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"Now that I think about it," Amane's eyes flickered upwards. "After that TV drama aired, I started getting super busy."

"I remember," Kei continued to look through the page labeled 'sixteen-years-old.' "And I can tell, based on how many more pictures this spread has."

From movie posters to perfume advertisements, photos of Amane's achievements continued to be plastered on the album pockets that came after her birthday. And judging by how heavy the 'seventeen years old' page was, it didn't seem to slow down.

"I think that's when people stopped asking for STAR*CATCHER as a group and started requesting me personally," Amane's awkward laugh echoed through her bedroom. "Balancing all those on top of lessons and school work was a huge chore."

"I don't understand why you didn't take a hiatus from school," Kei glanced at her. "You always had the choice to."

"Getting an education is important!" Amane was quick to respond. "I wanted to go to the same school as you and Tadashi and graduate in the same year also. And plus," she paused a little. "Going to school was like the only thing that kept me sane at the time."

Kei raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, my days were always jam-packed with rehearsals and stuff to do with my idol activities. And even though I got to travel all over Japan, I only really got to see the places I visited through the train station or the venues we'd perform at. I couldn't even hang out with my friends in public 'cause if I got caught with some guy, it'd ruin my reputation," she grabbed her star-shaped pillow from the side and hugged it close to her chest. "It's an idol's job to sell a dream, but it felt like I was living a dream but also not really at the same time."

"The price of fame, I guess," Kei hummed as he skimmed through the photos.

"Which is why," still holding onto the star-shaped pillow, Amane leaned against Kei's arm and tapped the last picture on the page. "Whenever I had time, I'd make an effort to do whatever the hell I want."

Under Amane's index finger was a selfie of the two of them at an amusement park, taken when they were both seventeen years old. Amane held the camera with one hand, while the other firmly grasped Kei's hand, proudly displayed at the center of the photo. Despite the mask and cap hiding a majority of her face, she was very obviously smiling. Kei, on the other hand, seemed a lot less pleased. He wore a deadpan expression pointed towards the brown-haired girl beside him, but the faint dust of pink on his cheeks was hard to miss.

Kei smiled a little.

It was September, only a week or two until his seventeenth birthday. On that early afternoon, Kei sat with his back against his bed and his nose buried in the latest edition of the 'Volleyball Monthly' magazine. He had just eaten lunch and had plans to practice with Akiteru's team later in the evening. So for now, he figured he'd just sit back and relax. Maybe watch some videos, maybe study a little.

As he turned over an advertisement page, Kei heard a small knock echo through his room.

He looked up, though he wasn't quite sure where the sound originated from. As far as he knew, he was the only one at home at the moment. His parents were out grocery shopping while Akiteru was catching up with his old high school friends.

Kei held still, trying to listen only for the room to remain dead silent. Just when he thought he might've misheard and was about to turn back to his magazine, he heard it again. This time he was sure. It was coming from the window.

Who would be-

Suddenly, Kei remembered a similar scenario that took place during his childhood. Tossing the magazine to the side, he hurried over to the window to check, mentally praying it wasn't who he thought he was.

But of course, there she was. Hoshizawa Amane stood outside his window, wearing a black cap and her long brown hair in a ponytail. She waved happily once she spotted him.

"Are you crazy?!" He shouted as soon as he slammed his window open. "What the hell are you doing?!"

"Ah, you said the same thing again," she blinked.

"Are you stupid? Daft?" Ignoring her comment, Kei continued. "Why are you standing on my roof in broad daylight when there is a perfectly good door you can use?!"

Unfazed by Kei's scolding, Amane leaned against his window sill. "Well, I thought the roof would be more exciting," she said. "Kinda gives you a Romeo & Juliet, secret rendezvous vibe, you know?"

"No, I don't. I will never understand the thought process of a moron."

"Ah, wait. But does that make me the Romeo of the story?" Amane cupped her cheek. "I guess it does since I'm the one climbing the roof."

"More like a trespasser," Kei rolled his eyes. She wasn't listening. "Also that iconic scene from Romeo and Juliet was on a balcony, not a roof."

"Same thing."

"It's-! You know what? Forget it," he muttered under his breath as he turned away from her. He forgot neither sarcasm nor logic applied to Hoshizawa Amane. She'd either completely brush him off or somehow out-smug him. It was too much time and energy to even bother trying.

"Just... What do you want?"

"I happen to have the day off today," Amane said, pushing back her cap a little and revealing her bangs. "So I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere together?"

He wondered how many people would kill for this opportunity. To have one of the top idols in the nation standing outside their window with a wave and a smile, ready to whisk them away on what he could only assume to be a whirlwind of an adventure.

But Kei had grown up with this girl, so he was having none of it.

"I'm busy," he grabbed the magazine off the ground and plopped back down into his original spot beside the bed. "Go by yourself."

"Come on, Kei," Amane pouted as she climbed through his window, landing on the floor with a soft thump. "What are you doing right now?"


"That doesn't sound busy to me," she raised an eyebrow.

"I have practice with my brother's team later," Kei added without looking up at her.

"Oh," Amane crouched down just a few feet in front of him, and Kei could smell the sweet, sugary scent of the shampoo she used.

"And what time is that?" She asked.

"7 o'clock."

"Really now?" Suddenly, Kei really regretted answering honestly. He should've lied and said something sooner. Because by the time he looked up, Amane had fished out her phone from her pocket and checked the time.

"Looks like you have plenty of time then," she flipped her phone around to show him the screen. A cheeky grin played at her lips as 12: 51 p.m. shone brightly in his face, printed over a cartoon mascot background.

Kei sighed. He knew he wasn't going to win this, not when Amane had that playful look on her face. "Fine," he relented, closing his magazine and tossing it on the bed. "But I want to be home by six-thirty at the latest."

Amane clapped her hands together. "Yay!" She cheered. "I knew you'd come around!"

"What do you want to do?" Kei asked as he stood and quickly grabbed a jacket from his closet.

Amane stood up as well. "Don't worry," she reached into her crossbody bag to pull out two very colorful tickets. "I already have that covered," she held the two pieces of paper over her mouth with an enigmatic smile.

Kei silently cursed himself for giving in so easily.

"Benyland? Are you serious?"

Kei deadpanned at the entrance to his childhood amusement park - Yagiyama Benyland. It's an old amusement park, but one that both of their parents had often brought them to as children. Thinking back on it though, it wasn't a very appealing place. The rides looked outdated with old paint jobs and terrifying smiles, ones that probably haunted his childhood nightmares. It was a wonder the place managed to stay open over the years.

"Of course," Amane gave him a thumbs up. She was now wearing a mask along with her cap, though Kei could still tell she was way too excited to be there.

"What are you? A kid?" Kei shot her a smug look, watching as her ponytail bounced with every skip to her step.

"Well, it's not like we have many options," Amane peered over her shoulder. "You need to be home by six-thirty. So going to another prefecture is outta the question. I don't wanna be recognized, so anywhere too crowded is also a big no-no. And who knows," she gestured towards the sign. "They might have added some new rides since we last came here."

"I highly doubt it," Kei said as he took his ticket from Amane and followed her toward the ticket booth. The memories of long lines, overpriced snacks, and rides that were either too tame or too terrifying flooded back to him. He was never too fond of amusement parks, but he couldn't deny the nostalgic feeling of being back.

After exchanging their tickets for wristbands, Amane led the way into the amusement park. Kei couldn't help but notice how rundown everything looked. The paint on the rides was chipping, the mascots look faded and worn out, and even the food stalls looked like they haven't been renovated in years. The magic was gone, and all he could see were the flaws and the wear and tear this place has endured over the years.

But even just slightly, he could still see it. The faint lingering images of them as kids running around together. He remembered they came here once for Ririka's tenth birthday. She hadn't moved away yet at that point, and they spent all day riding the roller coasters and eating cotton candy.

"By the way," Kei said, his golden-brown eyes glued to the large sign on the side of the ferris wheel that read 'Benyland.' "Why didn't you invite Yamaguchi? I'm sure he'd appreciate this nostalgia trip more than I would."

"I did," Amane's eyes flickered upwards. "I gave him a call this morning, but he said he had to go run errands with his mom."

"So you decided to harass me instead?" Kei said flatly.

"Nope," Amane shook her head. "Too bad for you, Kei. I was always gonna come harass you. We just have a ticket that's gone to waste, that's all."

"Well, lucky me," Kei rolled his eyes.

"Oh, don't be so grumpy," Amane poked at his cheek. "Just think of this as a date."

Kei felt his heart stop at Amane's words. But before he could react, she then grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers. He saw her eyes crinkle behind the visor of her cap, she was grinning.

"Come on, Kei," her voice was teasing yet tempting. But Kei swore he could see a tinge of pink flush the tips of her ears.

Kei felt a lump form at the back of his throat, and he tried his best to swallow it to no avail. "Fine," he averted his gaze. He could feel the heat creeping up his cheeks and he prayed she couldn't see it.

"Let's go ride that one," she pointed towards a rickety-looking roller coaster that seemed to be in desperate need of repairs.

Kei looked at the ride and instantly all of his nerves vanished. Another batch of riders were just coming back into the station, and he could hear the creaky carts rattling along the rusty track.

"Really?" He asked, incredulous. "That looks dangerous."

"That's the fun part!" Amane replied, completely unbothered by the horrendous sounds the ride was making. Rather, her bright blue eyes were gleaming with excitement. "Come on! It'll be fun!"

And so, Kei soon found himself strapped into the cart beside Amane, slowly climbing up the first hill of the course.

"I'm excited," Amane said as she held onto the bar in front of her. "This ride used to scare the crap out of me when we were kids."

As the cart plummeted down the steep drop, Kei felt his stomach fly to his chest. The wind rushed past him as they whipped around sharp turns and looped upside down. Amane looked like she was having the time of her life. Holding her arms over her head, she screamed and cheered with every thrilling direction the ride took. And when the ride finally came to a stop, even Kei couldn't help but laugh at how exhilarating the experience had been.

"Hey, Kei. Isn't this haunted house a bit..."

"Yeah, I know."

The two of them walked through the amusement park's only haunted house. And judging by the interior, it doesn't seem like they've changed a single thing since the last time they came. The same fake spiders and cobwebs decorated the dimly lit corridors, while staff dressed as ghosts would occasionally jump out at the two of them at the same spots they remembered.

Once they emerged at the end of their adventure, Amane couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter.

"I can't believe we used to be scared of that!"

"Speak for yourself," Kei shot her a jeering look. "I was never afraid of that place."

"Oh? Really now?" Amane leaned towards him. "That's not how I remember it."

"Then you're remembering wrong," Kei said flatly. "Where do you want to go next?"

Amane tapped the side of her chin as she observed her surroundings. "What about the pirate ship?" She said, pointing at the ride just beyond the merry-go-round. "We have about an hour left. So after that let's head to the ice cream parlor over there for a break, then we can finish off our afternoon with the ferris wheel."

Kei peered up at the large ferris wheel towering over the rest of the amusement park. He shrugged. "Why not?"

He was about to take a step towards their next destination when Amane suddenly grabbed his hand once more. His eyes widened.

"You're my date, remember?" She beamed as she held their connected hands up for him to see. "You let go when we were in the haunted house, but I'm not letting you get away that easily!"

Kei pressed his lips together as he felt her squeeze his hand tightly.

God, she was going to be the death of him.

"Ahh, I had so much fun," Amane hummed as she hopped off the bus. She then took a quick peek at her phone. "And look," she turned to show Kei the screen. "It's only 6:23! A five-minute walk and you'll be home just in time for practice with Aki-nii," she puffed out her chest. "I told you we'd be fine."

"Uh-huh," Kei sighed. Suddenly, the idea of a late-night practice sounded very unappealing. Thanks to this outing, he was reminded of one of the many reasons why he didn't like amusement parks. They just took too much out of you.

Sensing his exhaustion, Amane gently patted Kei on the back as they began their walk home. "Awee. There, there." she teased.

"Stop," Kei quickly swatted her hand away and Amane giggled.

"Still, thanks for coming out with me today," her voice was sincere, catching Kei off guard as he met her gaze. Just in time to see her smile. "It's been a while since I've gone out with a friend. I had a lot of fun!"

Kei stared at her. "Those girls in your group..." He furrowed his brows. And before he knew it, the words came tumbling out of his mouth. "... Are they not your friends?"

Amane's eyes grew wide. A certain silence hung between them for a few seconds, as if Amane was stuck for an answer. "Jeez!" Then, her expression quickly melted into an awkward one as she scratched her cheek. "Way to call me out!"

It struck Kei as strange. For as long as Kei has known her, Amane has always been relatively social. She attracted people like a star in the night sky and seemed to know at least someone everywhere she went.

But now that he thought about it, Amane was also a bit aloof. Despite her popularity, Kei could never recall a time when Amane willingly surrounded herself with a bunch of people. She only had a small social circle consisting of him, Tadashi, and in the past, Ririka. Otherwise, she'd keep people at arm's length, never letting anyone get too close. And if anyone tried to get a peek at her thoughts, she'd simply dodge their attempts with a simple smile, only to whisk the conversation in a whole other direction that left them further caught on her hook.

Perhaps that only added to her charm and allure.

"I don't think they really like me," Amane said, her eyes wandering to the dusk sky looming above them. "Or at least it feels like there's a wall between us," she shot him a wry smile. "You really don't read any celebrity gossip, huh?"

That seemed to trigger something in Kei's memory. It was true. He didn't follow celebrity gossip. He really couldn't care less. But his parents had told him about a certain incident a few months back that was also the topic of a few discussions while his teammates were changing in the club room.

Apparently, it came out that one of the girls in STAR*CATCHER was purposefully harassing Amane. She stole her makeup, tore up her outfits, and even started defamatory rumors that Amane had been sleeping with a producer to further her career. Silver Way Entertainment's actions were swift and ruthless. As soon as the bullying was discovered, they immediately terminated her contract. A statement was issued the very next day and she was removed from the group.

He never bothered asking Amane about it, since she herself never brought it up.

But it was understandable. Silver Way Entertainment just wanted to protect Amane. But at the same time, their blatant favoritism was just as apparent. Amane was STAR*CATCHER's undeniable center girl. She was the star on a one-way trajectory to the top. She got the prettiest costumes, the most lines in each song, and was the face of the group. It was no secret that she was the one bringing in the most revenue for the company.

It probably didn't help that aside from the company, the world also seemed to favor Amane.

"Ah! It's Amane-chan!"

Amane jumped. Kei watched as she quickly snapped her head around, only to let out a sigh of relief when she saw two young girls standing in front of a flier promoting a brand of yogurt. One of the girls snapped a quick picture of the poster and then left, turning the corner towards the direction of the bus stop.

A soft breeze rushed by, rustling through Amane's ponytail.

"You know, it's still so weird to see my own face on a poster," Kei heard her murmur.

Perhaps it was her undeniable beauty. Perhaps it was her magnetic aura. Perhaps it was the way her words and actions inclined you to believe that she absolutely could conquer the world.

Amane was the girl that everyone wanted to be. But she was also the girl everyone envied.

"Amane," he called out to her, causing the girl with long brown hair to turn and look. "What's your goal here?"


"Why become an idol?"

The sun finally set behind a building, casting a shadow upon Amane and the street they were standing on.

"I just want to be seen," the corners of her lips tugged upwards. "I want the whole world to see me as the perfect idol."

Kei shifted his attention to the side, studying the poster of her holding a bottle of yogurt. "I know," he took a deep breath. "But aren't you-"


Eyes widening, he snapped his gaze over to meet hers only to find her staring directly into his eyes. He heard it, that sharp edge in her tone that sent a chill running up his spine. Like the endless depths of space, her blue irises pierced into his soul, flashing even in the shadow of the night like a warning. She then took a few steps forward, and Kei found his feet glued to their place in the concrete.

"You know," Amane playfully tapped him on the nose. "If we don't hurry and keep walking, you're gonna be late for your six-thirty self-curfew."

Kei flinched. Suddenly, she was smiling at him again.

Did he just imagine that?

"Right." No. He was sure of what he just saw. "But-"

"Come on," taking him by the hand, she began dragging him down the road. "We still have five minutes left on our date. Let's enjoy it to the fullest."

This was the type of girl Amane was. She's able to sweep along anyone with just a simple gesture. Someone whose confidence was woven into her very being. Someone who was so radiant and charismatic, yet so selfish and demanding.

Kei felt a strange sensation in his hand as she held it. Her grip was warm, but also firm. It was as if she were guiding him towards something. As they turned the corner into the residential area of their neighborhood, Kei couldn't help but stare at the back of her head.

He wondered if she knew how much power she held over people. It was as if she had a gravitational pull that no one could resist, and it scared him. He didn't want to get too close and get burned. But at the same time, just like everyone else, he couldn't resist her light.

A different question formed in his mind.

"Have you been on dates with others before?" He asked.

"Hm? Nope, just you," Amane said as began humming a tune. Kei recognized it as STAR*CATCHER's new release. She peered over her shoulder with a smile. "I don't have eyes for anyone but you."

Kei stilled at those words. His legs kept moving, following after Amane as they strolled down the street but he couldn't find his voice nor his thoughts. He simply stared incredulously at Amane, who laughed.

"Why do you look so surprised?" She teased him. "I've been telling you this for years."

Kei blinked in disbelief. He could feel a blush creeping up his neck and cheeks as he averted his eyes. "No, you haven't."

"I totally have," Amane insisted. "I told you when we were little, didn't I? If I had to date someone, I'd pick you."

"That was a stupid question I asked when I was kid," he raised an eyebrow.

"And I answered that stupid question honestly," Amane shot back in a matter-of-fact tone. "And actually, when we were kids you told me I shouldn't base my decisions on simple things. But even now that answer still won't change," as they rounded the corner onto the street where their houses were, Amane stopped in front of a lamp post and spun around to face him fully.

"You're my favorite person, Kei!"

Kei pressed his lips together, trying not to let the surge of warmth in his chest betray his emotions. He swallowed hard, trying to formulate a response to her shameless confession only for her to cut him off again.

"But sadly, we can't be together," Amane said. Her eyes flickered to a downcast along with her words, staring at their connected hands. She brought it up between them before meeting his gaze. "I'm an idol. I have an image to maintain."

Kei's lips parted as he felt a breath escape him. He knew it was coming, but he got himself worked up over nothing.

How lame.

"I'll wait for you."

Amane's eyes grew wide. "Huh?"

"I'll wait," he said again, staring directly into her eyes. For the first time in a while, she looked like she was taken by surprise. "When you're ready, or when you're allowed to. I'll wait."

Though most of her face was hidden by the shadow created by her cap visor, Kei still caught a perfect view of Amane's cheek flushing red. "You..." She looked down at their hands again. "You don't have to do that."

Kei smirked. For the first time in the day, he felt like he was finally gaining some footing in this battle.

"Don't you think that should be up to me to decide?"

Realizing that he was teasing her, Amane pouted.

"Do whatever you want!"

Kei huffed out a laugh.

"But for now," Amane's voice trailed off as she hooked her index finger over her mask and pulled it down. Then, she stood on her toes and leaned in, planting a soft kiss on his cheek.

Kei felt his heart rise to his throat as Amane pulled away, though the lingering sensation of her lips continued to tingle at his cheek.

"You can have that," He watched as she pulled her mask back up and grinned. "As thanks for going out with me today."

As Kei raised his hand to touch his cheek, Amane gave a quick 'see ya' and headed towards her house, leaving him standing beneath the blaring lamp post.

He sighed as held onto his cheek, figuring that he might've lost the war after all.

Then it hit him.

Ah, she did it again.

She swept him along and dodged his question.

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