✜ㅤ──ㅤ﹙𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟓﹚

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After a while, all of them were inside Taehyung's cabin. Chen and his team were standing in front of him with their heads down while Jeongguk was also standing but away from the team and with a proud smile. Taehyung was sitting on his CEO chair while having a clenched jaw and pissed off look as he was glaring at his men who were having injuries here and there.

Taehyung then looked at Jeongguk who smiled at him, sighing out loud the mafia king again looked in the direction of his men and finally, snarled, "Will you speak or do I have to use my ways? Why do you guys look so beaten as if you went to fight off the world? I believe I sent you all to bring an average-sized human. Not to any war!" The red-haired male yelled at them as they flinched. While Jeongguk just shut his eyes as he shook his head and rolled his eyes at Taehyung's anger.

"Chen, don't test my patience and spill the damn beans!" Taehyung again yelled and Chen was about to open his mouth when -

"I did it. Happy? I beat them for breaking into my house and trying to touch me. Now don't create a fuss over that." Jeongguk nonchalantly answered, he was so done with Taehyung's instincts.

"WHAT?! YOU DID ALL THIS?!" The mafia king asked in disbelief. He was not at all expecting Jeongguk to do all that.

"Of course, what else did you expect me to do, huh? Get scared and come with them as it is. Nah, Hubby! You are underestimating your Wifey! I am not someone who will be silent and let others run over me. So I did what I should have. Rather I feel it's your fault. You shouldn't have sent them outta nowhere.

"At least you should have informed me, I would have welcomed them more decently and prepared breakfast for all of them. Because of you, my bros-in-law got beaten up by me. I am going to their boss's wife, I should have treated them better. But because of you, now they will have the wrong interpretation of me. Hmph!" Jeongguk pouted heavily as he finished speaking.

Everyone just stared at him with wide eyes and open mouths. They never, I repeat never even in their wildest dreams thought someone would come and talk with their King like that. Not only talk but also call out Taehyung as wrong for doing what he did. No one ever had the guts to do so. But here a mere bartender was fearlessly speaking with their boss and even scolding him. They were sure that if anyone could shut the mafia king and go against him then it was Jeongguk and Jeongguk only. Only the ravenette had the aura, personality, and insanity to control Taehyung.

Soon everyone turned their eyes toward Taehyung and gulped hard. The male looked as if he would burst out any moment judging how red his face became with anger. They dared not to utter any word as the aforementioned mafia king was shooting daggers in their direction, disappointment was visible in his eyes.

"YOU ALL CAN'T EVEN DO A SINGLE THING PROPERLY, HUH?!" And Taehyung burst out at Chen and his team. Of course, his mafia ego was hurt as he realized that indeed Jeongguk was right in his place. Anyone would fight if they encountered unknown people at their place who were there to basically kidnap them. However, he did not think that Jeongguk would beat them like that.

Taehyung cursed under his breath, realizing that he again took Jeongguk lightly and the said male proved him wrong yet again. He should have known that the pretty and fierce male in front of him was nothing but an insane human. He should have seen that coming. But we all knew Taehyung would rather die than accept his fault to Jeongguk. Thus, he just vented his anger on his men rather than on Taehyung. "NOW GET OUT OF HERE AND GET TREATED INSTEAD OF LOOKING AT MY FACE!" Taehyung screamed at them one last time before everyone hurriedly exited his cabin.

However, before Chen could exit, he was called back, "Chen, you wait." The said brunette stopped in his tracks and a small smile appeared on his lips as he knew why the mafia king stopped him. Jeongguk noticed the smile and was confused. He saw Taehyung get up from his chair and rummage through his table's drawer before grabbing something in his hand.

Taehyung then walked towards Chen and just silently gave the younger male whatever was in his hand, it was a special ointment, "Here take this, and put it in your wounds if you got any. You can't bear the regular ointments, right? And ask those other idiots as well to get treated properly and to take a day or two off," he whispered the words in Chen's ears not wanting the bartender to hear them. You see, Taehyung was not as rude and heartless as the world described him. Though he scolded the males, he was concerned about them as well. They were, after all, his family in the dark mafia world.

Jeongguk frowned and squinted his eyes as he noticed how Chen broke into a big smile and nodded to whatever Taehyung said and left the cabin after Taehyung ruffled his hair before patting his head softly. Chen knew his boss was just all mighty in front of the whole world, but to him, Taehyung was the most caring yet strict brother figure one could ever have.

To say Jeongguk was jealous would be an understatement, the male was literally burning with fire. If looks could kill, Chen would have been a melted human right there just by having Jeongguk's fire-filled eyes on him. The raven-haired male pouted angrily because he too wanted Taehyung's soft behavior towards him. He knew Chen was not his man's love interest because he could clearly see adoration for the younger male in his eyes, nothing else. The same adoration one would have for their siblings or close friends. But still, his man was caring about someone else but him. He wanted the red-haired male's attention as well. Therefore, Jeongguk could not help but feel jealous.

Taehyung turned to Jeongguk only to see the male glaring in Chen's direction with a pout on his lips. Unknowingly, Taehyung's heart started to beat rapidly. It was beating so loudly that the mafia king was afraid that it might come out of his ribcage at any time. He had to put his hand over his chest to calm his heart down. 'What the hell? Why are you beating like this? He just pouted, nothing else. It is not a biggie. So, just stop being like this.' Taehyung scolded his heart in his mind.

However, it was his heart, after all, it was as stubborn as him. Thus, it started to beat more loudly than before, 'Oh God! Please, stop beating like this. Jebal! Okay, fine! He is looking utterly adorable with his pout and glare. Just like a wild bunny. There, I accepted. Happy? Now, please, stop beating like this.' At last, it started to beat at its normal pace as Taehyung confessed and pleaded frantically.

Soon Taehyung sighed out in relief as he cleared his throat to gain Jeongguk's attention. "If you are done glaring at the door, then shall we sit and talk?" He asked the younger male with a straight face, making Jeongguk look at him and roll his eyes in annoyance. With that, Taehyung settled on his chair while Jeongguk sat on the chair that was in front of Jeongguk.

Before they could talk further, Taehyung's secretary knocked on the door and soon got in after getting approval. The secretary had a huge pile of files in both hands as he was trying hard to balance those and finally, placed them all on Taehyung's table. The male huffed out as he did that. "Sorry, Sir. But these all need to be signed by you within today. All the pending files were submitted today itself." His secretary informed as Taehyung nodded in understanding. Jeongguk just stared at the pile of files with wide eyes.

Taehyung noticed that and smirked, he deliberately asked his secretary to bring the files into the cabin. He wanted to test Jeongguk's patience. "Alright, I will send those soon. You may leave." The boss answered and soon the secretary left the cabin. "You see this is more important. So you have to wait for some time until I am done." Taehyung said to Jeongguk who shrugged as if it was nothing.

"Sure, no worries," the ravenette agreed, making Taehyung amazed that even after seeing the huge pile of files, Jeongguk was willing to wait. But still, Taehyung did not back down. He thought that maybe Jeongguk would give up soon after.

"You sure? It will take a lot of time. You have to wait for a longgg time. If you think you can't wait, you can always leave, you know." The mafia king was mocking the younger male who chuckled a bit and soon stood up from his chair. Taehyung smirked widely, thinking that Jeongguk had already given up and would leave the cabin. He was celebrating in his mind that he was right when he said that Jeongguk would not be able to sustain any test of his.

However, soon his smirk fell off as Jeongguk bent towards him and grabbed his tie, making their faces very close to each other. Their breaths mingled with one another. Jeongguk had a glint of playfulness in his eyes as he smirked, "Mister Hubby if you think that you can shoo me off by doing all this. Then let me tell you, you are absolutely wrong. I am very stubborn. I did not love you to show my back or to give up on you.

"I told you before as well, but let me clarify it again, I am insanely and truly in love with you. Nothing can stop my insanity except you and your love. So don't challenge me thinking I would back away. Now be a good boy and concentrate on signing the files." With that, Jeongguk smiled sweetly at the male and let go of his tie.

He smiled! He freaking smiled sweetly! As if he did not just threaten the mafia king with his utterly deep voice and fierce eyes. Taehyung's eyes were as wide as if they would come out of their sockets. He gulped harshly. I repeat, the mighty and ruthless mafia king of Korea, the Kim Taehyung gulped harshly due to the words of a mere bartender with raven hair!

Taehyung felt hot all over his body, he felt so small under the gaze of those sharp almond eyes of the bartender. He again felt his heart running on a marathon and his stomach having a party with an entire jungle. 'He is so dominating! What the fuck! I am the top in here! What the hell, Tae? Are you really thinking about this? You were supposed to test him not think about your position in the bed! Focus, you dumbass, focus!'

Taehyung mentally scolded and slapped himself for losing his focus and demeanor. He coughed out fakely to overcome his flustered self and spoke, "Sure, whatever. I will see." With that, he started to sign the files with utter focus.

However, he hardly was able to keep his focus. Come on, how could he even focus when a pair of sharp eyes were staring deep into his soul for the last hour? Yes, Jeongguk was staring at him with lovesick eyes without even blinking. He had his hands on the table and above his hands he placed his chin as he kept admiring his man. It was as if Jeongguk's whole life could pass yet he would not have enough of Taehyung's features. His focused bambi eyes, his sharp jawline. The way his Adam's apple moved up and down time-to-time and his veins popped out as he was signing the papers for a long time. Uff! Such a hot sight to enjoy for Jeongguk.

At last, Taehyung gave up and said, "Don't you think you're staring too much?"

"My eyes, my choice wherever I stare at. You continue your work and let me enjoy my precious view," Jeongguk boldly replied, making Taehyung grit his teeth. The mafia king could not even do anything except glared at him and then continued his work.

After another hour, Taehyung had enough. He stood up and yelled, "Okay! Enough! You passed this test. Now leave!" He was feeling suffocating with the burning stares from the ravenette that he could not stand any longer. He felt Jeongguk was undressing him naked without even undressing him by the way his stares were getting intense with time. Taehyung thought he was testing Jeongguk's patience but instead, he was the one losing his patience.

Jeongguk just chuckled, he had fun teasing the male. He knew the older male was up to something and to win his heart and tests, Jeongguk just had to hold his ground strong. Patience. Jeongguk indeed had the patience and mindset to win over the mafia king's mind and heart. "Why? Your mafia head couldn't handle my stares, huh? If you want, I can wait for another one hour, two hours, or even the entire day and night to show my patience. Wanna see it, mister hubby?" Jeongguk innocently blinked his eyes rapidly and teased the male who just shook his head in annoyance.

"That useless mouth of yours open only to speak nonsense, huh?!" Taehyung rolled eyes at the smirking male whose smirk widened more.

"My mouth can open for a certain useful work as well and very widely at that." Jeongguk mischievously moved his eyes down, Taehyung's eyes moved with the ravenette's and soon both of their gazes stopped at Taehyung's crotch area. The mafia king immediately widened his eyes as his cheeks turned deep red, he looked at Jeongguk only to receive a playful wink.

"GET OUT RIGHT NOW!" Taehyung yelled out in embarrassment while Jeongguk just laughed out loud and soon left the cabin.

"Oh, God! He is so cute!" Jeongguk smiled as he recalled the flustered face after leaving the cabin. As the ravenette male left the cabin, Taehyung slumped on his chair and started to cup his cheeks to reduce the burning feeling.

"My Goodness! This boy is so shameless. Ahh, my cheeks are burning, man! What did I get myself into? I shouldn't have challenged him that day! ARGHHHH!" Taehyung groaned in frustration. He was unable to understand Jeongguk. One moment he was so squishy, innocent, and cute, and then within a blink he turned so bold, dominating, and perverted!

Suddenly, Taehyung heard a laugh coming in front of him. He looked ahead only to see his inner self, laughing at him. "Are you sure you are the mafia king? Dude, your face was capture-worthy. So red and flustered! Gosh! I am telling you, if anyone has the right to be our Queen, then it's that red chili who just left the cabin." His inner self proudly announced, due to which Taehyung scoffed.

"Nah, not happening! He is just another crazy human who is after me. He is insane, dude!" Taehyung straight-up denied his inner self.

"Exactly, insane. But for you! He is bold, soft, and flirty. And most importantly, he is fierce and fearless. I mean, he beat your men like nothing. Totally our type. Just accept him already, man! I can't wait to have him in our arms and beneath ourselves!" Taehyung threw a pen at his inner self's direction, being utterly pissed.

"You are shameless as well! He is not getting accepted unless he passes my tests. You just get lost from here!" The mafia king screamed at his inner self who just looked at him in disbelief.

"First of all, I am shameless means you are shameless as well. I am you, you are me. And point number two, he already passed your so-called first test within a snap, instead made you frustrated and flustered at the same time. So you just start counting your days and soon you will be wrapped around his fingers. Thus, good luck when you will get hit with the realization. Till then, suffer! Bye!" With that, with a flicker of fingers, Taehyung's inner self disappeared.

"Wrapped around his fingers, my foot! No chance! Today he won, but not every day! Huh! But one thing is true though, he is fierce and fearless. He really broke the noses and hands of Chen and his team. Really a crazy fella!" Apart from being frustrated, Taehyung was truly amazed by Jeongguk's defense and fighting skills. He just shook his head while having his lips slightly turned up, thinking about the events that took place throughout the day.


Assalamu Alaikum, everyone. Hope you all are doing well and with that being said, here I am back with another new chapter. Do vote and comment about your thoughts, since that works as an encouragement and motivates me a lot.

I am currently on hiatus and preparing for my exams so I would not be updating much. Though I have written upto chapter 14 of this story, there are lots of missing and incomplete chapters in between. Thus, I am trying to work on those here and there, while being in the hiatus period. So yeah, I would be updating much after being back from hiatus. Anyways, stay tuned for the next chapter till then stay safe and sound. Take care. Have a great day/night ahead. Allah Hafeez.

- Wolfin.

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