✜ㅤ──ㅤ﹙𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟖﹚

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As said from next day started all the running around for the arrangements here and there for the wedding ceremonies. From catering to decorations, from dresses to ornaments, venue to the altar, guests to workers; everything was on Taehyung's shoulder to handle. Of course, others were there to assist and all, but the main responsibility was on the ravenette. Sandy also came along to help his brother-like friend.

Such that Taehyung and Sandy were instructing the decorators to fill the place with flowers and all when Jackson and Jeongguk appeared in the scene. They were laughing and goofing around together. Suddenly, Taehyung and Jeongguk's eyes met, they both stared at each other for a few good minutes but soon averted their eyes as Jackson took the younger to another side to show something.

Sandy just felt annoyed at Taehyung when he saw the other was just fine with the entire thing as if Jeongguk totally did not ignore him. "You don't have any shame, huh? Why don't you just let go already? Or at least, act cold to him? He is clearly not interested in you! He just forgot about you around his so-called fiance!" Sandy could not help but lash out at the other.

Taehyung chuckled at his friend, "Nope. I could never hate him or be rude to him. He could hate me, ignore me, and even kill me with all this behavior, but still, I could never bring myself to hate him. I love him without any conditions or selfishness. Leave it, you won't understand, my dear. Fall in love and then we can talk about it." Saying that Taehyung went on to check other things.

Finally, it was the night before the wedding, when Taehyung was called by Jeongguk to meet at the back of their house. The ravenette was nervous but still prepared himself for whatever was coming for him. He saw the younger was waiting for him already.

"Bun?" Taehyung called out.

"Jeongguk, it's Jeongguk," came the stern reply of the brunette. Taehyung felt his breath hitched. He could not believe his ears, his Bun was asking him to call the younger by his first name! Did he really make a mistake by confessing his feelings?

"A-angel, what are you saying, Bun? Please, don't do this to me! I know you don't love me in that way, but p-please, don't push me away like that. If not a lover, I can still be your Hyungie, right?" Taehyung had tears in his eyes as he cupped the younger's face.

Jeongguk's eyes showed nothing except coldness as he removed the older's hands, "It is what it is, Hyung. I am getting married tomorrow, and I don't want some other man calling me with pet names which only my husband is allowed to." And Taehyung felt his chest tighten hearing the younger. Other man, it was then his place in the brunette's life. He could not help but let out a humorous chuckle.

"Yes, right. Only your husband is allowed to call you that. I'm sorry, Bu- Jeongguk-ssi. Is this the thing you called me for? Or something else? You know, it's not good for you to call some other man late at night when you have a would-be." Taehyung mocked, he was hurt. Quite a lot.

"Do you love me?" Suddenly, Jeongguk asked out, making the ravenette halt in his tracks as he was walking away, his back facing the brunette.

The older male let out a laugh before answering, "More than you can ever imagine." Jeongguk was satisfied with the answer.

"Can you do anything for me?" Came the younger's another question.

"Even the impossible ones." Was the reply of the ravenette. Then came the last question which shook Taehyung to the core.

"So, can you leave me and go away from my life? Also, forget me?" Taehyung immediately turned around with a betrayed and hurtful look in his eyes. "Don't look at me like that. I don't know what your intentions are. What if you try to break off my wedding right when I am at the altar? As you just said, you can do the impossible things as well. So, I can't take any risk, you know."

Taehyung could not believe it. Was it really his Angel speaking? Because the person who always had his entire trust in the ravenette could never say such a thing! It was not his Bun. It was soon-to-be Mr. Wang Jeongguk speaking.

"Hahaha! Wow! Just wow! You really thought that I, who loved you unconditionally, would do such a cheap thing. You just insulted my love! AND YOU DO NOT FUCKING HAVE THAT RIGHT TO DO SO, JEON JEONGGUK!" Taehyung growled out the last part as he pinned the brunette to the tree nearby. Jeongguk, for the first time, was scared seeing Taehyung like that. His Hyungie, who never talked with him in a high tone, yelled at him.

"You want me to go away, right? I would. But don't you dare to say to forget you or not love you. That's totally my right and choice. You can ask and do anything you want, but I WOULD NEVER STOP LOVING YOU OR FORGET YOU!" Taehyung announced as he let go of the younger. He gave one last peck on his forehead saying, "Wish you a very happy married life." And he left. From Jeongguk's life for good.

... Back to the present, in the farewell party.

"And then, I picked up the training letter and here I am." Taehyung finished his narration. Everyone by then was in tears. They all were heartbroken to hear such a crucial end of a great friendship and felt bad for the ravenette who did not get his love back.

"Hey, guys! Relax, calm down. It was all past. It has been two years already. I am cool already. See, this is why I never wanted to talk about my love. Please, don't be sad or disheartened for me. I am happy and satisfied the way I am." The ravenette felt helpless seeing their sad and crying faces. Who would believe they were rough and tough army officers?

"Do you still l-love him, Taehyung-ssi?" Lalisa asked with her red eyes looking at him curiously waiting for the answer, everyone else looked interested as well.

"Well, I never stopped," came the lover's reply.

Bogum piped in, "Is it easy? To love someone unconditionally knowing they might never love you back? Aren't you tired of it?"

"Trust me, it's the most beautiful feeling. One-sided love is out of pureness and truthfulness. None can stop you from feeling and living it. It's all your own. You have the only right to it. And I can never get tired of loving my Angel. Whether he likes it or not, he can't do anything about my feelings. These are my feelings, I own them. It's totally my decision what I do with these." Hearing the answer, their respect for the young officer increased. Thinking how pureness was there for Jeongguk in his heart.

"Okay, now enough of crying and sadness. Let's enjoy the night. After all, it's my last day here! Come on, guys. Let's party, party, yeah!" Taehyung chugged down a glass of drinks saying so, others followed him soon.

The next day came earlier than expected, everyone came to the train station to drop off the male. It was a disheartening moment for them. They promised to stay in touch and hang out whenever they get time. Soon Taehyung boarded his train and waved to everyone as the train started for its destination.

Within the next two to three hours, the officer was already in the capital city. And minutes later, the train stopped at the station. As Taehyung got down, his eyes started to search for his parents. Though he doubted they would come because under the circumstances he left for the training by leaving behind just a letter was indeed unacceptable.

In his letter, he confessed his feelings for the younger toward his parents. No, he did not mention Jeongguk's demand or something. But he wrote what he felt was appropriate. He then just wished, his parents would be kind and forgiving enough and at least come to receive him. And his wish came true, his parents did come to fetch him. He hurriedly ran towards them and he immediately hugged his mother, who soon started to wet his clothes with her tears and snorts. The lady missed her son for 2 years, come on, let her cry out!

"I missed you so much, my Tiger!" Yashi expressed out.

"I missed you, even more, Mom. Your food, scolds, presence, smell; everything, Mom, everything," the ravenette was also being emotional. As the mother-son were bonding, they heard someone clear their throat. Right then the younger noticed the presence of his father.

"D-dad?" The ravenette was nervous thinking about what his father's reaction might be. As the older Kim was very strict about everything. He was hesitant to hug the older male. Instead, he was soon engulfed in a tight hug.

"Welcome back home, my son. I missed you so much." Dawoon cried out. No matter what, the ravenette was his son and he did miss him a lot.

"I missed you more, Dad. And I am sorry for--" The younger male got cut off.

"Don't be sorry, it's not at all wrong to feel like that. It's fine. I was just upset that you didn't inform me beforehand. Or else, I could do something at least." Dawoon expressed his concern. No, he was not angry at his son for having feelings for Jeongguk. Loving was not a crime, it was okay. But he was upset that he was the last one to know about his son, that too when it was already quite late.

"Ahh, Dad, chillax. It's fine. It is all past now. Now let's go home. I am too tired." Taehyung stated and soon they got into their car and off to their house. On the way, Taehyung leaned his head on his mother's shoulder and tiredly fell asleep.


Assalamu Alaikum, everyone. There go you, another part. Hope you enjoyed reading it. Do vote and comment if you liked the part. Stay safe and healthy. Take care. Have a nice day/night ahead. Allah Hafeez.

- Wolfin.

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