𝐢𝐢. the compass

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THE RAGING headache pierced through her mind as she made her way too her car, keys clenched in her hand as her mind went too last night. She had too see the pogues. Sarah was in the backyard with her boyfriend so, she wouldn't notice she was even gone.

As she pulled into the small home, she couldn't help but notice the police car parked out front. "I got dogs livin' better than this, John B." Peterkin muttered before she began too walk out, opening the door slightly for June.

"JB," John didnt hesitate too hug her as he squeezed her tightly. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry. I had no idea that was gonna happen, I couldn't do anything," She was cut off by his voice, "It's not your fault."

"I did bring you something," she wiggled her eyebrows along with moving her shoulders slightly, "IBUPROFEN and some very illegal liquid for your underage self." June smiled widely, handing him the grocery bag as he grinned ear too ear.

"Thanks, June's. Help me pick up this dump." He said, "Gotcha."

As June was cleaning, she couldn't help but hear the faint talking coming from outside, "No, guys, Peterkin said that if I stay out of the marsh, she'll help me with DCS."

"An actual cop, John B. You believe a cop?" As she slid the door open, she could feel Kiara's eyes on her, but, she simply ignored it as she walked too sit by Pope. "Hey." He grinned, seeing the uncomfortable look on her face.

"Dude, all I gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a couple of days, and she'll help me out. It doesn't help that your ass was the one with the gun!" June raised her eyebrows, slightly itching her neck in an uncomfortable motion,

"You know what I should have done? Just let Topper drown your ass." JJ dead-panned. "Topper was gonna drown me?"

"Sure looked like it. I mean, have you looked in the mirror?" June tried not too let out a laugh by snorting quietly, but a shove in the arm was felt.
"They always win don't they man? Kooks versus Pogues. They always, always win!" JJ angrily punched something, making June give him a weird look as she slid back in her seat.

"Look, it's okay!" Kiara spoke up. Oddly, the girls voice brought shock too her as she turned her head, eyeing her quickly, "No, it's not okay!"

"It is not! They don't want us too go down into the marsh and that means there's something valuable down there, and you know it. I know you do. And I understand why you don't wanna go," JJ began as he pointed at Pope, "You're the golden boy. You got way too much too risk. And you two—" JJ paused as he saw them, "Your already rich as fuck anyway. Why would you bother?"

June sighed as she knew deep down he was right. She lived in a place where they made fun of people who didn't have money. Who judged others for what they owned. Even if she didn't hang out with them, she was still there.

"But you and me man, we got nothing too lose!"

"Yes you do." June finally spoke up, earning a confused glare from Kie, "You have each other, dumbass." Kiara rolled her eyes, looking away as JJ shook his head at her, "That's not the point, June,"

"I know it didn't use too be like that way for you." JJ continued too talk about his dad, knowing how sensitive that topic is, "I don't wanna talk about this. I don't wanna talk about it."

"So that's it?" He groaned, "Just get out of my way, bro!"

"John B, listen too me. I have a plan. You got the key too Cameron's boat, right?" June immediately lifted her head up at the name, "No, JJ." He shook his head, "There's Scuba gear. We borrow that, and then we go down to the wreck this afternoon, and that is what's gonna save you, man!"

"You don't see rich kids going too foster kids do you?" JJ had a point.

"So, we doing this or what?" June raised her eyes brows.

Even though she was slightly against going against her best friends back and stealing her tanks, it was for someone she really cared about who needed it. Sarah doesn't even scuba dive anymore, anyway.

June didn't realize who's hand she was grabbing as she hopped on the boat, looking up as she saw the curly haired girl. "Here." She moved out the way as she helped her onto the boat, "Thanks." She scrunched her eyebrows in confused as she carefully got in the boat,

"You brought empty tanks? These are empty." She said. "Okay, this one's a quarter full. It's enough for one of us."

"I went scuba diving last year. I can do it." June said. "What?" Kiara wasn't expecting June too say anything so the squinted eyes remained, "I said I would do it."


"Excuse me?" June chuckled lightly, crossing her arms, "You heard me. No." Kiara shook her head. "Okay, what is your deal with me?" June sat up straight, ignoring the big eyes she got from Pope.

Kiara ignored him, simply biting her lip in frustration as she crossed her arms, "It is kind of a kook sport." JJ shrugged. "I.. read about it." Pope said. "Wow." June muffled, leaning back in her chair.

"Great. Pope read about it so someone's gonna die."

"Look, you put the thing in your mouth and breathe. How hard can it be?" JJ shrugged, "If you come up too fast, nitrogen gets into your blood and you get the bends."

"Bends like bend over and," JJ bent over, making June laugh lightly as she pushed his butt out of her face, "The bends kill you."

"I can dive." John B sighed, tired of their arguing. "You can dive. I'm cool with that." JJ nodded, "Since when can you dive?"

"I'll do it, it's fine."

"Let me do some calculations real quick." Pope scooted too his paper, pulling out his pencil as he thought, "So that boats about thirty feet down, so it'll take 25 minutes in most of that dept which means you need too make your safety stop at about, ten feet." Pope explained.

June's eyes pulled from Pope too Kiara as she took her shirt off. It's nothing she hadn't seen before but it still brought butterflies too her stomach.

"What was that all about?" June shook her shoulders, "I don't know but I liked it. A lot." June rolled her eyes, "Stop jerking off with your minds and get back to the paper. Amateurs." She huffed.

"Hey! I tied my shirt too the safety chain about ten feet. It's where you need too make your safety spot." Kiara spoke, swimming back towards the boat. "Awesome." June sarcastically put two thumbs up.

"Cool," he said, "Keep and eye on this. You need to make sure you have enough air too decompress." Pope explained as the brunette looked lost, "Okay, how much do I need?"

"Unclear. Breathe as little as possible." Pope said, "Just breath once and wait a few seconds then breath, again is basically what he's saying." June added.

"Right. Think zen, you know?" JJ commented before breathing deeply. "Yeah."

June couldn't ignore the kiss that Kiara placed on his cheek, making her look away in frustration. He had no idea what he was getting into. "Diver down?" He smiled. "Diver down."

"See ya, dude."

Moments passed as June bounced her leg nervously, as she bit her fingernail. Kiara couldn't help but notice and sent her a look, which she dodged completely.

"Guys. That's the police." June practically shot up as she rushed too move towards JJ and Pope, standing behind them nervously as she knew he was gonna be there.

"Hide me." She whisper shouted. "What?" Pope groaned. "Hide me, stupid!"

"JJ, tie this off."

"Evening officers." They greeted. "Evening." He and Shoupe looked around the boat quickly before one of them sat their eyes on Kiara. "Kiara? How are you?" He smiled. "Hi, Officer Quinn." She nodded. "My daughter with you by any chance?"

June poked her head out from behind JJ, waving nervously. "Hi, dad."

"What are you kids doing." Shoupe spoke up. June couldn't help but see her dads angry glare, before she felt JJ sit a hand on her back.

June was never close with her dad and hated that. The constant need too be loved was like getting stabbed every single time she isn't.

"You know, the marsh is closed?" He questioned as they all shook their heads. "No. No. Why is it closed?"

"We're conducting a search out here. Boat went down. Seen anything?" June nodded quickly, obviously lying, before she felt a another nudge, "No." she shook her head, wrinkling her eyebrows.

"No. No boats."

"Okay. Mind if I take a look?" They all nodded, helping him onto it as he stood above the water. It was dead silent. It was like he was looking at nothing even though he was looking at so many things they would get in trouble for.

"Alright." He nodded. June sent awkward grin too the lady police officer who was standing there, "Alright."

"Let us know if you see anything." Shoupe spoke out. "Of course."

"June," Her dad finally said something after eyeing her the whole time, "I'll see you when you get home, Mhm?" Quinn raised his eyebrows making her quickly nod. "Mhm."

Once they were sure the officers were away, they rushed too the edge of the boat, all of their hearts heightening as they waited impatiently. But, when water splashed up, they saw him finally.

"Oh god!" They let out the breaths they didn't know they were holding. "You scared the shit out of me!" June helped him onto the boat, not letting him catch a breathe before she took him in her arms.

"You got it!" JJ said. "The cops were up here but we took care of em." Pope stated. "Barely."

"Yeah. You kinda missed the show brother. June was about too have aneurism when her dad showed up." They all let out laughs as June smiled, nodding, "He's mortifying! He's always has his eyebrows raised." Kiara didn't realize how hard she was smiling at her whilst she giggled.

But, that went away fast at the sight of another boat. "Hey, guys? Bogie 2'oclock." Kiara announced, making them all look in confusion. "You recognize that boat?" He questioned, "No. Not at all."

"What are they doing back here the marsh is closed?" Kiara muffled, "I dunno, but let's not stick around too find out." JJ said, "Agreed. JJ get the bow line." June pointed.

"Should we wait on em?" Pope stupidly questioned, "I'm gonna pretend you didn't ask that." June shook her head, helping JJ.

"June, hurry up." Kiara demanded, making the girl flip her off while still pulling. "So mature." Kiara chuckled, rolling her eyes as she looked away.

"Don't wait for me. Go! June get back, your gonna fall." JJ shewed her away and all she could do was nod and take the empty seat. "Go! Go, go!"

"I'm going!" .. "Act natural!"

June noticed that they all got faster the more they did. "Guys. They're still following us!" John B tried too go faster despite JJ's yelling demands. "I'm going, JJ!"

"He's got a gun!"

June jumped at the feeling of a hot bullet graze her quickly. "Oh, fuck!" Kiara noticed and brought her down next too her, shielding her with herself. "Guys!"

"John B, get down!"

"Oh, my god we're gonna die!" Pope muffled, holding his head. "Shit." Kiara groaned, letting go of her as she stood up, "Kie! No!"

She quickly grabbed the nets as she untangled them, and throwing them into the water. June sat up fast, before noticing the aim of the gun. It was pointing directly at Kiara.

As the gun went off, she felt a body roughly pull her too the ground, with a grunt. With faint cheering Kiara laid on top of the girl with her eyes on hers.

It reminded her of freshmen year at their first sleepover together. So many memories. But when Kiara went too touch her arm, a loud groan was heard. "Oh my god. Guys."

Everyone quickly looked at the girl on the ground as she held her arm. "Ow. Fuck."

"Okay. June, stay with me okay?" Pope tapped her face making her push his hand away, "I'm not dying it just fucking hurts." Pope rolled his eyes at her stubbornness and quickly lifted her head up. "Go too the docks."

Kiara was a nervous wreck as she walked onto the docks whilst June held a shirt too her arm that was throbbing in pain, as sweat dripped down her forehead. "You sure your okay?" John B said. "Stop asking. This is about you." June shook her head, hurrying over too the docks as she sat down.

"What do you guys think it is?" Kiara asked as JJ helped the girl on the floor who was still holding her t-shirt on her arm, "One of you is buying me a new shirt." June mumbled, pouting at the loss of her favorite shirt all bloody.

"It's gotta be money right?"

"That or a couple keys o with street value too the low to mid-mils!" JJ joked, "Can we please just open the bag!" Pope yelled. "Woah! Pope's arrived!" June pointed at him, "Wow, Pope."

"Seriously, you guys are killing me with anticipation."

"We almost died over this."

John B opened the bag with rush, too reveal a container. As he opening it, nothing but a compass fell out. "Wow."

"Oh wow. Yup. That's about right." Pope angrily paced back and forth. John B stared blankly at the compass as they looked at him in confusion.

"Booker, what's wrong? It's a compass." June pointed out his look, making him shake his head,

"This was my dads."

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