August 5th, 2019

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Dear Iris, 

It's been a long journey, hasn't it? Six years since we first met and five since we've become genuine friends. Whenever I look back on it, I could never fathom on how our bond has managed to withstand both the test of time and the rollercoaster-like chaos known as teenagehood. With the madness that has transpired between us in these six long years; anyone would have the right to assume that our friendship was doomed from the beginning.

Til this day, I still remember the day I first met you along with the rest of the class. I was a new student, transferring in from a different elementary school - one of which I've only stayed at for a mere two weeks after moving from across the Pacific Ocean. I was nervous, to say the least. I distinctly remember that I was dressed in a grey lace dress and wore my hair in a set of low pigtails - an outfit I had saved for days leading up to my first day at the new school. 

You were among the first group of people I got to know in our class. But it wasn't as if we didn't have much of a choice; especially when we were only five girls amongst our grade in that massive split class. Now that I think back on it, I was quite bothersome as an eleven-year-old, wasn't I? Often annoying you with the hugs you ever-so 'courteously' avoided - a habit I picked up after Frozen's smash debt in the late fall of 2013. However, other than that, I do not seem to recall any special memories between us. As during the rest of the school year, I spent my time hanging around Melissa, a girl you had actively warned me to avoid due to her... two-faced tendencies. 

Our very first breakthrough, I remember came when we went on an exclusive volunteer's field trip together. We went to watch 'How to Train Your Dragon 2' in theatres with the team - a movie which remains one of my favourites til this day, might I add. On our way home, you had gotten into a fight with your then best friend, Diane over the seating arrangements in the movie theatre, so you instead chose to sit with me. I will admit, I was quite giddy when you decided to join me on the ride home; because at the time, I was dealing with my own fallout from Melissa's doings and desperately needed someone to rely on. We soon became fast friends that summer, calling every night for hours on end, meeting at the local park to simply hang out for the day, and even venturing out of our neighbourhood to a nearby mall for the first time without parent supervision. I treasure those memories, even today. 

Hey Iris, do you remember sitting on the stone bench at the back of our elementary school during recess and just... talking? I certainly do. Those recesses are ones of the few things I looked forward to during those long boring lectures in class. It was peaceful. But I guess the phrase 'calm before the storm', doesn't exist without a reason. Because soon, we found ourselves roped into argument after argument. Though I admit, the fault partially lies within me as well. At the time, I found myself extremely jealous of your newly rekindled friendship with Diane. I just couldn't fathom why you would make the choice to return to her, especially when you and she did not maintain a particularly healthy friendship throughout the years. 

Seventh grade was an absolute madness of a year. We were sent to the principle's office many times along with a few other girls due to our repeated kerfuffles; we essentially dragged our entire class into our dramatics and theatrics; and at one point, we were even sent to the police thanks to what the principal called 'inappropriate internet use'. 

The next time we spoke was at the beginning of eighth grade when you reached out to warn me about my then best friend, Adelyn's... interesting conversations behind my back. I was honestly so surprised when you did that for me. We weren't exactly... on the best terms at that point in time, yet you still managed to find it within yourself to reach out to me and give an earnest warning and provide advice on the situation. For that, I am truly grateful. 

Eighth grade was a rough year, for me in particular. Unlike you and the other girls, I never really got a fresh start even after moving onto high school thanks to our classmates needlessly spreading twisted rumours of events in the past, despite knowing nothing of what truly transpired. Yet you remained by my side the entire time, offering support that I truly needed. But I simply remember refusing that much-needed help, all because I didn't want to rope you into the mess I had found myself sunken into. 

After that, I transferred schools. But our friendship continued, despite our differences. We had even managed to add another person into our little tight-knit group - Callie, creating an official trio. While I went through another round of bullying and ostracization at my new school, you and Callie became my secret support system that somehow held me together through another tough year of school.

One of my fondest memories of you, was when I was to travel to another city all by myself so I could meet up with my group before studying abroad in Japan. I distinctly remember calling you at 2 a.m. as I sat awkwardly in the waiting area before my gate, anxiously mumbling to you about how I hoped my bad sense of directions hadn't somehow found myself in front of the wrong gate. Your last text to me before the flight, however, was enough to make me crackle despite the nervousness that was eating away at my stomach. 

"Don't die."

Then, throughout those 4 hours before I landed on the other side of the country. You waited for me. You waited until 6 a.m. in the morning until I landed and immediately called you to tell you about the strange old man that sat next to me, staring as I watched 'The Kissing Booth'. It was when I noticed how tired you sounded, that it hit me how much you truly cared for me, despite your lack of verbal expressions gestures. 

But ten months ago, our 'perfect' friendship suddenly broke down and many underlying turmoils were blown wide open as we both crumbled under pressure. Thinking back on it, we were such foolish children, weren't we? I was too stubborn, and you were too prideful. If we had simply found it within ourselves, to be honest, maybe things wouldn't have ever turned out the way that did and maybe... Callie would still be close with us today. 

And so for eight months, the days passed. But Iris, let me reassure you of one thing. I never hated you throughout those times. Unlike Melissa, Adelyn and many others, you never actively sought out to hurt me. We were simply friends who drifted apart during a difficult period in our lives. But if I saw you somehow, on the street, at the mall, at the park, I promised myself that I would greet you with the warmest smile I had. 

But to my surprise, you were the once again the first to reach out to me. On the day of my birthday, a month ago. Could you imagine the surprised, wide-eyed expression I had when I saw that birthday wishes from you? I was absolutely baffled but immediately jumped on the opportunity to do something other than lounge around and brainstorm plot-points on my birthday. 

As I nervously waited for you at Starbucks, I remember wondering about how I should act. After all, I don't feel as if I had matured in those months we were apart. But the moment I heard you call out to me through the blasting music of my earbuds, I felt myself slip back into how things used to be between us. Our friendship picked up right where it had left off, without any grudges, qualms, or awkwardness. 

Iris, words truly cannot describe just how important you are to me - which is why I chose to write this letter instead, as writing has become an easier way for me to express what I mean. You have somehow created a huge impact on my life, one that I would've never seen coming when we first met six years ago as I stood at the front of the class giving my bubbly self-introduction. In fact, it wasn't for you, I probably would've never even discovered my interest in writing, and my life today would've been drastically different. 

Today, you are turning seventeen. So to my dearest friend Iris, please allow me to wish you a happy birthday, and hope that this year will be filled with joy, fortune, and many other good things to come. Let's continue being just the way we are, with me constantly taking the wrong bus to my destination, accidentally eating jalapeños along with our bean sprouts and buying the wrong milk tea; while you can continue putting honey into cold coffee, dragging me across 30-minute long highway bridges while accidentally accuse my cousin of being homeless. 



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