and Patrick dared to even sabotage the relationship she had watched grow and blossom under the tentative touches and looks of Eddie and Richie, she was furious. She was vengeful. And the redhead swore that she would get back at the two shitheads for messing with her best friends.

They would pay.

Greta, surprisingly, was the easiest to startle. Beverly had shoved the blond into the wet cramped space of the storage room, and locked the door shut. Her black army books stomped on Greta's books when the bigger girl attempted to collect her fallen things.

"Oh no you don't." she hissed and drew closer to Greta. Under the single naked lightbulb, Beverly was a picture of horror. She was terrifying with her bright eyes and wild expression. Greta felt a chill down her spine, but swallowed and stupidly, tried to act brave.

Of course, the redhead wasn't taking any of her bullshit.

"What the fuck do you mean, Slut?" Greta sneered, her blue eyes just as wicked and narrowed as Beverlys. Beverly smirked and pushed the girl against a broom. "Again with the old playground insults? It's getting really old."

"You're such a dramatic bitch."


"You act as if you're a fucking princess."

"Girl, first, i'm a whole damm queen, and second, because i am."

Greta sneered, her eyes narrowing so tightly, you could only see a sliver of malicious blue peeking out. "What the hell do you want, Marsh?" Beverly fumed, but held back from screaming her lungs out at the vapid blond viper.

"You did something to Eddie. You did something because you know something. Don't you, Keene? And i would kindly suggest that you spit it out now before i make you regret it." Beverly cracked her knuckles and tried to swallow down her anxious anxiety. Sure she had killed and fought a creepy cannibal clown, but that didn't mean she still wasn't afraid. Just foolishly brave for a single minute to end the cause of the missing children.

Greta picked her nails. "Oh? Well maybe i told him the truth. Maybe i opened Eddies eyes to the past since, he and Richie are honest to each other."

"Richies truth wasn't yours to tell, Greta. His past too. You should have just kept your mouth shut. But because you didn't and couldnt, now those two are crying and wishing they had said something sooner or did this and that later because of you and Patrick. I know you hate us, and i don't know why, but back off on Eddie. He's amazing and he wouldn't hurt a fly, so let him have some happiness in his life and a escape from his mom."

Greta stared, stunned. Her blue eyes now alert and clear, her back as rigid as a board. "I-" she began, before she was cut off by Beverly once again. The redhead rubbed the temples of her head before sighing and moving away in the cramped space, to open the door and let the blond out.

"Get out. Just get out." She huffed, shoving a startled and surprised Greta out the closet and locking herself in. Slumped down on the floor, Beverly felt hot tears leek out of her eyes. Poor Eddie and Richie. It was nobody's fault, except Greta's and Patrick's.

She just wished they could get together and talk.

"....wait. That's it!"

Minutes later, she was on the phone with Bill.


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