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the plan had been simple: rob the silverton's bank on a sleepy wednesday afternoon, when the residents would be busy with their daily routines, and the guards would be at their most complacent.

for weeks, the gang had scoped out the town, learning the patterns of its people, the shifts of the lawmen, and the layout of the bank itself. they had watched from the darkness, going unseen and unnoticed, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

it would be easy work: in and out within ten minutes, leaving no trace but their shadows.

but plans rarely survived first contact with reality.

the morning of the robbery, the gang had assembled in the early hours, at their current campgrounds deep in the woods miles from silverton. blackjack gathered his crew and spread out a detailed map of the town.

❝ today's the day, ❞ he spoke, voice low. ❝ we stick to the plan. in and out, quick and clean. we split the take then hit the dust. reunite at the old mill on the state line. any questions? ❞

the congregation of members nodded their heads. they knew their roles and the stakes. they had all come too far to falter now.

the sun clambered higher and their horses were saddled up, and they rode out, taking back roads and riding through the thickly woodlands and open plains to avoid unwanted attention.

silverton lay still under the burning midday sun. the streets were eerily quiet as townsfolk sought refuge from the head. the clock tower in the centre of town struck noon, its chime echoing off the wooden facades of the buildings. dust swirled lazily in the air, and for a moment, it seemed as if time had slowed to a crawl.

jed 'blackjack' malone walked toward the bank first, buffalo close behind. he pushed open the heavy door and the men stepped inside, eyes sweeping the room. the bank was quiet, save for the soft rustle of paper and the low hum of murmuring voices.

the elderly teller looked up from her desk, and offered the men a polite smile. ❝ afternoon gentleman, how can i help you today? ❞

blackjack returned the smile, though it didn't reach his eyes.

❝ 'ello ma'am, we'd like to make a withdrawal ❞ spoke buffalo after he stepped over and slapped his hand on the furniture in front of him, causing the woman to flinch and stumble back a step.

before she could respond, blackjack drew his colt, its polished barrel gleamed in the ominously dim light, and he aimed it at her, his expression shifting cold.

❝ nobody move, ❞ he barked, ❝ this is a robbery! ❞

the room froze, the air thickening with tension, and fear from the few members who quickly ducked down to the floor.

mrs. hargrove eyes widened and she opened her jaw to wail for help, but butch was already by her side, with his hand slapped across her mouth. he pulled her from behind the counter then clocked her across the head with the butt of his gun, gently pushing her to the floor.

the doors swung open and the three members moved in briskly. deadeye doll moved to the entrance, while el coyote travelled to the back of the building, and the shadow followed after the man.

❝ keep your mouths shut, and no one gets hurt. don't be a fool now, ❞ blackjack growled. his gaze sweeped over the terrified faces of the bank's customers and staff. ❝ this'll all be over before you know it, ❞

el coyote's fingers flew over the combination lock, his brow arched with concentration. it was old but sturdy and it took longer than he expected to crack it open.

the minutes dragged on, and blackjack impatiently scoffed for the man to quicken up his task.

the safe clacked open, and el coyote let out a whoop of triumph, yanking the door wide to reveal stacks and stacks of dollar bills, and glittering bars of gold.

blackjack's cheeks stretched into a grimace, and he turned to deadeye doll, who nodded — everything was clear outside.

buffalo hoisted a sack over his shoulder and a shrill scream pierced the silence. mrs. hargrove regained consciousness from where she lay behind the counter, a deep gash in her forehead bled profusely. her eyes widened with terror as she took on the scene before her.

❝ h—help! ❞ the woman cried, her voice cracking with desperation.

buffalo bolted towards the wailing woman and grasped her roughly. she writhed in his grip. 

the pip of whistles blew outside.

❝ crap! ❞ gasped blackjack.

deadeye doll's head rotated quickly towards the rest of the men in the room. ❝ guys, we got trouble! ❞

the bank door whizzed open, and officers piled into the bank, their guns poised upward, towards the members who stood, aiming in return.

a sharp crack filled the air and a bullet travelled across the bank, shattering a window, and splintering a wall of wood above some cowering townsfolk. an eruption of screams and cries poured from the panicked men and women that sheltered along the edges of the bank.

the group scattered like rats and took shelter behind the bank's desk. deadeye doll peered over the top and heaved up her rifle, pushing her finger firmly on the trigger as she returned fire at the uniformed men, causing them to pull back and take shelter behind the walls of the bank's entrance.

she had given them an opening. blackjack quickly scattered backward, whistling for the rest to follow when they could. they'd run out the back and find their horses.

❝ quickly come on! ❞ shorted blackjack, his voice just cutting over the firing weapons.

buffalo kicked out his leg and forced open the back door to the building, and he held the door open for the rest as they emerged into a narrow ally.

the wind carried a flurry of panicked whinnies from their horses nearby.

they stampeded from the thinly design ally and burst out onto the side of the streets. the once—quiet town square had transformed into a battleground. residents screamed and ran for cover following the eruption of gunfire that popped and whizzed in the air.

the sharp scent of gunpowder filled the air.

thunderous hooves galloped across the dusted road as mounted officers skidded to a halt nearby. a tall figure sat upon the saddle of a large stallion wielded a gun, and wore a white hat atop his head. his gun glittered in the sunlight, the barrel aimed towards the five fleeing outlaws.

annie gulped. she watched as horses narrowed in on them, surrounding them in every direction she looked.

horses lined to their left, and their right. officers from the bank piled out of the back door, trudging down the ally with their pistols still aimed.

this was the end.

blackjack jutted to a halt. he stood at the forefront of his group, his colt poised upwards, finger loosely on the trigger, and his eyes never leaving the lawmen or the sheriff ahead of him. to his right, annie dalton had shifted her stance, and raised her rifle stealing, her body and muscles could. behind them, buffalo, el coyote and the shadow stood ready, their own weapons drawn, and their faces wearing a grim expression.

the sheriff, flanked by his saddled deputies, hopped off his horse, and stood in front of his steed.

the sheriff's face was set in a hard line, eyes narrowed beneath the brim of his hat. his voice was calm but firm as he called out. ❝ it's over, malone. drop your weapons, and we'll take you in alive, ❞

blackjack's response was a mirthful smile. ❝ i think you know better than that, sheriff, ❞

the silence stretched for a heartbreak longer, then all hell broke loose.

the first shot rang out like a thunderclap, followed by a cacophony of gunfire that bounced off the bushings and rolled down the empty streets. screams of terror mingled with the sharp crackle of the pistols and rifles that fired across the town.

deadeye doll's rifle spoke with deadly accuracy, her bullets finding their marks. a deputy went down, and clutched his chest, a crimson stain spread across his chest. another fell, a clean hole through his forehead.

the lawmen were no slouches either. they returned fire with a vengeance, their bulling zinging past the outlaws, kicking up puffs off dirt and splinters of wood.

buffalo roared as a bullet grazed his shoulder.

the shadow moved like a spectre, fluidly and ethereal almost as he ducked and weaved, clicking his trigger as he travelled.

blackjack's colt spat out lead and he watched as the sheriff cowered behind a water trough, the lawman's revolver barking out rounds in return. blackjack's eyes narrowed. he had to take out the sheriff if they were to have any change of escaping.

with a nod towards annie, he gestured towards the trough. she understood and shifted her position to get a better angle.

blackjack advanced.

the street was a battlefield, littered with fallen bodies and broken glass. horses reared in panic.

the shadow shiftily continued his slither across toward his wounded comrade. ❝ hang on butch, ❞ he called, watching as the man slumped over with his hand on his shoulder, his hand drenched with red and his face was twisted with pain.

the shadow appeared at buffalo's side. ❝ we need to get outta here, ❞ he grunted lowly, ❝ we are sitting ducks here. this is gon' get us killed! ❞

they were exposed, and the longer they stayed here, the greater their chances of being overrun. blackjack motioned with his hands for the group to fall back, a finger pointed toward a building next to them.

the group moved as one once they rekindled, covering each other as they retreated. deadeye doll laid down suppressive fire, covering two coyote as he half—carried, half—dragged buffalo towards the ally, with the shadow providing cover for them.

blackjack nimbly brought up the rear. dealing with the sheriff was not on his mind now. he had to get his people out of here, alive.

the sheriff barked orders out angrily. ❝ don't let them get away! cut them off! ❞

having reached the mouth of the neighbouring ally. the group had a moment to catch their breath and asses the situation. buffalo's shoulder was bleeding badly. he winced as deadeye doll pushed some cloth from her shirt onto it, to bind it for the time being.

❝ shit. we can't stay here, ❞ blackjack cursed. ❝ we need to get to the horses and ride outta this hellhole ❞

annie crawled towards the corner of the ally, and she peered out. her eyes narrowed as she watched the lawmen regrouping on their horses. ❝ jed, we need a damn distraction. or something! ❞

the shadow simply nodded and slipped away.

blackjack trusted him to do what needed to be done. the man had a knack for vanishing and reappearing when he was needed.

the ground trembled, and an explosion rocked the air, followed by shouts and confusion from the direction of the saloon on the opposite side of the town.

the shadow had down his work well.

❝ that's our cue! ❞ blackjack called, ❝ go! now! ❞

they burst from the ally and fired as they ran, using the smoke and confusion of the explosion to their advantage. the lawmen, disorientated, fired back at them sporadically.

❝ keep moving! ❞ blackjack ordered.

with a final, desperate burst of speed, the reached their mounts. blackjack swung onto red, his loyal mare, and wheeled her around to cover the others. annie leaped onto her mare, calamity, her rifle in hand and ready to fire some shots to give the others time to mount up. buffalo heaved himself onto his own horse, sundance, with the help of blackjack, while el coyote and the shadow mounted their own quickly.

❝ h'ya! ride! ❞ commanded blackjack, spurring red into a quick gallop.

the horses thunder across the edge of the town, bullets still chasing them. they ducked, dodged and weaved as their horses' hooves galloped like a rapid heartbeat.

they raved through the outskirts, barrelling over fences that edged the town, leaving behind the chaos, the wails of the injured, mournful and the dying blended with the distant peal of the church bell.

they rode the open plains, the town of silverton faded into the horizon, blending with the darkening orange sky, swallowed by the vast landscape of the west.

blackjack looked over his shoulder once, and grinned.

they were outlaws, bounded by fate and blood, and now they were on the run again, shadows fleeting into the blazing sun.

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