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Nights in White Satin - Moody blues

Accompanied by a cup of warm tea and headphones over your ears, you swayed side to side in your desk chair. Other entertainment includes your laptop, the main light source in your room was playing random videos on mute. What felt like time out became a calming session on your lonesome. You played songs that were made to reduce a person's heart rate, blood pressure and stress levels. It works for a time unless a painful thought comes to mind. You didn't want to go to the hospital again for going beyond your limits. Huddled in your blanket, resting around your shoulders, you felt hot and groggy. Your puffy red eyes refused to leave the bright laptop screen. 

It had been hours since Aizawa carried you away from the common floor. He didn't leave until he was sure that you were okay. You blamed your nightmares while Aizawa saw it as stress. Your splotchy skin after crying for so long made you feel very miserable and cranky. Wrapping the blanket around you tighter, the smooth music started to annoy you. Shaking your head, your headphones fell off your head into your lap and you vigorously rubbed at your face.

It's then you hear a light knocking at your door. Sighing, you glanced over your shoulder, "What do you want?" 

"It's me," A voice answers you, recognizing the voice belonging to Bakugou. You used the blanket to wipe your eyes, patting them dry and slipped the blanket off your shoulders. Leaving the blanket behind, you shuffled over to the door, cuddling your arms until you reached for the doorknob and stopped. Taking a few deep breaths in and out, you pulled the door open. To your surprise, Kazuko in Bakugou's arms made your eyes widen. 

"Oh-" You opened your arms out for him and Bakugou couldn't deny you of it. Kazu wants to be held by you more than anyone. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry for leaving him with you Bakugou! I had no idea," 

"It's fine. You look like you needed a hug from the kid," Bakugou offered, passing Kazuko into your arms. You almost broke down again as you pulled Kazuko close and embraced him like you haven't seen him in such a long time. Loud blubbers are all you hear in your ear, making you smile. 

"I'm sorry baby for leaving you," You apologized, nuzzling your cheeks with his chubby ones. You weren't bothered if his drool got on your cheek. (remember he's still teething. If you're disgusted by this, keep it to yourself. Thanks!) Recollecting the blurry figures you later recognized as Midoriya, Iida and everyone else. You wiped your face with the back of your hand and looked back at Bakugou. 

"I owe Midoriya and the others an apology for freaking out on them like that," You pointed out, your smile quickly shifting into an embarrassed expression. In all honesty, you were ashamed of what your nightmares could do to you. 

Bakugou shook his head. "You don't owe those assholes anything. They should be the ones standing here instead of me," 

You hummed as a response, unsure of what to say. With Kazuko in your arms, you hate mentioning your past. It's not like he understands right now but once he's older—that's a whole other story. It pains you just thinking about it and imagining Kazuko believing he is something he's not—a mistake. It reminded you of your mother. 

"I want nothing to do with you anymore Y/n! What don't you get about that? You were a mistake from the beginning!"

Bringing yourself out of your thoughts, you cleared your throat. "I know you mean well, Bakugou but I'm not the kind of person to just leave things alone—I should go say sorry,"

"Listen—I know it's none of my business but I can tell you've been through a lot but the last thing everyone needs right now is you freaking out like before—" Bakugou tried to explain. It made you raise a brow, mouth parting slightly. The blonde stops, realizing what he just said when you gave him a 'are you fucking serious' look. "Wait-shit,"

"Yeah, you're right, Bakugou it's none of your business. Sorry if my emotions hurt you and your friends-" You hissed, cutting him off and no longer in the mood to talk. With that, you closed the door on Bakugou, drowning your room in silence once more. Bakugou blinks at the door, cursing to himself. 


Peering down at Kazuko, you rubbed your head with your free hand. You then carried Kazuko to your desk and sat back down on your chair, placing Kazu on your lap. Downing the tea in your mug, you smiled at your son, hoping you could put him to sleep. That way you can rest alongside him as well. Instead, you brought him in closer, hugging him against your chest. Bakugou was right about needing a hug. Choking out a sob, your tears hit the back of Kazuko's shirt. Desperate for comfort, you muttered out an apology after apology. You couldn't help but blame yourself. You didn't know what you were apologizing for, yet it felt like the right thing.

On the other hand, Bakugou heard your cries after he walked away. You closing the door in his face tells him that you wanted to be alone and nothing more. Not only that—bakugou was being a bloody dickhead. He admits it as he walks back to the common floor in shame. There on the couches, Aizawa is talking to the four boys, who witnessed the whole crusade. Not as their teacher but as your father. Bakugou decided not to say a word about him offending you since he wanted no part in the conversation he passed by. 

"I suggest you four apologize to my daughter once she's in the right state of mind and please remember personal space," Aizawa tells them as calmly as possible. Bakugou didn't hear the rest after he journed across the room to reach the elevator. The four boys understood what they've been told and right as Bakugou enters the elevator when his father calls his phone. 

Hi! sorry if this chapter was shit lmao-

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