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you look ridiculous in that hat

chapter three

IT was the very next morning and sersi went to sleep somewhat good even after the death of Beth's boyfriend. She checked up on her last night and she seemed fine, not that hurt. Sersi could never understand what it was like to lose a boyfriend during this time so maybe Beth's reaction was the correct way to react. Sersi turned over hearing the familiar snoring, she looked down from her bed to see Ayla sleeping on her mattress on the floor. She smiled seeing Ayla was still here and alive. Every morning she'd wake up to check if everyone was okay.

She slowly got of her bed trying to not wake Ayla. She stepped around where her legs where and looked up to see Iris knocked out on the top bunk. They had a later shift today so they didn't need to wake up as early. Sersi was watching Judith today, Beth wanted some time alone and sersi agreed to watch Judith for the girl. She quietly reached into her draw grabbing a pair of long socks and slipping them on, she put her boots on sitting on the edge of her bed.

The girl nearly dropped her boot hearing a snarl, she looked around and her eyes landed on Iris was nearly hanging off the edge of the bunk drooling. Sersi squirmed her face in disgust and laughed at her friend. This was the perfect opportunity to get a photo of both of them without them arguing. Sersi grabbed her camera from the desk and stepped back so she could get both girls in frame.

Without hesitation the girl took the photo a loud clicking noise was produced. She knew neither of them would wake they're heavy sleepers.

She smiled seeing the photo come out, she decided she'd wait to see what it turned out to look like after she was done working. She placed the camera and photo down on the draw and quickly grabbed her knife and gun placing it in her holster.

Once the sun hit her skin her eyes squinted trying to adjust to the bright light that was taking over the room. The girl yawned as she walked over towards Rick, "morning" he smiled rocking Judith back and forth.

"hey, morning" sersi smiled grabbing the toothpaste.

"Before you do that can you wake Carl I've been trying to get him up" Rick asked.

Before Sersi could answer Nila stormed out of her cell, "where is he?! He stole my comics!" Nila said gripping the one comic she had left.

Rick and Sersi both immediately pointed towards carls cell too scared to see what happened if they didn't answer her.

Nila stopped in her tracks looking over at Sersi, "I'll be in cell block d today dad said I can hangout there with Lizzie and Mika" Nila said as sersi simply nodded.

Nila continued her angry stomp towards carls cell.

"Never mind Nila will do it" Rick smiled as sersi laughed watching Nila swing Carls curtain aside and quickly shut it behind her. All Sersi's could hear as she walked away was carls pleads and Nila yelling at him. Ricks vague laughs could be heard over the arguing.

She smiled to herself walking far enough where she could no longer hear the commotion the two young teens were making.

After a good ten minutes of refreshing Sersi was ready to grab Judith and watch her, she enjoyed her days with Judith. They were calm and easy, she was a well behaved child. All she did was poop or pee, eat, play, and cry if she was hungry or needed her diaper changed.

Whenever sersi watched Judith it gave her a break from the madness of what the world has become too. Some mornings she'd wake up and forget what was going on, how she couldn't go to school, how she couldn't see her mother or other siblings. She couldn't walk outside without worrying if a monster would kill and eat her.

Sometimes she missed the old days but other times she felt like the apocalypse saved her, she wasn't in a good place with her mother when they last left off and it was extremely toxic in the house. She had no idea what she was gonna do with her life. So maybe this saved her, she always thought to herself.

It had been an hour since Rick left and she was watching Judith, Ayla and Iris were finally getting up getting ready to leave for their shifts on watch tower. Sersi tied her hair into a high ponytail getting ready to chnage Judith's diaper.

"I swear if you pee in my face while I change you little baby, I will let Nila deal with you" sersi said jokingly pointing her finger at Judith who just giggled. Sersi smiled at the babies giggles continuing to change her diaper. Once Judith had a new diaper on Sersi looked up getting ready to toss the diaper into the trash bin. Her eyes landed on a figure leaning against the stairs.

She immediately rolled her eyes seeing Theo standing there. "How long have you been standing there creep?" Sersi asked with disgust laced in her words.

"So we're threatening babies now huh?" He chuckled from his place ignoring her question. But just with that answer Sersi knew he here for long enough. Sersi looked over at him examining him, his arms were crossed and he was wearing a black T-shirt with jeans and his regular baseball hat.

"You look ridiculous in that hat" sersi snapped back ignoring his comment, Theo chuckled rolling her eyes.

"Pass it to me and get her dressed" Theo said holding his hands out for the diaper, Sersi threw the diaper straight at him in hopes of hitting him in the face but her plan failed when Theo caught it simply staring at her. "Nice try" he shrugged throwing the diaper out.

Sersi ignored him putting on Judith's pants and picking the baby up holding her in one of her arms letting her rest on her hip. "What do you want? Are you getting bored of Apollo? He's probably bored of hanging out with you too" Sersi smiled as she picked up Judith's toys putting them all together with her one free hand.

"No, I came here to apologize"

Sersi immediately stopped in her place turning towards him, "about what? You said and did a lot of things yesterday" the girl said scoffing.

Theo sucked his teeth walking closer to her standing a couple inches away from her, "about everything, I was being a dick and I shouldn't have been I just take missions very seriously don't want anyone to die" Theo said as I nodded placing Judith down on her blanket with her toys.

She was in sight of Theo and sersi just in case. "Well, I've been on a lot of missions as you know so I think I know what I'm doing, all that matter is the group gets what they need. Of course we don't want anyone to die but if someone is willing to sacrifice themselves so the group can get the things they need don't take that decision away from them" Sersi narrowing her eyes at Theo.

He stood quiet for a second processing what she had just said. "I just didn't want anyone else to die if that's selfish of me, then so be it. One of the characteristics I always add when someone ask about myself is selfish" he shrugged.

"Really? Because yesterday I vividly remember you telling me you should've let me die, how was that being selfish? You could've just left me like you wanted" sersi chuckled turning around and getting Judith's milk ready.

"You know I didn't mean that so don't drag it, I was just in the heat of the moment and didn't realize what I was saying, Sersi look I'm really sorry and I know we started off on the wrong foot and it's my fault so can we please just press restart?" Theo asked.

Sersi's mind tried to comprehend everything he just said, he was asking a whole lot of questions.

"I appreciate your apology Theo but knowing the type of person you are I don't think we would ever be civilized" sersi said as Theo glared at the girl rolling his eyes.

"Don't you think I know what type of person you are too?! The girl who everyone loves and thinks is so sweet and innocent but don't play that fucking trick on me cause I don't believe one second of it. The first time I met you I could see right through your bullshit" Theo snapped angrily pointing at the girl.

Before she could reply loud screams and gunshots were heard. Apollos head peaked out of his cell and his eyes landed on sersi and Theo. More shots and screams were heard and Apollo immediately grabbed his gun running off.

"Shit" sersi muttered grabbing her gun.

Theo was quick to snatch the gun from her placing it back on the table. "What the hell Theo?!" The girl asked confused.

"Stay her and watch Judith I'll go just stay here" Theo said backing away.

"Theo!" Sersi yelled as he began to rush off, "come back!" She yelled out but he was long out of site.

"What's going on?!" Beth asked from the top of the steps.

"I'm not sure but we need to get Judith somewhere safe!" Sersi said quickly grabbing Judith's bottle, beth rushed down the steps grabbing Judith while sersi grabbed her baby bag and toys. "Let's go in my cell for a bit till everything is clear" Beth said as Sersi nodded rushing up the steps. She dropped the bags and her heart immediately sank.

"What happened?" Beth asked feeding a crying Judith.

"Nila, I don't know where she is I need to find Nila" sersi said as Beth shook her head with pleading eyes.

"Sersi no please stay, Apollo and Daryl will find her" Beth said as sersi shut Beth's cell.

"No the screaming is coming from cell block D and dad let her hangout with Lizzie and Mika im going, stay in here with Judith I'll be right back I promise!" Sersi said running down the steps.

Beth's pleads began to fade as she got farther and farther she quickly grabbed her gun and ran out searching for any sight of Nila or maybe even her brother.

It hit her why Apollo was so quick to rush off he remembered Nila was in there, how could she have not realized sooner.

Sersi knew she was coming closer when the snarling and screaming got louder, the girl rushed in seeing everyone in panic running around. Peoples bodies laid on the floor bleeding out from being bitten by the walkers. But she recognized these walkers they were from her group.

A walker approached Sersi growling at her, she was quick to kick it in the knee breaking its legging making it fall. She bent down stabbing the walker in the head groaning as it's blood splatter over her. She quickly got up rushing around trying to find Nila and help as many people as she could.

"Nila!" Sersi yelled looking around.

Her eyes landed on her father seeing he was safe and fighting off walkers, she entered a cell to see Apollo sitting on the floor holding a body. Sersi's eyes immediately filled with tears. She wasn't able to see the face but she knew it was a little girl and she had red hair. Just like Nila.

"Apollo" Sersi's voice cracked, Apollo slowly looked up making eye contact with his sister. His eyes were glassy, he saw the look on Sersi's face and he immediately shook his head.

"It's not her" he said as sersi let out a breath of relief she rushed over looking down at the little girl. She was a friend on Nilas.

"She was just a kid" sersi muttered looking down at the lifeless little girl.

"I know" Apollo muttered, "it could be any of us next" the boy said sitting up and picking the child up placing her in a bed.

"We need to find Nila before it's too late, we split up okay? Dad and Theo are already on the lookout" Apollo said as sersi nodded swallowing.

"Save as many people as you can but, selfishly priority is finding nila and making sure she's okay, got it?" Apollo asked as sersi gulped nodding.

She couldn't afford to lose Nila, she was her little sister, Daryl had took her in when she came to the camp in Atlanta with no one. She was apart of their family even if she wasn't blood.

Sersi sighed stepping out of the cell to see all the people that were alive gone hidden in cells and only her group was out searching for any remaining walkers. Daryl spotted his daughter immediately rushing over.

"Have you seen Nila?!" The man asked in panic. Sersi shook her head and the man groaned rushing off to help Rick and the others.

Where the hell could she be. Sersi had checked all of down here and Apollo and Theo were upstairs with Rick, Glenn, and Daryl but still nothing.

Theo came down the steps shaking his head at the girl, "didn't I say stay with Judith?" Theo asked approaching Sersi.

"Didn't know I had to listen to you all of sudden?" Sersi snapped back walking away.

"Hey" Theo called out grabbing her wrist, "where are you going you can't walk around alone when we don't know how many more walkers are in this cell block" Theo said as sersi stared at him then quickly pulled her hand away.

"I'm going to look for my sister she's out there and probably scared out of her mind" sersi said as Theo sighed following her.

"I'll go with you just wait and let me get Apollo, he deserves to find her too" Theo said as Sersi stopped in place turning to look at him.

"I'm right here" Apollo said standing at the steps looking between the two. Theo and Sersi simply stared at Apollo seeing how different he was acting.

He was scared. She'd never seen her brother like this, he was the one leading them and taking control while sersi was freaked out and it was clear to see Apollo was trying to compose himself to find Nila.

Daryl looked down the banister at the three, "did you find her?" Daryl asked.

Apollo shook his head and Daryl groaning kicking a cell door shut.

"Dad, we'll find her, we're going now so you stay here and help. I promise we will bring Nila back" Apollo said as Daryl glanced at the three teens and scoffed.

He looked over at Rick who was nodding tell him to trust us, he sighed nodding looking down at us.

"Be careful all of you" Daryl said as the three nodded.

"And stay away from those who weren't in here okay" Rick added in.

Sersi, Apollo, and Theo all nodded at Rick and began to walk off into the tombs to find Nila. In hopes they'd find her alive.

authors note.
hi loves I'm so sorry this chapter is so short I just wanted to get this out because I haven't updated in a bit! I hope you enjoy and next chapter will be out soon because I left off on a cliffhanger! :)

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