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A/N: Hello, readers! Another chapter is here! Enjoy!

edited on october 29th, 2020 @ 12:00am

โ•โ•โ•โ• โˆ˜โ—ฆแต’ ๐“…“ แต’โ—ฆโˆ˜ โ•โ•โ•โ•


THE GAME HAD FINALLY ENDED, as the Association team looked at Karasuno's current team. "Well, if nothing else, we sure got to relive our youth. Call the toss, ace! That kind of stuff." The guy with glasses states with a smile. "Youth is great, isn't it?" He adds as another guy chuckles.

"As long as I'm here, you're invincible! I wish I could say that. High schoolers are awesome!" The guy informed. Hideaki looked at Kageyama and Nishinoya, who looked a bit flustered.

"You guys make us old folks feel left behind."


"You guys have a long way to go, but when you pull it together, you'll probably go far."

Everyone smiled at those words. "Thank you very much." Daichi bowed as everyone did the same.

"Thank you!"

The Association team leaves, waving goodbye to them. Everyone headed back inside as Ukai gave them some last minute words.

"Anyway, receiving. We're nothing if we can't receive. Starting tomorrow, you've got rigorous training ahead." Ukai stated.

"Yeah." Everyone said in unison.

"Thanks." Daichi announced as everyone bowed at Ukai.


"And don't forget to stretch." Ukai added as Daichi nodded.

"Stretches!" Daichi shouted as everyone sat down to do some stretches.

Once they were done, they cleaned up the gym. Hideaki got out a mop as he cleaned the floor. Soon enough, everyone finished cleaning the gym.

Ukai then clapped his hands. "All right. Lets huddle up and finish practice." He called out as the team huddled up.

The team formed a circle as their heads were close together. Hideaki was between Daichi and Sugawara.




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Hideaki woke up and yawned. He reached over to his nightstand and looked at the date. "Four more days left until the practice match with Nekoma." He thought. He got ready for the day and headed downstairs.

He locked his door and placed his keys in his pants pocket. He started walking towards Karasuno until he heard the sound of a bike. "Hideaki-san!" He turned around and saw Hinata on his bike.

"Oh, Hinata. Good morning."

"Good morning!" Hinata replied back cheerfully. "Say, are you excited for the game?"

"I suppose so. It'll be interesting to see how it turns out. Since Nishinoya and I have returned." Hideaki replied as Hinata nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I thought that too. Say, have you been to Tokyo before? Do you know what Nekoma is like?" Hinata asked.

"Hmm... Sorry, I don't know what Nekoma is like. Though, I have been to Tokyo for my brother's basketball games." Hideaki responded.

"You have a brother?" Hinata asked.

"Mmm, yeah. He's a second-year." Hideaki replied.

"Oh, his games must've been fun to watch then." Hinata commented.

"They were interesting."

Both of them stayed silent for a moment. "Say, Hinata. Daichi mentioned to me that you want to be Karasuno's ace." Hideaki stated as Hinata looked at him.

"I do."

"How about I train you then? Show you everything I know about what it takes to be an ace?" Hideaki suggested.

Hinata's face suddenly beamed. "You'd do that for me, senpai? Are you sure?" He questioned.

Hideaki chuckled. "Of course. I'll be graduating after all. I'm sure you'll be the ace by your third-year." He replied.

"Why me though? Why not Tanaka-san or any of the other second-years?"

"Tanaka is already in line to take my place next year. But I need to think about what will happen after he graduates. You need to be prepared just in case." Hideaki explained.

Hinata smiled. "Then I'll accept, senpai."

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Class for Hideaki was boring as usual. But once it was break time, he headed towards the gym to meet everyone. "All here?" Ukai asked.

"Yeah." Everyone replied in unison as Takeda and Ukai stand in front as the team surrounded them.

"The practice match against Nekoma is in four days. Inter-High preliminaries will be soon thereafter. We've got no time, but you guys are full of holes. Since that's the case, there's only one way for you to win. Practice. Practice, and practice." Ukai stated.

"Save the ball, even if you have to barf." Ukai ordered.

"Yeah!" Hinata shouts back, but he was the only one.

Everyone got in line as Ukai was going to throw a volleyball at them so they could receive it. The first to start was Yamaguchi, who failed to receive the ball.

"Hey, how many does it take for you to get it right?" Ukai shouted. "Concentrate!"

"One more."

"Here goes!"

Ukai spiked the ball and Yamaguchi managed to receive it. That was five successful receives, and the next one up was Daichi. Yamaguchi made his way back to the line, groaning in pain.

Daichi managed to get it five times.

Kageyama was next and had a bit of trouble, but he managed.

Hinata was next, he was most likely the worse at receiving but eventually got five successful receives. Finally, it was Hideaki's turn.

Hideaki walked to the front and stared at the ball in Ukai's hands. "Ready? Go!" He yelled, spiking the ball down to the black haired male. He quickly moved to the far right and saved the ball easily. Ukai looked a bit stunned as he blinked. "Good. Here comes the others!" He announced.

Ukai spiked the ball to the left side, but thanks to Hideaki's quick reflexes he sped over and saved the ball. Eventually, he was finished. "Well done. You have quick reflexes. That'll come handy in matches." Ukai praised.

"Uh, thanks." Hideaki replied.

"All right. Spiking comes next."


Sugawara and Kageyama were the setters as everyone broke off into two groups. Hideaki was in Sugawara's group.

The first one to go was Tanaka, who runs forward. "All right!" He yelled as he spiked down the ball. Kageyama had set to Ennoshita.

Next to go was Asahi, who spiked Sugawara's toss with ease. Kageyama tossed to Hinata who also spiked it with ease as well.

Hideaki heard amazed gasping from Ukai. "Looking good." He praised as Sugawara looked over at Kageyama.

He seemed to be in deep thought as Yamaguchi called out to him.

"May I go next?"

"Sure, sorry."

Yamaguchi managed to spike it down, it was a bit weak but not bad. After Yamaguchi it was Kinoshita. Hideaki was next.

"You ready?" Hideaki asked Sugawara who nodded. The black haired male tossed the ball up towards Sugawara as he ran forward. Sugawara glanced at the ball before looking up at Hideaki. He heard Sugawara gasp.

The look on Hideaki's face said it all. His eyes grew dark as it reminded Sugawara of a demon and Sugawara could've sworn he saw black wings.

Hideaki was up in the air as Sugawara snapped back to reality and tossed the ball for him. Hideaki spiked Sugawara's toss, making the ball slam onto the ground with a huge amount of power.

Everyone looked in surprise as Hideaki touched the ground.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" Hideaki asked.

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Practice was soon over as it was dark out. Hideaki followed his team to where everyone would be staying. "Wow! This is where we're staying?" Hinata exclaimed in happiness as he runs in.

Hinata ended up checking every room in the building as Hideaki sweat dropped at him. "You need to calm down." Kageyama told him.

"But this is my first time at training camp." Hinata whined.

Tsukishima walked over. "I have to hang all day with this slovenly bunch? What's so fun about that?" Tsukishima spoke to himself mostly as Hideaki held back his laughter.

"Tsukishima, you bastard..." Tanaka growled.

Kiyoko's within a 500-meter radius of us! How can that be slovenly?" Nishinoya growls as well as Tanaka and Nishinoya glared at Tsukishima who rolled his eyes and looked annoyed.

"How pitiful that you can't understand how refreshing this space is. It's like the wellspring in the Ou Mountains." Tanaka sighs in happiness. Sugawara smiled innocently.

"Shimizu's home is nearby, so she's not staying here."

Hideaki ignored the smiles that Nishinoya and Tanaka faces when Kiyoko appeared to be making dinner.

Everyone's bags were in the rooms as they began eating. Kageyama, Hinata, Nishinoya, and Tanaka were wolfing down the meal. Hideaki was eating at a normal pace.

"Seconds, anyone?" Kiyoko asked as Tanaka and Nishinoya bounced over with empty plates.

"Yes, please." They said in unison.

"S-Sure." Kiyoko slightly stuttered.

Once dinner was all done, everyone headed to the shared bedroom. Third-years had a bath first, then second-years, and finally first-years. Hideaki took out his phone, seeing messages from his younger brother.

Shun ๐Ÿ€:
> Hello, Nii-san. How have you been?

I've been better. I'm at training camp with my volleyball team before we face off against our 'destined rival.' <

Shun ๐Ÿ€:
> You're back to playing volleyball? Who do I have to thank? Because I've tried months to convince you to go back.

You can thank my team, I suppose. They brought me back to my senses. <

Shun ๐Ÿ€:
> I see... Well, I'll let you get to sleep. Goodnight, Nii-san.

Goodnight, Shun. <

Hideaki chuckled at his younger brother, gaining the attention from his team. "Is... is he okay?" Yamaguchi asked someone.

"Just let him be."

"Look, Noya! Izuki-san is chuckling!"

"I know! This is a rare sight to see!"

Hideaki took his pillow and threw it at the second-year, making Tanaka laugh as it hit Nishinoya in the face.

"Nice receive, Noya!"

"Everyone go to bed!"

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The next day, everyone headed back to the gymnasium to do their practices. They were currently doing receives. After some time, Hinata did five successful receives.

"All right, that's the whole rotation." Ukai stated. "Next, running." He informed with a grin.

Hideaki put on his running shoes as he waited with Nishinoya and Kageyama as Hinata was putting on his shoes.

"Hurry up, moron." Kageyama rushed.

"Shut up." Hinata hissed and followed the setter with Nishinoya and Hideaki right behind them. They eventually caught up with the rest of the team.

As the team were running up a hill, Hideaki was next to Asahi as Daichi and Sugawara were at the front. Kageyama and Hinata were at the very front as they kept racing each other.

"Hinata, don't yell unnecessarily. It'll sap your strength." Daichi warned.

However, he was completely ignored as Hinata ran faster, completely being out of the team's sight. Even Kageyama was shocked and confused about this.

Everyone stopped running. "I'll go bring him back." Hideaki said as the third year chased after the orange haired male.

Hideaki finally found Hinata talking to a male with blonde hair and black roots. His hair reminded him of pudding. He was also wearing a red jacket.

Hideaki walked up to the two and slapped the back of Hinata's head, making the first year fall forward.

"Hinata, you idiot! For once, don't challenge Kageyama to a race! That's how you get lost!" Hideaki shouted at his junior.

"I'm sorry, Hideaki-san!" Hinata apologized, rubbing the back of his head.


Hideaki looked up to see a male with a bedhead hairstyle and wearing the same red jacket walking up to the pudding head.

"Kuroo." Kenma said, gathering up his bag and following his teammate.

"See you very soon, Shoyo." Kenma waved as him and the rooster head left.

"Next time, don't go running off on your own. Or else we'll just leave you." Hideaki warned, making Hinata whine at his upperclassman.

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Hideaki and Hinata had finally arrived back to the building. Lunch was made by Takeda and Kiyoko. Tanaka and Nishinoya went all out again while Hideaki didn't have much. He wasn't that hungry.

After dinner was done, everyone headed to bed. Hideaki was wide awake, not being able to sleep. He spotted a bright light coming from Sugawara's futon, but didn't question it.

Hideaki sighed to himself as he turned around. He tried to sleep but couldn't.

"Damn it... What the hell is wrong with me? This never happened before..."

Hideaki was still feeling drowsy by the time everyone woke up, they all headed to the gym where Ukai showed them who will be in what positions for the match. "For the Nekoma battle, this will be our starting order." Ukai stated. Hideaki looked over to see that he was in the starting order as a wing spiker.

"It's a configuration you're barely used too, so I'm not expecting you to synchronize right away. We now have our libero and the ace has returned, but don't rely on those facts or think victory is assured. Victory goes to the team that connects. Let's see how this configuration works." Ukai explained.

"In the battle against Karasuno's long-standing rival, Nekoma."


After that, everyone started to pack everything up as Hideaki took the mop and headed towards the equipment room.

Hideaki headed back to his room where the third and second years already were there. He sighed as he curled up under the blankets.

"Are... you okay? You been acting different today." Daichi asked as he looked at the black haired male with concern. Sugawara also looked worried.

"Just a bit tired. I'll be fine by morning." Hideaki reassured him.

"If you say so..." Daichi muttered, still not believing him.

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The next day, Hideaki was feeling a bit better. The team was at the gymnasium practicing our serving. Kiyoko came into the gym with two bags.

"Everyone." She called out, making the team walk over. "Uniforms." She finished as she handed out the uniforms. Hideaki took the black and orange uniform out of the plastic bag.

"Number 0 this year again, huh?" Hideaki thinks to himself.

"Kageyama is one notch higher than me..." Hinata hissed, making Hideaki, Tsukishima, and Tanaka smirk. "I knew he was gonna say that." The three of them said in unison.

Ukai explained that number 10 used to be the Little Giants number when he played for Karasuno, who was Hinata's inspiration.

Hideaki was packing his bag for tomorrow. "Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" Daichi asked him.

"Daichi, I told you. I'll be fine." Hideaki replied. "Perhaps I was just nervous. I haven't played volleyball in a month."

"You'll be fine, Hideaki." Daichi reassured him, giving him a smile.

Finally, it was time. Karasuno walked up to Nekoma High. When they arrived, they saw Nekoma's team also walk over as both teams stared at each other, not saying a word.

The air was so tense, you could cut it with a knife. "I can already tell this is gonna be an interesting match..." Hideaki thought, slightly grinning.

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A/N: Another chapter done! Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 2471 words.

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