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Chihiro - Billie Eilish (this song is so good with)

hello everyone!!

— # WARNING: this chapter contains mild panic attack

Ever since Hisa's visit, the authorities have brought several individuals to the station for questioning. After further investigation of the babysitter's home and Kouichi's whereabouts, the police found something. Despite the suspect's legal threats, the police kept the reasons for unlawfully detaining them strictly concealed. After all the suspects arrived, they assigned Aizawa the most crucial task. To bring you in for the purpose of identifying your attackers.

Two days would pass when he finally asked, and you didn't react well. You resisted the temptation to pack up and leave the dorms for good, away from the embarrassment that was soon to follow you for life.

"I can't do that, dad!"

As Aizawa sat comfortably on your bed, his gaze followed you as you paced back and forth, your frantic movements and repetitive sentences occupying the past few minutes. Since your father's return from the police station, things have spiralled out of control because of his outrageous request. Although Hisa has already spoiled the surprise, you specifically wanted to hear it from Aizawa to understand what urged him to go to such great lengths.


"You can't ask me to point out my attackers! What if they don't have any information about Kazuko? It's only adding to my troubles." You argued, face flaring with anger. "And going behind my back instead of talking to me, that's the worst part,"


"When Hisa told me over the phone, I was about to leave and never come back." You announced, cutting your father off once again. Pinching the bridge of your nose, your shuddered breath ceases as you nod your head towards the bag sitting in the corner of the room.


"Dad, there's nothing you can say to convince me-"

"He's alive, y/n,"

When everything comes to a halt, the world stops spinning and time stands still. The sound of your words gradually diminishes until it finally comes to a complete stop and your lip trembles. "W-what?"

Aizawa grabs onto your shoulders and repeats himself. "Kazuko...he's not gone,"

The weight of the news hits you hard, causing your eyes to fill with tears as you gaze at your father. Overwhelmed by confusion, your hands quivered, leaving you at a loss for words and thoughts. With tears streaming down your face and a heavy burden lifted from your heart, you let out a scream of relief. Your body crumpled, collapsing to your knees, as you clutched your heart and brought your hands together in a desperate prayer.

Uttering "thank you...thank you...thank you" repeatedly in a huff, you humbly lowered your head to the floor, the words escaping your lips in a desperate attempt to convey your immense gratitude to any listening ear. With your heart pounding in your chest, a choked sob escaped you before you could clamp down on it and you felt the walls of your room close in on you like a vise.

You couldn't breathe. The walls of the room seemed to close in on you, causing your vision to shrink gradually to tiny pinpricks. The air hung heavy, suffocatingly hot. Your hand instinctively flew back to your chest, desperately grasping the fabric of your shirt.

"I can't-"

You were frozen in place, unable to budge an inch. Each breath you took was short and shallow, a desperate rhythm of gasps and exhales. As the corners of your vision grew dark, the world around you dissolved into a disorienting blur. Aizawa swiftly jumps into action, dropping to his knees before you and gently prying your hand away from your chest.

"Y/n, breathe," he instructed firmly, his hands gently guiding up off the floor. "Look at me, hon."

You met his eyes, which were steady and calm. Your emotions were swirling like a tempest, but his gaze was a solid anchor, grounding you at the moment. With a gentle motion, he extended his arms, gently resting his hands on your shoulders.

"Now...breathe in," he said, his voice soothing and deliberate. "Hold it. Now, breathe out."

Your breaths were jagged as you made an effort to follow his instructions, but soon they synchronised into a steady rhythm. As the hyperventilation subsided, the fog in your mind lifted, and your vision sharpened.

Aizawa's voice breaks the silence, acknowledging your efforts with a sincere, "Good job."

"Sorry...Dad," you whispered, your voice trembling. "I'm so sorry for yelling."

"No," Aizawa interjected softly, his gentle tone comforting, "I'm sorry for pressuring you. I wasn't thinking straight."

As soon as you regained control of your breath and your breathing started to return to a somewhat normal rhythm, you glanced up at Aizawa, noticing that your eyes were red and swollen. The image of Kazuko's face suddenly appears in your mind, causing you to ask. "H-how is he alive?"

Aizawa explains. "The police are still piecing together the details, but the reason they couldn't find him in the house was because he was never there to begin with. A quirk was used to cover their tracks."

The weight of the explanation made you feel even more disoriented, causing you to shake your head in disbelief. "Where is he now? Where is my baby?"

"They don't know yet," Aizawa replied, standing up off the floor. "But I promise to do everything I can, Y/n. I won't stop until I find him."

"That's not enough, dad." You swallowed hard, your mind a whirlwind. "I need to see him. I need to know he's okay."

Aizawa gave a nod. "I'll figure something else. In the meantime, you can stay here and I'll rely on Hisa's word."

With each passing hour, your thoughts became more scattered, making it difficult to stay grounded in the present. As you sat at your desk, the sound of your pen scratching against the paper filled the room as you meticulously documented your thoughts for the police. While racking your brain to recollect where you've observed a similar power, the words "a peculiar method to hide their presence" reverberate in your memory. In your notes, you listed the names of the boys who attacked you, placing Kouichi's name right in the middle.

Going off the top of your head, you note their quirks, personalities, and insanity. None of their quirks have so far confirmed your suspicions. Suddenly, a random thought hits you like a ton of bricks as you vividly recall the incident from the courtroom and a certain someone confronting you. "Oh my god-"

"You'll never find my boy!"

"His fucking mom!"

Running out of your room with your notebook, you bust into your father's room, startling the man grading his students' work. Aizawa raises a questioning eyebrow. Just as you meet his confusion, you seize the opportunity to tell him your thoughts. "It's his mom,"


"Kouichi's mom! Her quirk lets her conceal whatever she's touches! She was hiding Kouichi, so if we take her down, we take him down with her! That's what she meant when she said we wouldn't be able to find him! Oh, that fucking bit-"

"Language, young lady!"

"Sorry sorry-" You quickly apologised. Tapping your hand on your notebook, you leave it on Aizawa's desk next to his hand. "I still don't feel comfortable confronting the boys, so I wrote all I know about their quirks, names, personalities, and involvement. This should be enough to identify them on my end."

"Thank you, Y/n. I'll get this to Tsukauchi first thing tomorrow," Aizawa tells you, earning a hum from you. Right when you were about to leave through the door, you looked over your shoulder.

"Also, thank you for you know...before," you spoke softly, smiling warmly.

Aizawa takes a moment to pause, as he spins around in his chair to face you "You don't have to thank me, Y/n. I'm your father. It's my job."

"Right, but still..." You returned to his side, you leaned down to kiss your dad's cheek.. "I love you, dad,"

"I love you too," he reciprocated. "Rest up. It's important to get a good night's sleep.

"Okay. Goodnight dad,"

"Goodnight, Y/n," 

good news everyone !! I have a new book in the making. It's not an x reader like all my other stories but a bkdk fic!! (I love this ship sm) 

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