𝐱𝐱𝐢. static city

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NOSTALGIA was a common thing in almost everybody's life. Memories of Deju Vu, and small memories of your childhood— it comes in all sorts of ways.

Sometimes it can be a smell, or a person. Maybe even a pair of clothes.

But, as June walked into the Wreck she would never be able to rub off that familiar smell she got every time she walked into the restaurant. The smell of seafood and chicken was refreshing to her as she walkst in, a wide smile on her face.

"Hi, Mrs. Carrera." June greeted, earning a smile from Anna, "Hi, June!"

The pogues followed Kiara outside, giggling at Mrs. Carrera's shouting words to her daughter. "You should probably go back and get them chores done, Kie." June teased, rushing infront of her to look at her face as she walked backwards, "Shut up. Don't you have chores to, June Quinn?"

"Oh, I'm not sure? Possibly." She spoke in a British accent, earning a warm hearted giggle from the pretty girl infront of her.

"So we going to the Bahamas or what?" JJ began, "Dude, there's no way we're getting to the Bahamas." Pope shrugged, sighing as he sat down. "John B is gonna get nabbed sooner or later!" Kiara pointed out, "So, if we're going to clear his name, we need to have it done like yesterday."

JJ stood up, looking at the three pogues infront of him with mischievous eyes, "I'll tell you how we do it." June rolled her eyes, "Oh, you will? Lay it on us, Jay."

"We kidnap, Rafe." They all mentally face planted at his words. "I'm sorry, what?"

"We kidnap Rafe, tie him up and stick the gun in his mouth and just wait till he starts squawking." JJ explained, gory thoughts immediately flooding June's mind, "You know, tortures a war crime."

"You know what, blondie?" June spoke up, "I'm down."

"That's what I'm talking about!" JJ clapped high-fiving the girl, "June, what?" Kiara grumbled, confusion laced in her voice.

"Come on! He shot me for Christ sake. I gotta get my get backs!" She mimicked punches, halfway serious as she looked at the two confused faces, "Yeah!" JJ agreed.

"Yeah, so how exactly do you plan on clearing John B's name from a prison cell? Because that's a felony." Pope told them, making them sigh in defeat, "Look, i was just trying to make it simple. One stop and we're done." JJ sighed.

June shrugged, "I think the offers still up to me." Kiara nudged the girl, a serious look on her face.

"Guys, all we need is a material witness. We saw Ward's plane fly right over our heads with the gold inside of it. He didn't fly it. If somebody else flew they were there on the tarmac. They saw Peterkin get murdered. And," Pope looked at June almost unsure of the words to use,

"Saw me get shot." June finished, looking at her feet as she did. "Right. We just have to find whoever that was and get them to confess on record." Pope explained, "How do we do that?"

"A little light espionage." June's eyes lit up as Pope smiled at her, "Spy kids 2.0." Kiara smirked widely at her, holding her fingers out, "Woogity-woogity?"

"Woogity, baby!"

June sat in the back of the car, rolling a blunt as she licked it on between her fingers, listening as the group spoke. "If this guy flew planes for Ward, he's gotta be pretty tight-lipped." Pope stated, "So then direct approach gets my vote." June's eyes flicked over to JJ who loaded his gun, her heart pumping in her chest.

"JJ, no! Are you serious," Pope pointed in the backseat before quickly returning to him, "No what?"

"Put the gun down man!" Pope demanded, holding his hand out, "We gotta keep this simple, or we'll never get John B off." JJ said, eyes shooting behind him to a wide eyed June.

The sound of the clicking of the gun scared her, the distant memory of the Peterkin's body dropping to the floor, almost fully stopping her roll as she stared, "Or we just tickle the wire."

"What?" Kiara mumbled, "I plant my phone in his car, and then listen in on your AirPods. Say something." Pope held the phone up to her mouth, "Something." The echoing of the audio made him smile.

"I think that's his house over there. All right honk or uh, yell or something if you see anything suspicious." Pope told her, unbuckling his seat belt with ease, "Don't do anything dangerous." He scoffed at her words, "Come on. I'm not JJ."

"Funny, Pope!"

"Love third wheeling. It's my favorite thing." June groaned, "Here we go." The smell of weed filled the car as she lit her blunt taking a long hit of it.

"How's it been goin with Pope and all?" JJ pointed, "It's good." She dead-panned, "Okay, did I miss something?" June spoke up, looking between the two.

"Oh not much. Just Pope and Kiara had a little moment is all." Her eyes widened, the feeling of empty-ness filling her heart. Kiara could almost feel the tension as she looked at her through her rear-view mirror, which she quickly looked away.

"In the bedroom, is he, like, kinda freak cause it's Pope, you know?" JJ stupidly asked, making both girls look at him with a strange glare. "Why are you asking?"

"I don't know, just curious. Just spitballing here." He shrugged, amused with the situation. "You don't need to spitball." Kiara muffled, "At all."
June passed the blunt to JJ, who took a long swing, "We could sit in silence."

"Ranking wise," JJ used his hands to motion as he gave the blunt back, "Your still asking?" Kiara swung her head back, "Yeah I'm curious."

"Is John B better? Or June?" He barely got the words out before a rough wack was placed against his chest, "Okay." He grumbled, shutting up at June's actions, "What?"

"It's obviously me," June mumbled, shrugging in playful cockiness before Kiara turned her full body around, giving her a glare.

"Okay! Phase one complete!" Pope hopped back into the car, tapping the head board, "Everything, are we all good?" Pope looked around, confused at the obvious uncomfortable feelings of the group. "Drive."

June giggled at the sight infront of her as they argued, "Why does she get to tickle?" JJ asked, "Cause she's the best at it." Pope shrugged, looking at Kiara with loving eyes. "Should I do an accent?"

"Oh, totally." June nodded, JJ rolling his eyes at the high girl. "Disguise my voice how?" Silence filled the car at her accent, "Not like that." June let out a chuckle, "Talk like Batman." She suggested, "Batman."

"There you go." Pope nodded, "Spot on."

As Kiara dialed the phone number, boredom hit June's body as she looked at the house, "Hello?" Kiara grumbled before shaking her head, "I can't."

"Is Gaven there?" She spoke once more in her regular voice, "This is Gaven. Who's this?" The male asked, slight worry in his voice, "I know what happened on the tarmac. It was Rafe Cameron."

The name still felt like a stab in the heart as she paid attention to the phone call, "But, you already knew that and you lied about it!"

"Okay. Who is this?"

"We're gonna prove it," Kiara was quickly cut off, "You're gonna tell me who this is right now." Kiara shook her head in determination, "You could've saved her, Gavin, and you didn't. And you're not getting away with this."

"Listen to me! Who is this?" He shouted loudly, only to be cut off by a cut off line. "How was that?"

"Fucking amazing, Kie." June rubbed her shoulder in praise, "I was scared, it was good."

"All right. We tickled the wire. Phase two complete. Now we wait and listen." They all nodded as they laid back in the car, boredom filling their bodies.

June quickly jumped up at the sight of a car, "There he goes! Get down!"

"He didn't see us," JJ said at the sight of a car passing by them. "Hit it, Go! My seat belt."

"Are you serious?" Kiara yelled, "You don't need it right now!" Pope cursed to himself, panic filling his body, "Shit!"

They all waited anxiously as Pope sat listening to the conversation that was held in his car, "He's calling Ward." Pope said. "Are you serious?" June said, looking in confusion. "Yeah."

"Get closer I can't hear." Pope requested, making Kiara put a step on the gas, "He's talking about negotiating something. Renegotiating." He explained to the group, "Gavin's got the gun that Rafe used to kill Peterkin!"

"Oh my god," June mumbled, locking eyes with Kiara through the rear view, giving her a glare of interest. "I think he's trying to use it as extortion as leverage."

"Wait, he's pulling over." Kiara announced, panic filling the friends bodies, "Shit!"

"Do I pull behind him? What do I do?" June shook her head, "Go! Go around the block." She leaned forward, pointing forward. "Okay! We're gonna lose him!"

"I can't hear anything! Shit. I'm losing signal I can't hear him." June's blood pumped with adrenaline as they came to a dead road, "Stop! Stop and turn around."

"Pull in and back up," JJ demanded. "I'm just gonna back up!" As the truck pulled behind them, anger filled June's body, standing up quickly as she leaned out the car door, "Yo! Move your fat ass truck, dude!"

June jumped out the car, running up the hill with determination as all the pogues followed close behind her, "Sorry!"

They all jumped a fence, screaming Pope's name in a hurry whilst the four ran, "Hey, June! You coming to party?" One of the girls in the pool screamed, "No, sorry! Catch you later, Dee!"

"Sean? Ah, this is where you live, you Kook." JJ said to the boy in the water, ignoring him with ease as he watched them run across him lawn. As they stared at Pope, he gave them a weird look that could mean a million things. "You in a trance or something? What happened?" June snapped her fingers, "Did you hear something?"

"He's meeting Ward right now! We gotta go. Come on!" They all nodded, running the other direction.

June was out of breathe as she ran, dizziness hitting her body as her hip throbbed in pain. "Ow, fuck!" She winced in pain, limping as she continued to run slower behind the group.

She couldn't be the fall out. June had to pull through as she moaned in pain, the feeling of being surrounded by heat made her lungs feel tight as she coughed.

"June! Pick up the pace!" Kiara demanded, clapping at her. "I'm trying!" The four came to a stop behind a gate, completely oblivious to what was going on with the brunette behind them as she held her waist, hitching her breathe at every inhale.

She was overworked. June wasn't even suppose to be here right now. Her dad would throw a fit when she got home and she knew it. It felt as if every movement her body was screaming and screaming at every aching second at the scene, trying her hardest to push through for maybe even a few more minutes.

"Nice camera. Where'd you dig up that relic?" JJ's faint voice asked Pope, "Why don't you just use your phone?"

"Well, first of all, I like my antique electronics. Second of all, this is a telephoto. It allows me to get a close image from far away." Pope's words were practically dripping in nerd as June giggled, "Didn't understand shit you said, Brainy."

"For definitive proof of witness payoff, we're gonna need quality glass. There he is," The distant figure of Ward Cameron was put off to them as he held a bag in his arms, hurrying towards the sight. "Get down."

"And there's Gavin." Pope pointed out. "Where are you going you son of a bitch?"

"No! No! No, I'm losing him." Pope grumbled, angrily. "Where's he going?" JJ begun to look around, his mind trying to create a fast solution, "Hold on."

Not even seconds passed before JJ was calling them over, "Yo! I found something, come here."June took a painful deep breathe in, groaning to herself as she climbed up the ladder. "You rolling Pope? Are you getting it?" The two asked, "Yeah. Yeah, I see them."

They all sat in silence, the only thing was filling the area was Pope's voice, "Ward just handed Gavin something. I think it's a duffel bag." Pope explained. "The money he promise Gavin." June interpreted, nodding at the boy. "Yeah, this is definitely a payoff." JJ agreed.

"Gavin doesn't look happy about something. It looks like he's yelling at Ward." Pope said, "Why?" Kiara whispered in confusion. "I don't know, but he sure looks mad." June stared at the sight, and seeing Ward was like a stab in the chest. She could no longer look, only staring at the ground as the rain gracefully slid down in a stream.

"Holy shit! Wards got a gun." At his words, fear hit their bodies. "I bet that's the murder weapon." Kiara and June locked eyes, looking at the obviously uncomfortable being infront of her.

At the sound of a gunshot, June let out a gasp, fear hitting her body as panic forced into her body. It all went back to her at one little sound.

"Rafe, what did you do?" Ward hummed, standing up at the sight infront of him. "I saved you." Was all he could say.

June stopped breathing for more than a second, staring at the wall with a hand on her mouth. Her heart beat fastened. She let out a muffled sob, shaking her head as she tried to push passed the memories.

"Tell me you got that?" JJ spoke, "Enough to put this asshole away for life!"

As Ward ran down the steps the sounds of shouting was heard, making June close her eyes in fear, "Goddamn it!"

"I think the gun just went down the drain. He's looking for it." Pope explained. "Hold this," Kiara stood up, before shouting loudly, "What is wrong with you! Murderer!"

June stood up at the shouting, pulling Kiara down roughly with a shove, "What the fuck!" She yelled. "Are you crazy?"

"I don't care if he hears a me. He's a murderer." Kiara grumbled, "And now he's gonna murder us." JJ dead panned, "Guys, he sees us! We gotta go!"

June watched as JJ and Pope went down the ladder, rushing to get down. But, the grunting in pain didn't go unnoticed and the dramatic scene infront of them, "Ow! My hand!"

Pope began to cry, angry filling his voice as he did, "No, no, no!"

"You kidding? You fumbled it?" JJ argued. "Oh my god," June cried, holding her hip in pain at the damped blood. She knew this would happen and she still did it. Her stitches ripped. And now, she the pain was practically unbearable. "You kicked me in the face!" Pope said,  "She stepped on my hand!"

"He's coming!" June yelled, pushing them out the way as she ran.

June breathed heavily, groaning in pain as she leaned back in her seat in the car, "Ow. Ow." She mumbled, barely loud enough to hear. "Could somebody fill me on on what the frick just happened!"

"Holy crap. I can't believe it. Wait, what were they fighting over?"

"It was a gun. It was a gun the one Rafe used. He had to have kept it," Pope rambled, "Of course! Of course! The murder weapon." JJ shouted, fear filling his body.

"Pick up, pick up," June's leg bounced uncontrollably as she tried to catch her breathe, her head feeling like it was about to fall off at any slight movement. "Who are you calling?"

"Who do you think!" Kiara shouted. "Who else am I supposed to call?"

"Why would you call the police! That's Ward!" JJ yelled, panic filling his voice as he shouted at the teenaged girl. "Shut up!"

It felt as if everything stopped. The shouting— it brought her mind to depths she didn't know where still there. All she could hear was glass breaking, stomping, shouting— grief. The world was quiet yet so, so loud.

June Quinn was losing her shit. It felt like she was looking at static; her vision was blurry. Her hand immediately reached to grab onto the handle as Kiara started the car, swallowing down the nauseous feeling in her throat. "Slow down!" She cried out, holding her head.

June leaned against the wall, staring at the construction around her as she stared at Shoupe with heavy eyes. Their words were blocked out, only hear the echoes of the three's hitched breaths.

"Shouldn't you be home, kid?" Shoupe said, only to be ignored by the girl. He took a deep breathe, shaking his head which stopped their shouting completely, "Look! I don't know what you kids want me to do with this. You drag me out here in the middle of the night for a whole lot of nothing!"

Her heart rate fastened at his words, putting a helping hand on her stomach, leaning farther onto the unfinished wall. She could barely think straight.

Her hip was lightly dampened with blood, her stitches were lightly shredding at every hurry full move. Even then, she couldn't stomach what was going on as they drove her home.

"This is you," Pope finally spoke up, looking behind at the girl. June gave him a light nod, "Thanks, Pope." She stumbled over her own feet as she hopped out the car, making the Carrera girl jump. "I'll walk you to the door, Ju."

Silence filled the air as they walked, Kiara couldn't help but notice her limping. "I should've have made you come." She sighed, "It was my decision. Stop." June denied her, pushing her hand off of her shoulder. "If it was your decision, why are you being like that? You didn't help us one bit when Shoupe was completely shutting us down!" Kiara was now raising her voice at the girl,

"And you were there! You were there, June. You sat there unconscious waiting and you know who shot you! But, your being to much of a coward to admit to it." Her words were like the same bullet that carved into her skin. Gutting.

"Kie, that's so not fair." June hiccuped, "How? You know it's true! Stop and tell me I'm wrong," Kiara got closer, heat radiating off her body, "Your being a fucking asshole!" June lightly shoved her backwards, teeth gritted in anger.

"How? How am I being an asshole? I'm being truthful. At least I'm trying." Kie winced at her own words, "No. Your being mean." June's soft words demonstrated her tiredness, and Kiara shook her head, walking closer with her heart caged away in anger, "I've tried to help you, June. But, your just making it worse, for all of us. Your holding a secret that can get us all justice. Sarah and JB especially."

June shook her head, "Kiara? Your serious? I was shot! Okay? You don't just overcome some fucked up shit like that! And your standing here telling me that wrong? Im wrong? Fuck you!" June shouted, her voice cracking at every raise of her voice, tears streaming down her face.

"That's not what I meant," June scoffed, "That's exactly what you meant, Kiara."

"So, what that's it? Your not gonna even try to talk to me about it?" Kiara followed after her, looking behind her to make sure Pope and JJ were still waiting down the street. "Talk to you about what? How hurt I am? Kie, you should know!"

"You should know how hurt I am. I tried so hard to do everything I needed to do to help today. I pushed and pushed because I wanted to make you proud of me! Somebody fucking proud at least. But, your mind doesn't understand that, right?" Her words made Kiara let out a sob she didn't know she was holding in, "I get it! I do! And I'm so proud of you for just being here."

Kiara put a hand on her face, wiping away her tears that fell from her eyes, "Im so proud of you, okay? I love you, June Quinn, of course I do."

June shook her head, leaning into her head, "I can't do this anymore." Her glossy eyes finally looked up to meet hers, staring at them with sorrowful meaning. "What?"

She pulled back with a sniff, her cheek becoming cold at the lack of touch, "I'm gonna get my shit together. I'm gonna fix this," June pointed to her hip, "And I'm not gonna chase something that's not truly there."

"What is that suppose to mean?" Kiara shook her head in confusion, "It means I'm not doing anymore shit like today. I can't handle it. Mentally, it's not good. I'm not doing this with you, Kiara. At all." June began to walk away, looking her up and down once more.

"That's it? That's all you have to say to me? What about JJ and Pope? They can't do this without you," Kiara closed her eyes at the thought, "I can't do this without you."

"Yeah? Well your gonna have to," The sight of June walking away was like seeing the biggest star in the galaxy finally leaving their home.

It was heartfull as she walked away, her heart began to panic. And that's when it hit her as June put her hand on the doorknob. It was really over with. And she couldn't bare that.

"June," Kiara grabbed her hand, "Stop. I love you." June shook her head in denial, pushing her off, "No." Kiara pulled her back into a hug, despite her pretending like she didn't need it, "Listen. I love you."

June finally let it go, squeezing her tightly as she let her comfort her, nodding into her chest. "I understand. It's okay to move on. I can't ask you to spend your life chasing doing this shit." Kiara comforted, hitching at her own words, "I'll see you. Okay?"

"Kay," June nodded pulling back as she leaned her head down, letting her place a kiss on top of her head.  "Goodbye, Kie." June pushed away, walking backwards before she finally turned around.

"Goodbye, June."

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