𝐱𝐱. you can't kill a pogue

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   "GRIEF WAS the main topic in the state of North Carolina, OuterBanks. Sheriff Peterkin was pronounced dead and was supposedly shot by John Booker Routledge who was now one of the most wanted people on the island.

Not only that, but he was rumored to be responsible of the attempted murder of June Luciana Quinn, which she denied the false accusations and we are currently waiting for her statement," quickly the radio was shut off, the News ladies voice being silenced almost immediately.

Pope sighed at June's blank face, walking towards her with a glass of water, "Here. How's your um, hip?"

"I dunno. It's fine, I guess. Still can't really feel it." June told him, trying to give a light smile which she failed effortlessly. "Okay. Kiara's got your book bag."

June let her face drop at the sight of her pink book bag with her pretty stickers attached. This would be the first school year without Sarah.

Sarah and John B Routledge went missing at sea while June was in surgery that same night. And somehow only one of the three survive. Unfortunately, it was June. She couldn't bare to go to school without her right hand girl and the thought was heart wrenching.

"Come on," Kiara held her hand out, waiting for her to grab it. June hesitated before noticing the bracelet that Kiara was still wearing after all this time. June shook her head, grabbing it as she pulled her up.

"Take it easy." JJ said, snatching the flask out her hand after barely a gulp, "I'm not a glass doll, JJ," June snatched it back as Kiara parked the car, jugging half of it. "Chill out."

There June was, looking at the car that wasn't hers as she walked onto the school grounds. Memories flooded her mind of the first day of freshman year,

"This year is going to be our best year yet, JuJu." Sarah smiled, hopping out of the passengers seat, "Right? I mean, of course we're doing it together right?" The blonde girl looked at her with serious eyes, "Come on. You can't get rid of me that easy."

June giggled as she took her hand—

June sighed as Kiara reached her hand out.

Kiara nodded for her to take it and when she did, the curly haired girl rubbed circles around her hand. Though, that didn't help as nerves hit her body, watching the eyes that looked at her like she was a ghost. "Is that the dead girl?" One of them chuckled, but Kiara only pulled her closer,

June stopped at the sight of the memorial on the stone that covered the schools rightful name, the names of Sarah Cameron and John B were placed over it.

She closed her eyes in anger and there she stood, in her black skirt and JJ's graphic T shirt, she couldn't help but want to cry. Her best friend was suppose to be here hand in hand with her. Her absence was making this harder than it had to be.

And John B grew up with June. Their parents grew up as best friends and it was their turn. But, somehow both of their parents ended up dead. Along with JB.

"I feel like people are staring at us." Kiara stated the obvious. "Well, besides being the towns latest shit shows, I doubt it, Kie." June sarcastically shrugged.

"Guys, I can't be late." Pope began to walk away, which made Kie follow, "Hey! Hey, we gotta stick together." June closed her eyes as she grabbed JJ's arm, pulling him with Kiara and Pope.

But as the pogues walked June couldn't help but notice the closeness of Kiara and Pope. Hand in hand they walked as they sent each other occasional glances. It made her stomach turn as she stared in confusion.

"This is us?" Pope nodded, walking into the classroom. June tried to ignore the stares as she sat in her usual seat, giving the teacher a small smile.

Her leg bounced as the teacher's hand aggressively wrote against the chalk board. As he did it more and more the sound became unbearably remember as the sounds of Ward's airplane. It all connected.

Her blood pumped in her ears as her leg moved faster. June's pencil broke in a swift motion making Kiara's head turn her way quickly, not ignoring the panicked expression.

A hand slid on her knee, her thumb rubbing in a calm expression as she gave her a warm smile. June nodded, her heart rate slowly dropping. But, the moment was ruined when Kiara, Pope and June's phone went off.

"Whose phone was that? Nobody? You will be tested. Now to recap, who was Diocletian?" June reached towards her phone as she opened the message, careful to not make it to obvious.

"Did you get it?" Kiara whispered, "Yeah."

JJ crawled over to them as they all held their phones together, staring in confusion. "Oh my god." June felt her heart pound in her chest as looked at the two.

Sarah And John B.

"Outside. Outside now," June tapped JJ's shoulder as he nodded, "Yep."

"Excuse us, Sir! Family emergencies!" June said as she ran out the classroom, the three following her like lost puppies, "Sorry!"

June laughed as JJ fell, continuing to run in her white converse, "Get up! Can't take you no where."

"Where do you think you're going?" The teacher cursed, "Come on! Come on!"

"I mean, is that even possible?" Kiara rushed out the door, "I mean Shoupe said that they didn't make it. He said that!"

"Okay, but I think we're overreacting, cause we can't rule out the possibility that this could all be some kind of weird, cruel hoax." Pope said, "Who would take some bullshit time out of their day to do that though?"

"I'm just gonna ask." Kiara shrugged, taking a seat next to June, "What if it's not real?"

"Then we make a plan. A really good plan." June told him. Silence was brought open them as they all typed, "Did he respond?"

"He's typing."

Is JJ there? June looked at the boy who typed on his phone with shaky fingers. Im here, Bree.

Did you pimp my short board?

Her heart practically warmed at the words as she could basically hear the words fall out of her mouth. "Oh my god. It's them."

June let out a sappy giggle, rushing to hug Pope who quickly wrapped his arms around her. "Holy shit."

As they pulled back, Kiara stared at her with happy eyes, making her feel like her body was floating away from her as she opened her arms to hug the girl. Kiara took in the scent of vanilla and coconut perfume as she squeezed her body, letting her go quickly, "Yeah!" JJ cheered.

June was basically jumping up and down, not being able to control her happiness of getting her best friend back as she once again pulled Kiara in for a hug, making her laugh effortlessly.

"Laying Super low in Nassau." Kiara read, furrowing her eyebrows, "How the hell did they get to the Bahamas?"

"You can't kill a pogue, dude." JJ looked at June, referring to her shot, then to his phone. "Hell yeah, we'll clear your name boy."June smiled, looking at the curly haired girl infront of her.

"Pogues for life."

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