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You have to make a move. You can't just keep playing with Elle like that. Today, you are going to tell her. You are going to tell her that you don't like her anymore. You will-

"Mike! The phone is ringing!"

"Coming!" Mike shouted, quickly getting out of bed and making his way towards the basement. "Jesus, who's calling at ten at night?" He mumbled to himself.

"Mike? Mike, this is Elle."

"Oh. Hey Elle."

"Hey. Could you come over for awhile? I need to tell you something. I need to talk to you about something really important." Elle's quiet voice floated in Mike's head before panic settled in. His heart beat like a drum, what could she possibly want to talk about? Did she realise how close Max and him were getting? Did she suspect something was up?

Well Max didn't come for AVA last week so she either hung out with Elle or went home.

Yeah he was leaning towards the first option.

"Right now?"

"Yeah right now." A layer of annoyance coated Elle's voice and Mike cringed at the sound. His heart was beating so hard he wouldn't be shocked if it just fell out of his chest and straight on to the floor in a mess of red. "I'm coming. See you in ten."

"See you." He hung up the phone, pressing the plastic device to his startlingly ruby red cheeks. The cool plastic cooled the heat of his face, absorbing the heat but not his panic. What did Elle know? He was desperate, desperate to find out if Elle knew that he liked Max. He really hoped not. Because if just a few meetings with her could already turn him into a goopy internal mess, what would happen if they were dating?

He tried not to imagine her image amongst the sea of worry that was crashing against the walls of his lungs, but she was such a calming vision. Long ginger locks tinted with the promise of becoming a dark auburn red one day, ocean blue eyes that told of stories and people and places that he would never meet or see, Soft warm and freckled hands as pale as cream. Despite her tough girl image, every part of her was as soft as a petal. She was as soft as a petal, and she was even more beautiful when she was strong.

Like Princess Leia all over again.

Quickly, he ran out of the basement towards his bike, hopping onto it and wasting no time in peddling towards the Byers house. His Mother was screaming after him but he tossed her a half-ass goodbye.

He knew what he had to do.


Will Byers house had never seemed more intimidating than ever, until now. He had cycled over a thousand times, even before he had met Elle. It was absurd to think that a place that had been so prominent in his childhood would now be doused in memories of his first break-up with his first girlfriend because he was a lying cheating dick. His hands shook in his pockets as he stood in front of the warmly lit home. He couldn't do this. He couldn't. Maybe he should turn around and start-

"Mike? Hey Mike!" Will, the small bright lightbulb that he was, gave him a beaming smile. Mike waved back unsurely. Did Elle tell Will? Did Will know? Shit, he hoped Will knew nothing about what was going on between them. His butt would be kicked in less than a minute if he did. Even though Will wasn't very close to Elle, he was very good at being a protective brother despite his small stature, he could kick asses like Troys in minutes. It terrified and amused him.

"Hey Will. Is Elle there?"

"Yeah, she's upstairs pacing."

"How do you know?"

He didn't answer his question and instead, led him inside. Will hung Mike's beige jacket and scarf and brought the taller boy towards the living room. As always, it smelled of dingy furniture, burned out cigarettes, and microwave dinners. Joyce was nowhere to be seen so he supposed the mother of three was probably working late shifts at the shop again.

Thank god.

"Come on, Mike. Elle's in her room and she's waiting."

"Did she say...I don't know...anything to you?"

Will turned around then, his owlish brown eyes squinting in suspicion. "No. Why, did you do something to Elle?" His tone took on a more protective edge now. Mike gulped. He was so screwed over if Will knew something was up but since the brunette was simply staring rather confusedly at him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"No I didn't. Nothings going on, I'm just going to...go upstairs."

"Staying for dinner?" He asked, still suspicious.

"No, Mom is making mash potatoes and luncheon meat, can't miss out on that." He lied convincingly.

Will eyed the rigid boy one more time, narrowing his hazel eyes into thin slits. Mike felt sweat began to bead on his forehead from the smaller boys intense staring.

Quickly giving another awkward wave, the Wheeler boy ran up the creaking staircase, immediately coming face to face with a frowning brunette girl at the top of the stairs. Elle gave him a small smile that didn't meet her eyes, and pulled him towards her bedroom, slamming the door closed.

Elle's bedroom was exactly like how she was. It was bright and colourful unlike her bedroom in Hoppers house years ago. Her bedspread was all the colours of the rainbow and her desk was littered with sketchbooks, eraser dust, and scrunched up purple wrappers of chocolate. Fairy lights hung from corner to corner of the small room, aglow. The teddy bear he had won for her in a game was perched on her fluffy-looking bed, its fur colour dulled but the crimson ribbon around its neck was as bright as ever.

"I have something to tell you."

"I have something to tell you."

Mike's nervous face broke into a grin. Elle even let out a little laugh at their words, both spoken at the same time.

"You go first." Mike offered, holding one of her limp hands in between his two. They were soft and warm, just like how he remembered her. But they were unwilling and limp as cold fish.

"Okay." Elle breathed. Her eyes looked away from Mike.

"I think we should break up."


☮︎✧✞ nicole speaks! ;
Okay so I did...that. Elle went first HA, I bet you didn't see that (because I don't think I gave y'all a reason to lmao). And yay, a cliffie! I'm not good with those so yeet! ❤️ anyway, hope y'all enjoyed the chapter, finally were steering towards Madwheeler island, no choppy waves ahead.

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