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β€” # WARNING: this chapter contains heavy manga spoilers

also if you see any mistakes...no you don't

For weeks, the central hospital released numerous war heroes who had been injured. The scars etched on their bodies were reminders of the end of an era. The weight of oppression lifted, opening a brighter look for the future. As homes were rebuilt and families were reunited, lives were transformed for the better. Many described this experience as nothing less than a miraculous event. However, amidst everything happening, there was a family whose lives were on the brink of being completely changed.

The parents, their faces filled with hope, took their seats on either side of their son's hospital bed, eagerly awaiting the promising results they had been waiting for days. The mother held onto her son's shoulder while the father held onto the other. Katsuki, on the other hand, was ready to leave this place and make good on his challenge to his rival, Izuku.

"I guess...I thought we'd be competing, and I'd be on your heels...for the rest of our lives,"

"Right, so I have some clothes for you to change into after your discharge...some socks and your shoes," Mitsuki listed, laying out Katsuki's outfit on top of his legs. Just some casual clothing, a shirt and some pants.

"I need help with my arm," Katsuki mentions, nodding towards his right arm resting in a sling.

"I'll help you out with that, Katsuki," Masaru offers, helping his wife.

"Do you want to get something to eat before we drop you off at dorms?" Asked Mitsuki.

Turning his gaze away to evade the teasing glare that followed, Katsuki clarified, "No, the idiots told me not to eat before I get back," emphasizing his annoyance. Katsuki was completely clueless about the surprise his classmates had planned for him, as they had managed to keep it a secret. He didn't care about the secrecy, nor did he mind keeping it hidden.

In no rush, the door to his hospital room slides open and standing in the frame is the doctor assigned to Katsuki. He held a clipboard in his hands, the discharge papers neatly clipped onto it, ready to be signed and filed. Mitsuki and Masaru bowed respectfully, thanking the doctor for visiting them on such short notice. The man returned the gesture with a warm smile.

"Katsuki, how are you feeling today?" Asked the doctor.

"I'm feeling okay. I guess I'm ready to get out of here," he answered quickly and without hesitation.

"His classmates are waiting for him to come home," Mitsuki added in a teasing tone of voice.

"That's good, but first things firstβ€”" The doctor cuts himself off, finding an empty chair sitting idly by and pulls to sit by the end of the bed. "I have some news,"


The doctor appeared kind, but his face showed a mix of professional detachment and concern. "Katsuki," he started, his voice heavy with the weight of words that no adolescent should ever have to listen to, "the tests came back. I'm afraid there's no easy way to say this butβ€”"

"The fibres sewn in by your mentors are slowly deterioratingβ€”"

The constant ringing in Katsuki's ears grows louder, making it nearly impossible for him to catch what the doctor is saying. He shook away the sensation of something rattling in his head, trying to ignore it, and barely heard the last part.

"β€”I'm sorry, but you only have a year-maybe less left to live at best."

As Katsuki's chest clenches tightly, the blonde's wide crimson eyes remain locked on the ruffles of his hospital gown, while the voices of his parents fade into nothing. A thick, palpable sense of disbelief fills the room, hanging in the air and clinging to Katsuki. He struggles to comprehend the words he had just heard from the doctor.

In a desperate search for solace, his mind races, consumed by the overwhelming darkness of denial. He considers the possibility that the doctor made a mistake. Maybe there is another explanation, some elusive detail that he missed when the doctor announced the news. Confusion fills his mind, causing him to wonder, question, and desperately search for any potential explanation that could prove what he heard to be untrue.

"Unfortunately, there is no way to repair the damage done to Katsuki's heart. Edgeshot's sacrifice only delayed the inevitable," the doctor further explained to the family. "I suggest you spend the rest of today to go over your options,"

But deep down, Katsuki knows that he cannot evade the harsh reality of his death. The doctor's words linger in his ears, playing on repeat like a faulty record. His heart thunders in his chest, each beat echoing with a bittersweet reminder. With the news weighing on him, the room feels almost claustrophobic, the walls seemingly shrinking around him. After all, he considered himself unlucky. How could this be happening? How could fate be so cruel? He thought to himself.

"Surely a heart transplant or something that could save him? He's only 17...a child!" His father protested, fighting the tears staining his glasses. "Please, sir, anything-"

"Isn't there an advanced healing quirk out there that can help? I-i-" His mother continued, standing up from her seat, then kneeling before the man's feet and wept. "I can't lose my son-my baby again,"

The doctor, despite the couple's frantic pleas and their child's watchful eyes on the floor, he apologised once more, sincerely stating, "I'm so sorry." Katsuki cannot allow himself to freak out and put more stress on his heart.

Silence. As the Bakugou family travelled through the streets and highways, the only sound filling the car was the radio playing softly. From the window, Katsuki watched as pedestrians went about their lives, their laughter and conversations filling the air with a sense of joy and freedom. It's hard to believe that he won't be around long enough to experience it as an adult and as a pro-hero.

Brushing his left thumb along his right hand, Katsuki's ears picked up his mother, sniffling in the passenger seat. Tilting his head, he peered out the window, catching a view of Mitsuki's face in the wing mirror. Her eyes are hidden by her hand. As for his father, Katsuki sees him keeping his attention on the road in front of him, his hands moving along the steering wheel. Katsuki is shocked by how well Masaru has managed to keep it together. If Katsuki wasn't so gloomy, he would've laughed.

Arriving at UA, Katsuki stood facing the Height Alliance dormitory. He waited until both of his parents walked up to his side. Mitsuki was the first to act, taking Katsuki into her arms but being careful with his arm. Masaru stays out of the way, smiling at their interaction.

"We'll talk more about this tomorrow, okay?" Mitsuki insisted, rubbing her hand along his head.

"It's Monday tomorrow, I have class," Katsuki pointed out, moving his head off of Mitsuki's shoulder.

This surprised Mitsuki, she stammers. "Y-you're still injured, Katsuki. It's too early for you to go back to school?"

"I'll be fine! I got permission from the doctor just as long as I don't put stress on my heart." Katsuki debates.

"That's not good enough. Those doctors are crazy for allowing this to happen. Maybe you should just come home, take a break for a while."

"No. I've made too much progress to risk losing it all over a break. I won't let anything stop me from becoming the number one hero-even if I'm not around to see it from happening," Katsuki tells her, unbothered by her concern. Parting from the hug, Katsuki looks over both his parents, then says. "I'll let you know my decision after school,"

"Oh, your decision? Katsuki, there is no decision that needs to be made. Finding a way to save your heart should be your top priority right now, not this childish dream," Mitsuki suggested, her brows bending. Before she could carry on, Marasu stop hers and clears his throat.

"Dear-" Masaru buts in, grabbing his wife by the shoulder. "This is not the place to start an argument. Let's give Katsuki some time to process this and then we'll talk."

After sharing a glance between Masaru and Katsuki, Mitsuki agreed before retreating to the car. She hops into the passenger's seat, leaving the two standing on the sidewalk.

"Thanks, old man," Katsuki spoke up, looking up at Masaru.

Masaru smiles, patting Katsuki's shoulders. "Take care of yourself until we see each other again, and I promise to have a talk with your mother so that we don't have a repeat."

"I didn't mean to sound like a smart ass,"

"I know, Katsuki, but she's right for worrying. This year has been tough on all of us-especially your mother," Masaru explains.

"Yeah, yeah, I know...you don't have to remind me of that," Katsuki muttered. Sighing, he turns on his heel, ready to leave. "I should go."


Looking over his shoulder, Katsuki raises a brow. "What is it now-"

"Don't suffer alone." Masaru cuts him off. This confuses Katsuki, his eyes pretty much asking him to continue. Masaru inhales. "Talk to someone, your friends, your teachers, even Izuku. Remember, you're not alone in this. There are people who genuinely care about you and want to help. They can provide a listening ear, offer guidance, or simply be a comforting presence. Don't hesitate to reach out to them."

Masaru exhales dramatically, hoping his words encourage Katsuki rather than pressure him. Katsuki didn't reply after a long dread of silence. Instead, he continued down the path towards the dormitory. As he walked, he waved his hand and without sparing a single glance; he says. "See you later, dad."

"Oh no, it's happening...it's been so long since I heard him say 'dad'," Masaru's bottom lip starts to quiver as tears stream down his face without any sign of stopping. He waves back, sniffling. "Goodbye, son!"

Katsuki chuckles softly as he makes his way up a small flight of steps, eventually arriving at the doors. He paused for a moment, then instinctively placed his hand on his chest, feeling the steady rise and fall of his breath. Lost in his train of thought, the door suddenly swings open, revealing a group of his classmates. Standing in his way was Kaminari, Sero, and finally Kirishima, gasping.

"Bakugou!" they screamed, alerting the others inside. The three boys were running towards him, tears flying and arms spread.

"Idiots! Don't come any closer!" He yelled. As the group was about to pounce on him, Iida comes to the rescue by sliding in front of them, protecting him from being injured all over again. It took one recipro burst to separate them.

"Take it easy, you three! Bakugou is still injured." He reminded them, chopping his arm in the arm. "Congrats on your discharge, Bakugou. It's good to have you back."

"Thanks, class pres," The blonde enters the dorms, kicking off his shoes and replacing them with slippers. It's then his other classmates come into the frame, greeting him with party poppers. Streamers shot over his head, covering his hair in confetti, and on cue, a banner made by Yaoyorozu rolled out with the words "Welcome back Bakugou!!" in bold lettering.

"Welcome back Bakugou!" They all shout, their faces holding the biggest smile that could potentially rival All Might's. Startled by the crowd, Katsuki's eyes scanned the room, taking in the bustling crowd and the tantalizing spread of food on the table. At the same time, his stomach grumbled loudly, tempted by the mouthwatering scent of the food.

Approaching from his side, a familiar voice screams near his left ear before he could intercept. "Kacchan!"

"My ear!" As his ear rang, Katsuki screamed in pain and frustration.

Izuku jumped, quickly apologising. "Oops, I'm so sorry, Kacchan,"

"How are you out before me, Izuku??" Asked Katsuki, holding onto his ear acting like it was about to fall off.

"I was discharged after I recovered from my surgery...I guess my injuries were not bad compared to yours," Izuku explained, showing off the scars on his arms and face. Katsuki's eyes were fixated on the scars that adorned Izuku's body, his mind racing to find the right words.

"There are so many...his arms, his hair...hell, even his freckles are ruined too," he thought to himself, head shaking at the sight. Completely engrossed in his thoughts, he failed to realise that there were eyes locked on him, studying Izuku's scarsβ€”not that Izuku noticed, though.

"Kacchan...kacchan? You okay?" Izuku asked Katsuki, waving his hand in front of his face.

Katsuki snaps out of it and sputters, looking away. "I-I'm fine, shitty nerd!"

Out of nowhere, a loud rumble erupted, its echoes capturing everyone's gaze and directing it towards Bakugou's stomach. Once the rumbling ceased, Katsuki stood there holding onto his stomach, urging them to look someplace else, causing a fit of laughter from a few even Izuku. If Katsuki hadn't been injured, the dorms would have been in danger of being obliterated by his explosions.

"How does one prepare for their death?" An influencer reads a follower's question. "Well, it depends on the person, really. Some like to be surrounded by their family and others like to do stuff like getting their affairs in order, just for an example."

The influencer continues answering the question. "Some can choose to go about it negatively or deny it almost entirely until it's too late. So to answer your question, there is no way to prepare for your death. Death comes at you unexpectedly whether you like it or not,"

"Skip." Katsuki swipes his finger across his phone screen.

"Hey guys! Welcome back to my channel!"

"Boring!" He swipes again.

As time quickly passes, the sky darkens and nighttime rolls over. Katsuki remained glued to his desk chair for hours, fixated on his phone screen, mindlessly scrolling through videos. Plugged in his ear are his earphones so he can listen to people documenting their experiences fighting a life-threatening illness. He had listened to them as they cried, prayed, spread messages of hope, and even threw fits. After he took the time to listen to everything thoroughly, he realised that there was a common thread running through most of the videos he had watched so far. They all survived.

Katsuki, to be honest, had very little belief in the concept of hope. For the majority of his life, unless All Might has been involved in some way, it has remained that way. In that moment, he felt a wave of weakness wash over him, leaving him uncertain and at a loss for what to do next. He felt weighed down by the burden of knowing his fate and how it would be met. Katsuki cannot afford to show any weaknesses. After the last video, Katsuki rounded a tally in his notebook before crossing out the page.

"Finding a way to save your heart should be your top priority right now, not this childish dream,"

In a moment of frustration, Katsuki dropped his phone onto his desk, tore his thin notebook in half and let out an aggravated grumble before he covered his face with his hands. "Fuck!"

"Why me? Why the fuck is this happening to me again??"

Regrettably, he was unaware that his curse could be heard from outside his room. Katsuki jumped when he heard someone knocking on his door. Snapping his head towards the door, someone speaks. "Kacchan, is everything alright? Can I come in?"

The blonde let out a tired sigh, sinking into the comfort of his chair. "It's open,"

Swing the door, Izuku strolls into the door. "Sorry for intruding, Kacchan,"

Katsuki shakes his head. "What is it, Izuku?"

"I came here just to see how you're doing, that all." Izuku explains.

"You shouldn't have to, I'm fine," He lied.

Unfortunately for him, Izuku didn't back away. He looks at him with concern, his eyes searching his face. "Are you sure? You don't seem fine."

Katsuki forced a calm expression, attempting to hide the pain that lingered in his chest. "Honestly, I'm just tired. It's been a long day."

Despite his doubts, Izuku's intuition warned him that something was not right. Sitting on Katsuki's bed, Izuku states. "You can talk to me, you know that, right Kacchan? I'm here for you."

It finally hit Katsuki, and he let out a sigh, realizing he couldn't continue pretending. "Alright, maybe I'm not fine, I guess."

Izuku's expression softens and a small smile grows on his lips. "It's fine, Kacchan. We all have our moments. Tell me about it. I don't mind listening."

"Fuck! Why did I fucking say that??" Katsuki screams internally, hurriedly thinking of a clever lie to fool Izuku. Incidentally, his mother comes to mind. Quickly, Katsuki spits out a lie. "Me and the old hag...got into an argument,"

"Oh. Are you guys okay? What happened?" Asked Izuku, genuinely convinced by Katsuki's lie.

"Yeah, we're good for now, I think...I don't know?" Katsuki continues the lie. "She wanted me to stay out of UA and come back home for a break. I told her no way in hell I was doing that and that's it. She didn't look at me after that,"

"Auntie is worried about you, Kacchan. All moms do that. My mom is like that too, but you already know that," Izuku mentions, laughing nervously at the last part.

"Yeah, who could forget?"

Izuku hums. "I think you should apologise to her, Kacchan. I'm sure you know how much pain you've put her through the past year. It should ease her worries a bit,"

"Yeah yeah, I know, idiot. But until I reach my goal, she has no right to suggest I leave my goal unfinished,"

"Right. And you promised to keep chasing after me for the rest of our lives. It would be a shame if I surpassed you." Izuku claims, refusing to hold in his laughter.

Amusingly, Katsuki scoffs in response. "You think I'd actually let that happen? No way, you damn nerd."

A joyful smile spreads across Izuku's face, and his laughter rings out, contagious and full of happiness. Katsuki's eyes were locked onto him, unable to look away. It's been so long since he's heard him laugh like this.

Suddenly, an idea comes to mind.

I'm not to going into full detail on the prologue lmao. I plan on build the story up with each chapter. My goal is make people cry goddamn it!! 😈

btw do you like the banners? I think they're so cute

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